Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Chapter 177 Superior Moon Auction House

Dorian's eyes widened imperceptibly as he stared at the sight before him.

Just a few minutes ago, he had been on his way to the one of the official Superior Golden Moon Auction Houses, the famed branch of Auction Houses that hosted all Superior Auctions throughout the 30,000 Worlds. It was mid to late evening, with daylight slowly fading around him.

He had opted to move on his own, after asking Fabian to set up some guards to protect his room. He wouldn't risk leaving Helena unprotected, not in her current state. The Shades had all willingly agreed, proud to help serve the Great Hero Lord Inigo.

The fading light tried to paint the city a morose tone. However, Shaptle was a unique city. Dozens of magical lights could be seen, hung across roads and streets, connected from roof to roof.

This meant that even in the darkest of nights, the city would still bear light. While it wasn't particularly bright, it was enough to see, and added a certain serene beauty to the city.

Dorian moved through the city quickly, taking little time to take in the sights. He passed by regular people in a blur, speeding along without running into anyone.

In just a short amount of time, he found himself inside a central square, right next to a large building.

A building so large it was practically a mansion and not just a building, dominated the center of this square. It was completely made up of grey granite, with a foreboding but also brutalistic appearance. On the top of the large, blockish facility, was a large stone carving of a crescent moon.

The succinctly named Superior Moon Auction House, one of the official Superior Golden Moon Auction Houses, located in the Central Square at the heart of the city. Dorian had obtained directions on how to get here before he left.

The rest of the square was dominated by more stately looking buildings, used for governance or other functions.

Dorian could sense multiple powerful Auras inside the building in front of him. He could also sense several odd energy permutations. There was clearly Magic of some kind protecting and covering the Superior Moon Auction House from head to toe.

After a moment of observation, he moved forward without hesitation towards a set of solemn-looking stone doors. Several decidedly human guards could be seen standing outside these doors with bored looks on their faces. They were clad in golden outfits and only eyed Dorian briefly as he walked past them before nodding at him respectfully.


Species: Human

Class - Grandmaster Class (Pseudo-Lord)

Maximum Energy Level: 2,108


Species: Human

Class - Grandmaster Class (Pseudo-Lord)

Maximum Energy Level: 2,356


Species: Human

Class - Grandmaster Class (Pseudo-Lord)

Maximum Energy Level: 1,997


'They're all Pseudo-Lord humans, huh? They certainly didn't cheap out on even basic guards.' He observed. The fact that even the door guards were Pseudo-Lord class showed the wealth and presence of the Auction House.

"Greetings! Welcome to the Superior Moon Auction House!" As soon as Dorian moved through the large stone door, he was immediately greeted by another human, a young looking Master Class woman clad in a long, golden dress with a moon stitched into it.

"Thank you." Dorian's response was smooth and graceful as he smiled back, playing the part of Lord Inigo as he glanced around.

The interior of the Superior Moon Auction House was far more luxurious than the exterior.

The entrance was a large, carpeted room with a desk at the front and several couches and chairs languidly set off to the side. Several Shades could be seen milling about, as could several humans, the only two species present.

"How can I help you?" The attendant continued to respond, smiling at him cheerfully.

"Is there a list of what is going to be auctioned? I'd like to peruse it." As Dorian replied, he could hear whispers and people turning to point at him, spreading throughout the room. It seemed he had become a rather familiar figure.

"Yes, of course!" Dorian was constantly releasing a powerful, Valorous Aura while he was here. This made his strength eminently clear such that it needed no questioning whether or not he was capable enough to bid on anything.

The Auction House had strict rules and regulations. People below Master Class were actually banned from attending Superior Auctions, though not because they were being willfully discriminated against.

In the past, there had been incidents of powerful clashing Auras from various King Class and even Pseudo-Angelic Class figures as they argued over one item or another. To people below the Master Class, things like this could cause one to die outright.

Thus, to prevent that, the Auction House limited those that could even enter it.

The guards standing watch outside had sensed that Dorian had an Aura, a unique trait of those at the Lord Class or higher, and thus had not interfered with him.

