Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C228

C228 – Distorted Enlightenment

Zuo Yunwen’s mind raced; he couldn’t allow Lu Zheng’s family to depart unchecked. He signaled Zuo Shuhui discreetly, urging her to intervene.

Zuo Shuhui’s aspirations hinged on these two individuals; she depended on Duke Zhen Manor’s support to ascend. Allowing them to leave wasn’t an option.

“Hold on, Third Brother, Master Lu,” Zuo Shuhui, assuming an air of submission, positioned herself casually at the doorway. “Please wait a moment. Let me extend an apology on behalf of my mother. She’s stubborn; please overlook her behavior.”

Zuo Shaoqing sneered, discerning their obstinance. Their dialogue might portray them as disrespectful and defiant towards their elders.

“Sister, it’s late. Mother awaits our dinner,” he implied, suggesting they step aside promptly. “Time to leave!”

Zuo Shuhui glanced skyward, puzzled by Zuo Shaoqing’s sense of time. Nonetheless, it was merely polite rhetoric. She smoothed her hair and spoke sweetly, “Father has instructed the kitchen to prepare. You’ve returned after much effort; Madam will understand after dining.”

Zuo Shaoqing’s lips curved in a smirk, tinged with mockery. “I hear Sister aims for the official wife position. Congratulations may be in order.”

Zuo Shuhui, elated at the supposed insider information, inquired eagerly, “Where did you hear that? Why wasn’t I informed?”

“Naturally, you weren’t aware!” Zuo Shaoqing chuckled. “I saw Minister Jiang beaming this morning. Something good was bound to occur, and lo and behold!”

Zuo Shaoqing believed his choice to facilitate Zuo Shuhui’s marriage into the Jiang Family was prudent. Over the past six months, Jiang Che’s scandals had rocked the city.

Before Lu Zheng’s return, none surpassed Jiang’s Mansion in capital notoriety.

Recalling recent rumors, Zuo Shuhui paled, her composure unraveling.

“Is it true?” she questioned incredulously.

“Absolutely,” he affirmed.

Zuo Shuhui recalled her servant’s gossip about Madam Jiang’s ambitions to elevate their standing. With many vying for Jiang Che’s hand, even lesser officials saw opportunities.

Anxiously, Zuo Shuhui clutched Lu Zheng’s sleeve, imploring, “Master Lu, you must assist me!”

Lu Zheng rebuffed her, pushing her back. “Madam, have some dignity!”

Initially stunned, Zuo Shaoqing burst into laughter, relishing Zuo Shuhui’s discomfort.

“Sister, what’s this? Maintain propriety between genders. Is Jiang Family so liberal?”

“No, it’s just…” Zuo Shuhui’s explanation trailed off as she glanced apologetically at Lu Zheng, confirming his stoic demeanor.

Lu Zheng uttered a single phrase, “I’ll wait outside for you,” then carried Zuo Xiaolang out of the Zuo Mansion. Lingering further, he couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t dispatch that woman with a single strike.

Zuo Yunwen exited, sighing at Lu Zheng’s departure, then covertly shot a glare at Zuo Shuhui.

Zuo Shaoqing folded his arms, addressing the family composedly, “Any further matters? Speak all at once; there won’t be another chance.”

Zuo Yunwen’s mouth twitched, refraining from pleading. For a father like him to bow to his son was beyond his capacity.

“Master Lu acted in anger momentarily. Why not return and converse with him rationally?” Zuo Shuhui, dissatisfied, questioned, “Are we truly Zuo’s by name? Shall we stand by idly as our family suffers, even with the means to intervene?”

Zuo Shaoqing offered no immediate rebuttal, only a wistful smile. Recalling his past life, trapped in Jiang’s Mansion while Zuo Shuhui, now the lofty Madam of Wu Steel Manor, never extended a helping hand, despite her capability.

In this new life, his fortune reversed; he befriended Lu Zheng while Zuo Shuhui willingly married into Jiang’s Mansion.

He facilitated her elevation to equal status, albeit with ulterior motives. What emotions drove her accusations now?

“I understand your elevated status now, your disdain for us. Previously, Mother sought to entrust our only grandson to you. And you?” Zuo Shaoqing derided, “Treating this unknown child as a treasure, akin to a dog biting Lu Dongbin, oblivious to his benefactor.”

“Sister, you also mentioned it. Big Bro’s son is the ‘sole’ direct heir of our family. Suppose Big Bro decides to pass him to me?” Who knows if Zuo Shaoyan could father more children.

After years of marriage, Zuo Shaoyan finally had a cherished son. Yet this mother-daughter duo schemed against him. Did they wish for Zuo Shaoyan to have no progeny?

“Big brother is young, opportunities will arise,” Zuo Shuhui persisted, citing Zuo Shaoyan’s burgeoning political connections.

Zuo Shaoqing knew these connections extended warmly to everyone but Jiang Che.

He recognized Lu Zheng awaited a chance, one that could sour Zhan Yuanfeng’s relationship with Jiang Che, jeopardizing Jiang Che’s ministerial position.

“Is that all? Nothing more?” Zuo Shaoqing listened intently, noting their self-serving dialogue.

Understandably, families reliant on in-laws often tread this path. Regrettably, Zuo Shaoqing refused to profit from the Zuo family or extend aid.

Indifferently, he turned away, disregarding their curses as he departed the oppressive atmosphere.

As he exited, Zuo Shaoqing recalled the terror on their faces. Memories he’d forgotten resurfaced, reinforcing his resolve to stay away.

Outside, he spotted a man standing resolutely. Though silent, his presence was conspicuous.

