Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 508

Chapter 89. Thanks to a useful face (2)

May Kalyan evaluate himself.

I am beautiful, but my abilities are even greater.

It has a vast sales channel that connects not only the Whitlin territory but also every corner of Kairis, and even monopolizes the ruby trade with Secretia, as well as the Kairis Magic School, which has started branching out in several major territories. Since he is the actual owner of all of this, he lives without even being able to accurately estimate how much wealth he has.

Is it not only that? As long as he doesn’t turn around a little more than usual and get out of place, his personality is beyond reproach. In addition, he is skilled in fighting, regardless of whether it is magic or a sword.

Even royalty.

There is no need to consider whether it was before death or after coming back to life, they are royalty. That too

“I am a very well-bred person.”

Believe it or not, this is a well-bred royal family.

“You grew up so beautifully that you caught wild chickens.”

“When I learned how to catch and eat wild chickens, they were already fully grown. When they grew up, they were very fine.”

okay. I wonder if you are young.

Wouldn’t it be thrown into the sea or used as a blade for pruning? I can’t even guess how many other things he must have experienced that he didn’t mention, but he said he grew up well. You have to believe me.

After thinking this, Planz just kept his mouth shut. What more can I say to my younger brother, who says that there is nothing excessive about his face, his assets, his personality, and even his status?

So, after putting all the words I wanted to say, I didn’t open my eyes until midday, so I had a late meal with the guy who woke up only when Yan’s malicious worry came out, saying, ‘I doubt if our flower-like prince died gracefully like that.’ focused on

“Anyway, Whitlin cooks well. There’s a lot of meat.”

It means that I was raised so beautifully that I was told incredulously that Whitlin’s food suited my picky mouth.


“Eat well and evenly. If you want to grow taller.”

“I knew you would bark as soon as I saw you, but now you’re barking.”

“Were you waiting for the barking sound?”



Calian smiled brightly and picked up a fork. Then I put applesauce on the delicious steak served with well-steamed cabbage and put it in my mouth.

Cabbage that is neither too crunchy nor too soft goes well with meat. The sweet taste of the soft meat doesn’t mix with the apple sauce, so it doesn’t stick out. So, Calian nodded slowly as if this was really delicious, rinsed his mouth with cold water, and then said.

“Anyway… If you think about it, His Majesty bestowed the fiefdom very appropriately. I too am excessive, but isn’t Whitlin’s fiefdom also on the excessive side? There is a lot of income, a lot of meat in the meals, a lot of incidents, and a lot of secrets.”

And smile again.

Plantz frowned, realizing that the laugh was slightly different from a real laugh. However, Calian’s words continued to be heard, not caring about that.

“There are many people who have disappeared without even knowing it.”

Plantz’s hand, which was cutting and picking up white bread, stops.

Even if I could ignore everything else being said, I couldn’t silently ignore the sudden cold voice that struck me.

“I sent you three people.”



I gave the answer.

Randel and Kyrie Siona. He said he had sent those three to Randel’s territory, Fabian, first.

“… It’s Fabian.”

After finishing his meal, Kalian put down the carefully crafted silver cutlery. Then she slowly reached out her hand and lifted the glass of water.

But that’s it.

Kalian, who was just staring at the lemon in the glass instead of drinking the water with a faint lemon scent, opened his mouth after a long time. While looking directly into the eyes of the person across from me, I don’t know if the blue light is accumulating and appearing dark, or if it is so deep that it appears blue.

“Did you explain in detail why you were sending those three and what they should do?”

she asked.


“older brother.”


“Are you sick of hearing harsh noises directed at you?”

Plantz looked at Calian blankly.

He should not be blamed for not consulting with Calian when he took away Calian’s brothers, knights, and sword masters and sent them to Fabian.

At that time, Calian had been taken away by Silestian, the situation was busy, and of course Plantz also had the power to make decisions.

“Are you worried that rumors about me and the Duke will spread further?”

“Do you think so? I.”

“I’m asking because I don’t think so.”