"Please, this way." The smiling attendant led Dorian out of the main room, away from staring eyes, and down a hallway off to his left. The hallway was equally resplendent, decorated with glowing crystals, tapestries, and ornate sculptures.

In just a few short moments he found himself in a small room with several large tables spread out in it. Several guards and attendants could be seen standing off on the side of this room, while a small number of guests were perusing the tables.

"Each table contains a list of various objects slated to appear in the Superior Auction coming up later this month!" The attendant bowed as she finished leading Dorian, giving him a small nod.

"Got it. Thanks." Dorian thanked her as she backed away and left the room, returning to the front.

He walked forward on his own, moving up to one of the tables. He began to read over one of the spread out lists.

Red Onyx Enameled Spear - B+ Ranked. A powerful Artifact created by a Magic Blacksmith of considerable talent, this spear is said to be able to pierce through anything in existence. However, to wield the spear effectively, one must use Magic or follow a Law related to Earth or Fire, to some degree.

Energizing Elixir Pill - B Ranked. A heavenly Pill that can help a Grandmaster Class being break through to Lord Class. The base requirement is that the user has at least touched upon and sensed one Law or another, in some capacity. There are no side effects and the effectiveness is roughly 99.99%.

Morning Star Flying Ship - A- Ranked. An extremely powerful Flying Ship that is able to transport up to 300 beings of Humanoid size with ease. This Flying Ship comes equipped with multiple protective permanent Spells including 6 Lord Class Earth Rampart Formations, 1 King Class Spatial Distortion Field, 2 King Class Wind Enhancement Casters, and 4 Lord Class Barrier Shields.

Dorian looked from exhibit to exhibit, his eyes growing larger and larger.

The Superior Moon Auction House ranked Artifacts using the same scale that they ranked their mercenary teams. In the 30,000 Worlds, there was no singular or universal way of ranking Artifacts. Different cultures designated them differently, with some cultures not differentiating rankings at all.

'A Pill that can allow someone to break through the wall that is Grandmaster Class with a 99.99% effectiveness rate is only B Ranked?' He frowned as he saw this. This was a powerful Pill, but if it was only B Ranked, how high Ranked would a Pill that could heal injuries to the soul be? Even further, how expensive would that be?

The list of treasures here seemed truly fantastic, even from the small number he had seen thus far. Coming to the Superior Moon Auction House seemed like it would be the right decision.

He turned to the side, glancing at one of the attendants on the wall. Most of them were human, though a few were Shades. He waved over at one of the female ones, causing her to walk forward. She was one of the younger looking humans, with long blonde hair and a pretty smile.

"Yes, sir? Can I help you?" Her voice was respectful.

"Are there any Pills in the Auction House that can treat injuries to the soul?" He cut right to the chase.

The woman paused for a moment as her eyes grew unfocused, checking her memory. After a moment, the woman nodded.

"Yes, sir. The upcoming quarterly Auction happens in just a couple of weeks, there is confirmed to be a small number of Pills that can be used to treat injuries to the soul. Specifically, so far, a batch of Soul Karma Pills, two separate Divine Light Pills, and one Reformation Pill." She listed off a few names, her voice sure and confident.

"Explain each." Dorian's eyes were cool as he maintained his authoritative air.

"Soul Karma Pills are legendary B+ Ranked Pills that can change Fate, infusing one's soul with a large amount of powerful life force. This essence can be used to heal from injuries to the soul, but is more commonly used when preparing to break into the King Class. They are effective for anyone below King Class."

"A Ranked Divine Light Pills are made specifically to increase the strength of one's soul, but also have the side effect of healing injuries to the soul, combining powerful Light Magic with expensive and rare Natural Treasures. They are effective for anyone below Pseudo-Angelic Class."

"Reformation Pills are A Ranked Pills made specifically to treat an injured or wounded soul. These Pills are infused with Healing Magic that targets injuries and fills them in, perfectly replacing wounded essence and leaving a soul as if it was never injured in the first place, toughening and strengthening it. They are effective for anyone below Pseudo-Angelic Class."

