Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C168

C168 – Suicide

Zuo Shaoqing and Jiung Hengzhou exchanged pleasantries, and even before the Zeng Family could arrive, they had already escorted Lu Zheng to the scene.

Moreover, he didn’t arrive alone; he brought along several dozen bodyguards who appeared rather rambunctious. The bystanders, caught off guard, initially mistook them for law enforcement, fearing arrest.

Upstairs, a patron hastily emerged after completing his affairs, only to find the renowned Great Yang, the War God, standing stern-faced in the center of the hall.

With more people present, inevitably some recognized Zuo Shaoqing. Upon learning of the situation, their perception of him shifted, mingling pity with admiration.

Zuo Shaoqing, however, didn’t sense imminent danger. He approached Lu Zheng and leaned on him, remarking, “Master, I overindulged in revelry last night…”

Lu Zheng inclined his head, asking solemnly, “Was the flower wine to your liking?”

Zuo Shaoqing vigorously shook his head, “It doesn’t compare to the osmanthus wine in the mansion.”

Before Lu Zheng could admonish them, Zuo Shaoqing promptly diverted attention, jesting with Liang Qi, “Vice Minister Liang is feeling generous today, treating everyone to a meal. Being new, I couldn’t possibly decline.”

“Oh?” Lu Zheng scanned the assembly but failed to spot Liang Qi. Instead, familiar faces lurked within the crowd.

These individuals hastily emerged to witness the spectacle, their remarks inappropriate and faces flushed. Catching Lu Zheng’s glare, they cowered, unable to meet his gaze.

Yet soon, a thought crossed their minds: If your wife dares to frequent the brothel, is it not reasonable for us respectable men to visit here?

Sensing Lu Zheng’s scrutiny, Zuo Shaoqing rubbed his nose, continuing to fabricate: “Vice Minister Liang indulged in wine excessively and likely dozed off.”

Lu Zheng gestured dismissively. His guards, once motionless as statues, surged up the stairs, systematically breaching each door.

Zuo Shaoqing gulped nervously, envisioning the repercussions of his association with that “lady” later on, inwardly amused.

Zuo Shaoqing felt a firm grip around his waist, detecting the chill emanating from the man beside him. Hastening to defend himself, he asserted, “I merely dined here briefly, engaging in light conversation with the nobles. Nothing untoward occurred.”

Hua Niang, now recovered from her shock, echoed Zuo Shaoqing’s account, nodding vigorously, “Indeed, the Lord didn’t require the lady’s company initially.”

Lu Zheng remained impassive, his gaze unwavering. He stood silently until Jiung Hengzhou approached and greeted him.

“I’m unsure. It seems all the imperial runners from the yamen have a penchant for such establishments to entertain guests.” Lu Zheng’s casual remark set the officials, gathered here for various purposes, on edge.

A few astute individuals discerned the unfavorable turn of events and discreetly slipped out through the rear exit.

Don’t question their choice of exit; the two guards stationed at the door with their long sabers made escape under their watchful eyes impossible.

Unbeknownst to them, an imperial decree had been issued that very night explicitly prohibiting officials of this dynasty from indulging in leisurely activities while on duty. If discovered, they would not only face a year’s salary fine but also demotion.

In that moment, the bustling activity in the brothels and Chu Hall came to an abrupt halt. Initially, some paid little heed or sneaked in discreetly, only to rue their decision when forcibly removed, naked, by Ministry of Justice officials.

Several such incidents served as a stern warning to all officials. No matter their proclivities, they were constrained to entertain guests at home rather than frequenting brothels.

Upon realizing the situation, resentment toward Zuo Shaoqing surged among them. He was seen as the cause of their woes!

In the time it took to brew half a cup of tea, every room, whether occupied or vacant, regardless of attire or activity, saw its occupants swiftly ejected.

Compassionate guards even bothered to discard a piece of clothing, though it became evident that few within Duke Zhen’s residence harbored good intentions.

