Reborn as Thor!

Chapter 11: New Home!

Chapter 11: New Home!

Here is the new chapter!

*Any images in this chapter don't belong to me! It belongs to their respective artists/creators!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


Pov. Thor.

My return to Asgard was smooth, I didn't encounter any setbacks, I took a heart of a black star, the tail of a comet, and the heart of a red star here and there...

And other 'basics' things for my future creations.

It was time to build my forge and to build my things in peace, I decided to move from the royal palace of Asgard to the Nordic territory in Midgard, which would be the future of Norway. Why would I do that?... Well... I would have more space and peace to relax and build my stuff, without prying eyes... There was no way I was going to forge in Asgard, as there were certain projects I wish I could remain secret...

When I told my parents I was moving, my mother Frigg didn't like it at all... I suppose she doesn't like her kids being away... She's like a mother bear.

My brothers, however, didn't mind and offered to help me with the move, but I soon declined... My forge in Midgard would be built by my hands as would my new residence.

It will take a while... But it will be my new home.

... Also, I wanted my house to be built in a more 'modern' design, with the forge just below the house.

After selecting the ideal location, which would be the lakeside, I immediately started building.




- Timeskip: 6 months.

After 6 months of collecting materials and building my new house and forge... I was finally finished.

And it was perfect.

I think it's because I built it with my own hands... I felt attached to the result.

I never thought I would use the Raikage's armor to help me build it as it came in very handy when I was collecting the 'heart of a star'... Now, many would consider the heart of a star too dangerous to use in Midgard... But it was for one of these reasons that I sought to learn how to forge and magic runes.

Using my acquired knowledge, I was able to store the heart of a star inside a plasma ball core.

The power of the sun... In the palm of my hand.

... maybe it's better to stop with the references...

But it was still a good movie! The best spiderman! And no one will change my mind!

Anyway... The reason for resorting to this type of energy was simple...

Unlimited energy!... Well... At least until the fusion process stops producing energy due to the 'fuel', which would be hydrogen, runs out...

Of course... Generally, when a star 'dies', depending on its mass, it could become a black hole... My solution? I made a rune in the outer area of the plasma ball so when the star is about to die the rune will activate, and it will teleport the plasma ball far away from the Milky Way for safety precautions... As soon as the first rune activates, another rune located inside the plasma ball will activate... And what does this rune do?... Well... First of all, a curious fact.

In my first life, I always enjoyed reading about space... And because of that, I have some basic knowledge, nothing compared to great minds. But I was sure of one thing... A black hole was the 'last boss' in space!

So I set myself an 'impossible' task... 'Kill' a black hole!

... Obviously, it wasn't easy at all... It was like... Making the challenge of playing Dark Souls without armor and equipment and without evolving the character...

Oh shit! The flashbacks!...

Anyway, even in my other life, black holes were still a mystery; one of the theories that explain the 'end' of black holes? It came from one of the most brilliant minds in the world at the time.

The theory explains that black holes can 'evaporate' after long periods.

And that's exactly what the plasma ball's inner rune would do...

When activated... It would 'speed up' the time inside the plasma ball.

Obviously, due to the complexity of the rune, it had certain limitations... A star was one of the few things the rune could activate; besides that, the area affected by the rune was very controlled, since it would only affect inside the plasma ball.

I made these runes as a safety measure as I didn't want a black hole to appear in the ground... So if something went wrong with the plasma ball, the runes would activate immediately.

With the energy of a star fueling my home and personal forge, and with runes distributing that energy to every room in the house, and functioning as a replacement for home appliances.

I felt the comfort the 21st century had to offer in an ancient time... Runes dotted around the property would trick the minds of curious mortals, unfortunately, they weren't as effective against supernatural beings as it depended too much on the target's power...




- Timeskip: 2 hours later...

Pov Thor.

"Aah... Finally a well-deserved rest..." I said as I relaxed seated at the recliner chair.

Thanks to Mjolnir's ability to shrink, I was able to bring it indoors and it didn't take up much space. It is the shrunken form had the same proportions as Marvel's Mjolnir and was now located on the bedside table beside the recliner chair I was sitting on.

"...Maybe I can take a nap before I go to work at the forge..." I said, already closing my eyes and leaning back in the chair.

Unfortunately... It seems that the universe was against me... Because as soon as I reclined the chair...

*knock* *knock*

I heard a knock at the door...

"... Damn... It's night already... Who the hell would come to visit me at this hour..." I said cursing.

After all, it was after midnight.

As soon as I opened the door... I ran into my friend Frey.

"Thor! *Ugh* something terrible happened *sniff*" Frey said between sobs.

That's when I realized... He had a face that looked like he'd been crying for days.

And the news he gave me... 'Something terrible?' What happened to him to be crying like this?

"Frey... Come in... And calm down..." I said, inviting him into my house.

As soon as Frey entered, he headed for the living room.

"What a weird object..." said Frey looking at the sofa.

"Don't staresit down," I said.

"Ah... Is it even... comfortable?" said Frey leaning back on the couch.

"While I want to show you my new home here in Midgard Could you tell me, why you came here so late at night and crying? And what terrible news?" I asked.

"*Ugh* Certainly... It's my sister Freyja..." Frey said while whimpering.

...Has something terrible happened to Freyja?... Was she hurt or something?... If so, I wonder who the fool was who hurt her... Who in their right mind would hurt the princess of the Vanir gods?

"*sniff* The necklace I gave her... The one you forged..." said Frey.

... Huh?

"FreyStop whining and explain better" I said.

"My sister's necklaceThe BrisingamenIs gone! *Ugh*" Frey said.

... He was crying... Because Did his sister lose her necklace?

... Damn it, Frey.

I then slapped him on the back of his head.


"Ouch! Why did you do that?!" asked Frey staring at me while massaging the back of his neck.