“Yes. I don’t care. Now, no matter how the rumor spreads, if there is just one rumor about the three princes who gave the top and exclusive diamond rights to my fiancé, everything will be overturned.”

Of course, if that alone does not calm the rumors, he may be planning to cut off all the fingers aimed at his brother and fiancé, even if it means using a knife at the convention venue. Because Plantz can prevent that much.

So I don’t care about rumors.

“You probably don’t know why I was in such a hurry to do things, and that’s why you feel so down. Shouldn’t you return to the palace on time with what you got?”


“That’s why I sent it.”

It’s just like what I said just now.

All of them had to hurry back to the palace. During the festival, when not only the central nobles but also all kinds of people from within and outside the kingdom gather, it must not happen that not a single one of Lemain’s children attends. So at least ten days. I really had to return to the palace at least three days before.

That’s why you can’t go empty-handed. The justification may be to inspect the territory, but in reality, there would be no noble who would not know that they were searching for evidence and witnesses for a power struggle with Brisen.

So, either find evidence to bring down Brisen or find a better cause.

“I know you’re looking for Rashid Brisen. You said we should eliminate Brisen together.”

“You know that. Why?”

Let’s catch Rashid ourselves.

There had to be an achievement that could truly convince everyone that the crown prince and the third prince, who had just returned from Secretia, were dragging the first prince around.

If he fails to do so, it will not take half a day for Lemain’s position, which was barely solidified by Sispanian’s personal action, to be reduced to ‘a weak king who cannot even prevent his children from leading the army and stirring up the country.’

“I’m asking whether you’ve reached the point where you can just ignore anything you hear.”

“You’re asking what that means.”

“I wonder what conclusion Brother Randel, who went to Fabian, would draw as to why he sent him there. Did you send him without knowing that? Or did you think it didn’t matter?”

“I knew and sent it.”

Plantz quietly turned his head. Trying to get used to my curly blonde hair shining brightly in the sunlight shining through the window.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Of course, I sent Randel.

Randel, disguised as Plantz, was sent to Randel’s territory where Plantz would not be welcomed. Siona had only two knights, the minor duke and the three princes, as bodyguards and companions. Anyone can see that they are not proper escort personnel, right?

So much so that if I make up my mind, I would send swords and poison.

“I thought the brothers were a little closer, but then they started to grow apart again. I’m sure Brother Randel would have thought that he would have been given that role because he was a person who wouldn’t mind being poisoned.”


“You didn’t send it with that intention in mind.”


“You didn’t explain why you were sending it even though it wasn’t.”

“I didn’t.”

“Now you don’t think it matters whether Brother Randel misunderstands you again and blames you or not.”

Rumors, politics, Brisen, Rashid, Nabal.

For Kalyan, the bigger problem is that the brothers who live in my house try to get closer but then become distant again.


‘Yes, my prince.’

‘Did your children get along as poorly as you did with your brothers?’

‘Are you talking about your relationship with each other?’


‘It’s embarrassing to tell you, but… we used to get into fights every day.’

‘Did you fight every day?’

‘That’s right. There was never a quiet day.’

‘…… i envy you.’

This was a huge problem for Kalian long before Jan entered the palace and became Kalian’s senior servant.

‘I wish my brothers and I could live like that.’

But now that Plantz has stepped in and rebuilt a huge wall between the two who were barely trying to get closer, I can’t help but feel depressed enough to forget that I slept well for the first time in a long time and even woke up.

“That’s why you’re so angry.”

“I’m scolding you, Plantz.”

If I hadn’t seen Kirie desperately blocking the sword that flew in front of me, I wouldn’t have paid any attention.

“You’ve grown enough to block a sword, but you don’t intend to block a horse. You’ve changed enough to take care of Randel’s well-being, but you’re building a wall again. If you needed someone to act as you, you should have sent Lord Hertz or called Eila. .”

Considering that it is a poison, Aila is also safe. Isn’t Aela resistant to most poisons? If not, it would have been okay to send Arsene, who is astute and has experienced all the hardships.

