Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 69

Chapter 14. It’s been a while (6)

What the hell.

Does walking freely into places you are not invited resemble a silique?

A person who found Kalian by going out the door, down the long hallway, down the stairs, then walking down the long hallway again, and using an efficient method of coming out the window and entering through the window directly below instead of knocking on the door, found Calian.

It was Plants who lived just above.

Even though they are brothers, how could they even think of breaking into the room where the prince of a country is sleeping? What would you do if a knight was summoned right away?

As I thought about it, I realized that the knights of Chermil Palace were also people of the Brisen family. Because of this, Calian let out a small sigh of frustration. And then he asked the same question a third time, his voice still sharp.

“Are you here to talk? Are you here to fight?”

Plantz’s answer was short.


What on earth is there to say in the darkest hours when everyone is asleep? It is none other than between Calian and Plantz.

That’s why Calian stared at Planz. After that, I nodded, got up, turned on the light, and put on a gown. I decided to share something called ‘words’ with Plantz.

“I can’t give you tea, and I don’t have any alcohol.”

Plantz laughed at Kalian’s words, and Kalian opened the terrace door and went out. The early morning air was cold, but Kalian was not affected by the temperature anyway.

Planz, you either catch a cold or not.

Plantz followed him and sat down on a chair on the terrace, and Calian chanted a spell for a moment and then used his magic power.


Of course, I didn’t bother to use magic in front of Plants because I was worried that the sound of their conversation would leak outside in this quiet early morning, but more than that, I wanted Plants to stop doubting Calian’s identity.

Even after seeing Silent’s translucent membrane, Plants didn’t say much. Calian looked at Plantz’s face and said.

“I will listen to what you have to say.”

As soon as Calian finished speaking, Plantz opened his mouth.

“The rose disappeared. It must have been your fault.”

Calian laughed for a moment.

It seemed like an unusual flower.

When he saw the flower, it seemed like it had continued to bloom without withering, just as Calian had expected. And that too for long enough that Plantz was interested.

There was no need to deny that he had destroyed a rose in the yard that wasn’t even the one he had saved, so Calian nodded slightly and answered.

“It was amazing to see it blooming alone on a day like this, so I looked closely and saw it.”

Then, he continued speaking with a face that was questioning Planz.

“It looks like it was a flower you cherished quite a bit. You came to me in such a rude way just because a flower was missing.”

Plantz answered those words, looking towards the rose garden in the distance.

“I don’t know how you knew once you saw it. I think you also realized that it wasn’t just a flower when you saw it hiding so tightly even though a flower had been removed.”

Plants seemed to think the flower was strange simply because it had been blooming for a long time. The reason Calian felt strange was a little different.

And he seemed to have vaguely figured out another reason why Calian didn’t go out to breakfast. Of course, there was no need for Calian to elaborate on the reasons or acknowledge Planz’s words.

Therefore, Calian answered as if correcting Plantz’s thoughts.

“My servant must have told you. I couldn’t go because I couldn’t get over my illness. It wasn’t because of the flowers.”

Plantz nodded roughly at those words. And I opened my mouth, just as I had directed my gaze toward the rose garden.

“I asked Brother Randel if he knew that there was a rose in the garden that wouldn’t wilt for over a month, and he said he didn’t know.”

“One month…”

Calian looked surprised for a moment, and Plantz ended his sentence instead of answering.

“If it weren’t for the ability of a priest, he wouldn’t be able to stay alive for that long. I don’t know why Brother Randel hides the fact that he is a priest.”

Since they are hiding something that should just be revealed, it is assumed that there is something more behind it. Because of this, Plantz could not erase his suspicions about Randel.

Calian also thought that it was Randel who saved the rose.

The difference between the two was that Plantz asked questions straight away, while Calian tried to hide the fact that he had doubts.

“So you asked that question straight away?”

After hearing this, Plantz nodded and Calian smiled and said.

“I know, I did. Are you asking this question expecting an answer like this?”

“How arrogant.”

Plantz curled up one corner of his mouth at Calian’s sarcasm.

In fact, who would admit their suspicions if they were asked so blatantly? Should we say that his effortless behavior is truly Plant-like or immature?

