Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 8: Yamatai & Affection (REWRITTEN & REUPDATED)

Chapter 8: Yamatai & Affection (REWRITTEN & REUPDATED)

Lie Shang: "What? are you sure Fan'er? this can be dangerous!"

Lie Fan: "Im sure Father, with my guards and Chao Bo, I'll be fine."

Lie Shang: "Well okay then Fan'er but be carefull okay, If it become dangerous I'm going to order the archers to shoot."

Heeding his father word, Lie Fan lead Chao Bo and 30 of his personal guards get off from their horses walk towards the port dock where one of the ships just dock.

From the ship a group of people some in samurai armor and some regal clothes lead by a woman who from the way she walks and bearing looks like a Merchant.

Lie Fan: "Halt! who are you and what business you have here in the Port City of Huai'An?!"

Merchant Lady: "Hello your excellency, Im Tsumugi Mio leader of the Tsumugi Merchant Guild from Yamatai, We are here to trade with your city with permission from Priest-Queen Himiko."

Lie Fan: "For Trade? and How can you speak our language?"

Tsumugi Mio: "I Have learned the language and writing of your people when I smuggled in using fishermen boats."

Lie Fan: "Smuggled inside a ship! you do realise that its a crime right?!"

Tsumugi Mio: "Yes I know thats a crime so thats why now with permission from our Queen I come with my merchant fleet to trade here."

Hearing that Lie Fan agree and tell them to wait while he assigned Chao Bo and his guards here then go back towards his Father to ask his permission for letting the Yamatai entourage to dock and they can discuss with his father.

Lie Shang immediately agree with Lie Fan, letting Lie Fan lead Tsumugi Mio and its entourage meeting his father to discuss the trade.

Lie Shang who meet with Tsugumi Mio then take them to the City Hall for further discussion in a comfortable and proper place, after Lie Fan escort his father and Tsumugi Mio he then take his leave as he need to reward his guards from the loots that he got from the bandits and take care of the 5 bandits he had capture.

Lie Fan with his guard ride their horse for 20 minutes to reach the barracks where he saw the rest of his men with Chao Bai guarding the wagons full of loots.

Chao Bai: "Young Master the 15 people that we freed has been registered as the citizen of Huai'An and we have split 10.000 taels among them."

Lie Fan: "Good Chao Bai, now that means there were 45.000 taels left hmm..... go take 25.000 taels and give each of our guards 500 taels while you and Chao Bo take 750 taels each from the 20.000 taels."

Chao Bai: "Thanks you Young Master for your generosity! We will continue to workd hard for Young master!"

Everyone: "We thank the Young Master!"

Lie Fan: "Its no big deal, you all deserve reward for our first battle! now you all are dismissed for today go take a rest! Chao Bai the rest 18.500 taels give it to the people who need it."

Chao Bai: "Yes Young Master!"

After dismissing the guards and ordering Chao Bai to donate the rest of the taels, Lie Fan then ride Pangu back to his home where when he arrived his Mother is waiting for him at the mansion gate. seeing his mother waiting with ashen faces make Lie Fan want to turn back to the barracks but its to late.

Yu Yan: "Fan'er!! how can you hunt bandits outside?! dont you know that its dangerous?!"

Lie Fan: "Im sorry mother but I do that because I care about the people! those bandits kill,rob, and rape the people we should have protected!"

Yu Yan: "*sigh* you are the same as your father when he is young, now go back to your room take a bath and

then have a lunch with me and your sister as your father is busy thanks to the Yamatai people that came to trade."

Heeding his mother word, Lie Fan get off Pangu and hand him to the stable boy then enter his home walking toward his courtyard. when he arrived at his courtyard he saw Ying Yue waiting there looking distressed with pale face but that doesnt make her beauty wanned, but making people who saw it want to protect her and consoled her.

Lie Fan: "Ying Yue? what are you doing here?"

Ying Yue: "Ah! Young Master you're back! are you hurt?! why theres so much blood marks on you?!" *sobs*

Ying Yue who heard Lie Fan calling her quickly run towards him looking more and more distressed even cried as seeing in Lie Fan armors and hand theres blood marks thanks to the bandits he massacre but Ying Yue doesnt know that checking every inch of Lie Fan body.

