Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Chapter 150 - My Name

Chapter 150: My Name

“Thank you, mister!”

“Thank you very much!”

Two nervous, but no longer terrified, youthful voices rang out as the two young Shades bowed their heads towards Dorian.

“It’s nothing. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Y’all get out of here.” Dorian waved them and their thanks off, turning his attention towards the city walls in front of him. The duo quickly scampered off, still holding their Solar Garden Deer prize.

“So I’m in the country of Platera.” He muttered.

“That doesn’t help me much.”

After everyone fled from him, Dorian had eventually managed to chase down the two youths, while running carefully with Helena. It had taken some convincing, but he’d managed to win them over and explain himself.

After he gave them a couple of the few Magic Herbs he still had remaining, the youths had been beside themselves with sharing any relevant info they had. Dorian’s magic stretching clothes had the appearance of fine silk garments, making him appear as a wealthy noble or merchant, perhaps one lost in his travels to the boys.

The two hunters didn’t actually know what planet they were on. In fact, all they knew was that he was in the country of Platera, right outside one of the Fort Cities that dotted the landscape of the nation. It wasn’t too surprising given their status as lowly hunters.

Platera was supposed to be a large, sweeping semi-nation that took up an entire half of a large continent. The Fort Cities were the place where most people live and were mostly independent, with everything else swarming with wildlife. Most of the creatures in Platera appeared to be related to plants or flowers, or other types of flora.

While the boys didn’t know anything about other planets or World Bridges, they did know that the local area was one almost completely inhabited by Shades.

‘I’m definitely within the Shade Commune.’ If Dorian hadn’t been sure before, he was certain now. He sighed with frustration, worry filling him.

Dorian kept his thoughts to himself as he moved towards the Fort City ahead of him, a large city known as Fort Sutner.

The walls were stark grey, perfectly flat with almost no visible cracks. As Dorian got closer to the city, more and more Shades could be seen moving about. This road seemed to lead only to the large forest he had just left, with mostly hunters or gatherers moving back and forth.

Dorian felt pressure appear on his arm, causing him to glance down.

Helena was grabbing ahold of him measuredly, her withered appearance full of concern and care.

“It’ll be okay.” Her voice was weak as she tried to comfort him, her head shifting slightly as she tried to nod at him.

“Hey! You’re awake! How are you feeling?” Dorian’s eyes lit up as he saw this, giving her a warm smile. They were still some distance from the city walls and no other Shades were currently near them.

“Okay. Well, actually…” She paused, her face scrunching up,

“My body feels kind of… sore? As if I got tossed around or something?” She looked up at Dorian questioningly.

“Nope, no idea about that, must be the cold weather.” Dorian shrugged innocently, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead as he gestured at the world around them.

It was warm and sunny.

“Uh-right, so, moving on,” He began, quickly changing the subject,

“We’ve touched down in a… hardly ideal spot.” Dorian quickly explained everything he’d learned so far as he continued to walk.

After taking it all in, Helena frowned with him, worry filling her face.

“I don’t recognize this nation either. My Artifact was supposed to take us to Tomo City, like I said. When space fractured at the Ascension Ruins, we must’ve fallen into one of those fractures.” Helena’s eyes lit up as she spoke, as if everything made sense now,

“The energy particulate that the Capitoline Wolf Bracelet gives off must’ve interacted with Chaotic Space, causing a Sunder Field of Energy to surround and protect us. That explains the enormous feeling of drain I felt and the constant attacks, as well as the support you provided.” Helena’s eyes filled with realization.

“Right, right. Yes, of course. A Sunder Field.” Dorian nodded sagely, rubbing his chin as if he, too, understood what she was getting at.

“But you’re right.” Helena bit her lip,

“Even knowing that… it doesn’t help us.”

Abruptly, Helena’s body shifted as she tried to stand up. A faint Aura of energy began to form for just a second before immediately dissipating as she collapsed back into Dorian’s arms, her face growing pale.

“Woah, Helena, easy.” Dorian cautioned her as he pulled her in, looking at her sternly.

“I’ll handle all of this, alright? You just rest. I got this.” His voice was commanding as he stared into her eyes, brooking no argument.