"... Idiot... It's just a necklace... It's not like it's the greatest treasure in the world... You might as well go to the dwarf's forge and trade for a replacement... Hell, if you can pay me, I can even make another one, after all, I forged it the Brisingamen," I said, walking to a bookcase, where I kept most of the projects I considered trivial, written on scrolls.

"You don't understand my friend! It's been five days since Freyja has refused to leave her room! My dad even offered to pay for another one, but she refused! She doesn't want a 'replacement' as she considered it an insult to my first successful gift!*Ugh* She's crying golden tear, Thor! She only cries gold when the sadness and lamentation are unbearable... She considers the Brisingamen irreplaceable, as it was the best gift she received," explained Frey.

From that tone... It sounded serious...

However... My mind was thinking of other things, like:

How does she 'cry' gold?

Do Freyja's gold tears have a different quality than regular gold?

... Well... At least that explains why she has the title of the richest goddess.

"...My father and mother offered a reward to whoever found the necklace... Without Freyja knowing of course...But at least, your uncle Loki spoke about someone who might know the location of the necklace..." said Frey.

... I don't like where this conversation is going... He even stopped crying... And it looks like he's been waiting for me to ask.

"Did you know That the Jotun are personifications? And did you know that their leader, tgard is the personification of wisdom? Maybe he knows who stole the necklace" Frey asked looking at me expectantly.

"...Yes Frey...But I don't understand what you expect me-" I said until I was interrupted by Frey who jumped off the couch and grabbed my shoulders.

"Come with me to Jotunheim!" said Frey.

... Why the hell would I participate in this quest?

"I'm sorry Frey... But I don't see any reason for me to participate in this quest..." I said pulling away from Frey.

"Oh..." Frey lamented.

I had better things to do... There were certain things I needed for my self-sufficient private garden.

When I returned to the bookcase, I looked for a specific scroll...

When I found it, I opened it... It was a map, of Africa to be exact.

Why do I have a map of Africa?... The answer was simple... I was on a treasure hunt...

The treasure?... Well...


Pov. Third-person.

As soon as Thor opened the scroll, Prince Frey realized it was a map.

Frey was curious as he noticed that Thor was facing a specific drawing, which shared the scroll with the map.

It looked like a plant.

It was then that Frey asked.

"What is that? Why do you have this map? Isn't that part of the Egyptians' territory?..." asked Frey confused.

"I don't care about the EgyptiansI don't have any business with themI'm just on atreasure hunt," Thor explained, still looking at the map.

Frey was still confused... But even more curious.

"...What treasure?" asked Frey.

"I'm hunting this," Thor said, pointing to the drawing beside the map.

"... The plant?" said Frey uncertainly.

"Yes," said Thor.

"A plant... Is more important than my sister's situation?" asked Frey in disbelief.

"this plant?... Absolutely" said Thor.

Thor didn't even hesitate when he answered.

Frey looked indignant... But he wanted to know what this plant was, for Thor seemed so obsessed with it.

"... This plant... Is it for potions or something?" asked Frey.

"maybebut it's not the main use, well... not for me. So as you can see I'm pretty busy looking for this plant, I don't have time to help you, Frey... But I wish you good luck in your quest to retrieve the necklace," said Thor, nodding to Frey.

Frey seemed to have understood the message and headed for the exit... Until he stopped before opening the door...

"You knowMaybe if you just help me a little bit to retrieve the necklace, Freyja would be very grateful~Maybe she could even reward YOU, Thor~" Frey said with an innocent smile.

Thor, however, didn't seem to mind...

"...I already told you I'm busy at the moment... Maybe I can help you on another quest Frey," said Thor, staring at the map and marking a specific spot with coal.

Frey was disappointed... He could only think.

[How he has no interest in receiving a reward from my beautiful sister! The way my sister is now, if someone brought the Brisingamen and asked for her hand in marriage, Freyja would agree right away!... By Odin... I need to find this necklace! I can't let my sister get married! I must protect her from those idiots!] Frey thought indignantly.

It was then that Frey had an idea... The last resort.

"You know Thor... I can go with you to help look for this plant~... I may be the god of peace, but what some people don't know... Is that I'm also the god of agriculture and good harvest... Maybe I can locate" Frey said until he was grabbed by the collar and pulled toward the door by Thor.

"Let's help your sister! I can't imagine the sadness she must be feeling at the disappearance of her necklace! You said you want to visit Jotunheim, right? What are we waiting for!" said Thor, as he grabbed Mjolnir and headed to the door.

Frey had a small smile of victory.




- Location: Jotunheim; Winter Castle/Castle of Utgard.

Pov Third-person.

"How long should we wait?" asked a Jotun named Skrymir.

"Be patient... Our 'friend' advised us to find who will be our greatest threat... When the gods arrive here... We will give them challenges so that we know their capabilities and limits... Also, if they fail in the challenges, other races will realize that the 'gods' are not to be followed... Borr was a fool to seek peace in a kingdom already stained by the blood of thousands... We only respect strength, because strength is the only thing that prevents other pantheons from invading us" replied tigard.

"...Do you think Odin knows what we're doing my king?" asked Skrymir.

"It's impossible for him to 'see' through these walls... I'm sure of that," assured tgard.

"...Do you think there is anyone dangerous among the gods, my lord?" asked Thrym.

"Hahaha... Thrym... They are gods... But we are one of the oldest races... We are 'personifications'! Against gods? It is a fact that during our first war against Asgard, it took, at least, five gods to kill one Jotun... And at that time, we were outnumbered... Currently, in this castle alone there are a thousand Jotuns... There are no chances for the gods to defeat us in case of another war," said tgard, smiling.







I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

The next update will probably come out on Saturday or Sunday as I am busy this week!

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