Seeing the distressed Ying Yue makes Lie Fan heart feels warm and sweet touched by Ying Yue gesture. In the past 10 years of friendship between Ying Yue and Lie Fan has blossomed into what we known as childhood love, but it hasnt progressed into that thanks to Lie Fan always training and learning in preparation to the yellow turbans as Xu province is going to be one affected badly.

While Ying Yue is shy and discouraged as she is just a servant daughter turn into a Maid for Lie Wannian thanks to Lie Fan suggestion so she just buried her feelings and resolved to seeing him everyday is already enough for her.

But after hearing that Lie Fan take his personal guards outside the city to hunt bandits make her scared and anxious, even though she knew Lie Fan will be okay thanks to his skill and Chao Bo Chao Bai will protect him but she still afraid that if anything happen bad to Lie Fan.

Lie Fan: "Hey hey Im okay this is just the bandits blood no need to cry okay."

*wipes the tears with his hand*

Ying Yue: *blushed* "is it really the bandits blood? you're really okay Young Master?"

Lie Fan: "Yes Im okay Ying Yue really, no need to panic."

Ying Yue hearing that feel relieved and finally let go of her fear and her hand that holding Lie Fan armor, but when she look up she saw Lie Fan looking at her with eyes full of affection and warm that makes her shy and blushed so red making her looks like a tomato.

Ying Yue: "Why are you looking at me like that Young Master?"

Lie Fan: "Ying Yue do you know that you look very beautifull right now?"

Ying Yue: *blushed* "You-Young Master stop that Im not beautifull."

Lie Fan: "But you are beautiful Ying Yue and I know you know to how we feel for each other, I have been a fool for so long ignoring you always training and learning but never took care of you."

Hearing that makes Ying Yue feels so happy that she thinks this is a dream but if it is she doesnt ever want to wake up from this dream.

Ying Yue: "Re-Really Young Master? do you care about me?"

*hold her hand*

Lie Fan: "Not just care, I love you Ying Yue will you want to be in a relationship with me?"

*Cries tear of joy*

Ying Yue: "Yes Of Course! I love you to Young Master!"

Hearing Ying Yue answer makes Lie Fan feel so happy and excitement that he hug Ying Yue while spinning her around with laughter full of joy.

Ying Yue: "Ahh! Young Master put me down its embarassing what if someone see us?!"

*putting down*

Lie Fan: "So what if someone see us? what are they going to do about it? and no Young Master, call me Brother Fan from now on."

*touch her nose*


Ying Yue: "Bro-Brother Fan"

Lie Fan: "Hehe now that youre my woman, lets do what man and woman in relationship do." *Naughty smile*

Seeing Lie Fans perverted smile and hearing what he said makes Ying Yue shy making her ran out from his courtyard to hide from the claw of Lie Fan.

Seeing Ying Yue runaway makes Lie Fan dumbfounded and with wry laugh blame himself for not holding Ying Yue tighter, after that Lie Fan enter room putting his armors and halberd then go to his bathroom where its already ready thanks to his mother order to prepare it for him.

After a nice and relaxing bath Lie Fan then go to dining room to join his Mother and sister for Lunch. when he arrived he saw that his mother and sister already waiting for him so he sit at his chair to star eating.

Yu Yan: "Fan'er why do you look so happy? something good happen?"

Lie Fan: "Hehehe nothing Mother, by the way Mother I heard from Father that in the past you and grandfather manage a Merchant Caravan?"

Yu Yan: "Yes thats true, when your grandfather still alive we manage the caravan together but after I married your father the caravan have no one else that can manages so your grandfather decide to shut it down. Why do you ask?"

Lie Fan: "Its like this, I have some ideas that I have perfected that will make us a lot of money so I want to ask your opinion seeing that you have the experience Mother."

Yu Yan: "Ohhh what idea is it? seeing that you're so confident makes me wanna know."



Name: Lie Fan


Age: 15 years old (33 years old)

Level: 9

Current EXP: 479.000

Next Level: 512.000

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0

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