Lord Fabian, who does not even come to the capital, would not know the crown prince’s manner of speaking and gestures.

“I thought I could handle the job better than those two. Don’t you know very well that I went to catch Rashid Briesen, not deal with Youngji?”

“In that case, you should have explained it to Randel like that. You should have properly told him that you are sending him because he is someone you can trust to catch Rashid. Landel has done a lot of things wrong so far, so you took this opportunity to pay for everything and take the risk. “I told you to come. I sent you because there was no chance of harm from poison or a knife. I shouldn’t have made your brother feel that way.”

Plantz closed his mouth.

He didn’t have anything wrong with the guy sitting in front of him, so he had nothing to say.

He was right in sending Randel to pay him back.

“Talk, fight, apologize, forgive… I can still do it now. I wish I could do that. Can’t we just keep doing that? Planz.”

Words that Kalian cannot bear to say on Kalian’s behalf are delivered through Bern.

Planz, who was looking into the bright red eyes of his suddenly visiting friend, let out a short breath and opened his mouth.


“What did you think?”

“I’ll explain and apologize. When I see Brother Randel.”

“Then we need to meet quickly. To apologize and make up.”

A light voice is heard.

“Let’s go. To interrogate Whitlin.”

Calian smiled brightly and stood up.

And then he went out, making the sound of small footsteps.

* * *


A silver-white cat whose name means upward and brightest star.


A gray cat whose name is a promise to never forget and remember.

– It’s an old language. At least the royal families of Secretia named themselves in the old language because it was believed that the power of Serenti was given to the horses and their names.

– know.

– yes. So my name now is… Remnants of Sunset. If you use the old language, it also has that meaning. Duke Siegfried’s middle name, ‘Horn’, also means shield.

Randel Sublime beholder of light.

That was the meaning of the name given by Kairis. However, it had a different meaning in the old language.

– Brother Randel’s name means knot. Serenti cut off the tail of a shooting star and called the knot that tied the pillar of the world. Of course, it’s a mythical story.

– I am.

Calian smiled slightly at the endless question.

– The meaning of my brother’s name will be revealed a little later. I’ll tell you later.

And this time too, no information is given.

-Why are you talking about my name all of a sudden?

– I’m curious.

– what.

Calian, who postponed his answer, turned his head.

Then he looked sharply at Whitlin, the silver-haired elf who was sitting with an expressionless face, and said.

“I’m not going to take responsibility for Kirie and Hina. It’s your choice, so I’ll just leave it at that. To be honest, I’m angry.”

“All right.”

“I have a question instead.”

“Please speak.”

-Your name.

– What a name.

“Kirie and Hina. Their names were written in the letter you wrote. Did you give them those names?”

“Is this an important issue?”

“It’s important.”

-Why the elf? Did you name your children in words that honor Serenti? From that.

Whitlin is a person who has been living with a grudge against Brisen and has been pretending to be Freyr, the younger brother of Queen Freya. Whitlin said that he was not on good terms with Zeon, but he went to Silestian to ask how to tame the harpy and reported it to Zeon. Even though he is an elf who cannot use magic.

I’m overflowing with questions just about those issues, but Serenti suddenly appears. Plantz furrowed his eyebrows.

– Kirie and Hina’s names. At first I thought it was a coincidence.

– Is that also the old language of Secretia?

– This is a prayer. Kirie is Kirie Street and Hina is Hina Street.

A long, long prayer longing for Serenti’s mercy. That was Kyrie’s name. The same was true for Hina.

– Guide the world to light.

Kalian’s eyes sank sharply as he explained the meaning of Hina’s name.

I didn’t doubt it at first.

There were many people with the same name in Kairis. There were many cases where old languages coincidentally overlapped with names that had different meanings in modern languages, such as Randel or Planz, or were created for easy pronunciation without much meaning or for such reasons. That’s why I didn’t doubt it.

– Bridget I wonder if I learned it in the forest. It’s in Secretia.

