Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 35: G-Ghost!? [Bonus]

Chapter 35: G-Ghost!? [Bonus]

POV Shopkeeper:

A fair-haired young girl descended the creaking, age-worn staircase, each step echoing into the enveloping darkness. Her heart thudded deafeningly in the cold, heavy silence. The crossbow in her grip quivered, betraying her palpable fear.

'Maybe... just maybe it was a draft.'

Reaching the ground floor, the musty scent of old cloth and time long past assailed her senses. With bated breath, she inched the door open. Moonlight streamed in, revealing rows of dresses on racks and shoes on shelves. Her gaze darted anxiously to the entrance door, which was closed.

To her immense relief, the store was devoid of any intruders, prompting a sigh to escape her lips. With the tension ebbing away, she lowered her crossbow.

'Just the wind... It has to be.'

But before she could complete the thought, the cold grasp of a shadowy presence enveloped her. Panic flared, and she blindly fired her crossbow. The bolt ricocheted off a shelf, its echo deafening.

'A ghost!' Her voice caught, unable to escape, as a pallid young girl materialized at her side. The newcomer's neck, dresseverything was drenched in crimson. Only her eyes gleamed, luminescent in the shadows.

Frozen in terror, the blonde-haired girl couldn't move, scream, or even blink, as if bound by spectral chains.

'She is a ghost!'

A melodious voice resounded, making her shudder, "What should I do with you?"

'Will she eat my soul?'

POV Tia:

Standing there, Tia couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and mild pity as she observed the young blonde girl trembling like a leaf.

"I will allow you to speak, but no screaming. Blink if you understand."

A hesitant blink followed, along with tears threatening to spill from the blonde's eyes. Tia gently smiled and released her oppressive hold.

A barely audible whisper emerged, "P-please don't eat me."

The trembling mess before her was so pitiful that it even made her feel slightly bad. She had killed many people over the past weeks, but this time she didn't feel like it.

'This will not be my last time visiting this world. I should build my network here.'

Just a single glance at the old floor, worn-down carpet, and cracked walls was enough to tell her the store was struggling.

'Where are her parents? She is so young, yet she was forced to confront me and protect the store by herself.' Perhaps due to her increased stats, Tia was becoming more observant, quickly noticing small details she would have overlooked before.

"I am not here to hurt you." She tried to make her voice as soft and gentle as possible in an attempt to soothe her potential agent.

Tia had a grand vision of her business empire spanning the world, monopolizing powers for herself. However, to achieve this, she needed to find trustworthy individuals, build her bases, and, most importantly, grow stronger.

"Are you a ghost?"

"No." The fear in the young girl made her appear pathetic, yet at the same time moldable in Tia's vision.

"Are you injured?" The pair of blue eyes looked worriedly at her bloodstained clothes.

'It looks like she might really be a good candidate.'

Tia wasn't looking for someone harsh and cold-bloodedshe needed someone who was meek and wouldn't betray her willingly.

"No, I am no longer injured, but thank you for asking."

"Are you here to rob me?"

'How daring of her to question me like this.'

Tia quickly made up her mind and identified her target. The girl likely lost her parents and was trying to keep the inherited store afloat. She was meek yet had some backbone.

'If I push on her morals while offering a helping hand, she could become a loyal asset. In time, she and her store will be mine.' Tia had observed countless people over her two lives and had learned to read their characters, especially after the severe betrayal that cost her her life.

"Isn't this place a boutique? I am here to buy clothes." Tia gestured towards a black gown in the showcase. "I want that one."

"It's night, and we are closed..." As the girl found her voice, her confidence slowly returned.

Tia smiled slightly, watching as the girl regained some color, her fear visibly subsiding.

A platinum gleamed as Tia reached for her belt, sensing the treasure from her other form. 'This is curious... It's as if it's both there and not there.'

With a slight flourish, she summoned a tiny flame in her other hand, illuminating the room and revealing the small platinum plate in her palm.

The girl recoiled slightly, clearly taken aback.

"I will pay well."

"Still... even if I wanted, I don't have enough change..."

Tia nodded internally in satisfaction, 'She isn't too greedy. If she was too eager, I'd look elsewhere.'

"You can keep the change. Consider it compensation for these unusual circumstances."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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