Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 214 - Accountability: Part-2

After she was done speaking Patricia moved to the side to discuss the results of their findings with the other researchers.

Carter couldn't help but ask "Hey Doctor Miller, I thought that kid was one of your favorites? Don't you think you were a little harsh on him?

It really isn't that big of a deal if we give them a ten or fifteen minute break is it?" Patricia shook her head before responding.

"I forget that sometimes even smart people can be really stupid." Carter looked at her with a confused expression "Pardon?"

Patricia looked at Carter with an annoyed expression "Do me a favor Carter and try to use your big brain just a bit harder.

For the second half of the assessment we are going to be doing drills that are clearly aimed at Jason's strongest points.

We're doing this because you said that the higher ups want to boost his ranking and his him as a marketing tool right?"

Carter nodded his head in confirmation "That is correct Doctor Miller." Patricia then continued "So if we're already changing the assessment to include drills that will show favorable results to Jason what do you think will happen if people see us giving him even more preferential treatment?"

A lightbulb seemed to click in Carters mind as all the pieces to the puzzle connected for him "It will be too obvious that we're giving him special treatment."

Patricia didn't even bother to shift her attention away from her tablet Good. Looks like your brain isn't completely made of mush.

And that is why I had to be even stricter with him. By showing that Jason is not above the rules of the training camp we can at least say that we are being as unbiased as possible."

Carter nodded his head "I can understand that. But isn't it kind of risky to allow him to continue the assessment on an empty stomach?

Not only will it mess with his results but there is a chance that he could pass out or possibly even injure himself if he continues to push himself in his weakened state."

Patricia simply shrugged her shoulders "That's why we include a waiver with every invitation package to the camp.

By signing those papers the parents as well as the athlete's agree that we are not responsible for any injury or bodily harm that comes to them while they are attending the camp."

Carter couldn't help but shiver as he heard Patricia's cold and detached voice 'This women really lives up to her reputation as an ice queen.

She doesn't even hesitate to say something as cold as that. Not even with someone that she said was one of her favorite young athletes.'

Patricia on the other hand had no idea what Carter was thinking about. But her inner thoughts were a little different compared to what she had said.

'If it was anyone else I would have hesitated to be that harsh on them. Some athletes at this age are still fragile mentally and wouldn't be able to take a verbal lashing like that.

But Jason is different. Time and time again he has shown a mental fortitude that is years beyond his age. If he can play through a dislocated finger a bit of a scolding shouldn't be a problem.

And as far as him getting injured that is the most laughable thing that I've heard him say since the start of this training camp.

Maybe if it was anyone else I would be worried. But with Jason? I've seen this kid play back to back games where he didn't sit down for a single minute.

At first I always wondered what it was that allowed him to push his body so hard. But after finding out that he might have the ability to utilize up to 90 percent of the lactic acid that his body produces it's the only possible explanation.

This might be me making an unfair gamble on Jason's behalf but something about him just gives me the confidence to bet on him.'

- - -

After being scolded by Patricia Jason simply joined back up with Kyle and the other guys from California as he took a seat on the bench.

Rudy was silent for a moment but he eventually managed to push the words through his teeth "Sorry Jaya."

Jason pulled out another protein bar from his bag and took a big bite out of it as soon as he unwrapped it.

"It's cool Rudy. You don't have anything to apologize for anything." Rudy shook his head "I do though.

It's all my fault that you had to give up your extra sandwiches to me and Alex. I went too far with my messing around."

Jason saw how Rudy had his shoulders slumped and how he had his head hanging in shame. He patted Rudy on the back.

"Remember how I told you that the most important thing to do after messing up is to recognize what you did wrong and own up to it?"

Rudy nodded his head. Jason continued "Well consider this the second part of the lesson. Everything you do or don't do has a consequence.

Just like how you had to deal with the consequences of what you did now I have to deal with the consequences of what I did.

That's what I meant when I said that you don't have to apologize for anything. You already dealt with the consequences of what you did by manning up.

Now it's my turn to deal with the consequences of my actions. I already knew that if I gave away my food that I would probably get hungry during the training.

Would it make sense for me to expect an apology from you if I already knew what would happen before I did what I did?"

Rudy fell silent after hearing Jason say that. Jason just nodded his head before giving Rudy one solid slap to the back.

"Just focus on doing your best in the assessments okay? Leave everything else for later. I'm telling you that I'm good so don't worry about me."

Rudy simply nodded his head. After the five minutes of rest were done Patricia and the other researchers continued their assessment of the boys.

The assessments included testing their physical stamina as they had the boys run for as long as they could.

It also included testing their understanding of the game as they had the boys breakdown film from games that happened years ago.

The last part of the assessment had the boys once again hooked up to sensors as Patricia and the other researchers recorded their shooting form and mechanics into their system.

To no one's surprise Jason was at the top of all of the assessments as they played to his strongest points.

Although it was clear that he had to push himself a little harder than usual he still performed at the level that he expected from himself.

After the assessment was done Patricia told the boys that they were done for the day and that the real training would start tomorrow.

The ride back to the hotel was a silent one as Jason and all the other boys instantly fell asleep as soon as the van started driving.

After they got back to the hotel the boys all grabbed their sports bags out of the trunk of the van as they thanked Rob for the drive.

Monty and his crew left without a word as Jason and the other boys from California stood around the lobby.

As they were discussing what they should do next they all got a text message. Apparently Jasmine had created a group chat with all of their numbers in it.

Her text was simple 'Sup guys! If you still ain't got nothin planned for tonight how about we hit up Rucker Park? Figured that y'all would be into that kinda thing seeing as y'all hoop.'

Everyone seemed hesitant to take her up on her offer as they were all pretty tired from all the assessments that they had to do.

Jason was the only one who seemed to be excited after reading her text. But what Kyle and the other boys didn't know was that Jason was smiling for a different reason.

[Mission: Rucker Park, one of basketball's most iconic areas. As a die hard basketball fan your heart yearns to pay homage to this legendary site. Go to Rucker Park and put on a show for all to enjoy. Rewards: Depends on how hyped you can get the crowd.]

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