Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 193 - The Texas Team: Part-2

Despite the horrible start that Danilo and Alex had they somehow managed to focus and lock in long enough to come back from their large deficit.

After a few possessions the player being guarded by Danilo noticed that his defensive capabilities really had increased.

He passed the ball to his teammate who had been inactive so far in to the game. But that didn't help much as Alex himself was an even better defender than his brother.

Alex was able to rip the ball away from his defensive a few times while also locking him down with solid feet movement and active hands.

With the ball in his hands Danilo stood at the top of the perimeter. The current score was 9 to 9. First to eleven wins but you have to win by two points.

Danilo laughed "I told you bro. You was doing so much talking before but now it looks like you and your friend over there are about to lose."

The opposing player glared at Danilo "You ain't won yet bitch. We were just taking it easy on you. Now we about to play for reals."

Danilo grinned "Oh yeah?" He then brought the ball over to his left hand before going for a big crossover to the right.

After the big crossover Danilo jabbed a step toward the right while adding a hesitation move. The defender fell for it as he sidestepped to the right.

Danilo then pulled the ball back with a quick crossover to the left. After the ball reached his left hand he took a step back before repositioning the ball in his right hand as he got into his shooting form.

The defender tried to recover but by the time he was able to close out and put his hand up the ball had already left Danilo's hand.

The arc of the shot was fairly flat compared to the arc that a usual three pointer would have. The low flight path of the ball made it even harder to tell if the shot would go in.

After finally reaching the basket the ball rattled around the rim a few times but it went in. Danilo pumped his fist in excitement.

"GG mother fucker!" Danilo then ran his thumb across his neck "Haha I told you not to talk all that shit." Alex ran over to his brother and the two of them chest bumped in the air.

After they landed back on the ground Alex slapped his brother on the back a few times with a smile on his face.

"That shot was crazy Dlo. That was a good game and everything but yall could have just played one on one. Me and the other dude really didn't do shit until later on haha."

Danilo chuckled as he returned the favor and slapped his brother on the back a few times "My bad, my bad. I didn't think it would play out like that. It sorta just happened."

Before he could say anything else he heard some clapping coming from behind him. He and Alex both turned their heads and saw Jason and Kyle walking towards them.

Jason had a protein bar of some kind in his hand with a bite clearly taken out while Kyle had a big smile on his face.

Kyle ran over and high fived Danilo "That game was crazy man! You really put the clamps on the dude for the last half.

The block that you had when the dude tried to switch hands and go for a scoop layup was insane!" Jason nodded his head as he swallowed the food that was in his mouth.

He walked closer to Danilo and then stuck his fist out toward him "That was some good shit Dlo. Really nice stuff."

Danilo smiled as he bumped Jason's fist back with his own "Thanks. Nice to see that you two finally made your way over.

And also, not that I'm complaining but it just feels weird for you to complement me with such a bored look on your face."

Kyle laughed "Hahaha! That's okay man you'll get used to it. Actually if you spend enough time with Jaya you can learn to read his face.

Like right now. Jaya might look bored or unimpressed but he's actually pretty excited." Almost as though he were trying to support Kyle's claim Jason casually nodded his head. 

Danilo tried to take a closer look at Jason's face "This is excited?" He then leaned in and whispered to his brother.

"Can you tell that he's excited?" Alex thought about it for a second before shaking his head and whispering back "I can't tell to be honest. I feel like Kyle's talking some bs right now."

As the group was talking and chatting the sound of clapping drew their attention. They all turned toward the direction where the clapping was coming from and saw the group of guys that had been watching the game.

The boy in the lead spoke "Congrats on the W boys. Shit was nice. That three ball at the end tho? That was ice cold."

Danilo gave a nod "Thanks." The boy continued "No problem man. This might be a shot in the dark but y'all got invites from Nike right?"

Before they could answer the boy pointed at Jason "Cause I foh sho recognize this dude. Jason right?

You the Chinese kid everyone was hyped for right? At least until you crash and burned in the state tournament."

Danilo took a step forward "I don't know who the fuck you think you-" before he could finish Jason stuck his arm out and stopped him.

"It's cool Dlo. No need to get heated." He then turned to the boy who had just been speaking "First of all I'm Korean not Chinese.

Second of all I don't know what you mean by crash and burn but my name is Jason and yes we did get our invites from Nike."

The kid laughed before putting his hands up "Ay I wasn't trynna offend nobody. My bad if it came out like dat.

The name's Maverick Young but you can call me Monty. These here are my boys Big Stax and Jig. We from Texas just like the two clowns your boy played against. 

But unlike lil Mike and SlowMo we actually know how to win haha." The guy that Danilo played against ran up and yelled in protest.

"Come on man! I told you not to call me SlowMo! It's Mojo man, MO JO!" Monty turned around and looked at SlowMo.

"Shut yo ugly ass up Maurice. Ain't nobody talkin to you and your crooked ass hairline right now." Stax and Jig started to laugh after hearing Monty say that.

SlowMo looked like he wanted to say something but Mike walked to his side and started to pat his shoulder as he shook his head.

Monty then turned back to Jason and the group "We just got here today. We was gon stretch our legs and get some light work in but since y'all are here too then we might as well catch a full court game.

You guys down for that?" Jason turned around to look at the guys "What do you guys think? Wanna catch a game real quick before dinner?"

Kyle smiled "You already know that I'm down Jaya." Danilo and Alex both shouted out in unison "We're ready."

Just as Jason was about to turn around and tell Monty that they were down for a quick game he heard a voice shout out from behind him.

"Ay add me in and we can run fives." Jason cracked a small smile as he recognized the voice. After some heavy steps 3D's large figure was now standing behind Kyle.

3D added "You can't let these fools talk down to you man. You the one that beat me. If they talk shit to you then they talking shit to me by association."

Jason laughed as he turned back to Monty "I guess you heard their answers right?" Monty clapped his hands together "Looks like we got a game then."

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