In just a few short breaths, the attendant explained the main point of each Pill. Dorian nodded as he heard it, his mind going over the information.

"If I wish to purchase one of these Pills before the Auction goes live, would that be possible?" He asked a followup question.

The attendant nodded again,

"The Superior Moon Auction House prides itself in finding buyers and sellers. You will have to pay a nominal finder's fee, but apart from that, we can indeed set you up with the seller."

"However, some sellers prefer to sell their wares directly in the Auction House and do not accept offers from people trying to contact them."

"Alright. One last question." Dorian responded, looking back at the list, frowning ever so slightly,

"How expensive would a B+ or A Ranked Pill be?"

The attendant promptly replied back, without a hint of irritation or annoyance,

"Most Ranked treasures, whether they be Artifacts, Pills, manuals, or other items, are usually traded for similarly Ranked treasures, or a collection of lower Ranked treasures. Some traders will be willing to accept forms of currency, especially Golden Shields from the Borrel Autarchy, but most people that come here are looking for specific items or goods, or, at the minimum, goods that are Ranked similar to their own but more useful to them."

After she finished replying, Dorian thanked her and waved her off, his mind going over the new info.

'Huh, so most people only come here when they are looking for something specific or something of equal value. Yeah, that makes sense.' He had a small number of Golden Shields, but he planned on using those to further his understanding of various Laws.

As for rare Artifacts or treasures… he didn't really have much. At the least, he was certain he had nothing comparable to anything on the list before him.

'I really will need to search for treasure on Moria.' His eyes flashed as he renewed the determination in his heart.

'That or rob someone for treasure or a Pill that can heal Helena…' The idea left a bitter taste in his mouth. But if he was backed into a corner with no way out… he would do what he needed to do to save her.

'I can always look for someone evil to rob if I have to. Besides, there is no telling that I'll need to or not.' He shook the thought from his head.

After a few more minutes of looking at various lists, Dorian left the room. He then went off on his own, walking down the hallway. He could detect a large number of presences, some that were quite powerful, down at the end of the hallway he was walking through.

He decided to explore the Superior Auction House a bit, curious about what he might find.

The hallway ended in what he learned was, after he asked an attendant standing by, a large open lounge for guests of the Auction House. Dorian's strength meant he was considered a guest as well and allowed free access inside.

And it was here that Dorian had been truly shocked.

The lounge was large and, as everything else in the building, luxurious. A crackling fireplace was set off into one wall near a collection of couches and comfortable looking armchairs, most of which were taken up by various Shades and a few humans.

A long table lined with various small snacks and drinks was set next to this area, lined up against the neighboring wall. A few Shades could be seen snacking and talking to each other in an animated fashion.

Most of the Shades here were Master Class, Grandmaster Class, or even a couple that were Lord Class. None had a higher Energy Level than Dorian.

What shocked Dorian, however, was the large dance floor set opposite the fireplace and couches, complete with a small band on the side of it playing comfortable music.

The floor was smooth, made of grey stone, and was filled with a few dozen people all dancing. They weren't professional dancers, but rather, guests that were enjoying themselves and dancing to the music.

And the style they were dancing was one he knew well…

After all, it was a style from Earth. Country Two Step.

"Greetings, good sir!" Before Dorian could let this sink in, a middle-aged man's voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked over to the side at the Shade that had just come up to greet him.

It was one of the Lord Class Shades. He had a leathery face and a sinewy body that looked mean and tough, but was presently smiling at Dorian cheerfully.

"Forgive me for being rude, but you are Lord Inigo, correct?" The Shade began.

Dorian nodded in response, still mute from his shock at the dancers.

"Ah, how wonderful! I've heard so much about you and I've got to say I'm a huge fan! Your tale is a tragic one, and I can only pray for your success!" The middle-aged Shade bowed slightly, greeting Dorian warmly.

