Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C144

C144 – Don’t Regret It!

Prince Ruiqing stood atop the wall and observed the approaching troops. He didn’t need to scrutinize them to recognize that they were the ten thousand soldiers of the Jing’an Battalion.

“I never imagined that Lu Zheng could slip out despite the tight security at all four city gates. Is he as nimble as a mouse?”

“Your Royal Highness, in my view, there must be a hidden passage out of the city. Otherwise, regardless of Master Lu’s martial prowess, it would be impossible for him to leave the city unnoticed.”

“Indeed, This King has heard of secret tunnels within the palace. It’s just surprising that my royal brother would entrust him with such a secret.”

Xu Ze lowered his head and couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “His days are numbered, so why is he still guarding the secret passage?”

Seeing Lu Zheng approaching, Soong Hanlin quickly went up to greet him with a smile. He explained the current situation and asked, “Master, are we launching an assault on the city? This subordinate is quite eager to test the strength of the capital’s walls, hehe…”

Lu Zheng glanced at him and replied, “The capital’s walls are three meters thick and twenty meters high. Do you think they are that easy to breach?” Even if they managed to conquer the city eventually, it would be a costly endeavor, and Lu Zheng didn’t intend to waste good troops.

Soong Hanlin awkwardly scratched his nose and confessed that his eagerness for battle was due to his long period without combat.

“So, what’s our plan? The Emperor is still trapped in the palace.”

Lu Zheng surveyed the city gate’s situation and gave an order: “Dismount and establish a camp!”

It was already well past midnight at this point. The sky was shrouded in darkness with no stars or moonlight. The only illumination came from torches, casting a dim light on the city gate. This level of visibility wasn’t suitable for a siege.

The people on the wall didn’t anticipate the enemy’s decision to set up camp instead of engaging in combat. Was their intention to engage in a prolonged conflict?

“Hmph, This King must admit that Duke Zhen possesses some capabilities. It seems he has made a name for himself.”

Xu Ze was less optimistic. He furrowed his brow while observing the twenty thousand troops outside. They remained silent and composed, showing no signs of impatience. Their formation was orderly and precise.

He expressed his concern, “My lord, do you think Duke Zhen might exploit the turmoil over the sandpiper mussels?”

Prince Ruiqing pondered for a moment, his brow furrowing. “This King is still a prince; what is Lu Zheng?”

Xu Ze wanted to say more but refrained. If Lu Zheng waited until the palace figure passed away before taking action, he could seek revenge in the name of the king. No one would accuse Duke Zhen of plotting against him.

It was still early in the morning, and Lu Zheng’s soldiers had already had their breakfast. They were full of energy, engaging in their morning drills.

The residents of the capital’s military camp were not accustomed to such exercises, but witnessing the impressive martial skills of the national army, they couldn’t help but join in.

The people within the city had been on high alert all night, and fatigue was setting in. It was the time when they were most drowsy. Seeing the soldiers practicing, they made an effort to stay awake and watch.

Nevertheless, the more he gazed upon it, the more his fear intensified. His longing for it grew, causing his heart to pound like a drum.

Not everyone dared to rebel. During the previous night, there were individuals who sought to surreptitiously open the gates, but Commander Xu’s trusted aides apprehended them before they could succeed and executed them in front of everyone as a deterrent.

“Master, how much longer must we wait?” Soong Hanlin displayed impatience after a night of waiting.

“We’ll decide when the situation becomes chaotic.”

“Xu Ze Gang is quite skilled; I’m concerned it won’t devolve into chaos.”

Lu Zheng crossed his arms and observed the perspiring soldiers, “Once the Janissary Guard deals with those individuals outside the palace, we’ll coordinate our actions.”

Soong Hanlin contemplated the 1,000 elite soldiers who had departed earlier. He likely deduced that these individuals had already entered the city, and their presence could easily disrupt our formation.

After a lengthy wait, Soong Hanlin eventually spotted the familiar signal flare ascending within the city. The corner of his mouth curled into a smile as he hastened to inform Lu Zheng.