She stared back, emotion fluctuating in them. A few seconds passed as they looked at each other.

“Alright.” Helena relaxed fully, allowing Dorian to carry her freely as she let her weakened body rest.

“I’ll let you handle this.” Her voice was a quiet whisper, full of trust, as she slipped back into unconsciousness, her body fully focused on healing itself.

Dorian looked down at her sleeping form and then up at the city walls. He then looked around at the other Shades walking in the distance and gulped slightly.

“Right. I will handle this.” He nodded firmly.

In almost no time Dorian found himself in a short line, waiting to get into the city. The Shades in front of him all wore leather or linen clothes, bearing swords or bows.

‘Hmm.’ Dorian did stand out quite a bit, carrying Helena’s wrapped up body in his arms.

‘Well… It’s not a bad thing standing out, actually.’ For the entirety of his time here in the 30,000 Worlds, Dorian had done his best to remain low-key and avoid drawing too much attention to himself. He knew he was being hunted.

Now, however, as he was in the midst of enemy territory, Dorian decided to take a slightly different approach.

‘Everyone is expecting me to be low-key. After all, what is the last thing you would expect someone you were hunting or searching for to do?’ His eyes flashed.

‘Stand out.’

It was finally Dorian’s turn in line.

The gate that Dorian had stood in line for was large, at least 5 meters high and a dozen meters wide. Dorian could see several thick metal bars set to fall down in the middle of the gate, blocking it off at a moment’s notice.

Beyond the entrance, Dorian could make out a bustling town. Thousands of Shades moving in the streets, to and fro. Most of them wore leather hides or plain linen clothes, similar to the hunters that were moving out from the gate. This appeared to be a relatively poorer district.

The few buildings that Dorian could see were all made of aged brown wood, a few with broken glass windows or worn out doors. He could also see a few kids running around, however, and the area seemed to have a lively feel.

“Name and purpose.” A demanding voice caught Dorian’s attention.

One of the six guards that stood at the entrance of this gate. All Shades, like everyone else Dorian could see. Each guard wore a set of grey iron armor, plated and worn, with a short sword at their waist and a shield on their back.

This particular guard seemed to be the one in charge of the gate, his armor adorned with a large, yellow circle.

The guard that was talking to Dorian looked at him with a rather bored expression, his eyes almost glazed over. As he saw that Dorian was carrying a body, however, the bored expression vanished, becoming alert.

Dorian took a deep breath.

“My name is Inigo Montoya, from the far lands of Spain! I have traveled far to this kingdom bearing the body of my lover, a princess of Florin.” Dorian’s voice boomed out with authority, rich power flowing from his words as he spoke. The air around him swirled as he put his focus on twisting Fate, to make himself seem as noble and authoritative as possible.

“My purpose is to seek out medicine to treat injuries to the soul and to save my wife. She has fallen into a deep, magic sleep from which nothing can wake her! My journey shall end only when she walks freely again!” He finished speaking, waving grandly, making sure this time to not drop Helena, as he looked back at the guard to see his response.

Every single one of the six guards had turned to stare at him in shock.

In their eyes, Dorian appeared as a noble, devout Shade hero from legend. His fine clothes and powerful appearance gave him the air of a ruler on a quest to save his love. The image stirred the heart and minds of the Shade guards.

“M-my deepest apologies, my lord. All who come in peace are welcome in the Fort City of Sutner.” The guard bowed his head quickly, his body shaking.

Dorian turned his head as he looked at the guard, his face suddenly incredulous,

“Don’t tell me… you have not heard of the King of the Sword, Inigo Montoya? Son of the Greatest Swordcrafter in the 30,000 Worlds? The Black Shade of 7 Blades? My name has not spread to this corner of the glorious Commune?” Dorian sputtered as he spoke, incredulity filling his voice. He twisted Fate hard at the same time, focusing on the guard in front of him.

Dorian also pulled on his Law of Valor, a heroic, powerful Aura bursting forth around him. This new Aura merged with his already heroic image, raising the onlooking guards’ opinion of him even higher.

“N-n-ah, yes, of course, Lord Inigo. Your name and fame have spread far and wide. It-t is this foolish guard’s fault for being blind.” The guard smacked his forehead and bowed again, quickly stepping aside. At the same time, he waved urgently with his other hand to one of the guards.

