Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 18 - Celebration

As Jason was going over the game in his head he was interrupted by the notification that popped into his vision.

[Congratulations on your victory! Based on your performance you have earned the following rewards: 30 body modification points, 1 random gift]

Jason was about to redeem the random gift when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Coach Swendel "Great job out there Jason"

Coach Swendel had a huge grin across his face 'I knew this kid was the real deal! It should be impossible for us to beat a team as good as Mt. Vernon. Last year we lost every game we played against them by more than twenty points'

Jason joined the rest of the team as they lined up to shake hands with Mt. Vernon. Jason went down the line as he shook hands with everyone from Mt. Vernon.

The last person was the coach. He smiled at Jason "Great game out there kid. What grade are you in?" Jason answered "Seventh grade sir"

The coach pulled Jason close before whispering "I don't know what kind of conditions they're offering you but just know that Mt. Vernon will welcome you with open arms any time. And we are very generous"

Coach Swendel saw this and immediately pulled Jason away "Haha good coaching against you. Hopefully we see each other in the tournament."

Jason walked into the locker-room with the rest of the team. There wasn't a shower at the school so Jason just changed into a change of clothes as he packed his jersey into his bag.

Jason saw that Trell was already changed and was about to leave "Hey Trell". Trell turned around "What?" Jason stuck his fist out "Good game man. See you Monday?"

Trell had the same mean look on his face but he returned the gesture and fist bumped Jason "Yeah. See you then"

Everyone on the team congratulated Jason on having a great game. Udonis was changed out of his jersey.

He walked up to Jason put his hand forward "That was a sick game man. That was some future star type shit" Jason shook his hand "Thanks Udonis. You had a hell of a game too. 12 points and 13 rebounds ain't nothing to sneeze at"

Udonis smiled after hearing that "Hey man you can just call me UD. Hey Coach told me about the deal between you two. Go ahead and do what you got to do. I'll try my best to keep things cool with the rest of the guys."

He then paused for a second "Just... Just try and keep Trell under control okay? If it's you it looks like he listens. He's a great addition to the team but that's only if he can get along with everyone else"

Jason nodded "I'll try my best UD". Udonis waved as he left the locker-room. Jason walked out of the locker-room and saw his parents.

Jason's mom rushed to him and embraced him "You were so good Jaya! I can't believe it!" Jason's dad walked to him and patted his head "Your mom's right. You were great. When did you get so good?"

Jason knew he couldn't hide it from his parents. Luckily he already spoke with Coach Swendel to create an alibi "I honestly don't know. I tried out for the team last week and as soon as I picked up the ball everything felt natural"

It wasn't a great explanation but it's not like there was anything else that could explain Jason's talent and abilities.

Jason saw Kyle walk out and immediately pulled him over in order to change the subject "Mom, Dad this is Kyle. He's the first friend I made after transferring"

Kyle blushed after hearing that. He extended his hand out "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Yang" They both smiled as they shook hands with Kyle.

Jason's dad patted Kyle on the back "That was a great game you had Kyle. You really made them scared to go into the paint" Kyle nodded his head as he thanked Jason's dad for the compliment.

Jason's mom asked Kyle "Would you like to join us Kyle? We were just about to go celebrate your guys' win. We wouldn't mind having one more person to celebrate with. That is if it's okay with your parents"

Kyle shook his head "Thank you both for the invite but my mom is here to pick me up. We were going to eat real quick before she goes to work"

Jason shook hands with Kyle before he left. He turned to his parents "Looks like it's going to be just us." Just as he finished saying that he felt a hand on his shoulder "I'd love to tag along if it's okay with you Mr. and Mrs. Yang"

He turned his head and he was face to face with Samantha. Girls tended to grow quicker than guys at this age so she was just a bit taller than Jason.

Jason turned back to his parents "This is Samantha. We're working on a English project together" Samantha pouted "Wow. So you introduced Kyle as your friend and I'm just your project partner?"

Jason chuckled "Sorry it's just too fun messing with you." He reintroduced her "This is Samantha. She's another friend I made at school"

Samantha smiled and extended her hand out "Nice to meet you both". Jason's mom couldn't help but reject Samantha's handshake and instead pulled her into a hug "Oh what an adorable little girl!"

Jason's dad laughed "You really know how to pick em son. She's a real looker". Both of his parent's had fun trying to embarrass him.