"Ah, right! I am a humble merchant, Tankito Rock, at your service!" Tankito introduced himself, shaking Dorian's hand warmly. He seemed delighted to have recognized 'Lord Inigo,' obviously a devout follower of the Church of Light.

Whispers and talk spread out among the rest of the people in the lounge as they turned and stared at Dorian, recognizing him. It seemed apparent that his image had been spread far and wide, especially after the altercation in the streets of Cracktyl earlier.

As Tankito greeted Dorian, Dorian's eyes drifted back off towards the people dancing on the dance floor. When the merchant saw this, he spoke the words that confirmed Dorian's shock.

"Ah yes, Lord Inigo! You're interested in the dancers?"

"I believe it's a style of dance that has become quite popular among the Mercenary Alliance. It is said to have first been discovered by a crew working on the World Bridge to Taprisha."

"It requires considerable coordination and talent for high-level dancers and is one of the hottest topics among the youth right now. I believe it's called 'Country Two Step!'"

'No way…' Dorian's mind flashed back, to what felt like a lifetime ago.

To a time when he taught a young daughter of a group of Aethmen merchants the footwork to Country Two Step, encouraging her to teach her friends.

It seemed like she had taught some of the mercenaries in the Golden Moon Mercenary Alliance, perhaps the ones helping to escort her. And the style must have spread like wildfire from there, moving from person to person, World to World, becoming popular enough that it had become a staple here on Cracktyl.

'Wow.' Dorian couldn't help but smile, the feeling of coming full circle a satisfying one.

Abruptly, while Dorian was in the midst of celebration, he felt a sensation that put him on an extreme level of alert. Something that was completely unexpected and out of the blue.

He felt the presence of another Anomaly.

A feeling that had been subtly present as soon as he walked into the lounge, but one he hadn't recognized at first due to his distraction.

The presence seemed to be dampened somewhat, as if it couldn't pulse out freely to Dorian's mind, something that he figured had to do with the various protective and dampening Spells cast on the Auction House.

Immediately his thoughts went to Fifteen.

'He's here?! Is he about to attack right now?!' Dorian's eyes widened as he activated his Perfect Body Ability, spreading out his senses as far as possible as he scanned everyone in the room. His entire body went on high alert.

As he tensed up, he saw a figure walk off the dance floor. A blonde haired human male, with a pretty Shade girl on his arm, laughing and smiling. He gave the pretty girl a kiss before sending her off, walking confidently towards Dorian and Tankito.

"Greetings, Lord Kent! I must introduce you, this is THE Lord Inigo Montoya himself, in the flesh!" The merchant Tankito took it upon himself to introduce the figure, his voice ingratiating.

"A pleasure to meet you, I've heard so much about you." Lord Kent's voice was smooth and rich, cindering with passion that carried a certain feeling of grandness as he finished walking forward. He was wearing a sharp looking black suit, complete with a grey vest and even a tie, a somewhat rare sight here in the 30,000 Worlds. Suits similar to ones found on Earth did exist here in the 30,000 Worlds, though they weren't super popular.

Lord Kent was an Anomaly.

His energy level put him somewhere within Late Lord Class, but as an actual human being, at least from what Dorian could tell. The Peak of Lord Class and Pseudo-King were virtually indistinguishable, which meant that Late Lord Class was the strongest one could get before reaching Pseudo-King.

But for an Anomaly, Lord Class could easily be comparable to even a powerful non-Anomaly King Class expert. Dorian himself was living proof.

"Ah, right! Lord Kent has been looking to hire fighters to hunt down one particular Demonic remnant that has been plaguing the local worlds. You two have much in common!" The merchant gushed as he spoke, smiling cheerfully as he looked from Anomaly to Anomaly.

"Greetings, Lord Kent." Dorian's voice was cool as he stared at the Anomaly, his entire body tensed up. He had no idea what intentions the other party had.

"Please, there is no need for formalities here. You and I, we are like brothers, no? It almost feels as if we have met before." The smiling human stepped forward, reaching out to shake hands.

"Call me by first name." Lord Kent grinned, a twinkle in his eye,



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