Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Chapter 196 Dare

Stayed up late to get this out to you all (1 AM here), though I wish I could've posted it sooner. Next chapter on Saturday, and then Sunday, and then Monday, no breaks in-between, a promise.

Why so late? My dang wrists are getting to me + I'm very busy, working on multiple things IRL.

I went out and bought a pair of wrist braces to wear, which have helped.

I went through this post, but am super tired, so I might've missed a typo here or there. Apologies if y'all spot any, let me know! (This note does not affect SS price)

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"Fifteen is Lord Inigo!"


After Dorian's triumphant declaration, there was a brief, stunned silence as all the Shades looked at him.

A moment later, pandemonium erupted.

"Hold on, what?!"

"Hallow! How dare you accuse Lord Obelisk!"

"I never trusted that damned Fifteen! I told you all it was a mistake inviting him!"

Several of the Demonic Councilmembers lashed out at Hallow, while others raged against Fifteen, convinced by Dorian's words. Energy and various Auras crackled in the air as things grew heated.

Dorian had underestimated how convincing he appeared, largely because of how simple it had been for him to acquire multiple Demonic Laws.

The soul of each Anomaly was uniquely built. Their Soul Spell Matrixes were versatile, able to easily handle multiple types of energy and adapt. Even further, they were far more sensitive to changes in energy as a result of this.

This, combined with Dorian's Jade Memory helping him out, meant that in each Inheritance, he could successfully obtain each respective Demonic Law.

The other Councilmembers all had Demonic Laws that would thus resonate with other Demonic Laws. But their Soul Spell Matrixes didn't have the same advantages as an Anomaly, and they certainly didn't have the Jade Memory Ability.

Even if they could sense another Law for a split second, it would be excessively difficult for them to snag it. Thus, they all chose to focus on their own Law, achieving mastery over it and using it to work towards the Angelic Class. Trying to master multiple Laws would lead to them becoming jacks of all trades, but masters of none.

Thus, when they saw Dorian use multiple Demonic Laws with ease, and his clearly quite Demonic physical form, especially with how he could rip holes in reality to each castle and cause so many changes in the world itself…

They accepted what he claimed he was at face value. No one other than the Demon Emperor had ever done that before.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Hallow's voice bellowed out as he stepped forward, his eyes cold. As he saw that most of the Councilmembers weren't siding with him, that cold stare was replaced with confusion.

"What is going on?"


Several minutes passed as the other Councilmembers got Hallow up to speed. Dorian watched this all, focusing internally. He was meditating on all the newly acquired Laws he controlled, preparing himself to gain one last more.

Finally, the Councilmembers finished explaining, though it didn't seem to sit well with Hallow.

"That is ridiculous! I will admit something may be fishy about Fifteen, but how can you accept this creature without evidence?! We have no solid proof!" Hallow's voice was irate as he berated his fellow Councilmembers.

"He can control multiple Demonic Laws, Hallow." Baron Radishow crossed his eyes, his opinion clearly set in stone.

"Who else but a disciple of the Demon Emperor can do that?"

The other Councilmembers all murmured in agreement.

"His grasp of multiple Laws is not everything! I'm willing to believe he is a powerful expert, but if we just let him walk in without even a basic che-"

"You've seen the changes he has caused in the world, Hallow. This is a matter that involves the revival of the Demon Emperor! Nothing can throw that into jeopardy." The speaker this time was none other than the Mistress of Lust. Her voice was cool as she stared down the Master of Envy, interrupting him.

"Or are you trying to obstruct that revival…" Her eyes flashed.

"I… I…" Hallow stuttered, clearly at a loss. The entirely unexpected scenario seemed to have been turned on its face, thrown right back at him.

Dangerous tension filled the air.

"Hold! Alright. I've got it." After staying silent for several seconds, Hallow responded, his mind racing ahead of him.

"There is a clear and impartial way to prove if this 'Lord Obelisk' truly is the disciple of the Demon Emperor!" He nodded as he spoke, clearly becoming more and more confident. His voice carried a tone of ridicule, clearly not believing in Dorian.

All the Demonic Councilmembers stared at him. Dorian watched as well, internally sweating.

