Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 24 - The Interview

Everyone was surprised to hear Jason say that. Giorgio was stunned for a moment before sighing 'I can't believe I let myself get caught up in a kid's pace.'

He smiled politely "Thanks Jason but I don't-" Jason's mom could tell that Giorgio didn't take her son's words seriously.

She knew that it was unlikely that a 12 year old boy would be able to fix something that even the heads of a broadcasting network were getting headaches over but she never liked it when people looked down her family.

She looked at Giorgio "What do you have to lose Mr. Giorgio? You should just hear what my son has to say." Her voice was firm and slightly irritated.

Giorgio scratched the back of his bald head "You're right. I can at least let him talk. So what's your idea Jason"

Giorgio still didn't really believe that the little boy would have anything insightful to say. But he wasn't in the place to argue considering it was his fault that he was in the hospital.

Jason was laying in the hospital bed "Since it's the news that's blowing this whole thing out of proportion why don't we just do a quick interview and say that I'm okay?"

Everyone was surprised about how simple yet effective Jason's suggestion was. Jason looked around at everyone's faces before continuing.

"And we can even use this situation to give the show some good advertisement if we say that the one on one between me and Jerome was supposed to be a scripted intro and we just messed up. But we can only do that if you're okay with me being on the show."

Jason thought that he was the one taking advantage of the situation to gain some benefits 'If I can join the show I'll be on more scouts radars. And if I can get Tyreek on the show he'll get more exposure too.'

Jason was sure that the only reason Tyreek wasn't drafted higher in his last life was because he played for a lesser known school and didn't get to showcase his talents on a bigger platform.

Both of Jason's parents had their own concerns. They were worried about how this would impact Jason's life. They didn't want Jason to lose out on the chance to live a normal life like any other kid.

But after Giorgio explained how they would shoot the show they felt comfortable with letting Jason make his own decision. If this was what he really wanted they would support him.

Giorgio explained that a camera man would film Jason during his practices and his games. They would occasionally record him outside of practices and games but for the most part Jason could go about his normal life.

Giorgio and Jerome looked at each other awkwardly. They didn't expect the situation to unfold so perfectly. They were already going to ask Jason to join the show.

But now not only was Jason the one proposing that he join the show himself. They can even kill two birds with one stone.

Giorgio walked towards Jason after he saw him waving for him to come over. Jason looked at Giorgio "I would like to join the show. But there's one more person I would like for you to add."

Giorgio concealed his concern 'I hope he doesn't ask me to add one of his bum friends.' Jason continued "I want you to add a high school player. He's a senior and his name is Tyreek Hills."

Giorgio thought for a moment. He had heard of Tyreek Hills before. Tyreek was talented and could definitely play ball at a high level but he was currently outside the top 50 in terms of ranking.

Giorgio decided that it would be worth it to add Tyreek as long as it meant being able to add Jason to the show 'If anything I can just give Tyreek low minutes on screen. I have to prioritize the players that the audience wants to see.'

Giorgio and Jason came to an agreement. He called his boss and explained the situation. Giorgio's boss emailed the contract right away so that they could finalize the decision.

Less than thirty minutes after Jason had agreed to join the show Giorgio was making calls and using his connections to set up a video interview with one of the news stations.

Within two hours Jason's face would be on TV again. But this time without the mosaic censoring of his face.

Kyle was sitting on the coach in his living room hugging one of the pillows. His mom was next to him as she snacked on a bowl of fruit salad "C'mon baby. You already talked to your friend. So why the long face?"

Kyle sighed "I don't know mom. I guess I'm just in a bad mood from seeing that news lady talk about Jason like that. She was talking as if it was Jason's fault for challenging that high school player. And she made it sound like Jason did all this for some publicity."

Kyle's mom smiled "It's nice to see that you care so much about your friend Kyle. But like I said before your friend is doing okay and that's all that matters. Now cheer up and have some fruit salad."

Kyle picked up his bowl from the coffee table. He scooped a sweet spoonful into his mouth before his attention was pulled back towards the TV.

The same female news anchor that originally reported Jason's story was back on the screen "This just in we have some breaking news. We have an exclusive interview with the little boy from Riverside."

The TV showed Jason laying in a hospital bed on the right side while the news reporter was on the left. She politely smiled "Hello young man. Can I ask you for your name?"

Jason responded "My name is Jason Yang. My friends call me Jason. I don't believe I got your name?"

The news reporter was a little surprised by Jason. She was sure that Giorgio had told him her name before the interview.

She cleared her throat "My name is Cassidy Nemwen. Now Jason according to our reports Jerome was the one to ask for a rematch at the mall after losing to you. Is that correct?"

Jason didn't like this reporter. The way she reported the story was negative towards Jason, Jerome and the show. He could also tell that she was trying to stir up trouble with her questions.

Jason answered "That is correct. Jerome did ask for a rematch after our first game. But I accepted because I thought that it would make a great learning opportunity. It's not everyday that you get to play against a top 20 ranked high school player.

Another thing that I have to add is that the reason I played against Jerome was to record some promotion material for the show."

The reporter asked "What do you mean record promotional material? Can you explain?"

"The whole thing at the mall was supposed to be an intro for me. We just had a small accident while recording."

The reporter was surprised "Are you trying to say that you are joining the show?"

Jason nodded "That is correct. I am joining the show and Jerome was kind enough to agree to be part of my intro to the show.

That is why I feel so bad about all the hate that has been targeted towards him. I told him to not hold back.

Even if it was for the show I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to compete against top level talent.

Jerome was nice enough to agree but now just because of a little accident he's being hated on. But for the people at home watching this I just want to tell you something.

I understand that if you don't play basketball that the incident with Jerome would look malicious. But for those who do play it is very obvious that it was a clean play. Basketball is a physical sport and accidents can happen all the time. Injuries are a common thing. Players get dinged up all the time."

The reporter could feel that the momentum and control of the interview was being shifted to Jason. She could tell that she wouldn't get any good soundbites out of this interview so she wanted to end it quickly.

She smiled "Thank you for the interview Jason. All of us here at the station hope you have a speedy recovery."

Jason could smell the bs coming out of her mouth "Thank you. Before I go I would like to thank Through the Hoops for thinking that I deserve to be on the show.

My parents for letting me be on the show. Jerome for shooting with me today. And last but not least I have to thank my mentor and friend Tyreek Hills. He helped me get my game to where it is today and I wouldn't be the player that I am without him.

I know that this wasn't the best first impression to make but I hope you all tune in to Through the Hoops so that I can show a different side of myself. Thank you."

The camera showing Jason turned off. Back at the hospital Giorgio was holding Jason's phone. They used the phone as a camera for the interview.

Giorgio handed the phone back to Tory and gave Jason a thumbs up "Great job Jason. But that news reporter really surprised me. I didn't think she would try to interview you like that."

Jason closed his eyes and relaxed "That's okay. The interview ended up going well anyways." Jason felt like the interview went very well.

He was able to leave a good image of the show and Jerome while also advertising Tyreek 'I hope that Tyreek doesn't mind me making that whole mentor thing up.'

Jason massaged the top of his scalp. Today had been a very busy and eventful day for him and he was finally starting to feel the fatigue 'I just hope that tomorrow is a little quieter'

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