Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6: Permission & Patrol (REWRITTEN & REUPDATED)

Chapter 6: Permission & Patrol (REWRITTEN & REUPDATED)

Chao Bai: "We are so sure because if Young Master the one leading us we can win every battle and Everyone skills especially Chao Bo is on par with the Lord personal guard thats why I believe at least we can defeat small to medium sized bandit groups or robbers!"

Lie Fan: "Really? how can you know that everyone skills is already on par with My Father personal guards?"

Chao Bo: "Yesterday we have a spar with the Lord personal guards at the barracks after having our breakfast Young Master, I can eveat take on 3 of the Hahaha!"

Hearing that make Lie Fan shocked, that means this group of young man he trained can defeat experienced veteran guards especially Chao Bo can take 3 on 1 and can defeat them but that doesnt mean they can defeat them in a war as in war they will be defeated easily as they lack the experience and mentality but even that it still shocking.

Lie Fan: "Thats great! then I will go to my Father and ask for his permission meanwhile continue the training as usual until you received order from me."

Chao Bo+Chao Bai: "Yes Young Master!"

After watching them training for a minute, Lie Fan leave the yard and ask a servant to prepare his horse as he is going to go to the prefecture government office as his father already went there after their family time.

While waiting for the servants to bring the horse he got from the system that he summoned when he was 12 and said that he got the horse from a merchant who wants to get close to him when he went to the market as the reason from where he got the horse, he opened his status and decide to add the attribute points he have while waiting. He added 15 to his strength, 5 to vitality-agility-widom each and 10 to his intelligent.

When he put the last point to intelligent, the servant arrived with his mongolian horse he named Pangu thanks to its black colored body and some white in its leg while having a powerful body and slightly wild apperance.

Lie Fan walked towards Pangu while thanking the servant and stroke its mane to communicate with it then ride up and go to the prefecture goverment office

After 20 minutes of riding, Lie Fan finally arrived at the goverment office and after giving his horse to one of the guards to take care of it for some time, He enter the goverment hall where he ask a servant to lead him to his father office.

When he arrived he thanked the servant and enter his father office after given permission by his father and see that his father is busy working at documents that need to be approved by him as the prefect of the city.

Lie Fan: "Father,I have something that I need your permission for something."

Lie Shang: "Hmm? permission for what Fan'er?"

Lie Fan: "I want to take my personal guards with me including Chao Bo and Chao Bai to patrol the city and surrounding area againts robbers and bandit groups."

Lie Shang: "What?! why do you want to do something so dangerous, just leave that to my soldiers and the city guards while you just continue your training."

Lie Fan: "Father If me and my guard just do our training when theres the time we have to fight we will lose as we doesnt have the experience and I do this to for the people and our city!"

Hearing what Lie Fan said Lie Shang think thats true but he doesnt want to endanger his child when the soldiers can do that and especially if his wive know that he gave permission *gulp* lets just say he will be ignored and not received his 'night' needs

Lie Shang: "What you said is true Fan'er but think of the consequences, what if you get hurt? what will your Mother do if she know?"

Lie Fan: "Getting hurt in a battle is an experience that I to willing to take father, while for Mother keep it a secret from her at least until she know herself and will appease her myself."

Lie Shang: "*Sigh* Okay you have my permission but if theres something wrong or you need anything report it to me understand?"

Lie Fan: "Yes Father Thank You!"

Lie Shang: "When will you start? today or tomorrow?"

Lie Fan: "We will just patrol the city for today and maybe just catch some robbers or hooligans in the city, we will hunt for bandits tomorrow."

Lie Shang: "Okay then be carefull and good luck maybe if you have enough merit i can promote you to become a captain in the military."

Hearing that make Lie Fan ecstatic while thanking his father continously after that he take his leave to prepare his personal guard to begin patrol the city. He leave the Goverment office, take Pangu from the guard and go toward the prefect mansiom where he and his family lives.

After arriving at the Mansion, he ordered one of the guard protecting the entrance to call for Chao Bo and Chao Bai to tell them go meet him and his courtyard then he go to his courtyard to take his armor that he got from the system and going to use the weapon token he had to summon a weapon that he can personally use while waiting for the twins when he arrived at his courtyard.

