Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Chapter 108 - Moving Forward Several hours later…

Chapter 108: Moving Forward Several hours later…

‘Running simulations… combining Bloodlines…’ Ausra’s voice echoed in Dorian’s head as he sat in a meditative pose, just returned to his Grakon form.

He had successfully Evolved both a True Vampire form and a Shade form. The 1 hour Adaptability period had passed for both, allowing him to return to his Grakon form, his current persona.

’67 new combined forms have been gathered.’

Dorian’s eyes opened wide at the huge number.

“67?!” He sputtered out loud, his mouth dropping open in shock. That was huge, far more than any of his previous attempts. Then again, he was combining three different forms, two of which were supposed to have many possible permutations. When he considered all the Bloodlines he currently had, it wasn’t too surprising a number.

“Um… okay. How many of those are at the Lord Class or higher?” Rarer and more powerful Abilities were almost universally found in creatures with stronger Bloodlines.

“Calculating… The majority of new forms were at the Master Class or Grandmaster Class. Only a small number, 4, reached the Lord Class in natural strength.’

Dorian nodded. This was within his expectations. His Grakon Bloodline was powerful, and should make some strong new forms if it found compatibility, but his other new Bloodlines were only at the Grandmaster and Sky Class.

According to Ausra, his Grakon bloodline was strong, but had weak compatibility. It would combine with very few other Bloodlines. His True Vampire bloodline, for example, had a very high compatibility. His human bloodline had a near perfect compatibility.

“Show those to me!” He’d go over the weaker forms later, just to see if he missed any rare or unique Abilities.

Combining Grakon Bloodline, Human Bloodline, Titan Bloodline, Great Black Bear Bloodline

Titanic Brute – Lord Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 15,113

Ability: Weak Constant Regeneration, Great Strength, Expand, Clawed Strike

Titanic Brutes are powerful humanoids that can explode with great force. A brand new breed, these humans stand 5 meters tall and are covered in dark black fur. Their intelligence is rather lacking, but in sheer brutality and power, there are few creatures at the same level that can match them.

Combining True Vampire Bloodline, Human Bloodline, Grakon Bloodline, Lesser Throne Demon Bloodline, Shade Bloodline

Ancestor Vampire – Lord Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 28,164

Ability: Blood Sense, Constant Regeneration, Bat Transformation, Demonic Eyes, Exuberant Grace

Ancestor Vampires are an ancient and extinct form of Vampire. They were the originators, the first of the Vampire race. They possess several powerful Abilities that sets them apart from regular True Vampires, and are an innately noble race. Powerful and agile, long-lived and wily, they are a terrible foe to make enemies with. Breeding and conceiving a child is excessively difficult for Ancestor Vampires.

Combining Black-Scaled Rage Dragon, Giant Myyr Dragon, Sun Eagle, Ifrit Bloodline, Grakon Bloodline

Giant Fire Wyvern – Lord Class (Early)

Maximum Energy Level: 31,884

Ability: Steady Wings, Fire Sense, Constant Regeneration, Flame Claws, Brilliant Flames

Giant Fire Wyverns are a new breed of Wyvern related to the Dragon race. Unlike normal Fire Wyverns, Giant Fire Wyverns are massive, standing roughly 18 meters tall. They possess several powerful Abilities and have an innate connection with fire. Their awe-inspiring size grants them a huge presence, as well as raw physical power comparable to that of regular Dragons. They lack the agility and powerful Dragonfire that the Dragon Race possess, however.

Combining Berserker Demon, Grakon Bloodline, True Vampire Bloodline, Lesser Throne Demon Bloodline, Human Bloodline, Shade Bloodline

Wrath Vampire – Lord Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 55,884

Ability: Blood Sense, Strong Constant Regeneration, Bat Transformation, Demonic Eyes, Moving Force, Weakened Magic Sensitivity

Wrath Vampires are a new breed of Vampire, aspected towards the Law of Wrath. They possess incredible physical strength and agility, as well as an extremely powerful life force, able to take otherwise fatal wounds and shrug them off with ease. Their physical appearance is similar to that of regular True Vampires, save for their vibrant white hair. Their powerful Abilities make them nearly unstoppable when they go on a rampage, able to increase their might with every step.

