Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 28: Genome of Rich

Chapter 28: Genome of Rich

POV Inspector ???:

Inside the dimly lit command center, an eerie silence hung in the air. The drone's feed flickered into static on the screen, causing everyone to freeze in place, their attention drawn to the neighboring screen displaying the live feed from the field operator's helmet.

The collapsed building continued to burn, the blue flames illuminating the debris-covered street, shrouded in a thick cloud of black smoke.

The inspector's face turned deathly pale, his hands trembling with disbelief. 'Did I just destroy an entire building? We evacuated the area, but the material damage is extensive.'

Fury consumed him, and his voice reverberated through the room, causing others to instinctively take a step back. "How on earth did she get her hands on military weaponry? And why was I kept in the dark about this intel?!"

His team members were equally as pale, paralyzed by the gravity of the situation.

He couldn't deny it; he knew he had messed up big time. Regret washed over him like a crashing wave, intensifying the trembling of his hands.

'I allowed my emotions to cloud my judgment, and now we're facing the consequences.'

"Sir, are we responsible for this?" one of his subordinates cautiously inquired.

His expression froze, his thoughts quickly moving forward, "We just attacked a maniac?! Right? We carefully positioned our units, cleared the area, and even got heavy weaponry."

"Y-yes, inspector, we did everything as we should!"

He forcefully smiled at his men, "Yes! Get in touch with the military police immediately. They must be held accountable for letting their equipment fall into the criminal's hands!"

"Yes, sir, it's their negligence that led to this." All the operators, agents, and detectives nodded, color returning to their faces.

However, he wasn't relieved, 'This is spiraling out of control. I might have no choice but to hand it over to the special department of internal security, and she'll get away with just a slap on the wrist!' His hatred surged, fueled not only by the loss of his men but also by the damage to his once-pristine career.

Later the same day:

POV Tia:

Tia rested on a plain white bed, lying on her front. The recently regenerated smooth and soft skin on her back was fully exposed. The regenerating medical device hummed softly as it glided up and down her back, its gentle glow illuminating the room.

The sterile whiteness of the walls and ceiling added to her unease, reminiscent of the time she spent in the hospital. The memories stirred a sense of vulnerability within her, only the lack of restraints calming her down.

'I have escaped, and I will never return there.'

The pain was already gone and subsided, but Tia's mind was still shocked as the recent near-death experiences all marked her. The awareness of her mortality lingered in the recesses of her mind, leaving her feeling vulnerable and shaken.

'This can't go like this. I am acting so recklessly. One wrong step or stray fragment, and I could be dead.'

The sensation of her exposed back and skin brought only more shame to her as if taunting her for every bad move she made.

The handler's footsteps approached Tia's bed, and she looked up to see the imposing silhouette looming over her.

"Truly amazing," the handler began, "The growth of your powers and combat instincts is truly astonishing."

Tia couldn't help but voice her genuine curiosity, "Is it really that impressive?" Her understanding of espers was limited to what she had seen in the media, leaving her uncertain about the extent of her own abilities.

"Absolutely. Considering you awakened only recently, your near-invulnerability against low-powered projectile weapons is remarkable." With a casual wave of the handler's hand, the electric hum of the medical device ceased.

"It seems that combat, for some reason, stimulates your growth. Maybe I should throw you into some dangerous jobs..." The handler's suggestion sent a shiver down Tia's spine, and she couldn't shake the feeling that the woman's words were far from being a mere joke or figure of speech, her serious tone reinforcing her opinion even further.

'Now that I have money and resources, maybe it is time to get out.' The longer she stayed with the organization, the more disturbing it got. The amount of information they could get to track her kidnapped cousin so fast was simply too astonishing.

Additionally, their access to high-grade equipment raised even more questions about their true reach and power.

'That is the exact reason why I can't run away. They could easily track me down and dispose of me.' Originally, when she joined, she only thought they would be some small-time criminal organization from which it would be easy to get away, but that assumption was wrong.

Only by becoming strong enough could she hope to break free from their clutches, using her strength to force her way out of their grip.

'With enough personal strength, I will smash through them. I just need to bide for my time while playing the obedient little lunatic happy to do whatever they ask.'

"Your powers are growing. However, your body is weak." The handler's death-cold hand in a black leather glove gently swept over her exposed back, "It is limiting you, and your potential."

'Please tell me she isn't going to turn me into a walking mountain of muscles.' Tia hated just the image of it as she liked her rather petite and slim figure. She wouldn't allow anyone to just turn her body into a disgusting weapon.

"You are a child from a rich family. That makes my job easier."

As the handler's pale hand finally retreated from her back, Tia let out a sigh of relief. But her sense of relief quickly gave way to curiosity and a touch of unease at what the handler meant.

"What does that have to do with my body?"

"From your records, it appears that your DNA was modified and adjusted even before you were born," the handler disclosed. "You possess advantages over the less lucky ninety-nine percent."

The realization brought a mix of emotions, as she now understood the source of her exceptional stamina and performance. Her performance was simply too great for someone who wasn't active for years and even spent a lot of time just tied to the bed.

A spark of hope ignited within her, accompanied by a glimmer of joy at the prospect of having an additional advantage that might help her survive.

'Every bit of strength will be helpful.'

The handler continued in her emotionless, monotone voice, "With stimulants, exercise, and proper diet, you will quickly grow stronger, faster, and even more resistant."

As if she knew her feminine worries, the tall woman leaned over, her eyes staring straight into hers as she continued, "You are supposed to blend with crowds, so you need to look as harmless as possible. From the data I have, your current genome should be highly compatible with this, focusing on increasing muscle density instead of expanding them."

Tia could only sigh as both worlds she lived in were the same, 'The rich have an advantage from the moment they are born.'

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