Samantha's cheeks grew rosy after hearing Jason's parents. Jason felt his face and ears get hot "Haha you guys had your fun. Can we please go get something to eat? I'm starving"

Jason and Samantha sat at a table with his parents. Samantha looked stared at Jason and his dad in amazement "No way! Your dad owns the Rice&Burger Diner!?"

Jason's dad smiled "I take it you're a fan?" Samantha nodded "This place has the best cheeseburgers in Riverside. Not to mention your awesome milkshakes" Samantha started to drool thinking of the menu.

Jason's dad laughed "Pretty and she has good taste. You better be careful Jason. You never know when someone will try to snatch her up"

Jason just rolled his eyes "I thought we were done with the jokes dad". The four of them made small talk before giving their orders to a waitress.

Jason suddenly remembered "Hey is it okay if Samantha comes over to the house later? We need to watch a movie for our project"

Both of Jason's parents agreed but his mom asked "That's okay with us but do you need a ride home sweetie?

Samantha shook her head "No that's okay. My ride will come pick me up". Samantha pulled out her phone "Hey Jason. I have the movie on my phone if you want to get a head start?"

Jason thought for a second "I don't mind but I don't think we'll be able to hear it all that well inside the diner"

Samantha pulled out a pair of wired earbuds "I got us covered". Jason looked at Samantha in astonishment "Are those wired earbuds!? Those things are practically antiques. Why don't you use something a little more modern?"

Samantha shrugged her shoulders "I just like retro stuff okay? Now do you want to watch the movie or not?"

Jason nodded his head as he reached out for an earbud. Samantha ignored Jason's hand as she directly place the earbud into his ear.

She then placed the other one into her's "Be careful. The wire is kinda short so be careful not to pull it".

Because of the shortness of the wire Jason had to lean in as to not pull the wire from Samantha's ear. Samantha's cheeks got a little redder after Jason's face moved closer to her's. While Jason had the same deadpan face as usual.

Samantha started the movie and placed her phone leaning against the ketchup to hold it up. Jason and Samantha watched thirty minutes of the movie sitting shoulder to shoulder.

Jason's parents couldn't help but smile as they watched the two kids. Jason's mom whispered "I like her. She goes after what she wants"

Jason's dad laughed before leaning in to whisper back "Well it looks like she's going to have to go after it a lot more. Because Jason doesn't look like he's noticed anything"

Jason's mom giggled as she turned to her husband "I wonder who he get's that from?". Jason's dad shrugged his shoulder's "Beats me". Jason's mom then leaned her head onto his shoulder.

After a few minutes the waitress came back carrying their food. Jason raised his gaze from the phone "Looks like the food's here"

Samantha whispered under her breath "I should have ordered something that takes longer to cook". Jason turned to her "Did you say something?" Samantha shook her head "No just yawning"

They quickly consumed everything that arrived at their table. Jason was the last one to finish as he had ravaged two double cheeseburgers and a vanilla milkshake.

Samantha gulped as she saw Jason clean his plate "Wow. I was wrong. You're not a little piggy. You're a huge piggy. I can't believe you ate all that"

Jason's mom laughed at Samantha's reaction "Me and his dad we're surprised too. At least at the beginning. But ever since he started going to Jefferson he's been eating way more than he used to"

Jason's dad added "But then we saw how much he worked out at the house and he would tell us about his practices everyday after school. It makes sense that if you drive a lot you're gonna need a lot of gas. And Jason's always telling us that he's a growing boy that needs his food if he wants to get taller"

Jason's dad took care of the bill. The four of them got into the car and left the diner. Jason's parents dropped him and Samantha off at the apartment parking lot. Jason asked "You guy's aren't coming?"

Jason's mom shook her hear "Me and your dad are gonna catch a movie. It's been a while since we had a date night" Jason nodded "Okay mom. You guys have fun".

Jason turned to Samantha "Well guess it'll just be us for a bit". Samantha nodded her head as she began following Jason to the apartment.

As they were walking she turned her head to Jason "Hey Jason". He turned his head to her "What?" Samantha smiled "Your parents are awesome"

Jason wasn't really sure what she was talking about about but he had to agree "Yeah. They are pretty awesome". They stopped talking as the two of them walked through the door of Jason's home.

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