Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Chapter 179 Crossing

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you, here and now."

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Dorian could feel his heart pound in his chest, his body shivering as he felt an overwhelmingly powerful killing intent slam into him. The energy, the pressure, combined with a powerful Aura he was detecting, everything he felt had made his instincts scream at him to flee, to run away immediately and escape.

The Shade in front of him was not someone he could handle.

The Shade's sheer force of presence was so ridiculously strong it made Dorian's soul itself tremble.

'Perfect Body, activate!'

Despite the ungodly amount of pressure, the strength of Dorian's soul, and especially his willpower, was not something that could be compared to normal beings. Pressure like this could knock most Lord Class experts unconscious, but could only temporarily shock him.

As he withstood the blow to his mind, Dorian drew upon one of the strongest Abilities he had.

The world around him lost some of its color as his body was vastly enhanced. His perception of time increased and his ability to resist mental attacks increased alongside that.

In his Perfect Body mode, shrugging off the powerful Aura was easy.

What wasn't going to be easy, he realized, was getting out of this situation.

"Give you a reason you shouldn't kill me?" Dorian clenched his fists, releasing his own Valorous Aura. This Aura of righteous energy clashed with the huge pressure the figure in front of him gave off, setting the air to spark.

The Shade's Aura felt cool and refreshing, crashing down upon Dorian with a huge amount of force. It felt like it was related to water or the wind, perhaps something to do with ice. Dorian couldn't quite tell.

"Because I have done nothing wrong and I am not evil." Dorian's voice boomed as looked the other Shade straight in the eye. He pulled upon his soul to twist Fate, commanding it to change for him.

And, to his total and complete shock, for the first time ever…

His soul failed to twist Fate.

His command had been a simple one, but one he knew would likely cost a huge amount.

He wanted to help convince the Shade in front of him that he was innocent, borrowing upon his Valorous Aura. Like a Jedi Mind trick from the movie Star Wars that he'd loved back on Earth.

However, when the energy in his soul began to melt into the air, trying to twist Fate…

He had felt a feeling of rejection.

The energy flooded back into him and Fate remained the same.

'I can't change it?!' He pushed the panicked thought to the side as he continued,

"What test did you do that showed me as Evil? How can any test or Magic at all prove the measure of a Shade? Only a man's actions and words show his true nature." Dorian stared the man named Gamin right in the eye, unblinking. He maintained his appearance, knowing that it could mean the difference between life and death.

'Gamin… Gamin… The Church of Light… That name is familiar…' Dorian scanned his Jade Memory, going through a deluge of thoughts and data in an instant. At the same time, he scanned the Shade in front of him.


Species: Shade

Class - King Class (Pseudo-Angelic)

Maximum Energy Level: 4,721,480


'Excelsior Gamin, one of the Pseudo-Angelic Excelsior's of the Church of Light.'

Dorian's eyes widened as he realized who he was facing. The Energy Level of this fighter was a bit weaker than the Department Head of the Diamond Department, Jiro Korc of the Axe. The Diamond Wall of the 12 Walls of the Borrel Autarchy.

There was no chance he could face him down in combat, not currently. This was one of those legendarily powerful fighters, one that could level entire armies with ease.

'I can't handle a foe of this level. But Fate twisting didn't work either?' He felt at a loss on how to proceed. This had never happened before. Was it because his foe was too strong?

No, that couldn't be it, he realized. After all, he had managed to affect the slightly stronger Jiro Korc of the Borrel Autarchy. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was trying to shift a thought or opinion? He knew it was possible to affect that, though the smaller the chance to change someone's mind, the more it would cost.

After all, someone changing an opinion that they don't want to change would have a very low chance of occurring. Even with him twisting Fate and using a huge amount of energy, it could still very well be functionally impossible for some things.

"Are you claiming the Haydo Truth Seeking Bell of the Church, one of the holiest and most vaunted Artifacts, saw wrong?" Excelsior Gamin took a step forward, flicking his wrist. A small, glowing bell appeared in his hand as he moved, the Artifact he was speaking of. It was one that Dorian vaguely recognized, having read about it in passing when he was researching the Church of Light. He didn't know the specifics of what it did, only that it existed.

As the Excelsior moved, Dorian realized something.

They seemed to be surrounded in a large, 10 meter wide bubble of wind. Their powerful Auras and voices were bouncing off that, unable to penetrate through the outside world. The Pseudo-Angelic Wizard in front of him must have cast some sort of Spell ahead of time, sealing the area off.

Dorian stared back at the Excelsior. From the little information he had, he knew that Excelsior Gamin was an upright and righteous Shade, renowned for his high reputation and standing. He was considered the most honorable and stately Excelsior by the public, a renowned hero.

Dorian slowly closed his eyes for a brief moment, his heart pounding. This interaction was so abrupt he had had no time to prepare at all.

'Screw it. I'll just have to do what I usually do…' His eyes flashed as he opened them.

