Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 116: My pet VS The Paladin of Light, part 1/2

Chapter 116: My pet VS The Paladin of Light, part 1/2

(AN: So here is the chapter that was supposed to be before the one I released yesterday. I post the second part once I edit it.)

In the midst of the swirling blizzard, Tia faced the dark-haired woman, her heart pounding against her ribcage. She forced her voice to remain calm, despite the turmoil within. "I... I can't speak here. There's so much you need to know, but please, let's wait until we're back."

A brief, unsettling giggle escaped Red-Eye's lips, quickly replaced by a grave expression. "Concerned about eavesdroppers?" she mused, her eyes glinting with a dangerous light. "I can take care of that."

As she raised her hand, a sinister red glow enveloped her fingers, stark against her ghostly skin. The air around them seemed to drum with power, sending a wave of dread through Tia. The faint cries and whimpers from the group behind her abruptly ceased, swallowed by an eerie silence.

"No!" Tia's shout cut through the oppressive atmosphere. Panic surged within her, the primal fear of failing the contract clutching at her heart. Suddenly, with a forceful outburst, flames and kinetic energy erupted from her, shattering the icy ground beneath her and sending shards flying.

"What are you doing?" demanded the red-eyed esper, her voice rising sharply. Her attention was now fully on Tia, who, despite the chaos, maintained her composure and stepped forward, subtly extending her kinetic force to shield the group behind her and to feel if her target was still alive.

'They're still moving; they must be alive.' Tia exhaled silently, a wave of relief washing over her. The mission was still intact.

"You can't kill him," Tia said firmly, locking eyes with the esper. "He needs to stay alive until the day's end, or else something terrible will happen."

"That's your reason?" The esper's tone was laced with both amusement and her previous seriousness. "And here I thought you'd developed a sentimental attachment to this miserable wretch. Just look at him, cowering on the ground, too frightened to even face his end with dignity."

Tia turned around and noticed the group huddled together, the smell of ammonia drifting through the air. Only the sounds of sobbing came from their direction.

Turning, Tia's gaze fell upon the huddled group. The sharp, acrid smell of ammonia hung heavily in the air, and only quiet sobs disrupted the silence.

'What has she done to them?' The thought chilled Tia to the bone. At that moment, she understood the full extent of her fortune in being an ally, rather than an enemy, of the merciless woman.

A thunderous voice shattered the tense silence of the snow-covered plains. "What have you done?!" it bellowed, echoing across the vast expanse. Suddenly, the sky erupted in a brilliant blaze of white light, as if a star had descended upon the earth.

With a ground-shaking impact, the star landed a few football fields away, sending a shockwave rippling across the landscape. As the dust and snow settled, a figure emerged, standing majestically amidst the chaos with his long blue cape flowing in the wind.

His heavy plate armor gleamed like polished silverthe breastplate adorned with intricate engravings of mythical beasts and ancient runes, shimmering with a holy aura.

The man's voice, as commanding as his presence, cut through the wind. "Hero, Kira, you are alive!" He turned to stare at the duo of espers. "How could you assault the chosen savior of humanity? The one destined to lead us from darkness?"

He raised the overside luminescent hammer, its light reflecting off his ornate armor. "You've endangered our greatest plan. He was to face the demon, to be on the brink of defeat, only then to discover the legendary power of love and friendship and triumph."

"Tia, do you see that insolent man?" Red-Eye's voice was cool and composed. "Take this as a training exercise. Engage him in combat. Impress me, and I might be more lenient with your punishment. I'll be observing, so give it your all. Now, go and tear him!"

Tia's gaze shifted cautiously towards the armored figure. Her newly awakened power to sense magical energies stirred within her, responding to his aura. 'He's formidable, but not invincible,' she assessed, feeling confident with the security of Red-Eye watching her.

Faced with the choice between confronting an irate Red-Eye or dueling an overbearing knightwith the assurance of Red's intervention if neededTia's decision was straightforward.

'I hate paladins anyway.'

Tia steadied her stance, her fingers wrapped firmly around the grip of her gun. She took a deep breath, centering herself amidst the howling winds of the snowscape. As she channeled her magic into her glove and the array of offensive rings adorning her fingers, intricate runes began to materialize in the air, aligning with her gun's muzzle.

'Let's probe him and see what he can do.'

Her eyes narrowed, focusing intently on the holographic sights. With a deliberate blink, she squeezed the trigger.

A brilliant blue light erupted from the gun, cutting through the air toward the Paladin. In a swift response, he swung his massive hammer, the weapon glowing with holy light.

The two forces met mid-air, creating a thunderous explosion that echoed across the plains, sending ripples through the snow.

'As expected of a Paladin, His defense is formidable.'

But Tia was already in motion, her focus unwavering. Around her, a swarm of guns materialized, summoned by her formidable powers. They fired in unison, sending a barrage of purple particle rays and blue plasma bolts streaking across the battlefield.

Each shot hit the ground or the Paladin's shield, generating clouds of steam that rose from the snow, shrouding the area in a misty veil.

Tia's eyes narrowed in concentration, a realization dawning on her. 'He's still in the fight!'

The Paladin, shrouded in blinding white light, only his luminescent aura visible amidst the clouds of dust and explosions of plasma, rapidly advanced, aura of light, swings of his hammer and shield deflecting her attacks out of his path.

In a split second, an intense, dazzling burst of light filled her vision, and her instincts kicked in. She propelled herself to the side just in time.

The hammer, radiating with an almost blinding luminescence, whistled past where she had just been. It arced gracefully yet destructively through the air, smashing into her floating arsenal with unyielding force. A shower of metallic and plastic debris rained down, glinting like stars under the brilliant, multicolored light of the battlefield.

'Did he just destroy my collection?!' Tia fumed with rage, her eyes brightly shining and her arms trembling.

From the dissipating dust clouds, the battered figure of the Paladin reemerged.

His once pristine cloak was now but tattered remnants, fluttering weakly in the wind. His armor was seared and warped from the battle. Despite the visible damage, his steps were steady.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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