Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C232

C232 – I am Narrow-minded

Upon hearing Luo Xiaoliu’s account of the current state of affairs at Zuo’s Mansion, Zuo Shaoqing smirked coldly. “Young Zuo Shaoqing, proceed to the accounting office and withdraw one thousand taels of silver. Inform them that I am entertaining esteemed guests and cannot be disturbed.”

Luo Xiaoliu, pondering from the outset, still found San Ye to be the most dubious. He surveyed his surroundings and queried softly, “San Ye, tell me honestly, how did this fire start?”

Zuo Shaoqing arched an eyebrow, responding casually, “I’m no immortal; how would I know how Zuo’s Mansion went up in flames?”

“Then what task did you assign to Yinyi yesterday? Why was he absent all night?” Luo Xiaoliu nibbled his lip. He intended to apologize to Yinyi that night, but after waiting for hours without his return, he drifted into a troubled slumber.

Upon awakening, finding no one by his side, he concluded that Yinyi hadn’t returned all night. This realization left him crestfallen and anxious.

“Look at you. Yinyi has gone on errands before; it’s nothing new!” Zuo Shaoqing nudged him, “Quickly, check on Zuo’s Mansion. And remember, we must make a grand entrance!”

Luo Xiaoliu pouted and scampered off, nursing his rear. He thought to himself, “I knew San Ye would indulge Yinyi’s misdeeds. Heaven will surely mete out justice.”

After his departure, Zuo Shaoqing gazed into the pool, lost in thought. He didn’t even notice Lu Zheng’s approach.

“What’s on your mind?” Lu Zheng inquired, draping his arm over Zuo Shaoqing’s shoulder.

Zuo Shaoqing relaxed against him. “Where’s Xiaolang?” They hadn’t seen each other in a while.

“Mother’s taking her afternoon nap.” Lu Zheng flicked his forehead, “Do as you please. Why so despondent?”

Zuo Shaoqing stared at him incredulously, “Despondent? I was just contemplating our next move.”

“Oh? Enlighten me, what’s your endgame?” Lu Zheng couldn’t feign ignorance regarding Zuo Shaoqing’s directives for Yinyi. Yet, he respected Zuo Shaoqing’s privacy and refrained from intervening.

“Did you know that while we were absent from the capital, Zuo Family used Wu Steel Manor’s name to cozy up to nobles?” Upon learning this news, Zuo Shaoqing disregarded it entirely. He reminisced about his past life when Zuo’s Mansion also climbed the social ladder with Wu Steel’s aid, questioning why Lu Zheng hadn’t intervened then.

“Hmm, a trivial matter. If it bothers you, I’ll have someone explain.” To Lu Zheng, it was an inconsequential affair.

Lu Zheng didn’t concern himself with how Zuo’s Mansion might benefit from Duke Zhen Residence’s reputation. Numerous disciples operated under the Lu Family’s banner, and whether it proved advantageous or not was their prerogative.

Zuo Shaoqing cast a sidelong glance, “I’m quite petty, you know!”


“Thus…” The eradication of the Zuo Family from the capital is imperative!” This resolution weighed heavily on Zuo Shaoqing. He desired no entanglements with the Zuo Family in the future.

Lu Zheng tightened his embrace, allowing Zuo Shaoqing to lean on his shoulder. He murmured softly, “There are matters I need not ask; your decision suffices.”

A smile played on Zuo Shaoqing’s lips. “Where will Master Lu be heading? I simply wish for them to relocate.” Youuxi Town offers an ideal sanctuary, particularly for the elderly.

Zuo Shaoqing had long tasked Zuo Yunyang with bribing the elders of Mrs. Zuo’s clan. Initially, a few stubborn elders hesitated, believing Zuo Yunyang’s status as the son of a concubine rendered him less convincing.

However, with Zuo Yunyang’s elevation to an imperial merchant, the clan discerned who could provide greater benefits. Consequently, they lavished praise upon Zuo Yunyang. As for Zuo Yunwen, residing in the capital, he had faded into obscurity.

He awaited Zuo Yunwen’s return, poised to relinquish his title as patriarch. Though merely symbolic, he anticipated Zuo Yunwen’s reaction.

“Indeed, Your Youuxi Town is commendable.” Lu Zheng reminisced about his time convalescing on the mountain, smiling as he playfully nibbled Zuo Shaoqing’s ear. “You were quite harsh on many of your patients then.” It was perhaps the longest he had endured hunger.

Zuo Shaoqing coughed awkwardly. “Master Lu, don’t misunderstand. Who would have guessed you had the appetite of a pig? Was it easy for me to discreetly provide you with meals?”

Of course, Lu Zheng understood the necessity for secrecy. Reflecting on subsequent revelations, his brows furrowed slightly. Since that time, he had harbored peculiar sentiments toward Zuo Shaoqing.

A frail scholar resorting to such tactics to avenge his family was unexpected. Zuo Shaoqing’s manipulation of Zuo Shaoling had broadened Lu Zheng’s perspective.

Feigning injury to sway public opinion, he portrayed himself as a victim of the legitimate son’s bullying, placing Mrs. Xue and her son at a disadvantage. He then orchestrated a scheme involving a sick woman to ensnare Zuo Shaoling.