'Wing it.'

"Yes. I have never committed any serious unjust crime or action in my life and have no intentions of doing so now." Dorian pounded his chest and took a step forward of his own, staring eye to eye with the Excelsior.

"Is that so?"

'Oh man.' Even in his Perfect Body state, Dorian felt waves of Aura slam into him, powerful energy trying to crush him into nothingness. The sheer power was way more than anything he could give off.

'Hmm?' Starting at Dorian, Excelsior Gamin started slightly, his thoughts surprised,

'My Angel Aura Ring Artifact enhances my Aura to feel like that of the Angelic Class to those below Pseudo-Angelic. I'm releasing nearly 1/4th of my Aura through it, yet Lord Inigo can still face me without a sign of weakness? I know he's an abnormally powerful Lord Class hero, but there has to be a limit, right?'

The powerful Pseudo-Angelic Class began to increase the power of his Aura, not responding to Dorian and instead just staring silently. A small, brown ring on his finger glowed ever so slightly, an extremely rare Artifact that had a very specific usage.


'Urgh.' Dorian felt the Aura increase. Soon it felt like an entire mountain was slamming into his shoulders, causing his arms and legs to shake. Dorian refused to back down, however, noticing that the Excelsior hadn't taken direct action. He pulled at his will, forcibly making himself stand.

'It's all the way up to 1/3rd and he's still standing…' Gamin blinked slowly, feelings of genuine shock and awe forming in his heart.


Dorian felt the pressure that was hitting him explode forth and jump in power. The feeling of a mountain was replaced with that of an entire planet, soul-suffocatingly powerful. He put his every single iota of willpower into forcing his body upright, not allowing himself to fall.

'He's withstanding half the force of an Angelic Class Aura… While he is only at the Lord Class…' Excelsior's heart contained only one emotion. Sheer, sweeping shock.

'His willpower is incredible. Even I wouldn't be able to take all that… not at Lord Class…'

An instant later, Excelsior Gamin withdrew most of his Aura.

"Gasp!" Dorian sucked in air as his body shook, his eyes fluttering as the world around him returned to normal. He didn't fall down in relief, however, still looking directly at the standing Excelsior.

"Yes. It is so. I do not lie." Dorian sputtered out as he found his voice again, clearing his throat.

"Your test was wrong."

The Excelsior stared at him silently for a moment.

As he saw this, an idea began to form in Dorian's heart. As this idea took root, hope formed alongside it as Dorian took into account this entire weird situation.

The lack of any real attack, the abruptness of the accusation and the piercing questions designed to catch him off guard.

He smiled.

"In fact, I don't think you even have a test. Or if you did, it didn't come up Evil. Instead, it seems like you're testing me, here and now, to confirm who or what I align to."

It wasn't that his soul failed to twist Fate. Rather… what he was doing was pointless, because Fate had already fallen in his favor. He hadn't actually come up as Evil at all.

Gamin rubbed his chin silently, his eyes calm as he looked at Dorian.

"And if you are wrong in your guess? What, then, would you plan to do?" The Excelsior replied, the Aura around him fluttering up once more as he gave up nothing.

"If I am wrong, then I will accept my death, and take my righteous revenge when the Cycle swings around once more." Dorian responded, talking as if he truly was a native of the 30,000 Worlds.

Excelsior Gamin's Aura burst forward again, smothering Dorian. The air around him trembled as the huge weight reappeared.

But a second later, it all vanished as the Shade broke out in smiles.

"Hahaha, alright Lord Inigo, you caught me. You pass my test." Gamin grinned at Dorian, his eyes twinkling.

"You saw right through me. You truly are as cunning as the Church says." Gamin hid the shock in his heart from Dorian's powerful willpower and abnormally powerful resistance. His cunning intelligence and ability to act under pressure had also suitably impressed the Excelsior, making him give Dorian his highest regard.

"That's good to hear." Dorian's shoulders slumped as he sat down, his heart still pounding from the excitement and danger of the situation. He took several deep breaths before turning to glare at the Excelsior.

"Did you have to be so damn realistic with it?"

"Bahaha!" The Excelsior only laughed and grinned, shrugging.

"If it wasn't realistic, young warrior, it wouldn't be much of a test, now would it?" Dorian didn't have a response for that.

The Excelsior snapped his fingers. Immediately, the wind barrier blocking them off vanished as the world around them returned to normal. He then continued on to speak,

"Well, Lord Inigo. I must say you've passed all of my tests with flying colors. Your results came up Good, not Evil, from the Haydo Truth Seeking Bell. You are smart, determined, and strong. Your strength of heart is not weak and your mind is not corrupted. You are indeed the Hero the church says you are." Gamin tapped on his finger as he spoke, activating a Spatial Ring.

"My appearance here is not just to test you, but also to give you something." The powerful Shade tossed Dorian an object he withdrew from his Spatial Ring.

