Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 114: When the red esper meets the red demon

Chapter 114: When the red esper meets the red demon

POV Tia:

Tia stood in the flickering firelight, her gaze fixed on the small, crackling fire in the pit before her. The gentle, hypnotic dance of the flames offered a fleeting respite to her weary mind.

However, the mirthful sounds of laughter and conversation from the group gathered around the fire tugged at the periphery of her awareness. She observed them from the corners of her eyes, a twinge of envy threading through her detached exterior.

With a barely perceptible shake of her head and a quiet, resigned sigh, she looked away. 'He is so dumb, careless, and idiotic, yet so happy...'

Her life had been a relentless struggle, a constant dance with death. Yet there he was, the boy, living with a carefree ease that seemed so unattainable to her, his happiness a glaring contrast to hers.

'He has people to talk with and to believe in.'As she turned away, her fists tightened involuntarily, the memories of betrayal from those she once held dear lingering like a bitter aftertaste.

Wanting to redirect her thoughts, she moved on, 'Let's see what you're offering me. ES, show me upgrade options for my pyrokinesis.'



<Basic Pyrokinesis reached tier III> power customization stage reached:

Choose customizations:

The new options:


<Increased Control> (1 EP): Increases the user's control over the flames, allowing more precise manipulation.

<Increased Range> (1 EP): Increases the range at which the user can control flames by an extra 10%

<Increased Temperature II> (2 EP): Increases the overall temperature of the controlled flames by an extra 10%


<Fireball I> (2 EP): Shoots a concentrated projectile of flames.

<Firecloak I> (3 EP): Envelopes the user in a cloak of fire that will not harm them.

<Fireray I> (3 EP): Technique to concentrate fire into thin rays, prolonging their reach and increasing their temperature.

Body Adaptations (Warning: will cause the user to fall unconscious):

<Energy Resonating Cells III> (6 EP): Alters the user's cellular composition even further, increasing the capacity at which the cells can transport the energy without getting damaged.

<Thermal Sense I> (4 EP): Alter the user's nerve endings and eyes, giving them the ability to both see the temperature and sense it remotely through Pyrokinesis.

<Thermoregulating Skin I> (4 EP): Increases the thermal resistance of the user's skin while allowing the user to freely change their skin's outside temperature between 0C and +250C


<Fire Solidifaction> (3 EP) (Unlocked by: <Telekinesis VI>): Gives the user the power to solidify the flames under their control, giving them the properties of solid matter.

Special body adaptations (Warning: will cause the user to fall unconscious):

<Energy-Absorbing Cells I> (10 EP) (Unlocked by: <Energized Celluar Regeneration>, <Energy Storing Cells>, [Potion-Absorbing Cells], and <Energy Resonating Cells II>): The unique synergy of the cell's ability to use energy to regenerate with their increased absorption powers, resistance toward energy, and the ability to store it It gives the user the ability to absorb a portion (25%) of energy-based attacks up to a certain strength. The absorbed energy will not damage the user and will be stored inside the cells.


(AN: Alright, this time I wrote even the old options as requested... Hopefully, it is not too long. But I guess if someone doesn't want to, they can just skim over it.)

'I still have my two body adaptations coupons and ten points, so this time, my budget is high.'

Tia's eyes passed through the options before her. She wasn't in a hurry, as she wasn't even planning to do it in such a dangerous place.

POV Red:

The moment the space around her stabilized, Elyra stepped out from the fold in the space itself, the cold air slicing against her skin like a welcome embrace. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the breathtaking expanse of the endless snowlands that unfolded before her.

"My pet is so great," she whispered in awe. A thrilling realization coursed through hershe had traversed not just across the familiar three dimensions but had also crossed through the fourth, confirming the wild physics theories in her journey.

It was a feat that surpassed her wildest dreams, a boundary she had never imagined crossing.

"My pretty-eyed pet, where are you?!" However, even the thrill of crossing the dimensions paled in comparison to her singular, burning obsessionfinding her pet.

The howling winds seemed to echo her inner turmoil, whipping Elyra's immaculate hair into a frenzy. Yet she only stood there motionlessly, with snow piling around her. The snowflakes, each a unique crystalline masterpiece, swirled in the air, painting the sky white.

'Where are you?' The thought clawed at her as her intense red gaze scoured the white landscape, searching for any sign of her pet.

Suddenly, a distant red glow pierced through the blizzard, drawing her attention. Initially surprised, she narrowed her eyes, focusing on the intensifying crimson light that seemed to throb with an unknown energy.

'Something is coming.' Her senses, already sharpened by her frantic search, heightened further.

Without a moment's hesitation, she unleashed a red shockwave of raw, unbridled energy that erupted from her very core. It surged outward like a relentless tsunami, its force cleaving through the dense snowstorm, scattering the snowflakes within a massive circle in a wild, chaotic dance, and allowing her to see into the distance.

In the wake of the shockwave, a tall figure emergeda silhouette of frozen blood and writhing shadows, ominously looming against the stark, wintry backdrop.

With a flash, a sword appeared in her hand, its dark blade reflecting the now-revealed sun. With a mere tap of her slender finger, the sword's black blade's edge ignited in a vibrant neon red, plasma swirling around the blade like water.

'What are you?' The question echoed in her mind, her instincts on high alert. The being before her radiated strengthnot even close to the power she felt from the emperor, yet formidable enough to catch her attention.

Her eyes gleamed, mimicking the red glow of her plasma blade. Then her voice, which was burning with impatience, reverberated, "Get out of my way!"

Elyra had no time to lose. She had only been in this frozen world for a few moments, yet she had already faced a formidable being. 'She might be in danger.' The thought fueled her resolve, erasing her usual composure and patience.

Then, just as she prepared to annihilate the creature, a voice resonated through the air, distorted yet unmistakably powerful, like the detonation of a bomb. "How curious, a half-demon..."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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