What the Wrath Vampire gains in physical might, however, it loses in magical sensitivity, making even casting the most basic of Spells a trial. This does not affect the ability to draw energy from the power of Law.

“Ooooh.” Dorian’s eyes flashed as he looked over them, reading about each of the Lord Class form’s he’d now gained. Each form had its own unique perks and Abilities.

As he looked over them, he also recognized that he was starting to gain a very large collection of forms.

The more Abilities he gained, the more difficult he found it to find a place for each one. In combat, he would be most effective if he focused on practicing certain things. It would be impossible for him to specialize in several dozen different Abilities. While it might seem cool, trying to use so many differing techniques was bound to wear him down.

‘I need to start picking out my own path.’ He thought, nodding his head.

‘A path I’ll walk on to get stronger and stronger. I shouldn’t just blindly rely on better and better forms.’ In his mind, Dorian’s thoughts went to the man named Yukeli.

Yukeli was a genius warrior of godly talent. He reached that level by specializing in a few techniques. Specifically, in mastering martial arts. He didn’t stretch himself thin by trying to master several forms of Magic or several dozen differing martial arts.

Instead, he studied everything, and combined what he learned into a few unique techniques.

‘I might not be Yukeli, but I can still specialize and start focusing.’

The battle with the Demonic Human Leader had made him realize this. Yukeli had been able to easily dominate the powerful Demon despite being limited to Dorian’s Soul Spell Matrix and body.

‘I need to get stronger.’ Dorian clenched his fists. His mind flashed back to what Yukeli had told him, when Dorian was taking back control of his body.

“You understand nothing. What would you do if that Demon came back over here? Without me, you would be dead.”

His eyes glinted.

He would get stronger.

“Alright. So what will my path be?” He looked over his forms, and then his Abilities. Of the new forms he’s gained, none of them were stronger than his Black-Scaled Rage Dragon. Several of them, however, had unique Abilities, and Dorian could see a lot of potential growth.

‘If I’m going to specialize… I want to have two forms. One that is humanoid, and one that is overwhelmingly powerful.’ He nodded his head.

‘For right now, my Black-Scaled Rage Dragon will suffice for my big form. As for these forms here…’

‘The Titanic Brute is okay, but not too special compared to the rest. Its got physical strength and is a humanoid, but can only do so much. The Ancestor Vampire is much more intriguing. Definitely one of my top choices due to its strange powers and powerful strength.’ He nodded, thinking it over.

‘The Giant Fire Wyvern sounds incredibly intimidating. What would happen if I used my Expand Ability in that form?’ He pictured a massive 200 meter large Wyvern.

‘For that matter, what would happen if I used the Expand Ability I gained in my Black-Scaled Rage Dragon form?’ He had yet to test it.

‘Well… It’s strong and seems tough, but it falls short of a true Dragon. I don’t need to bother with it.’ He shrugged,

‘That leaves you… a Wrath Vampire.’ He smiled as he looked over it.

‘A super strong Vampire form, a brand new one too, Evolved from my Berserker Demon. It seems to also be strongly related to the Law of Wrath that Leader thinks I’m studying. It’s very similar to the Ancestor Vampire. However, it can’t use Magic well.’ He rubbed his chin as he considered the tradeoffs.

‘Well, the only Magic I’ve managed to practice to any degree right now is Fire Magic. I can keep my Ifrit form to boost my Fire Magic, this Wrath Vampire for physical combat as a humanoid, and my Black-Scaled Rage Dragon form for when I need to go all out.’ He clapped his hands together, smiling.

‘That’s the plan!’

“Ausra, Evolve me into the Wrath Vampire.” He had spent most of his Growth Energy Points on Evolving his True Vampire and Shade forms. The last of it was just barely enough to form his new Wrath Vampire form.

His eyes glinted as he transformed.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

“Ahh. The air smells wonderful.”

