Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C181

C181 – Untitled

The events within the Zeng Family were widely known, yet Zuo Shaoqing remained uncertain about the authenticity of the information amidst potential manipulations. Nonetheless, upon Emperor Tianfeng’s completion of the Ministry of Justice’s report, he hurled the imperial decree directly at the old tutor.

This marked Zhan Yuanfeng’s first display of roughness towards the old tutor. Aware of the prevalent corruption among court officials, Zhan Yuanfeng recognized the inevitability of greed, bribery, and abuse of power.

However, he believed in setting boundaries. Zhan Yuanfeng was adamant about not allowing the nation under his governance to be overrun by such malfeasance.

Upon perusing the evidence, the old tutor was left stunned. Despite being the family patriarch, he struggled to comprehend the actions of his numerous relatives.

Though he harbored no doubts about the veracity of the evidence, his heart swelled with regret and unspoken fury.

In the final decree, Emperor Tianfeng not only stripped Tutor Zeng of his titles but also ordered the Ministry of Justice to apprehend each criminal as per their testimonies.

Tutor Zeng, however, was pardoned for his transgressions, albeit his entire family’s assets were seized, resulting in the complete demise of the Zeng Family, which had once thrived under the late emperor’s patronage. Their fate was even more pitiable than that of the Zuo Family in the past.

As discussions among officials ensued regarding the vacant tutorship, Zhan Yuanfeng issued an imperial edict appointing Jiang Yintian, the current dynasty’s imperial tutor and Jiang Che’s father.

Despite the Grand Tutor’s ostensibly nominal authority, the prestige of being the Emperor’s mentor was sufficient to elevate one’s standing. Jiang Yintian undeniably possessed the qualifications, prompting many ministers to speculate on the Emperor’s intentions regarding the Jiang Family.

While examples of father-son duos serving in the imperial court were not uncommon, the swift ascension of a noble Imperial Tutor to the position of Minister at such a young age was a rarity. In that moment, the Jiang Family’s splendor seemed boundless, reinvigorating Zuo Shuhui’s confidence upon returning to her parental abode.

“Mother, I understand your concern. It’s unreasonable to expect my elder brother to devote all his time to studying. While no one anticipates him to outshine my daughter, the fact remains that she recently entered into matrimony, even securing an official wife status.”

Mrs. Xue’s countenance betrayed a hint of vexation, wearied by her recent convalescence. “How can you be certain without attempting? Jiang Che holds the pivotal role of Minister of Personnel, overseeing the entire nation’s administrative affairs. Furthermore, with the Jiang Family’s status as Tutor, what’s wrong with offering assistance to one’s kin?”

Zuo Shuhui felt despondent following the ordeal with her own family. Securing her mother-in-law’s permission to return home, she hadn’t anticipated immediately being accosted about it upon arrival.

While she yearned to lend aid, she found herself rarely encountering Jiang Che of late. Agreeing might exacerbate matters if their situation didn’t improve.

Mrs. Xue waved her hand in resignation. “Very well, let’s set this aside since I can’t be of help. I didn’t intend to burden you, my dear.” Mrs. Xue had harbored lofty aspirations for her daughter, yet she hadn’t foreseen their inability to provide assistance.

Her sorrow deepened at the thought of relinquishing the child in her womb.

“How is your health? Have you followed the regimen prescribed by your mother for recovery? At present, your priority should be swiftly restoring your health and bearing another child. Only by delivering a son can your position within the Jiang Family be secure.”

“I understand, Mother, but…” She wanted to mention Jiang Che’s absence from her chambers recently, yet divulging such matters to her elders was inconceivable, thus she swallowed the latter half of her grievance.

“But what?”

Zuo Shuhui mustered a forced smile and replied, “It’s nothing significant. Let’s change the subject. My daughter has brought a gift for my nephew. Let’s go see it. I haven’t seen my daughter yet.”

Despite her limited influence in the Jiang Family, she still retained some control over finances. Therefore, on this occasion, when she returned home, she brought along some precious gifts.

Upon seeing the gifts, her face lit up with a smile. She eagerly pulled Zuo Shuhui to her feet, saying, “Come, it’s almost the full moon, and she resembles your elder brother more and more. After the full moon, we’ll formally raise her.”

Zuo Shuhui harbored little regard for her sister-in-law and remained silent. Unbeknownst to them, Mrs. Hoe only had eyes for her son. How could she allow Mrs. Xue to take the child away?

The eldest grandson of the Zuo Family, named Zuo Yuheng, was undeniably an adorable baby. Holding him in her arms, Zuo Shuhui couldn’t help but muse: “If our child hadn’t been lost, he might have looked like this next year.”

Contemplating this, a pang of bitterness welled up within her. Her awkward handling only caused the child to cry louder.

Mrs. Hoe observed anxiously from the sidelines, especially noting Zuo Shuhui’s sharp, polished fingernails. Her heart raced, fearing any inadvertent harm to the child.

Frustrated by the child’s cries, Zuo Shuhui’s patience wore thin. She entrusted the child to the waiting wet nurse and exchanged a few words with Mrs. Hoe before departing with Mrs. Xue.

Leading Mrs. Xue into a secluded chamber and dismissing the maids, Zuo Shuhui whispered, “Mother, your daughter has something important to discuss, so please don’t be upset.”

“What is it that you’re keeping from me?”

“Your daughter heard that Duke Zhen Manor is considering selecting an heir from our branch. Why not propose giving your brother’s child to your third brother? Once you explain the benefits, he’s sure to agree.”