“Ponto, immediately inform the Lord Gabito of Lord Inigo’s arrival! Make full haste, do not delay at all!” The head guard ordered one of his subordinates.

“Yes sir, Captain Tobagin. Right away!” The other guard raced off, rushing through the crowd towards a large castle that was set towards the center of the city. The guard’s movements were smooth and agile, at the Master Class level.

“Please, Lord Inigo, a million apologies. We were unaware of your greatness arriving today. The City Lord will be informed shortly.” The guard’s voice was nasal as he flattered Dorian, motioning for him to step into the guardroom off to the side, bowing his head again. The poor guard looked so worried and concerned that Dorian actually felt bad for him.

Dorian’s eyes flashed arrogantly as he followed the guard, the powerful Aura that flowed around him fading slightly as he smiled, however, maintaining his disguise.

‘Don’t worry, Helena.’ He thought, feeling confident,

‘I got this!’

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Meanwhile, within the City Lord’s castle, at the center of Fort Sutner, two Shades could be seen arguing with each other in a dining room.

“It’s not my fault we’re supposed to comb every population center, Gavin. It’s from the bigwigs of the Commune, we can’t exactly say no. Besides, we don’t even have to apprehend the Vampire if they’re too strong. Just crush the Signal Sigil.” A female Shade said as she looked at her comrade with frustration. She wore a long, grey robe emblazoned with the insignia of the Church of Light. Around her, a holy Aura seemed to rest. She appeared to be in her late 20s, with long brown hair and grey eyes.

“I know that, Patricia.” Gavin replied, shaking his head back. Gavin wore a similar set of slim grey robes, also emblazoned with the sun insignia that represented the Church of Light. He looked slightly older, in his mid-30s, rubbing at a large staff that was hooked onto his back.

“I just don’t understand why it matters in the Eastern Worlds. This is the 10th city we’ve searched in as many days, what are the chance-” The Shade abruptly cut himself off, turning around with a smile as another Shade entered the dining hall.

“Greetings, Lord Gabito.”

“Good afternoon, Lord Gabito.”

The two Wizards from the Church of Light nodded at the City Lord.

“Ah, greetings, great Wizards!” The City Lord was a jovial looking Shade, bearing a calm, but steady Aura of strength. To be a City Lord in any of the Fort Cities on Platera required at least some degree of strength. The country was full of powerful beasts, but also full of powerful Magic Herbs and rare Natural Treasures.

The City Lord had a long sword strapped to his back and wore a relaxed pair of grey silk pants and a white silk shirt. He appeared middle-aged, with a strong chin and a slim build.

“I was just about to ask you two about your stay. Have you finished scanning the city proper?” Lord Gabito’s voice may have been warm, but his eyes showed steel as he looked at the two Wizards, apparently displeased with their presence.

The Church of Light was revered and loved by the populace, but figures like Lord Gabito preferred to rule their own lands without bending knee to others. It took a man with a powerful will to rule over the lives of the nearly 5,000,000 Shades that lived in Fort Sutner.

“Yes, Lord Gabito. We should be on our way soon. We didn’t find any Vampires within the City.” Patricia replied, her words cool. The orders had come down several weeks ago, from both the Duke of the East and the Church, to scour the land and apprehend any Vampires living within the Commune.

Another war had broken out with the Vampires, and while it had little effect on the Worlds as far to the east as their current one, it didn’t mean the Worlds could ignore it entirely.

Patricia reached into her breasts pocket, pulling out a small small, green crystal that was emblazoned with markings.

“If there were any within range, this Bloodline Crystal would’ve started glowing after we completed the ceremon-…” Patricia cut herself off as she stared at the rock, her voice trailing off.

The crystal was currently glowing.

“Huh?!” Both Wizards stared at the Bloodline Crystal in shock.

Lord Gabito looked on, his face scrunched up as well.

At that exact moment, just as he was about to say something, a guard burst into the chamber, his chest heaving.

“Lord Gabito! The famed Swordmaster Lord Inigo Montoya has arrived at the Western Forest Gate!”

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