Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C208

C208 – Being Exposed

Within the confines of Crane City Prefect’s yamen, Lin Zhihao reclined with a cup of tea, observing as his household servants diligently packed their belongings.

Having received confirmed intelligence regarding the vacancy of the capital’s governorship and having charted his course accordingly, Lin Zhihao awaited the Ministry of Personnel’s official transfer decree, poised to depart with hands clasped behind his back.

As for Duke Zhen’s affairs at that juncture, they bore no relevance to him. Even if they did, Master Lu’s fate likely lay with the pirates; their whereabouts were a mystery.

With a carefree demeanor, Lin Zhihao hummed a tune, basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

“Milord,” Clerk Hee entered cautiously, murmuring, “The port has become increasingly congested, with numerous untoward incidents. Should we address this matter?”

Lin Zhihao dismissed the concern with a casual wave, remarking, “They’re merely a rowdy bunch. They’ll disperse in due time.”

The prolonged absence of Lu Zheng and Zuo Shaoqing’s party had incited unrest among their kin, who frequented the port seeking information. Inevitably, with increased numbers came escalated tensions and conflicts.

Clerk Hee, suppressing his apprehension, cautioned, “Sire, if Master Lu encounters trouble, we may find ourselves implicated as well!”

Dismissing the notion, Lin Zhihao sipped his tea leisurely, asserting, “Lu came for naval affairs. Our responsibility ceases where his absence from the sea begins. Besides, I’ve gone out of my way to secure a civilian vessel for Lord Zuo. We’ve done our part.”

“Indeed, the transfer order should arrive shortly. Upon my arrival in the capital, I shall endeavor to facilitate your transfer. In the meantime, you may continue your duties in Crane City peacefully.”

Expressing gratitude for the consideration, Clerk Hee acknowledged, “Your concern is duly noted. After so many years under your governance, it would be prudent for me to remain and maintain our ties with Crane City.”

Lin Zhihao chuckled, acknowledging the clerk’s foresight, “You’re quite thoughtful indeed. Crane City boasts wealth aplenty, and my passage to the capital has incurred substantial expenses. Remain here for the interim.”

Clerk Hee’s expression soured; he regretted having been swayed by the allure of Crane City’s riches, gradually losing sight of his principles.

Saluting dutifully, he acquiesced to Lin Zhihao’s arrangement, cognizant that the future lay beyond the prefect’s jurisdiction.

At Crane City Port, a throng eagerly awaited, poised to catch sight of their returning loved ones at the earliest opportunity.

“Tch!” These deceitful vendors, even a simple steamed bun is now priced at fifty cents!” grumbled a member of the Cao Sect, munching on a plain mantou as he navigated through the bustling crowd, sweat dripping from his brow.

Taking a bite of the steamed bun, which tasted as bland as wax, he fretted, “San Ye promised to return in just ten days. It’s been half a month already. Do you think everything’s alright?”

Ke You Liang, dwarfed by burly men surrounding him, remained inconspicuous in the midst of the throng. Despite this, his words held sway, even among members of the Cao Sect, to a degree.

That day, he led another expedition out to sea. Despite five days of calm, they encountered no sights and were forced to turn back.

“I doubt it. Even pirates wouldn’t dare confront such a sizable fleet. They’ve likely encountered Master Lu’s fleet. Just a little more patience!”

As the sun dipped below the horizon, aside from a few fishing vessels dotting the seascape, there was still no sign of Zuo Shaoqing and Lu Zheng.

“Looks like they won’t make it today. We’ll give them two more days. If they haven’t returned by then, we’ll set sail. No matter what, we must…” Ke You’s words were cut short by a loud exclamation near his ear, “Look! It’s a fleet!”

Turning towards the sea, he spotted several dark specks gradually drawing closer. Upon seeing the fleet’s magnitude, he bit his lip in excitement, “They’ve finally returned!”

Zuo Shaoqing disembarked behind Lu Zheng, greeted by a scene of bustling activity. Fortunately, members of the Cao Sect had cleared a path for them, facilitating their departure from the port.

Amidst joyous laughter, sorrowful cries rang out—the lamentations of those who had received news of loved ones lost.

Halting his stride, Lu Zheng instructed Soong Hanlin, “Inform the families of the fallen soldiers. Tomorrow, they shall receive their pensions from the prefectural attendant. This expense will be covered by Lin Zhihao. Tell him, this is just the beginning!”