“How could we even consider such a thing?” Mrs. Xue’s brows furrowed, her expression turning stern as she admonished, “Yu Heng is the direct heir of the Zuo Family!”

“Mother, I understand. Right now, our Zuo Family has only this one child. You may find it hard to part with him, but consider the long term. Although his status will change after being passed to our Third Brother, he’ll still be your grandson. If he can inherit Duke Zhen Manor in the future, what need is there for worry?”

If she hadn’t married into the Jiang Family, she would never have entertained the idea of relinquishing her child to another. Such matters would surely tug at her heartstrings.

“Let me ponder…” Mrs. Xue furrowed her brows, lost in thought for a prolonged moment. On one hand, she couldn’t bear to part with her grandson, yet on the other hand, the allure of the benefits was undeniable.

Zuo Shuhui discerned her mother’s desires and offered counsel, “Mom, consider this carefully. Zuo Shaoqing will never have a child of his own. If he wishes to continue the lineage, naturally he’d be more inclined to accept someone close to him…”

“But Duke Zhen Manor will certainly desire an heir bearing the Lu Family bloodline.”

“What’s that?” No matter how close the bloodline, it shouldn’t venture beyond certain boundaries. Besides, I’ve heard that the lord holds great affection for his third brother. As long as the third brother persists, there’s no need to fret. Even if the old mistress disagrees, the worst-case scenario would be the child feeling a bit lonely. Each Zuo Family member has their place. As for the future… “It’s still distant.”

“Your father… “Absolutely not.” With Zuo Yunwen’s sense of pride, he would never allow a child of the Zuo Family to bear any other surname.

“Inform your father that children will come in due course, but this is a remarkably rare opportunity. Your daughter heard the news from others, so keep it discreet.”

“Then why not send away that woman’s son?” Mrs. Xue’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

It took Zuo Shuhui a moment to realize whom Mrs. Xue referred to as “that woman,” so she promptly grasped Mrs. Xue’s arm. “How could Duke Zhen Manor accept an illegitimate child? Besides, the hierarchy isn’t appropriate. Additionally, aren’t you concerned that the child may side with his birth mother in the future?”

“Then isn’t that illegitimate child born from a concubine?” Mrs. Xue’s lips curled into a smirk as she spoke with a sinister glint in her eyes. “As long as there’s no birth mother!”

Mother and daughter conversed at length. Mrs. Xue continued pondering this matter even after Zuo Shuhui departed, unaware that the two male heads of Duke Zhen’s household had no intentions of fostering relatives’ children.

As long as Zuo Shaoqing wasn’t foolish, he wouldn’t entertain the idea of closely related children from both families. It would be akin to raising someone else’s son for free. Who knows, the child might even become ungrateful.

However, Zuo Shaoqing remained unaware of this and lacked the energy to concern himself with it, as Lu Zheng was preparing to journey south, accompanied by the madam this time. Within the vast Wu Steel Manor, Zuo Shaoqing would only have him as his master.

“Master San, these are the monthly records and keys to all storage rooms. The madam instructed that you keep them temporarily.”

Zuo Shaoqing motioned for Luo Xiaoliu to put away the items, responding with little enthusiasm, “Could you please convey to the madam that I’ll miss her and urge her return soon?” Otherwise, he couldn’t guarantee how much control he’d maintain over the manor.

The butler reassured her, “You should express these sentiments directly to Madam. It would surely delight her.”

Zuo Shaoqing sighed before seizing the butler’s arm abruptly, eagerly querying, “Butler, you won’t be leaving, will you?”

“Certainly not. This old servant is too advanced in age to endure the rigors of a lengthy journey.” The elderly butler regarded Zuo Shaoqing affectionately. He longed to pat Zuo Shaoqing’s head, yet hesitated, unsure if Zuo Shaoqing would welcome the gesture.

Only then did Zuo Shaoqing breathe a sigh of relief. Despite his leisure, as a government official, he couldn’t remain at home as a mere caretaker. The Madam likely understood this, hence her decision to retain him here.

Naturally, this didn’t discount her fear of him tarnishing her family’s reputation.

Upon Lu Zheng’s return to the estate, Zuo Shaoqing trailed closely behind him, not neglecting the cleaning room. Any moment Lu Zheng turned around, they would inevitably come face to face.

“How much longer?” Zuo Shaoqing queried for the tenth time, reluctance evident in his gaze, yet anxiety gripped him as he received no response.

Lu Zheng simply scooped Zuo Shaoqing up, clasping him around the waist. Together, they descended into the bath, submerging in warm water as Lu Zheng pressed a kiss to Zuo Shaoqing’s forehead. “It’s not as if we’re embarking on a lengthy journey. It won’t be long.”

Allowing Lu Zheng to disrobe him of his wet garments, Zuo Shaoqing rubbed his chest, perplexed as he asked, “How long is ‘not long’? Being a man myself, I understand human nature. Prolonged separation can tempt one into infidelity.”

Zuo Shaoqing harbored no doubts regarding Lu Zheng’s affection for him. However, should they remain apart for several years, the depth of their bond might gradually diminish over time.

Well aware that his concerns were baseless, understanding he wasn’t bound for war, Zuo Shaoqing dismissed the notion of prolonged absence.

“I’ll inform you tomorrow,” Lu Zheng interjected, guiding Zuo Shaoqing to the pool’s edge. Their fervent kisses distracted Zuo Shaoqing momentarily from his concerns.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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