Simultaneously, Prince Ruiqing and Xu Zeyang received a report from their informant. Prince Ruiqing, upon learning that over half of the Nine Guards outside the palace had perished, erupted in anger and exclaimed, “The Janissary Guard’s forces managed to breach the Imperial Palace’s defenses?”

“Your Highness, I am uncertain about the origins of these assailants, but they display unparalleled bravery. They don’t engage directly but execute intermittent ambushes. In terms of individual prowess, they have no equal.”

Despite the vast expanse of the Imperial Palace, the ten thousand surrounding it constituted a relatively feeble force. Nonetheless, they managed to bring it down.

In that moment, a horn blared outside the city. Xu Ze clenched his fists and remarked, “The enemy is launching an assault on the city.”

Prince Ruiqing gritted his teeth and silently signaled his trusted aide. He then boldly ascended the city wall.

Twenty thousand soldiers and horses stood in orderly formation outside the city, their gleaming blades held aloft, their might akin to a hot knife slicing through bamboo, creating a disorienting spectacle.

Prince Ruiqing shut his eyes briefly before stepping forward. He shouted down below, “Lu Zheng, do you truly intend to oppose me, the duke?”

From a distance, Lu Zheng pointed his spear at Prince Ruiqing’s head and declared in deliberate enunciation, “Audacious traitor, all shall face execution!”

Prince Ruiqing shot him a venomous glare. “You’ll regret this!” He then gestured to his henchmen. “Bring him up!”

Four cloaked men hauled Zuo Shaoqing up to the city wall and positioned him beside Prince Ruiqing. Zuo Shaoqing barely had a chance to glimpse the prince’s face before a blade rested against his throat.

For a brief moment, he arched an eyebrow, then directed his gaze toward the city walls. With a single glance, he discerned the formidable and exceptional figure leading the group.

Zuo Shaoqing forced an awkward smile in his direction and shot a resentful glare at Prince Ruiqing. He felt profoundly humiliated, a sensation even more intense than any he had experienced in his previous life’s confinement.

Feeling responsible for dragging Lu Zheng down was even more agonizing than letting him face death!

Prince Ruiqing held his chin and gazed into the pair of clear eyes filled with regret. He was momentarily stunned and comprehended why Lu Zheng regarded this young man differently.

“Lu Zheng, it’s essential that you clearly recognize that whether it’s his life or an assault on the city, the decision rests in your hands!”

The entire army erupted in commotion. Some individuals had encountered Zuo Shaoqing before and surmised that this young man was distinct from Master Lu. However, in this challenging moment, their personal sentiments were evidently inconsequential.

Additionally, he was a man. Many people scoffed upon learning that Prince Ruiqing had resorted to threatening Master Lu with a man.

Lu Zheng fixed his gaze on the familiar figure atop the wall. The clothing remained the same as the previous night, but they were now soiled and torn. His once neatly-kept black hair hung disheveled on his shoulders, giving him a somewhat disheveled appearance.

He clutched the spear firmly in his hand, causing veins to bulge on the back of his hand. His voice, low and icy, carried beyond the city walls, “Do you truly believe he alone can compel me to assist in wrongdoing?”

“Would you care to test it?” Prince Ruiqing tightened his grip on the blade, drawing a bloody line across Zuo Shaoqing’s neck. Zuo Shaoqing bit his lip to endure the pain.

He discreetly moved his hands, hidden within his sleeves, and began devising a plan. How could he rescue himself without putting himself in harm’s way?

Zuo Shaoqing valued his life greatly. Rebirth had not come easily to him, and he and Lu Zheng had yet to enjoy their best days together. They were not generous enough to sacrifice themselves to aid themselves.

Moreover, if he took no action and merely waited for Lu Zheng to rescue him, he would be held responsible for future calamities.

Prince Ruiqing remained unaware of Zuo Shaoqing’s martial prowess, and the black-clad men who captured him had not mentioned it. Otherwise, he would not have been so close to Zuo Shaoqing.