Sensing his anger, Zuo Shaoqing instructed Ke Youliang to distribute some of the valuables they had brought back to the soldiers and sailors.

That night, word swiftly spread. It was rumored that Master Lu had been besieged by pirates due to collusion between someone from the Crane City Palace and the pirates, luring him into a deadly trap.

At the harbor, under the evening’s dim light, countless onlookers witnessed the harrowing state of the soldiers—many missing limbs yet still too light. Over a hundred bodies were carried off the ship.

Additionally, many observed a group of menacing individuals being led off the ship in chains. Rumor had it they were the largest band of pirates on the sea.

The long-presumed deceased, including members of the Wang Family, including father and son, unexpectedly returned en masse, defying expectations of their demise.

As per their accounts, the pirates’ identities had been conclusively verified.

With the news spreading, the populace of Crane City learned that the revered official they admired was, in fact, responsible for their suffering.

Amidst the night’s latter half, the enraged citizens stormed the prefectural attendant’s residence, battering the gates with stones, tearing down the signboard, and even defiling the stone lions with sacrificial dog blood.

Lin Zhihao’s anxiety persisted upon discovering Lu Zheng’s safety, though he doubted Lu Zheng could have connected it to him.

However, his fortune swiftly turned upon the midnight intrusion, with accusatory voices outside leaving his complexion pallid.

“My Lord…” Clerk Hee and the Grand Master hurriedly approached. Once inside the study, they shut the door behind them.

“What is happening?” Lin Zhihao flung a weighty paperweight down, pacing frenetically around the study.

“Sir, en route here, I made inquiries. Not only did you inadvertently disclose your scheme to Master Lu, but…” “It’s rumored that during your tenure, you accepted bribes, facilitated theft, and even aided pirates!”

“What?” Lin Zhihao was dumbfounded. When had he ever collaborated with sea raiders?

“These imbeciles!” The Grand Master consoled indignantly, “Your Excellency, these are baseless accusations from outsiders. Rumors are dispelled by discerning minds; you needn’t fret!”

Clerk Hee harbored less optimism. Mere accusations of conspiring with pirates to harm Master Lu could cost Lin Zhihao his life, let alone the additional allegations.

Lin Zhihao was acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. He dismissed his trusted aides and hastened to instruct his wife to prepare for departure.

Confounded, Madam Lin inquired, “We’ve long prepared for our journey to the capital. What is happening outside?”

Lin Zhihao instructed her to gather his essential possessions, select a few children and two favored concubines, and discreetly flee to the coast with a handful of servants.

With years of dealings with merchants, he was well aware of the existence of countries beyond Great Yang. Once he departed from the coastal regions, Lu Zheng’s threats seemed inconsequential.

Yet, he had underestimated Lu Zheng. Knowing himself to be the perpetrator, Lu Zheng wouldn’t allow him to escape Crane City so easily.

Through his careful orchestrations, every exit from the prefectural compound was blocked by incensed commoners. Before Lin Zhihao’s carriage could traverse a few steps beyond the rear gate, it was intercepted by the crowd.

“Quickly, someone come!” “The culprit is attempting to flee!”

“Their actions must have been disgraceful. Why else would they try to run away?”

“Hurry, seize him! We must seek justice for those whose lives were ruined!”

With one individual taking the lead, more and more people joined the throng. By the time the yamen runners arrived, Lin Zhihao’s carriage lay shattered, surrounded by concentric circles of civilians.

Thankfully, they retained their composure, recognizing the dire consequences of assaulting government officials. Otherwise, Lin Zhihao might have met a grisly fate.

Confronted by unarmed civilians, the yamen guards hesitated to take action recklessly. Additionally, upon learning of Prefect Lin’s misdeeds, they were disinclined to aid him, opting instead to maintain a perimeter to ensure Lin Zhihao’s safety.

Zuo Shaoqing enjoyed a restful sleep. After enduring several days of sea travel, he succumbed to slumber the moment his head touched the pillow.

Upon awakening to the brightening sky and the absence of Lu Zheng, he stretched, patted his stomach, and resolved to indulge in a hearty meal.

Exiting his chamber after freshening up, he encountered the gatekeeper from the Cao Sect, who hurriedly reported, “Master San, there’s someone outside seeking your audience!”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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