'Come on…' He thought, not daring to show a hint of emotion. The real Lord Obelisk likely wouldn't care much for their petty complaints, either way.

'He clearly suspects that I'm using some type of trick on them, but the lack of proof is forcing his hand.' Hallow had good instincts.

"Speak it quickly, then." Kantor, the Master of Greed, broke in, his voice rumbling,

"There is no time to waste."

"It's simple. Who personally knew the Demon Emperor and has existed since before his death, who has overseen the world of Moria for centuries, who is completely impartial and would have no reason to show any bias?" Hallow smiled, his voice triumphant as he turned to glare at Dorian,

"The Array Genie that guards the Inheritances! All we need to do is have the Genie confirm his identity!"

The words rocked in the air. All of the Shades nodded slowly as they heard them, as if what he said made sense. While they all believed in Dorian's powers, the fact that they had only just met him, when various chaotic events were happening, was bound to stir some doubt.

What if he had just happened upon a hidden inheritance from the Demon Emperor and wasn't truly his disciple, here for nefarious reasons or to rob the remains of the Demon Emperor? While such a thought was far-fetched, the doubt Hallow instilled couldn't be easily removed. None of them were fools.

"Of course, the Genie has existed since the time of the Demon Emperor."

"Yes, that makes sense. The Array Genie should recognize him, no questions."

"Excellent, Lord Obelisk can check over the final Inheritance and settle Hallow's worries once and for all."

Almost all the Councilmembers spoke up, sharing their agreement.

"Hmph, fools. Doubting Lord Obelisk when he has already proven himself. I for one stand by him." Baron Radishow's voice echoed out as his reedy form stood strong, crossing his arms with disapproval.

'Aw you.' Dorian mentally thanked the Baron,

'You remind me of Fabian.'

"Good, a majority agrees. Then, 'Lord Obelisk.'" Hallow's voice contained just a minuscule hint of smugness as he ignored Baron Radishow, guarded behind a veneer of politeness,

"I trust you will have no objections. Please forgive me for my impertinence, this is just a precaution to ensure the safety of the Great Emperor's resting place." His feelings expressed here appeared to be genuine, though it was obvious he didn't believe Dorian's story.

At the same time, Hallow tensed up, his hand drifting to the sword at his waist. Dorian could just barely detect him preparing to spring forward and attack.

'Hahahahahahaha.' Dorian couldn't help himself as he internally burst into laughter,

'Poor guy.'

"Cough-ahem." Dorian cleared his throat before rumbling out,

"Hmph, foolish Shade. I will spare you despite your arrogance because I am a benevolent Demon." A heavy Demonic Aura wafted off of Dorian. As he spoke, Hallow grew more and more tense, his eyes filling with anticipation.

"Sure, let's meet this Genie." Dorian waved casually.

"See?! He won't agree to-huh?!" Hallow cut himself off mid-speech, stuttering as his jaw dropped.

"You agreed to meet the Array Genie?" He repeated back, rocking back on his heels. He had clearly expected Dorian to refuse using some type of excuse.

"Yes, obviously. Master of Envy, is there a problem with your hearing?" Dorian shrugged.

"Yes, of course Lord Obelisk would agree without fear. That was never a question, he is a true Great Disciple." Baron Radishow added, his confidence in Dorian unwavering.

"Quick! Go to the Array!"

"Where is the Inheritance?"

The other Shades quickly found the last Array. It was located near the center of the small stone island they were standing on, carved into the ground.

Dorian walked directly over there, his Demonic claws clinking on the stone as he came to a rest.

"Well?" He tried to sound arrogant as he waved at the Array and then at Hallow, as if he was impatient.


"Very well…" The Master of Envy straggled over, his eyes still rather confused as he moved within range of the Array.

Hallow kept his eyes piercing towards Dorian as the two of them put their hands above the Magic Array. It slowly activated.

Dorian blinked.


Just like that, Hallow and Dorian vanished and instantly reappeared in a completely different place, while the other members of the Demonic Council stayed behind, guarding the Array.