“Pass me the bow and arrows!” Lu Zheng discarded the long spear, received the bow and arrows from his subordinate, and deftly nocked an arrow. He narrowed his eyes and adjusted the aim.

Everyone assumed he intended to shoot down the hostages, filling them with shame and indignation. They cried out, “Unscrupulous scoundrel! Let’s settle this fairly! Using such a dishonorable method tarnishes the imperial family’s reputation!”

Prince Ruiqing pulled Zuo Shaoqing and positioned him in front of himself. He was inwardly surprised, believing Zuo Shaoqing to be distinct from Lu Zheng. Little did he expect Zuo Shaoqing to be capable of killing him without hesitation.

“I wonder how Zuo Wuji is feeling right now?” Prince Ruiqing recognized that his plan had gone awry the moment Lu Zheng readied the bow and arrow.

Zuo Shaoqing gazed at the arrowhead aimed at him, strangely composed. He couldn’t discern Lu Zheng’s expression and eyes clearly, but he had an unwavering belief that Lu Zheng wouldn’t harm him.

He didn’t understand where this confidence came from, but he narrowed his eyes and grinned as he stated, “Master Lu is virtuous. He can’t bear to become a criminal under the Great Yang. I’ll have to thank him later.”

“Tsk, you’re quite articulate. I wonder if you’ll maintain that composure when a sharp arrow pierces your chest soon!”

“Indeed, I’ve been pondering that too…” Zuo Shaoqing bit into the back of Prince Ruiqing’s hand while simultaneously freeing his bound hands. He seized the opportunity presented by the other’s pain to grab his arm and toss him over his shoulder.

As Lu Zheng made his move, he also adjusted the arrow’s trajectory. “Swish,” he released the bowstring, sending the arrow flying towards Xu Ze.

Zuo Shaoqing’s actions were incredibly abrupt, catching ordinary people off guard. However, Commander Xu, the only one who reacted in time, opted to shield himself when he spotted the arrows hurtling towards him.

Zuo Shaoqing stood at the wall’s edge, with Prince Ruiqing flung over his shoulder beyond the wall. Despite their precarious position, his hands held onto Zuo Shaoqing. In an instant, both of them tumbled off the wall.

Onlookers from both sides were taken aback by this seemingly delicate and frail scholar’s audacious maneuver. They were filled with a mix of admiration and sympathy.

Following the arrow’s release, Lu Zheng leaped from the horse’s back and skillfully intercepted Zuo Shaoqing in mid-air.

Prince Ruiqing had grabbed Zuo Shaoqing’s ankle as they fell, rendering him too terrified to even scream. It was only when he found himself in Lu Zheng’s embrace that he grasped the gravity of the situation.

Had Lu Zheng not caught the person falling from the twenty-meter-high wall, even with a cushion below, it could have caused severe internal injuries.

After deflecting the arrow with his blade, Xu Ze was still pushed back several steps by the arrow’s force, coming to a halt against the cold, unyielding wall.

These rapid sequences of actions unfolded in mere seconds. By the time he spat out a mouthful of blood, Prince Ruiqing had already vanished from the wall.

The incident unfolded with startling speed and took everyone by surprise. They had only a moment to gasp before Duke Zhen appeared, holding a hostage while mounted on a horse. Prince Ruiqing, who had fallen with him, was handed over to a nearby guard with orders to bind him and return him to the palace for punishment.

A commotion emerged from behind the tightly closed city gate. “Commander Xu, the Janissary Guard is approaching!”

“Cough, cough…” Xu Zhe observed Prince Ruiqing’s capture and realized he was in a precarious position. A few of Prince Ruiqing’s loyal aides contemplated making a move but were swiftly subdued by soldiers eager to earn recognition.

The city gates swung open from within, and all the Nine Guards soldiers knelt on the ground, their faces pale and their weapons scattered about.

Soong Hanlin spat on the ground and exclaimed, “Is that all there is to it?”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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