– yes. Neither I nor Chase have ever spread the language elsewhere, but elves have been living in Bridget Forest for a long time. If the old language had been learned through royalty at any time, not now, it could have been passed down. I don’t find that strange. However, what I’m curious about is not how they knew that, but why they named it that. That’s it.

Instead of a long verbal explanation, Calian’s pile of thoughts was once again conveyed in its entirety. While Plantz, who received it, was lost in thought, Whitlin’s words were heard.

“Are you asking because it is a name created in the old language of Secretia?”

“Was that the old language of Secretia? I didn’t know.”

There was no need to admit that Kalyan was a ‘fake’, so he replied: Because if both parties know that it is true but do not admit it, it will end. Therefore, Kalian, with sharp eyes and warmth on his lips, continued speaking.

“I’m asking because I’m curious. Because the names are pretty.”

“I built it.”

Whitlin answered quietly.

– I gave my children godly names that even royalty wouldn’t give.

– Elves cannot serve gods.

– There were no such restrictions. At least in Secretia.

Elves can serve gods.

Of course it is possible. Serenti was a god to everyone, so from now on, even the elves who prioritize Danu may say that they will follow Serenti rather than Danu. Who will stop it? Even if you do it, you can’t stop it.

So it is possible to say that the elf will follow Serenti.

But Whitlin can’t do that.

– That’s strange.

– What’s strange?

– Even if Whitlin had chosen Serenti over Danu, I don’t think it would have been a simple belief.

– yes. I feel the same way.

Whitlin couldn’t have had a pure heart of wanting to become a priest. I am not someone who can give up my greed to that extent. There was no way I could have leaned on Serenti for feeling abandoned by Danu. Whitlin is not satisfied with that much.

Although he doesn’t seem to be sad about being abandoned by Danu in the first place.

So why?

Plantz, who had been thinking for a moment, spoke.

– Yeji.

– past.

And although it was somewhat different, we exchanged similar words with Calian.

– They say there are some elves who can see the future.

– It’s not foreknowledge. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have told you about the Silestian’s nest.

– Why… It’s because of the wizard.

– yes. Alan Manasil knew that if he visited Silestian, the crazy dragon would kill his master. Didn’t not only me but also Adelia think so?

– Then, I would like to take this opportunity to eliminate Alan Manasil.

– My brother may have been really agitated by the sight of Gray Brissen in disguise, and may have been pretending to be so. Anyway, in the end, I think I obediently told the story because I thought it was an opportunity to harm my teacher. If I knew how to see the future, I wouldn’t have done that.

– okay.

– I’m not saying that disguising yourself as Gray is for nothing. Anyway, I knew that Whitlin still hadn’t forgotten her relationship with Gray. Well, it’s a pretty weird method.

-My brother also said that he would imitate his one arm. Is it difficult to be Gray Briesen?

– I haven’t imitated the one-armed person yet. Because I don’t have a chance.

– I plan to do it if necessary.

– Yes, that is true.

Knock knock knock.

Calian knocked on the table, as if correcting a story that had been diverted for a moment. There was a long conversation going on, but not much time had passed, so Whitlin would not have noticed their conversation.

– what. Anyway, whether Whitlin saw it himself or heard it from Danu. If you already know that Serenti will wake up

– I may have changed my future aspirations.

– yes. If that were the case, he might have joined hands with Duke Heidern of Tensil in advance, taken priest training, and not revealed himself until he was able to wield the power of a god. If Whitlin really saw what was to come, it makes sense that Duke Heidern’s actions were different from what I remember from the past.

– Figure out what you want. Don’t talk about Serenti.

– yes.

After exchanging opinions for an extremely short period of time, Calian spoke again to Whitlin.

“I came here to meet Danu. I also had to return the lost Harpy Magic Stone and find the elf assassin who was trapped somewhere here.”

“Is that so.”

“I met Danu and asked him how he used the elf named Whitlin and then abandoned it. What do you think Danu said?”

“I do not know.”

“It wasn’t my child.”