“Cease! What is the meaning of this?”

“What’s happening? By whose authority are you apprehending people randomly?”

An official, arms crossed, grew increasingly incensed. “Master Lu, pray, enlighten this humble official as to his supposed transgression.”

Another official chimed in, “Master Lu, what is the purpose of this action? Are you fomenting rebellion?”

Lu Zheng remained mute, refusing even a glance in their direction. Meanwhile, Zuo Shaoqing discreetly observed from Lu Zheng’s side, taking note of the officials’ reactions.

Upon completion of the search, a guard leader approached Lu Zheng, reporting, “Young Master, Lord Liang was not found.”

Zuo Shaoqing, self-reflective, widened his eyes upon hearing this, scrutinizing the crowd with a peculiar expression.

Considering Liang Qi’s previous state, it seemed implausible for him to awaken so swiftly. Moreover, judging by the serving woman’s demeanor, it appeared she had not remained idle.

However, after scanning the area, only the middle-aged lady who had assisted Liang Qi into the room was found; Liang Qi himself was conspicuously absent.

Unfazed, Lu Zheng nodded indifferently, reprimanding the protesting officials, “Look at yourselves now. Have you no respect for the court’s officials? Cheng Ri speaks with honor and integrity, yet you dare question me.”

“Feasting can be as lustful as any other indulgence. People in London often reveal their true nature. What’s the use of feigned politeness and honesty?”

Lu Zheng, lacking patience to spar with the civil servants, particularly while disheveled, scoffed in disdain.

Just then, the capital’s governor arrived with a sizable entourage, accompanied by representatives from the Zeng Family.

Two guards fell to Zuo Shaoqing’s blows, while the others fled to seek aid or call for a physician. The remainder made no move to intervene.

The yamen runner, initially confrontational, was taken aback upon witnessing the scene in the lobby. Who could have predicted that the esteemed Master Lu would appear in such a place?

The Prefecture Overseer, already displeased at being roused from his slumber by the Zeng Family, now, understanding the gravity of the situation and anticipating the Zeng Family’s imminent trouble, adopted a different demeanor and approached Lu Zheng with a smile.

“May I inquire as to what brings Master Lu to me?”

Lu Zheng snorted, “I’m afraid it’s not me seeking your assistance!”

Meanwhile, the doctor brought by the Zeng Family shook his head, “Even if Hua Tuo were alive today, this young master’s prognosis wouldn’t be favorable.”

Upon hearing this, the rotund individual emitted a chilling scream and promptly lost consciousness. Whether the agony stemmed from the impact of such grim news remained uncertain.

The Zeng Family’s representative, a rather respectable manager, paled upon hearing this diagnosis. However, casting a glance at the culprit, the youth currently nestled in Master Lu’s embrace, he couldn’t envision the person who left home that year conducting himself in such a manner today.

At this juncture, Zuo Shaoqing retracted all aggression, seeking solace in Lu Zheng’s embrace like a frightened and harmless cat.

“Master… The rotund one said he desires my company for the night…”

A collective hiss filled the air. Unaware of Zuo Shaoqing’s identity, they might have dismissed his words as a jest. Yet, at this moment, sympathy was the prevailing sentiment towards the grandson of the Zeng Family.

A cold smirk played on the corner of Lu Zheng’s lips as he instructed the Zeng Family entourage, “Fetch Tutor Zeng. Inform him that I wish to converse.”

The manager dared not tarry. Hastily abandoning the unconscious young master, he departed.

Lu Zheng guided Zuo Shaoqing to a seat, gesturing towards the trembling men. “Escort them back to their quarters. Their disturbance tonight shall be counted as a debt owed to the Duke Zhen Mansion.”

The well-disciplined guards promptly escorted the recent arrivals back to their rooms, leaving the onlookers bewildered by the swiftness of the proceedings.

Only Zuo Shaoqing realized that these unfortunate individuals had been ensnared due to his actions and had become the target of Lu Zheng’s ire.