Lie Fan: "Sun Tzu use the weapon token I got in my inventory please."

Sun Tzu: "Okay Host."


[Weapon Token has just been used]

[Congratulation Host for receiving the Heaven Breaker Halberd]

•Heaven Piencer Halberd

Halberd thats been forged with fire that so hot it can melt even the heaven and made of heavenly alloy that fell from the sky it said that its so sharp that it can pierce heaven itself

(+20 Power, +10 Vitality and +10 Agility when its used)

Lie Fan: "Wow thats awesome! with this halberd now my strength is already same as 5 rank general, as long as the bandits its not historical figure like Bo Cai or Guan Hai i can handle them or even overpowered them."

In awe with the weapon he received, he summon the weapon who is a little bit taller 2 cm than Lie Fan who height is 185 cm, and hold it in his arms to take a few sing with it to familiarize with the halberd. After familiarizing with the halberd, he go toward his room and put on the set of armor he got from the system

•The Crouching Tiger Armor Set

A set of armor that been made by a famous blacksmith in the past, the crouching tiger symbolise the patience and power a tiger has when hunting its prey

(+10 Power and +10 Vitality when its used)

After finishing wearing his armor, he heard foot steps from outside indicating that Chao Bo and Chao Bai has arrived. He take his halberd and went outside to meet them.

Chao Bo+Chao Bai: "We see the Young Master!"

Lie Fan: "Stand up, Chao Bo Chao Bai my Father has given us his permission to hunt robbers and bandits. For today we are just going to patrol the city and will begin hunting bandits tomorrow, prepare all the guards to take their weapons and ride their horse! meet me at the mansion gate!"

Hearing that Chao Bo and Chao Bai got excited when accepting the order and ran out from Lie Fan courtyard to prepare the guards.

After waiting for 10 minutes in front of the Mansiom gate, Lie Fan saw a group of 50 riders with Chao Bo and Chao Bai at the front riding towards him. When he saw that with his Halberd in his hand, he joined them and split them ito three groups with group one leaded by Lie Fan himself with 18 guards, group two leaded by Chao Bo with 16 guards, and group three leaded by Chao Bai with 16 guards then began their patrols.

Lie Fan lead his group towards the city market when he saw a group of 7 men is harassing a man in front of looks like a restaurant while being looked at by others.

Lie Fan: "Hey all of you stop! what are you doing!?"

Hooligans: "Heh none of yer business kid! get lost before we teach you bunch of kids a lesson!"

Harassed Man: "Please help me! im the owner of this restaurant and this people is asking for protection money! i don't want to pay and they have been harassing me since yesterday!"

Lie Fan: "Its okay sir we will help you and what do you say again? bunch of kids? you regret what you said."

Lie Fan get off from his horse and give his halberd to his man to hold, he punch the man who mock him in the face knocking him off his feet. When the hooligan friends saw that they together attack Lie Fan, even though Lie Fan Man saw that they just stay put as they now that their Young Master can defeat 5 of them let alone this bunch of hooligans.

Lie Fan deflect a punch and punch one of them while kicking another in his guts, one of the men manage to use a staff he had and smash it toward Lie Fan back which does nothing to Lie Fan and Lie Fan uppercut that men knocking him out. the other 3 seeing that their friends is being manhandled began to run away, seeing that Lie Fan ordered his guard to chase them and neutralize them.

Lie Fan: "Take them to the city jail and put them there!"

5 of Lie Fan men salute him and take the 7 hooligans bringing them to the city jail. The restaurant owner seeing that he has been saved thanking Lie Fan profusely and said that he can eat at his restaurant for free as his thanks. Lie Fan refused that and says to report to him or other guards when this happen again then ride his horse continue patroling with his guards until late afternoon.



Name: Lie Fan


Age: 15 years old (33 years old)

Level: 9

Current EXP: 479.000

Next Level: 512.000

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)



STR:75 —> 90

VIT:68 —> 73

AGI:60 —> 65

INT:75 —> 85



ATR Points:40 –> 0

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