Reborn to Be A Noble Wife

Chapter 539 - 539 Brings up an old case from back in the day

Chapter 539 Brings up an old case from back in the day

Yu’s how also did not expect Hai Lan after going out for a trip, brought actually is Yue Wen Han, and his subordinate magistrates, see that the few magistrates viciously come in, Yu’s hand propped up on the bed board, sat up straight, and coldly looked at the Yue Wen Han said, “Lord Yue, this is the meaning of what?”

“Second Lady Qu, you’re involved in a murder case, I’m afraid I’ll have to trouble Second Lady Qu to come with me to the Da Lisi.” Yue Wenhan waved his hand and a few magistrates came up to remove the bedpan.

Yu was shaken and almost fell, her hand holding the bed board, and she said sternly, “Lord Yue, do you know what you’re doing or not?”

“Plotting to kill, this kind of big event, even if Servant Qu is here, he can’t stop it, right?” Yue Wen Han smiled coldly in disbelief and stepped forward, “Who has Second Lady Qu harmed here, it wouldn’t be unclear, would it?”

He leaned close, a pair of eyes with a few moments of gloom, landing on Yu’s face, provoking her, she hastily and loudly defended, “Lord Yue, I don’t know what you’re talking about, your aunt died in childbirth, what does it have to do with me?”

She did not know that the party on the side of the nunnery master is a plot to kill the life of the old nunnery master, thought that Yue Wenhan was talking about her plotting the small Yue’s thing, her heart was panicked, her face pretended to be calm.

“You don’t know about my aunt?” Yue Wenhan raised an eyebrow.

“How do I know, I was still a concubine at that time, what ability do I have to assassinate your aunt.” Yu couldn’t care about losing face at this time, couldn’t care that she cared about this the most, and panicked.

The bed board was slowly removed by several magistrates, she panicked and reached out to try to grab the frame of the bed, but helplessly this strength could not be compared to several powerful magistrates.

“The nunnery master here just now testified that Second Lady Qu had people send her many silver taels, many years ago.” Yue Wenhan said grimly.

It wasn’t a question, it sounded as if it was an answer for Yu.

One look at Yue Wenhan’s appearance, coupled with his plausible words, Yu is more and more panicked, back then she covered things so tightly, she did not believe that all of a sudden was discovered.

Must be Yue Wenhan tricking her?

“I send silver to the nunnery, but also let her take care of your aunt, your aunt again not, she was also the second lady of the Qu House back then, I … I a concubine, want to protect some of the main mother how!” Yu’s loudly distinguish.

“Do you think someone … will believe this?” Yue Wenhan coldly smiled and asked back, but then coldly answered himself, “Inevitably there are people who believe it, at least Servant Qu believes it, right! But now even if Servant Qu believes it is useless, come on people, carry Second Lady Qu outside.”

Four yamen carried the man out one after the other.

Yu desperately struggled to pull on something, but no matter what she pulled on, she would end up being ripped away, and by the time she got to the courtyard, her whole body was in bits and pieces, and she didn’t look like a dignified lady-in-waiting.

“Yue Wenhan, I am the enjoined wife, you can’t do this to me.” Yu shouted in a shrill voice.

Outside the house stood many spectators, all of them were the previous onlookers of the incense, Hailan was also drawn in the crowd, together with the nunnery master and the scoundrel Wang Wu was also escorted, as for the other people, it was just a figure of speech, we all came together to follow Yue Wenhan.

Originally, we thought that the old nunnery master was killed, this will listen to the inside of Yu’s yelling and screaming voice, it sounds as if the original wife of Servant Qu was harmed by this woman, killed the original wife of the main house, and now this one is a concubine to be corrected?

The people outside looked at me and I looked at you, and for a while they were even more afraid to say more.

This is the cloud back and forth, turned several turns, so that they these spectators do not know what to say, of course, the Da Lisi in the case, they do not dare to say anything more.

“Second Lady Qu, if the Son of Heaven breaks the law, it’s the same crime as the common people, since Second Lady Qu is involved in a human life case, even if Servant Qu is there, he can’t stop this official from handling the case.” Yue Wen Han’s face straightened and said, while people went to find a carriage, he also had a carriage when he came over, but it was his carriage.

Not to mention the difference between men and women, there was the fact that he was an official and Yu was now a suspect, so the two could not be alone in a carriage.

It’s just that this kind of place, how do you look at it doesn’t seem to have any good carriages in it, after a few yamen looked around, a smart yamen spread his legs and ran outside.

“But I didn’t harm your aunt, your aunt died in childbirth, it has nothing to do with me.” Yu almost broke down and screamed.

“Your maid also said that you sent silver taels to this nunnery master.” Yue Wenhan said meaningfully.

Hai Lan struggled there to speak, but helplessly her mouth had long been stuffed with a piece of cloth, blocking only gasping for air, unable to speak at all.

“I just asked her to take care of your aunt, I didn’t do anything else, your aunt’s death has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me at all.” Yu said loudly.

Suppressing his weakness.

The surrounding people are not very understand at first, but can not help but have older people, remembered more than ten years ago that old thing, that will be the official lady died in the nunnery, or difficult labor, around the people but discussed for a long time, it is difficult not actually in front of this woman to harm the lady?