"I think you might find that Artifact one that will come in handy. Best of luck on your mission towards Moria. Do not fail my expectations, young warrior."

Before Dorian could reply, respond, or even ask what the Excelsior was giving him, Gamin's body seemed to shiver.

An instant later, it dissipated into a blast wind, vanishing from Dorian's eyesight and senses like magic. Even in his Perfect Body state, the Excelsior had truly gone, running away just like that.

Dorian blinked in consternation.

'Did he just attack me, throw a gift at me, and then ditch me?' He felt vaguely as if he should be offended.

He turned his attention to the object the Excelsior had thrown at him.

"This could come in handy, huh?" He muttered quietly, staring at it.

It was a small, green stone carving of what looked like a crane staring in front of a small pond.

"…but you didn't even tell me what it does…"

The only sound that answered his complaint was the uncaring echo of the wind.

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Time passed and soon morning came fully into fruition. Dorian began to meet up with all the Shades that had joined his army, organizing with the three Captains of his team.

Mello joined up with Dorian, bringing along a small force of six Lord Class experts, all at the Pseudo-King level, a notable addition to their force.

A small guard was eventually unwillingly chosen to stay behind, guarding over Helena. Dorian didn't want to leave her alone without him, but he also couldn't risk taking her onto such a dangerous mission. Leaving her behind to rest in the safety of the inn, under guard of several elite Lord Class experts, was his best option.

In no time at all, Dorian and his men moved through the city to the section where they'd arrived, a type of dock for Flying Ship Artifacts. The giant edifices weren't easily stored away unless one had an extremely expensive and rare Spatial Ring of gargantuan size.

They already had a Flying Ship waiting for them, everything arranged ahead of time. Having subordinates was quite convenient, Dorian noted.

They didn't meet with any other experts from the city, either from the Southern Duke of Shadow or the Golden Moon Mercenary Alliance. Both sides seemed to be holding their breath, waiting to see what the results of Dorian's expedition were before they took action, something that was fine with him.

As far as he was concerned, the less they interfered the better.

Just like that, they set off for Moria.

The World Bridge to Moria was a rather normal looking one, covered in sweeping forests. They flew right up it, the flying galley they were in piercing through the sky. Dorian stood on deck at the front of the ship, his eyes scanning the environment.

The trip to reach Moria would be a short one, only roughly an hour long.

As he turned and looked back out over the ship, he settled in to wait.

'I've travelled all this way, I can wait a single hour.'

.. .. .. .. .. ..

Meanwhile, back in Cracktyl, a lone figure could be seen straggling through the northern gate. A familiar, reedy looking Shade, covered in scratches and bruises. The large, oversized Heaven Slaying Cauldron was strapped to his back, swinging as he moved past the guards.

The Warrior-Alchemist Bayran.

"W-where…" The Alchemist coughed as he caught his breath, motioning at the local city guards.

"Where is Lord Inigo?!"

.. .. .. .. .. ..

"We have arrived at the edge of the World Bridge to Moria!"

Dorian's eyes gleamed as he heard the captain of the Flying Ship call out. In front of him, he could see the truth of the captain's words.

He was still standing at the bow of the ship. Next to him was his favored of the three Captains of the Moria Liberation Force, the King Class Mystic Martial Artist Fabian.

"Holy Highlord, we must leave the ship here. It can travel forward no further. Air travel on the Blighted World risks a dangerous backlash from the environment." Fabian unnecessarily repeated what Dorian had already been informed of, though he had good intentions.

"Got it." Dorian stepped forward to the edge of the ship, looking out beyond.

The World Bridge before here was covered in a lively forest and streams. However, once the World Bridge reached its end, it became completely barren. No grass, no trees, not a hint of life for several miles.

This distinct and jarring line appeared at the exact spot where the World Bridge passed through the rippling exit portal of Chaotic Space into the territory of the World of Moria, descending through its atmosphere.

"Hup!" Without hesitation, Dorian leapt off of the Flying Ship, his body sailing through the air for more than 100 meters before crashing down on the barren, rocky landscape.


His feet cracked the rock as he landed, throwing up shards of stone and dust.




Behind and in front of him, Shades began to drop in all around. Powerful Lord Class Auras burst forth as each Shade landed and went on alert, scanning the environment.

"Look alive, ladies!" Fabian's voice boomed out as he took command, the other Shades quickly separating into three cohesive groups. Despite the little time they had spent together, everyone here was an expert that could work smoothly with other Shades.

"Ready up!" Mello's smooth voice struck out as he landed down nearby with his own squad of fighters, not far from Dorian. Dorian exchanged glances with him, giving him a slight nod.

"We're here." Dorian muttered, looking out beyond the portal at the Exotic World of Moria, the Blighted World,

"Time to rustle up some treasure…"

"Cough, I mean."

"Time to cleanse Moria!"


"Praise Lord Inigo!"

"Wipe out the Demons!"



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