Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 107: I want it all!

Chapter 107: I want it all!

Tia's eyelids fluttered open, an unsettling sensation of dizziness enveloping her as the world seemed to move in a languid dance, each motion painstakingly slow.

She shut her eyes and shook off the sensation, concentrating hard. When she opened them again, the world had regained its normal pace.

'Must have been the boost to intelligence and will.'

It was still dark, and the massive chandelier had turned off. With no windows in sight, she could only slump back onto her pillow, not knowing if it was day or night.

She glanced to her side and saw her dark-haired partner, still asleep and snoring lightly, a dribble of drool staining the pillow.

A relieved smile tugged at Tia's lips, her earlier fears now seeming completely unfounded.

'Now she doesn't look as dangerous as when awake.' She stilled her thoughts that ran astray and focused. 'Systems, please show me the results of what you have done. Only one, please.'




-> Starting evolution to the enlightened human

-> Unknown interference, correcting the change

-> The evolution path changed to Alchemical Enlightened

-> Body adaptations added: [Potion-Resistant Liver], [Potion-Absorbing Cells]

-> Perks added: [Potioneer's Insticts],

-> Abilities added:


Tia almost yelled her thoughts aloud as she realized something. 'Wait! Systems, now that I think of it, I am a G-rank superhuman and I got rewards... so where are my rewards for becoming H-rank?'

Both systemssilent and unresponsivewere ignoring her. Frustration flashed in Tia's eyes, making them glow momentarily in the dark room.

'You know, this kind of behavior is making me doubt your integrity.' Tia's thoughts were broadcast clearly, aimed at the unresponsive systems.

She didn't give up, as she already knew that the systems could be influenced and reasoned with, not with emotions but with cold logic.

She refocused her mental energy, choosing her next words carefully. 'I can overlook you not rewarding me for H-rank if you make it right for G-rank. Give me the two remaining options that I missed.'

Despite her efforts, the infuriating silence persisted. Tia's eyes narrowed, a surge of frustration building within her. 'If I'd known about these rankings earlier, would you have given me rewards then?'

As her thoughts echoed unanswered, her left eye twitched, signaling her dwindling hope for any kind of fair outcome.

Beep! Ding!

Solution found: an external sponsor to supplement the energy deficit identified.

Additional evolutions are starting!

As Tia felt her consciousness begin to fade, a satisfied smile spread across her face. She closed her eyes, letting the darkness envelop her.

A few hours later:



Your vessel species changed into Energy-born Human

Racial adaptations: [Potion-Resistant Liver], [Potion-Absorbing], [Mana Core], ,

Racial Perks: [Potioneer's Insticts], , [Magic Intuition]

Racial Abilities:


'No way... you really did it.'

Tia's eyes snapped open, and she immediately recoiled. A pair of red eyes locked onto hers, scrutinizing her intently. The noblewoman's gaze seemed to scan every inch of her.

"Red?" Tia's voice was timideven though she could feel the overflowing power and energy from her evolutionstinged with a touch of embarrassment as she avoided direct eye contact. She knew she had to steer the conversation away quickly.

"You've changed," Red-Eye observed, her smile revealing a hint of cunning. "You want something, don't you?"

Gathering her courage, Tia finally spoke: "I need various materialsexotics, superhuman body parts, and specimens from alien lifeforms."

"Why?" Red-Eye returned to her place in bed, giving Tia space to breathe.

"I'm using materials from other dimensions," Tia explained. "Getting them is a hassle. I thought I might find local alternatives here."

A gentle hand patted Tia on the head, tousling her platinum locks. "Smart. I'll get you what you need."

'Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if she had more resources and manpower than the entirety of my old world.'



You have 48 hours to prepare before the third party comes to collect their debt!


Tia's face drained of color, her eyes widening in disbelief. She had only sought to get what she was rightfully owed, but now it seemed the two systems had acted behind her back, screwing it even more while trying to fix it.

'You, what have you done?!'

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