Amidst the deliberate bustle, Zuo Shaoqing noticed many glancing at Lu Zheng, who remained unperturbed, meeting Zuo Shaoqing’s gaze calmly.

Slowly, a wry smile crept onto his lips. Unperturbed by the scrutiny of onlookers, Zuo Shaoqing dashed forward and enveloped Lu Zheng in a fierce embrace, his strength prompting raised eyebrows from bystanders.

“Look, Lord Zuo must have faced trials at his family’s estate and now seeks solace!”

“Ridiculous! With Master Lu’s presence, how could Lord Zuo suffer unless…”

“Unless what?”

“Unless Master Lu happened to fancy one of the young ladies from the Zuo Family and inadvertently desired to wed her, breaking Lord Zuo’s heart. Didn’t you notice Lord Zuo’s intense expression?”

“Didn’t the eldest daughter of the Zuo Family get married? Where is she?”

“You’re unaware of this? Master Zuo has three daughters in total—one is the eldest, and the other two are from a concubine.”

“Huh, why haven’t I heard about this before?”

The individual gazed skyward. “It’s not surprising that you’re unaware. How old is that young lady? Eleven or twelve?”

Leaning against Lu Zheng’s sturdy chest, Zuo Shaoqing remained silent, finding solace in the embrace.

Zuo Xiaolang peered out from the carriage, fixing an unrelenting gaze on the embracing pair. Beside him, Luo Xiaoliu fretted over whether Zuo Xiaolang would reprimand the misbehaving child.

Zuo Xiaolang withdrew his gaze and murmured, “What’s wrong, Dad?”

Relieved that Zuo Xiaolang wasn’t fixating on the public display of affection between the two men, Luo Xiaoliu replied softly, “Probably feeling down?” Uncertain, he doubted Zuo Shaoqing could be bullied by the Zuo Family.

“Who dares to upset Father?” Zuo Xiaolang brandished his claws as if preparing to avenge Zuo Shaoqing.

Luo Xiaoliu discreetly sidled away, lamenting the plight of this upright youth who couldn’t even confront a child, a blow to his pride.

Fearing Zuo Xiaolang might confront the Zuo Family, Luo Xiaoliu sought to placate him. “Alright, alright, no one. Your father just wants to indulge in a moment of weakness. Let’s ignore him.”

“Oh… Like the time with Little Sixth Uncle?”

“What time?” Luo Xiaoliu was perplexed.

“It was similar to the incident when you accidentally cut your finger and sought solace in Yinyi’s embrace, shedding tears. Father called that moment an act of vulnerability.” Zuo Xiaolang replied earnestly.

“Why would you cry?” Luo Xiaoliu’s mouth twitched. Why didn’t he recall that incident?

“Yes, I heard.”

“You heard wrong.”

“Impossible, Daddy said my hearing is the best!”

“That’s just fake crying. The kind of shrieking you heard is like what husbands and wives do. You wouldn’t understand!”

Zuo Xiaolang turned around to glance at him. “I get it. Dad and Papa often hug each other. They say it’s to share feelings.”

Afraid the child might develop the wrong idea, Luo Xiaoliu believed it was normal for men to be together. Hastily, he corrected, “Don’t listen to them. When Xiaolang grows up, he should find a lovely girl to be with.”

“You’re lying! Daddy feels comfortable hugging him!” Zuo Xiaolang promptly defended Zuo Shaoqing.

“Well, that’s because you’ve never hugged a woman. You’ll understand when you let Big Sister Hongyuan hug you someday.” Wu decided to discuss common sense education with Third Master when he returned.

“Have you hugged her?” Zuo Xiaolang suddenly inquired.

To lend credence to his words, Luo Xiaoliu nodded without hesitation. “Of course. How else would I know?”

“Is that so?” A deep, raspy voice reached Luo Xiaoliu’s ears, sounding distinctly unchildlike.

Luo Xiaoliu stiffly turned his head, meeting a pair of chilly eyes. A certain man gazed at him intently.

“Yinyi… When did you arrive? Weren’t you going to buy pastries for Zuo Xiaolang?”

“From the moment you said a man isn’t comfortable holding someone’s hand.”

“Haha… I was teaching the young master the right orientation, you can’t take it seriously like that.”

Yinyi handed him the pastries and stared, wordlessly. After a long pause, he raised an eyebrow and said, “What you said is true too.”

“What… What do you mean?” Luo Xiaoliu widened his eyes, raising his voice.

Yinyi hopped onto the carriage, facing away from Luo Xiaoliu.

Luo Xiaoliu squeezed beside him, poking his back. “What do you mean? Are you not interested in women? Are you going after Hongyuan? I’m warning you, Hongyuan is already taken.”

Yinyi grabbed his hand tightly. “Shouldn’t you explain why you hugged Hongyuan?”

“Well… I was just speaking nonsense, you know…”

“I don’t know!”

“How could I hug someone like Hongyuan?”

“Oh, so you wanted to, but never had the chance.” Yinyi tightened his grip, causing Luo Xiaoliu to yelp in pain.

“No, no… I never even thought about it!”

“You really never thought about it?”

“No… Even if I did, it’s not like I was lying before I met you.”

Yinyi didn’t release his hand, but eased the pressure. Luo Xiaoliu leaned on his shoulder, stealing glances at his face.

Zuo Xiaolang observed outside and ahead. He sensed Sixth Uncle must have lied. Why else wouldn’t they hug any women?

Thus, he concluded that something must be amiss. Poor Zuo Xiaolang had already decided from an early age that men should be with men.

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