After briefly brushing away his hair that had been disheveled by the early morning wind, Plantz opened his mouth again. It was a different story than the answer to Calian’s question.

“I told my brother that I burned it, so I’m going to tell him so.”

“Are you saying you came to tell me that?”

Calian frowned.

It wasn’t because he didn’t understand that Planz was giving him an excuse for getting rid of the rose.

Calian couldn’t understand at all how he did it so that Randel wouldn’t know that Calian had also become suspicious.


“Isn’t it true that you didn’t come to breakfast so that you wouldn’t be caught being suspicious?”

“I mean.”

Calian looked at Plantz with harsh eyes.

“I’m asking you why you shielded me from Brother Randel’s eyes. It would be better for you if you kept a lookout for me as well. Besides, you were suspicious of me too.”

I didn’t understand that.

Plantz is not the person to help Calian. I could assure you because I knew very well how harshly Plants had treated the old Calian. Plantz was never the kind of person who would do Kalian any good.

“My brother and I. I remember that we don’t have a good relationship.”

“I guess I remember.”

Plantz, who said that, let out a brief laugh.

As expected, he still seemed to be suspicious of Calian’s identity. It might not have been doubt, but certainty.

Instead of answering about the memory, Calian asked again.

“I asked why they came forward and hid it.”

Plantz did not respond to those words for a moment. Calian looked at Planz. Planz’s eyes turned to where the Heysia Palace was located.

This is where Silike is.

“No matter what power you have, you won’t be able to defeat Brother Randel anyway. Just like me.”

“It sounds like Brother Randel couldn’t win against your mother, so he decided to help me.”

Calian’s eyes narrowed.

It also meant that Calian hoped to oust Silike.

“Are you sure you know exactly what you just said?”

In response to Calian’s question, Plantz turned his head and looked at Calian.

His younger brother was assassinated, his older brother fled to another country, and his father died mysteriously. After ascending to the empty throne, he was called a mad king.

Calian, remembering that, stared quietly into Plantz’s eyes. And then I saw what was inside.

After some time has passed like that.

Calian let out a low voice.

“Brother… you didn’t have any intention of going to Camilon Palace.”

Plantz responded by not answering.

* * *

The reason Calian was now living a second life that he did not want was due to the war started by Plantz.

And Plantz’s contempt and harassment played a significant part in the reason why the old Calian lived such a life.

Because of this, Calian was unable to shake off all of his hatred for him with just one conversation with Planz. He was not a good enough person to feel sympathy or sympathy for Plantz, who was treated as nothing more than a tool to bring power to Silike.

However, he changed his mind to the extent that he would not project the shadow of his past bad relationship onto Plantz like he did with Arsene Hertz. That was the greatest understanding that Calian could provide at this point.

And as a result of his decision to ‘understand’ Planz, Kalian changed his mind to attend the breakfast he had planned to skip.

In the end, what Planz wanted to say when he came to see me that early in the morning was that Randel had blindfolded me so that he wouldn’t get suspicious, so I should be careful not to get suspicious and come have breakfast.

‘There were too many things attached to the words ‘eat’.’

Jan was happy when Kalyan said he would go to breakfast and hurried to get ready. Therefore, preparations were completed a little earlier than usual. Of course, it was also the fault of Calian not falling asleep again after Planz disappeared through the window again.

Anyway, since there was still time left, Calian spoke to Jan while looking at the gift boxes still piled up in a corner of the room.

“Let’s see the gift now. I think we can check it and then go to breakfast.”

I’m trying to open a gift I’ve been putting off because I’ve been lost in my thoughts for two days. However, something came to mind through the conversation with Plants, so Kalian added two conditions.

“Only gifts from knightly families and those reasonably trustworthy.”

“Are you talking about a family of knights, not wizards?”

Calian nodded and added an explanation.

“The wizards who have abilities right now will belong to Master’s wizard group. And the wizards who will have abilities in the future will come under my control through the magic academy. When that happens, their families will naturally join hands with me, so there is no need to take care of their families separately. There is no need.”

If we have gained the power of wizards like this, is the knight force unnecessary?

Of course not.

“Wizards are strong, of course, but there are not many of them. If Brisen disappears for a moment and nobles scattered throughout Kairis or other countries fight, it may be difficult to deal with it with just the wizards.”