“Is that so.”


Whitlin answered calmly without changing his expression. Calian nodded his head as if he knew that would happen and opened his mouth.


“Please speak.”

“Whether you are a human or an elf, a human face is very useful in many ways. It allows you to tell who is who even without hearing their name. It also allows you to roughly guess what kind of personality that person has by looking at their appearance. It also allows you to guess who that person is without even saying a word. “It also lets you know who your parent and child are with, and… even if you don’t give a specific answer.”

Knock knock knock.

“It also lets me know whether or not I’m agitated by what I say.”

Knock knock knock.

Calian gave a soft laugh as he stopped his fingers after briefly tapping the table. Then he looked at Whitlin and said:

“You’re not upset. Your mother says she doesn’t treat you like her own child.”

“It’s already been abandoned for a long time, so there’s no reason to be agitated….”

“You’re having fun, Whitlin.”

Whitlin, who had been calling Danu from time to time to see if Danu was still ignoring her, looked at her Kalian. Then Calian’s words were heard again.

“It’s not sad, it’s not disappointing, it’s not angry, it’s not happy. It’s fun… It’s really fun.”

“What are you saying?”

“What’s funny? I felt so bad when the snake I trusted let go of its hold on me.”

Knock knock knock.

The fingers on the table move again.

As if thinking deeply about a problem that is difficult to solve.

“Well, there was a time when I felt funny. When a snake got caught in a trap I set. It was fun back then.”

okay. It did.

That was fun.

Calian muttered without noticing that Plantz, who was next to him, was frowning and then opened his mouth.

“Briesen killing your husband would be nothing to you. I’ve seen so many people lose someone. Not you. It’s different.”

‘Siona. Even though the sword is broken, you still take the bell?’

‘It is a gift given by Freya and delivered by Whitlin.’


‘Whitlin was a good friend.’

‘Not anymore.’

‘no. Whitlin was a good friend. He’s already dead, but yes.’


‘And I never left this drop behind.’

‘I took it off. ‘It’s noisy.’

‘… It wasn’t there before.’

‘huh. ‘I’ll trust you.’

‘It was also a gift prepared by another friend of mine and given back by his son. So, I have no intention of throwing it away just because it reminds me of my dead friend.’

“That’s right. It’s not like you lost someone by stealing them.”

“What are you saying?”

“Shiona said that you were a good friend. Even though you are already dead, that’s true. Kirie said that she was paying tribute to her dead mother, and Hina said that she has repaid everything she received from you, so there is no relationship anymore. So, it doesn’t seem like you lost someone because she was taken away from you. Rather, the people who cherished you lost you.”

Come on.

Calian pushed his chair back with a small sound and stood up. Then he pointed at the table between Whitlin and himself. I tilted my upper body.

– Ugh.

I slowly approached Whitlin.

I put my face in front of Whitlin’s nose.

And he used the power of the bracelet.


A whisper is heard.

I can see the red eyes changing as they approach me.

The red that shines brighter than anything else in the world is extinguished. It gave up its red life and turned into a lifeless, dull lavender color. In front of that wall, the person who eventually loses everything and eventually loses himself


The real Bern’s eyes.

It changed into that.

The crazy bastard who had brought back the memory of his missing arm back to his body found out that his brother was covered in perfume again, so he couldn’t even recall the cub’s face from the day he died.

“Look at me.”

The voice is changing.

A day when I screamed and cried and then despaired. The voices of that day flow out. Now I hear a voice that no one remembers. A voice more nightmarish than scraping iron calls to Whitlin.

“Look at the person everyone else has forgotten.”

Whitlin turned his head.

The wind blew. Whitlin’s head was forced back.

He met those dark eyes with light purple ones.

“I don’t think your end will be much different from this. But I don’t regret it. But it looks like you will. No matter how you look at it, that’s true.”

Whitlin’s face changed.

A nursery rhyme I had erased came to mind.

“But the way I see it, it’s not too late yet… What do you think, Whitlin?”

Calian asked.

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