Listening to this one, it was a concubine at the time. A concubine who killed a lady?

The perfumers each stared at Yu with wide eyes, shocked, originally they thought that they were talking about the old nunnery, now could … they be talking about another murder case?

“At the nunnery in the nunnery, there are still medicines from more than ten years ago … ” Yue Wenhan did not pay attention to Yu’s loud noise, nor did he drive away the onlookers, only after Yu’s loud voice, only then did he frankly say, “That medicine should … also be given by Mrs. Yu, right? Together with the silver check?”

The medicine was now tucked away in his sleeve, carefully collected, and he didn’t know what it was at the moment, but right now, looking at Yu’s reaction, there was at least a good chance that it was real.

Thinking of his poor little aunt, Yue Wenhan’s eyes bubbled with anger, originally felt that Qu Zhizhen had treated his cousin poorly, but it turned out that it wasn’t just the cousin, but also the little aunt.

If it were not for his cousin’s repeated reminders, he would not have thought in any case that there was a difference in the cause of his little aunt’s death, and still less would he have made a special effort to come over to-day, and, by the hand of a scoundrel, to turn over the events of that year.

First it was a scoundrel, after that it was the matter of the old nunnery here, and only after that it was Yu.

This place can be considered carefully laid out, step by step, stepping over this line, how many things have to go through before a girl who has been in a deep room for a long time, and who should not even know too much about the human condition, can make it this far?

Yue Wenhan slowly collected the anger in his eyes, at this time he clearly knows, how to say, is the right way, Yu others to listen to nothing, but for Yu’s, each of his sentence is a reference, he should be more calm and collected is, the more he is calm, the more Yu’s will not be calm.

“Lord Yue, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I only admit that I sent the silver ticket, I don’t know anything else.” Yu wasn’t all stupid, just biting down on not knowing.

“Second Lady Qu, let’s go back to the Da Lisi to talk about it!” Yue Wenhan said without thinking.

“Lord Yue, shouldn’t you avoid suspicion?” Yu’s suddenly thought of Yue Wenhan’s identity, and hurriedly said, since it is to overturn the case for Xiao Yue’s, Yue Wenhan is Xiao Yue’s own nephew, so naturally he can’t personally preside over the trial.

“You can rest assured, to the Da Lisi, this official immediately presented your case to the Da Lisi Secretary in front of the Da Lisi Secretary, since the Da Lisi Secretary personally interrogated, this official is now just by the way to catch you to the case.” Yue Wenhan coldly said.

As he spoke, that smart magistrate had already come in to report, and Yue Wenhan had the men carry Yu outside.

Yu’s efforts to struggle, but helplessly by the two magistrates pressed hands and feet, even if the tossing and turning can not be tossed out.

Outside the door of the nunnery, there was already a cart waiting, only this cart was completely different from the usual horse-drawn carriages, and was essentially just an ox-cart, and it was still open.

Yu was carried to the top, in order to fear that she fell down, and deliberately let her lie down, and harnessed her feet waist parts, she was tightly bound to the bedpan, and then the bedpan was carried to the oxcart, and finally in front of the oxcart, there are magistrates to give her an umbrella, and is considered to give her enjoin the last decency of the wife.

The countryside is remote and there are no ki he carriages, it’s good enough to have such an oxcart, not to mention giving her an umbrella.

Yu’s anger was almost spasmodic, her fingers dug fiercely into the bed board but she was unable to get up, she could only loudly rebuke Yue Wenhan who got into the carriage in front of her.

Helplessly not only Yue Wenhan ignored her, even the onlookers of the incense no one paid attention to, and even do not know who smashed an egg into her body, after that it was more people smashing rotten cabbage and rotten mud into her body.

As soon as I heard the conversation between Yu’s and Yue Wenhan’s in the square, I knew that this what the Squire’s wife is not a good one, should be really harmed that the first time that the main room, the old generation still have memories of that one lady was then dead here, it looks like this woman in front of me and the nunnery in the nunnery colluded to harm the people, otherwise where is so much silver two.

As for what happened to the old nunnery master, it should have something to do with them as well.

The oxcart is not fast, there are good things after the back of the oxcart followed all the way to the capital, the road met a lot of people, see this strange line are stopped.

Someone asked naturally someone said, and so there were even more people watching, and it was a long way over to the entrance of the capital.

Yu’s at this time has not cursed, but still every now and then someone will be angry to her body to throw rotten leaves, the crowd can not see who, the magistrates to stop a few after a little better, but Yu’s face and body still can not help but be smashed, look at the dirt.

Discussions of the people more and more, almost only to the city gates, all know that the Qu minister’s house happened to favor concubine extermination of wife thing, favor is now this Qu second lady, extermination of the original this Qu second lady, a concubine, actually caused the main wife died in childbirth, and also used drugs.

Rumors were not within Yue Wenhan’s control, and what he said was not half wrong, as for the rest, it was all guessed and said by passersby, not half related to him, but it was quickly sat down by the people after the incident.

A gorgeous carriage followed this line of people into the city, seeing the scene in front of them, the carriage’s curtains lifted slightly, revealing a delicate face, commanding the maid beside her, “Go, see what happened?”

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