They arrived atop a small, brown clump of rock and dirt, with a single palm tree rising up in the center. This clump appeared to be floating in the air, suspended as if by magic.

Apart from the clump, everything else within sight was covered by opaque, white fog. Just a small floating island, with no other ground, no sky, no nothing. Just a lonesome speck of land soaring among the nothingness surrounding them.

"Master Genie! I, a humble Inheritor of Envy, would like to beg an audience." Hallow's voice was full of the utmost respect as he spoke, kneeling down on one leg. He immediately cut to the chase, not mincing words.

Dorian's eyes widened marginally as he saw this.

'Oh, I knew the Array Genie was important to the Array but… that important?' As he realized how poorly he had treated the Array Genie, he mentally thanked his lucky stars that he had managed to pass the Array Genie's questioning session. If his previous relationship with it was revealed...

"Greetings, Inheritor Hallow, welcome back to the Inheritance of Envy!" A familiar voice echoed out as a bubble appeared, floating in the air.

"Master Genie." Hallow's voice was cool as he nodded. Before he could add anything else, however…

"Ah! Disciple Obelisk!" The bubble completely ignored Hallow as it detected Dorian, its voice ecstatic,

"Welcome back!" Warmth flowed in its tone as the Array Genie floated in front of Dorian.

Hallow's jaw dropped, sheer disbelief present on his face.

He looked from Dorian to the bubble, and then back from the bubble to Dorian.

"Master Genie… you are aware of who this is?"

"Of course. Disciple Obelisk is one of High Highness's Direct Disciples. I have confirmed this myself with the Master Array's Truth Aura." The bubble's voice was respectful, but far cooler when it spoke to Hallow.

"I would have to be blind to not recognize him."

'That's right, bubble. You tell him!' Dorian grinned internally as he saw Hallow's shocked response, his eyes opened wide.

"But-the situation- I, it makes no sense- I don't…" Hallow stuttered out multiple lines, eventually coming to a drawling stop as he stared at the bubble. Slowly, he turned his head to look at Dorian, looking lost.

"I… am wrong?" He spoke out loud, his words more of a question than a statement, as if he wanted to throw up his hands in frustration.

"Yes, yes you are. I am one of the more benevolent of Master's Disciples, so I will spare you. Leave the Inheritance." Dorian's voice boomed out as he spoke authoritatively,

"I will check it over like the others before we head to resurrect his Highness in the Central Castle."

Hallow simply stared at Dorian for a long moment. He then slowly bowed his head and vanished, leaving without another word, unable to respond.

'Hahahaha… aww poor guy.' Dorian couldn't help but feel for him again.

'He tried so hard and was completely right in the end. Too bad I don't play fair.' He shrugged, focusing back on the present.

"Ah, Master Bubble." Dorian smiled as he was fully left alone,

"You look extra bubbly today."

The bubble didn't reply. It seemed to have gained a more somber and serious mood now that it acknowledged Dorian as the disciple of the Demon Emperor. Dorian couldn't blame him, though he felt slightly disappointed.

"Very well. Let's get it started, what do I do?" He inquired, getting serious.

"The Inheritance for the Law of Envy is simple." The bubble began, instantly explaining, as if on cue,

"The Law of Envy is about coveting, drawing upon the energy in the surroundings to manipulate space itself, leaving nothing in sight you cannot take for your own."

The Array Genie bubble moved over to the edge of the small floated island they were on as it continued,

"This world is incomplete. Your desires, your wants, will fill it. To prove yourself worthy of the Law of Envy, you must be able to fill an entire world full of that which you want, shaping space itself. That is the challenge left behind by His Greatness!" The bubble's voice boomed.

And, with that, it vanished, leaving Dorian alone.

Standing atop an empty island, surrounded by nothing.

'I have to fill this world with my desires, huh? Enough to complete it…' He rubbed his chin, staring out at the blank canvas around him. As he looked, excitement began to fill him.

It was time to pick up the last Demonic Law. After that, he would have successfully obtained all 7 Demonic Laws.

He would have reached at least the starting point that led the Demon Emperor to become feared as an ultimate genius. A point that no person or being had ever achieved since.

It was time to obtain the Law of Envy.


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