Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 47: The Binks Assassination, part 4/4 [Bonus]

Chapter 47: The Binks Assassination, part 4/4 [Bonus]

Tia's glowing gaze fell upon a single chrome door that was torn off its hinges. She could feel, with the touch of her power, the three squishy humans hiding inside.

'It's always the same. Fleeing, hiding. Have they no pride?'

She stepped inside, revealing a compact and dark room with countless racks filled with flashing and glowing servers while myriad cables snaked through its floor. The ambient hum of electricity wove a sound background, underscored by the consistent beeps of the machines.

"You can't hide from me!" Her voice echoed, filled with the thrill of the hunt, her fingers twitching with a hunger to end the playboy's existence.

He embodied everything she despiseda shallow person, frivolously squandering his inherited wealth, devoid of any semblance of merit.

Suddenly, a green light streaked through the air, a plasma bolt heading straight toward her, shining like a comet amidst the shadows of the dimly lit room. Tia just smiled, and it halted mid-flight.

'I am growing stronger.' Such inferior weapons were now beneath her concernmere nuisances at best.

With unwavering determination, she pressed further into the heart of the server room straight toward her prey's hiding spot, each step echoing on the metallic floor like a relentless drumbeat while her eyes carefully scanned her surroundings as she refused to drop her guard.

"Face your end with courage! Embrace your fate, and perhaps, find a shred of dignity in your last moments!" She yelled, her voice filled with disdain echoing amidst the beeping of the machines she passed by.

Something rustled back in the room.

With a fluid motion of her wand, all the servers were torn from the ground, flying out of her way as she walked forward. Metal clashed and clamored around her. Amidst the chaos, bright green lights flashed again as the two plasma bolts headed toward her.

Deflected from their path by the waves of her power, they crashed into the floor, leaving behind dark, smoldering scars.

The shifting servers unveiled the quivering figures of three men.

'Here you are!'

Darius lay crumpled on the ground, sheltered meekly behind his two equally unnerved bodyguards aiming their trembling guns at her. Tears and mucus smeared his face, and a pungent stench tainted the air.

He yelled, each word perpetrated with despair and terror, "I'll give you anything! Just name your price!"

'So bad he refused my last mercy of offering him a less pathetic death.'

"This time, the money of your parents will not save you."

Without taking any sadistic pleasure from the sight, she simply raised her wand. There was a swift, almost imperceptible motion, and suddenly, their heads twisted grotesquely. Their eyes dimmed as they fell in a heap, like marionettes discarded by their puppeteer.



Mission Completed:

Basic Objective --> Kill Darius Binks

Bonus Objective 1 --> Kill the chief personal bodyguard -> 1 X Esper Point (Success)

Bonus Objective 2 --> Kill all the bodyguards -> 1 X Esper Point (Success)

Bonus Objective 3 --> Kill the target and his bodyguards before the reinforcement arrives -> 1 X Esper Point (Success)

Total Reward --> 5 x esper point; 3 X +1 to Random Stat


As the trio collapsed, a potent surge of energy coursed through Tia. This newfound strength invigorated every muscle, making her feel both powerful and alive. Alongside it, a rush of euphoria engulfed her, filling her with sheer exhilaration and unbridled joy.



<STR> increased by 1

<AGI> increased by 1

<WILL> increased by 1


'Time to finish this job and get out of here.' The unmistakable rhythm of footsteps echoed from the corridor, growing steadily louder.

In a smooth motion, Tia produced a sleek device from her pocket. It resembled a featureless metal card. Kneeling next to the man in the pristine white suit, she whispered, "Initiate bio-scan."

With precision, she pressed each of his fingers onto the card while her eyes lit aglow as her contact lenses began an in-depth scan of the man from head to toe. A holographic blue progress bar materialized in the periphery of her vision, rapidly ticking towards completion.

'This is why you had to die.' She didn't know for what the scan was needed, but she knew it had to be important for the organization to openly kill someone as prominent as him.

"Freeze! Stay right there!" The shout caught her off guard, causing a slight jolt.

The approaching footsteps halted abruptly outside the room. Sensing the presence beyond, she extended her perception, mentally counting the guards awaiting her.

'Only twelve?' It was like yesterday when she felt threatened by a single security guy in the hospital. Today, however, it was differentshe now had the power to defend herself, no, not only that, but also to crush regular foes.

With a soft chime, the progress bar in her peripheral vision emitted a bright green light, signaling completion. A navigational arrow, indicating her route to safety, overlaid her field of vision.

Gracefully rising to her feet, Tia adjusted her dress. She lifted her wand, and the two magic runes of her razor spell lit up above its tip.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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