It was just as Calian said.

Briesen’s Knights were threatening Lemain while also protecting Kairis and Kairis’ royal family. Therefore, if they disappear overnight, the threat to the royal family and its security disappear together. This is truly ironic.

That was also the reason why Calian could not go out with a sword right now and assassinate Sillike and the Marquis of Brissen. It was different from Gray. It is truly a necessary evil.

“In order for there to be no necessary evil, there must be a knight force to replace Brisen’s knights. That’s why I can’t drag the elephants into the fight for my position, so I have to join hands with the knight families who have favor with me.”

As Slayman once said to his daughter Demirea, Siegfried was not one of those who supported the king. Therefore, it was not possible to bring them to Kairisis.

In response to Kalian’s explanation, Jan nodded and selected a few of the many gifts and lined them up in front of Kalian. It was a gift from small to medium-sized knight families. Since the number was greater than expected, Kalian looked at the gift boxes for a moment and said.

“It must be difficult to meet them all one by one.”

First, Calian, who had memorized their names well, stood up. And all the way to the restaurant, I started thinking about how to meet Brisen without attracting his attention.

* * *

Rye cookies.

What Count Eifrin, the head of the knightly family whose power was said to have been greatly influenced by Briesen, sent was a rye cookie that the Countess had made herself. It was something Kalian liked the most because it was very different from other gifts made of all kinds of jewels or precious leather.

asked Alan, who immediately picked up one of the cookies and put it in his mouth.

“Do you want to investigate Prince Randel?

If necessary, I will bring the president of the association.” Calian, who had come back from breakfast without incident and was sitting across from Alan, laughed out loud. He is the president of the Kairis Wizard Association, the principal of Fallun Magic Academy, and an information organization dedicated to Calian. This is because the face of Euria, who is the boss of , came to mind.

“The president of the association does not have to come. Don’t you know it’s useless? Randel is similar to me now. “You can’t know what kind of power you’re hiding unless you say it with your own mouth and reveal it, so even if you dig, nothing will come out.” If

someone wants to find out that Calian is in fact Bern, Calian must admit the fact himself. That’s it. Otherwise, there would be absolutely no way to reveal what Calian was hiding.

The same goes for Randel. Unless I told him I could use the power of the divine, he wouldn’t be able to find out.

“One thing I’m curious about is why on earth did you put that rose in the garden where everyone can see it? The question is whether you smoked it out. Thanks to that, everyone became suspicious of Randel.”

Alan smiled softly and answered,

“You may have thought that if it was a secret that wasn’t going to be revealed anyway, it would be okay to reveal it at least once. “Haven’t our prince, who is so thoughtful, once acted as if he was only living for today, saying he would save Kyrie?” He was

talking about the day he went to the gambling house and stabbed him. Calian, who had heard Alan’s sting for the first time in a long time, blushed a little with embarrassment.

In fact, Alan His words were correct.

Randel, who had gone out to the garden after hearing the news that Calian had ousted Lennon, found a rose that looked like Calian, so he made it bloom. Calian, who did not know this, was just feeling like he had received an unsolvable mystery. Soon Calian was in his pocket

. He took out a black pebble from inside and placed it on the table, saying,

“Anyway, to find out why this and Randel’s power reacted, we need to make Randel move. If you do that, you will reveal the reason why the flowers bloom in your garden and the things you have been hiding. But isn’t there only one way to make Randel move?”

Alan looked at Calian who said that and smiled meaningfully. Once, Alan had told Lemain that if Calian sends out Silike, Randel would also move. “Silli

. To oust Ke. So, if Randel and I are left alone, then we will have no choice but to reveal what we have hidden.”

Calian said the same thing as Alan at that time, and then continued,

“Of course, so do I.”

A priest who uses the divine power of a sleeping god hides something. What is big?

What is hidden by the wizard with the memories of the Sword Master?

You will know when you open it.

“So, I have a favor to ask you.” “Please tell


Calian smiled softly, similar to Alan’s, and then opened his mouth again. “

I would like to have a private meeting with Your Majesty. “No one will know.”

Alan nodded with an amused expression when he heard that his son wanted to meet his father secretly. He then took another rye cookie that would not suit the tastes of aristocrats and ate it.

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