Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 33: The Red Eyes

Chapter 33: The Red Eyes

Tia's eyes briefly flashed in a pulse of bright red and blue lights. Delicate tendrils of telekinetic energy extended outward, weaving an intangible web that covered the dim recesses of the basement.

For a brief moment, she felt every inch of the cold walls, the rotting bones, and even the sensation of something moving in the shadows.

'I found you!'

Instantaneously, the unseen force swathed the shadow, entrapping it in its ethereal grasp. The darkness deepened, and the shadowy silhouette trashed around like a slippery fish, trying to escape from her grasp.

A soul-throbbing shriek cut through the silence: "Graaaaaa!"

Without a fraction of hesitation, Tia's hand moved with a blur, her firearm aligning itself with the shadow's ominous presence. A vivid azure radiance pierced through the shadows, momentarily banishing all traces of darkness.

The explosion of plasma shook the walls, and dust fell from the ceiling. The shadowy silhouette writhed and contorted within the bluish inferno, emitting anguished cries. Eventually, the outline of a man crumpled to the ground, his deathly pale skin scorched black.

Tia didn't relent for even a moment as she pulled the trigger over and over, the blue lights flashing in the darkness. The bolts blasted the man over and over, sending the burned flesh flying in every direction.

Her eyes shone brighter and brighter as she stepped toward the man while aiming her gun. This imperceptible force exerted its will, pressing the creature into the ground.

Finally, the abomination's movements ceased, its limbs now inert and shattered, reminiscent of fragile twigs snapped by the wind.

<Basic Telekinesis VI (1%)> --> 4%

'I wonder if I can harvest something useful from it.' Tia's power retracted. However, her gun remained aimed at the corpse as she cautiously and slowly approached it, the rotting bones cracking below her feet.

'Maybe the heart or eyes would be useful.'

Casting a fleeting glance over the lifeless form, she wrinkled her nose in response to the strong odora nauseating blend of decay and burned flesh.

Before she could react, the creature's eyes burst into a brilliant red glow, illuminating the darkness like smoldering embers and drawing her attention. Its mouth slowly opened, revealing a gruesome line of sharp, glistening fangs that seemed to hunger for flesh.

Tia staggered back, her pulse quickening as she almost stumbled over the uneven floor.

Her thoughts slowed down and became murkier, with only the image of the red eyes occupying her entire mind.

"Grrrrr!" The monster leaped up, defying death itself.

The burned and charred skin that had covered the creature's body began to shift and writhe like molten wax, reshaping itself. The wounds seemed to close before her eyes, and the broken limbs realigned with a sickening series of pops.


She wanted to shoot and move, but she couldn't even flinchthe tantalizing crimson glow of its eyes paralyzed her. She wanted to blast it away with her powers, but her thoughts couldn't even properly form, fleeing like water in a river.

"Meat! Meat! Meat!" The creature's haunting chant echoed through the air as it closed in, its twisted form still regenerating. Tia's pulse quickened, but she steeled herself, refusing to succumb to panic.

'No, panicking will do nothing! RED!!!'

The creature's grotesque regeneration continued, with its elongated claws reaching toward her with deadly intent. Its eyes burned brighter, casting an eerie glow that threatened to overwhelm the last vestiges of her will.

Tia stilled her breath, slowed down her heartbeat, and focused her thoughts away from the red eyes. Her net of tendrils was still spread; all she needed was a single spark. However, no matter how much she focused, she saw only the red eyes, her thoughts unable to even weave her power.

The monster took another step, its clawed arm already stretching forward. The scent of its charred skin and smoldering flesh wafted through the air, reaching Tia's senses and tickling her nose.



New mission:

Objective --> Kill the Vampiric Thrall.

Rewards --> 3 x esper point


The sudden beep brought her out of the trance, bringing a brief moment of clarity.


With an increasing surge of mental determination, she channeled her power, and finally, a torrent of fire erupted from her outstretched fingers, casting a brilliant blaze of orange flames that sliced through the dimness of the room.

The flames cascaded along the ethereal tendrils she had woven, honing in on their target with uncanny accuracy, causing the creature to emit a guttural screech of agony as it burst into flames.

'Haha, you will regret this!'

Her mind cleared, and her focus returned. She didn't hesitate, squeezing the trigger once more. A resolute burst of blue energy erupted from her weapon, hurtling forth and striking the creature square in the chest.

From her outstretched hand, a maelstrom of interwoven fire and telekinetic energy erupted in a mesmerizing display of raw power.

The vortex surged forth with the fierceness of a hurricane, colliding with the creature in a cataclysmic explosion of fire and raw physical force. The impact was tremendous, propelling the monster through the air, burning as if it were a fireball.


The fire continued to pour forth from her outstretched hand, a relentless torrent of scorching energy that mirrored the intensity of her emotions. Her shame and hatred fueled the inferno, turning it into a blazing torrent that engulfed the monster.

The creature's agonized screeches and screams filled the air, creating a symphony of torment that echoed through the basement.

"Hahaha!" Her laughter seemed to merge with the crackling of the fire, the sound of her madness mingling with the creature's suffering.

The creature's once-piercing red eyes began to dim, their defiant gleam giving way to an aura of desperation and pain.

Its outstretched finger, once a menacing threat, now quivered weakly.

She didn't stop, the flames surging out. She wanted it to suffer and pay for ambushing and almost killing her.

<Basic Telekinesis VI (4%)> --> 6%

<Basic Pyrokinesis I (30%)> --> 50%

With one final surge of flames, the monster's struggles ceased. The monster was reduced to nothing but a pile of charred bones and ash.



Mission accomplished:

Objective --> Kill the Vampiric Thrall.

Total Rewards --> 3 x Esper point


At last, Tia has calmed down, staring at the charred remains.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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