Lu Zheng marveled at Zuo Shaoqing’s calculated ruthlessness. Each step was meticulously plotted, and if not for the resilience of Duke Zhen Manor’s associates, his schemes might have succeeded unnoticed.

Yet, the mystery persisted: how did Zuo Shaoqing learn of the woman’s ailment?

This marked only the beginning. Zuo Shaoqing continued to excel, executing three consecutive victories while employing unprecedented methods to exact revenge on the Zuo Family.

Lu Zheng found it incredulous; Zuo Shaoqing’s seemingly trivial methods yielded optimal results.

Before the examination, Wu Tie was poisoned by his wife. Zuo Shaoqing’s involvement was minimal, yet a woman effortlessly thwarted her husband’s future. Legally, Zuo Shaoqing was untainted in the matter.

If there was one aspect displeasing to Lu Zheng, it was Zuo Shaoqing’s manipulation to ensnare Zuo Shuhui, leading the Zuo Family to believe he would wed her.

However, the allure of the Duke Zhen’s Wife title was irresistible. Though unfounded, it led the Zuo Family to forsake an exceptional son-in-law, ensnaring Cao Zongguan in an overt trap.

Zuo Shuhui bore the consequences of her greed, ensnared in her own folly. How could she prevail against Zuo Shaoqing?

As boredom encroached, a shadow darted behind them, prompting Yinyi to stand alert.

“You’re back? How did it go?” Zuo Shaoqing turned to inquire.

“As per your instructions, Zuo’s Mansion is now uninhabitable due to the intense heat. The Daoist Priest has already located him and is merely awaiting the opportune ‘encounter’ with Master Zuo tomorrow. However…”

“But what’s the matter?”

“There’s been an incident. Your younger brother, who hasn’t even reached a year old, has passed away.”

“What?” Zuo Shaoqing was taken aback. He couldn’t believe Yinyi would make such an error. Hastily, he inquired, “What happened?”

“When the fire broke out, there was no one inside the house. This subordinate confirmed no injuries before departing. However, word has it that Zuo’s Mansion claimed the lives of a mother and child last night. This led this subordinate to suspect foul play and return with the report.”

Zuo Shaoqing’s expression darkened as he speculated, “It must be Mrs. Xue’s doing, isn’t it?”

Yinyi nodded, unsurprised. “Indeed, Lady Yue’s residence remained untouched by the fire. It’s evident Madam Zuo orchestrated the deed.”

When Zuo Shaoqing last visited the Zuo Family, he didn’t encounter the mother and child, so he paid it no mind. Despite his disdain for Lady Yue, he had no intention of taking her life.

He reckoned the child posed no threat to Mrs. Xue, thus assuming she wouldn’t harm him. Regrettably, he had underestimated her ruthlessness.

“My investigations reveal that over the past two months, Master Zuo has grown fond of Lady Yueqing. He spends increasingly more nights in her quarters. Moreover, he has lauded the child’s wit and obedience on several occasions, seemingly favoring him over his own grandson.”

Zuo Shaoqing scoffed, “Given his age, it’s natural for him to dote on the child a bit. Lady Yue is youthful and attractive, and unless Zuo Yunwen takes on new disciples, it’s only a matter of time before she captures his attention.”

“But why wasn’t Lil ‘Six aware of this?” Zuo Shaoqing queried, puzzled.

“The Zuo Family suppressed the information. Since the fire was deemed an accident, Master Zuo preferred not to escalate the matter. I managed to glean this amidst the chaos at Zuo’s Mansion.”

“Typical of Zuo Yunwen,” Zuo Shaoqing mused, stroking his chin. “It seems even fate favors me. I have no desire to soil my hands.”

“What do you intend to do…?”

“Gather all evidence. Lady Yue surely has a loyal maid by her side. Find a way to coerce her into reporting to the authorities. This time, I’ll ensure Mrs. Xue faces no avenue for redemption.”

Zuo Shaoqing gazed at the tranquil water’s surface, murmuring, “My mother’s case has lingered too long; it’s challenging to investigate. Let’s focus on Lady Yue and her son’s situation and inform Mrs. Xue. Let’s consider it as appeasing the spirits of the deceased mother and child.”

Zuo Shaoqing had initially planned to act after they left the capital. He could spare the lives of everyone in the Zuo Family, except Mrs. Xue, who owed his mother her life.

“Zuo Yunwen has recently lost his son, and his bond with Lady Yue and her child is the strongest. He won’t shield Mrs. Xue, perhaps out of familial embarrassment, but he won’t cause any issues. Prompt the authorities to resolve it swiftly; I don’t wish for disturbances during the new year.”

Yinyi glanced at Lu Zheng, nodding as he noted Lu Zheng’s lack of objection.

Once he departed, Lu Zheng embraced Zuo Shaoqing, placing a kiss near his eye. “Once we deal with Mrs. Xue, I’ll seek an imperial decree to honor my mother-in-law. It’s a gesture of filial piety.”

Zuo Shaoqing grasped his collar, planting a fervent kiss on his lips. Anxiously, he inquired, “But my mother is just a concubine. Will that be sufficient?”

“Then I’ll await Mrs. Xue’s relinquishing of her position. Trust me, I’ll handle this matter. I’ll deliver a satisfactory outcome.”

Zuo Shaoqing knew such trivial matters were within Lu Zheng’s capabilities, eagerly anticipating the day when Mrs. Xue would step down willingly.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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