Dorian shook his head, back in his Grakon form, as he looked out over the docks. Several miles of constructed wooden walkways, many of them loaded up and down with ships of varying shapes and sizes. Most of them were commercial ships, whether for fishing or transportation.

The Skycrosser Travel Company headquarters was located just behind him. He had finished checking in for his departure, securing an additional seat for Leader. His newfound wealth made such an acquisition quite easy.

The area in front of the Skycrosser Travel Company was reserved. A large, open area on the ocean spread out, filled with no ships and instead two sets of large, stone platforms. A few men dressed like sailors stood on each platform, alongside an attendant from the Travel Company.

He took another look around the busy docks.

People paced back and forth around him, one and all taking care not to bump into his intimidating Grakon form. He saw old men stretching their limbs as they prepared to head out to sea to go fishing, sailors loading luggage or crates onto large galleys, boys running around the dock carrying slips of paper messages. It was a chaotic, lively scene.

Behind him were several dozen other waiting passengers, all here for the same ship. They were a variety of types, from wealthy merchants to hardened warriors, esteemed Wizards to improvised looking elders. Dorian only briefly scanned them, ignoring them for the most part.

He had expected the docks to smell awful. Yet, surprisingly, the air here carried a fresh scent of the salt and the ocean, a most welcome surprise.

“Your wisdom is boundless, Great Lord of Wrath.” Leader’s calm voice caught Dorian’s attention as he responded to his observation. Dorian turned, glancing at him.

The Demonic Human had returned to his normal looking human appearance. Instead of dressing like a simple huntsman, he was now dressed a as simple sailor. A plain, white smock and a pair of worn grey leggings, he looked like the perfect picture of any of the busy sailors rushing about.

If not for the steady air around him, he would be easily mistaken for a random peasant.

After Yukeli intimidated Leader with his display of raw might, the Demonic Human seemed to have well and truly decided to ally himself with Dorian. It wasn’t quite a subordinate relationship, but more one of unequal partners.

That said, Dorian had no problems with it. He intended to take full advantage of this to make sure he made it to Magmor safely, and could rescue Will.

He didn’t reply to Leader, simply looking out at the distant sea. Waves pulled in and out of the dock in a slow, rumbling fashion. He heard cries of seagulls, or beasts like it, echoing above the yells of sailors and workers.

Several minutes passed in silence as Dorian took in the sights.


Finally, after what flew by as no time at all, a large, gleaming white ship descended from the sky. The galley was huge, easily a hundred meters long and several dozen meters wide. Faint wind blew off from it, scattering in the air.


The vessel landed in the ocean just in front of the Skycrosser Travel Company headquarters, with barely a light splash. It sank about halfway into the ocean before coming to a rest, only sending out very minor waves.


Two long boarding staircases unfolded, one on either side of the vessel. Immediately, people started to descend down the vessel, passengers leaving the ship.

Eventually, they all filed out, leaving the dock platforms empty.

“All travelers boarding the Skycrosser Travel Company White Sea Lion, please board now!” A loud, booming voice rang out from atop the ship as the Captain of the ship yelled aloud, waving in a friendly manner at Dorian and those behind him. The Captain was a great, barrel-chested, muscular man, with a long, scraggly brown beard and a balding head of hair.

Dorian nodded and walked forward, headed towards one of the stone platforms that connected to the docks. Leader quickly followed, as did the passengers behind them.

The attendant on the platform confirmed their identities and they boarded with no issues, smoothly climbing up the boarding staircase.

“Your rooms are C-5 and C-6.” Another attendant greeted them as they boarded, an elderly woman wearing a simple blue smock. She handed them each a key, and gave them a warm smile motioning towards the back of the ship, where the passenger rooms were located.

“Alr-” Dorian began, but before he could finish speaking, was cut off,

“Savior Dorian!” An elderly, familiar voice rang out, interrupting Dorian. Both he and Leader turned, coming face to face with a passenger that had just finished boarding.

“Oh? Lord Ru?” Dorian stared at the Aeth Vampire that he had saved earlier, taken aback.

“Why are you here?”

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