Reborn: My Two Systems at War

Chapter 53: The Suicide Mission

Chapter 53: The Suicide Mission

One day later:

POV Commissioner Kido:

"I am Laszlo, the Annihilator!" A shout broke through the serene silence of the hallway, all eyes turning toward its source.

"It is him."

A collective gasp filled the air as a towering man in a pristine white trench coat strode down the stark concrete hallway of the Planetary Guard Commissariat. Each step he took exuded an unshakable self-assurance, his overwhelming presence compelling bystanders to divert their gaze.

'This is the legendary peak G-rank super and captain of a renowned mercenary troupe,' thought Commissioner Kido, who stood in his newly minted uniform, complete with a badge indicating his recent promotion. Yet even he didn't dare challenge the approaching juggernaut.

With an air of courtesy that belied his own anxiety, Kido extended his hand for a welcoming handshake.

"What's the assignment?" Laszlo halted a mere arm's length away, casting a disdainful glance at the proffered hand before snorting dismissively. His towering stature forced Kido to look up, making him break into a subtle sweat.

'Darn, what a maniac...' Kido maintained his poise, signaling his assistant. She promptly displayed a tablet featuring a photo of the platinum-haired woman.

"Your target is this woman. Be prepared to move on my command. Whether you kill, maim, or capture her is on you."

"I'll turn her into goulash!" Laszlo chuckled, stroking his bushy mustache as his eyes flickered to life. A radiant golden aura enveloped him, amplifying his already intimidating physique.

Kido involuntarily took a step back, nearly losing his balance under the immense pressure radiating from the man before him.

POV Tia:

In a dimly lit chamber, three women stood around a holographic projection of a planet glowing a soft blue. It was the sole source of illumination in the sparsely furnished room, whose walls were made of unadorned, exposed concrete.

The handler, towering above the others, spoke first. "Number thirteen, meet number nine. You'll be collaborating on the upcoming mission."

She gestured toward a blonde girl standing beside her. Younger than Tia, the girl had long, curly hair cascading down her shoulders and was garbed in a short gray dress. Her eyes were a dull green, devoid of life, and her skin lacked the natural luster common to her ageshe appeared to be a mere husk.

'How could someone so young be so drained of life?' Tia wondered.

Draped across the girl's shoulder was a large, coal-black sniper rifle, its core glowing a luminescent blue.

A knot tightened in Tia's stomach as she frowned. She'd always preferred to operate solo; the notion of adding another unpredictable factor to the equation unsettled her as she craved control.

"What is the target?" Number Nine spoke, her voice almost mechanical.

"This is the sector's planetary defense communication center."

The holographic projection of the planet seamlessly changed to reveal a bustling street scene with an imposing, five-story building in its center.

Built from gray concrete and steel pillars, the tall building cast an ominous shadow over its immediate environment. The windows were small, the walls looked thick and imposing, and the entrance was narrow and easy to defend.

"Massacre. You have five minutes to kill as many people as you can. Break stuff, destroy stuff, and kill staff with focus on the non-guard personal."

'What?! We are supposed to attack a military installation?' It was one thing to attack civil targets, maybe even the police, but attacking the military was too much. The number of security guards, their training, the quality of their equipment, and even the flashiness of such an attack sounded like suicide to her.

She wanted to question the sanity of the plan but bit her tongue. Her loyalty was already suspect, and her status as the most wanted person on the planet put her on thin ice.

"Number Thirteen, you will infiltrate the facility. Number Nine, you'll be positioned on a nearby rooftop to provide covering fire," the handler continued.

Two red dots blinked into existence on the holographic projection, marking their respective positions.

'This is not good...'

The realization dawned on her that she'd have a sniper behind her back. A wave of anxiety surged through her, causing her hands to quiver ever so slightly.

"Your mission commences tomorrow. Prepare accordingly and ensure you get some rest," the handler advised, her voice as unemotional as ever.

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