He reached for Lu Zheng’s hand, pressing it against his chest as he acknowledged his wrongdoing, “Forgive me. I promise there won’t be a recurrence.”

“Hmph.” Lu Zheng gripped Zuo Shaoqing’s hand firmly. Truth be told, he wasn’t truly angry. It’s just that the revelation of Zuo Shaoqing’s visit to the brothel had caught him off guard.

Despite knowing Zuo Shaoqing wouldn’t dare stray with other women, in such surroundings, surrounded by allure, under the influence, if he were to succumb to temptation, Lu Zheng wouldn’t be able to rescue him.

Thankfully, he encountered that foolish Zeng Family. Otherwise… Lu Zheng’s gaze darkened as he shot a sharp glance at Zuo Shaoqing.

Zuo Shaoqing swiftly changed the subject, puzzled, “Why haven’t I seen Lord Liang enter the room?”

“You’re underestimating him greatly. With such a ruckus downstairs, how could he possibly remain oblivious?”

A peculiar sensation stirred within Zuo Shaoqing as he listened to Lu Zheng recounting every detail about Vice Minister Liang. He had sensed something awry when he first learned about Vice Minister Liang from Lu Zheng, and now, hearing Lu Zheng’s words, he realized their acquaintance wasn’t as distant as he initially thought.

“You’re acquainted with him?”

“As officials serving the same dynasty, why wouldn’t I recognize him?” Lu Zheng questioned, perplexed.

Zuo Shaoqing hesitated momentarily before inquiring, “How well do you know him personally?”

In his past life, Vice Minister Liang’s name had never crossed his ears, and even during his brief time in the capital, he hadn’t encountered any mention of an exceptional individual within the Ministry of Works.

“We don’t share a close bond, just common interests.”

Zuo Shaoqing’s eyebrows twitched slightly. He mused to himself, “When did their relationship deepen?”

That seemed improbable. Even though he couldn’t tether Lu Zheng, he couldn’t feign ignorance regarding the sudden appearance of someone closely associated with him.

Recounting the day’s events at the Ministry of Works, he remarked, “Minister Lee seems to harbor disdain for Vice Minister Liang, and Vice Minister Ke harbors ill intentions as well. Should I intervene on his behalf?”

Lu Zheng massaged his temple. “Focus on yourself. He doesn’t need your concern.”

Zuo Shaoqing smirked. “It appears I’m not even in the same league as him in your eyes.”

Lu Zheng gazed at him intently and responded candidly, “When it comes to expertise in weaponry, you do indeed fall short compared to him.”

Zuo Shaoqing acknowledged the truth of it, but hearing it from Lu Zheng had a different sting. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

In this moment, he fully absolved himself of the guilt he harbored from his previous visit to the brothel. Gripping Lu Zheng’s hand firmly, he ruminated bitterly: One day, he would surpass Liang Qi. Until then, he would allow himself a brief moment of satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Vice Minister Liang, who had hastily retreated to his residence, sneezed. Massaging his throbbing temples, he bellowed, “Someone, prepare a bowl of sobering soup for me!”

He had imbibed too much that evening and had fallen into a trap. The image of a face veiled in white powder upon waking sent shivers down his spine. He vowed to steer clear of women for some time.

Fortunately, he roused from his stupor upon hearing the commotion outside. Otherwise, if he had been assaulted by a woman old enough to be his mother and lost his dignity, his future prospects would have been grim.

Still rattled by the encounter, he remained unaware of the events downstairs. Upon venturing out the next day and hearing the rumors, he chuckled, “Who in their right mind brought the Duchess Zhen’s wife to a brothel? It’s sheer lunacy!”

A bystander sighed and replied, “I heard it was an imperial court official named Liang. Sigh, I wonder if he’s even alive anymore…”

Liang Qi was taken aback. While there were others surnamed Liang, there couldn’t possibly be another who had visited the same brothel at the same time, could there?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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