Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 249 - Test Of Heart: Part-2

Jason continued to explain the drill "You guys will run laps around the gym while I run behind you. If I can catch up to you and pat you on your shoulder then you're out."

All of the boys began to panic after hearing him say that. Seeing their terrified faces Jason laughed "Don't worry. I won't be running full speed.

I'll make sure to tone it down to a level that's fair." All of the boys let out a collective sigh of relief after hearing Jason say that.

Jason might not be an explosive athlete but he had the kind of endurance that could only be described as monstrous.

With his stamina if he were to run at full speed even if they could out run him at the beginning they would end up getting caught sooner or later.

After they got into position Sam turned to David "We're almost there David. Let's give it everything we have."

He stuck his fist out. David nodded his head before bumping Sam's fist back with his own "We can't hold anything back. We have to make the team for everyone that got eliminated."

All of the boys could feel their hearts begin to race as they stood nervously waiting for the signal to start. The silence was almost unbearable as they stood around in a group.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity they heard a whistle as they all began to run. Some of the boys turned around and sighed after they saw Jason.

True to his word Jason wasn't running at full speed. If anything it was more like he was jogging as he trailed behind them.

After seeing the speed at which Jason was going the smarter kids in the group slowed down as they tried to match him.

David and Sam did the same as they stopped sprinting and went into a jog. Seeing that some of the other kids were going at a faster pace he sneered.

"Those kids must be stupid. This is clearly a test of endurance and not speed. They want to show off too much."

David shook his head "You might be right about some of them. But look at the very front." Sam did as David had instructed.

He saw two identical looking guys "Twins?" David answered "Those are the Silva twins. When they played against Jefferson last year they gave them a one hell of a game.

Most likely the kids who are at the front are kids who played ball for their last school. They're probably confident in their stamina and want to take this as a chance to stand out.

If they can catch the coach and Jaya's attention it might increase their chances of making the varsity team."

Sam took a moment to process what David had said before nodding his head "Alright. Enough talking. We should save our breathe for the running."

After only ten minutes some of the kids showed signs of tiring out as they slowed their speed down even more.

After twenty minutes Jason began to call out the first names as he began to catch up to the boys. Hearing the eliminations rejuvenated the boys for a moment as they picked up their speed.

From the sidelines Kyle was smiling as he shook his head "That is so cruel. This is pretty much torture. None of these kids have a chance of matching Jaya's stamina."

Vince snacked on a protein bar that he had pulled out from Jason's backpack "At least he's taking it easy on them.

Jaya could go full speed and probably outlast them five times over. The speed he's going now is barely faster than a jog."

DJ nodded his head "Yeah. I can't believe these kids are trying out for the team with such bad stamina."

Matt laughed "You talking real tough DJ. I'm pretty sure that you would be in the same boat as them if you didn't train with Jaya for a year.

Especially with how much you love to eat. Forget playing basketball you looked like a damn basketball."

All of them laughed after hearing Matt's lighthearted jab at DJ.

It had been thirty minutes now since the boys had started running. Although at this point a lot of them were at the point where the most they could do was jog.

Sam noticed that David was no longer beside him so he turned his head. He saw that David had fallen behind and was with the last group of kids who were close to getting caught by Jason.

He slowed down until he was next to him "Huh huh You good bro?" As he panted sweat was rolling down the side of his face.

David didn't respond as he simply nodded his head. Seeing how exhausted his friend was Sam put his arm under David's as he tried to help him.

Jason's voice boomed from behind him "What the hell do you think you're doing!? This is a test to see if you're good enough to join the team.

Are you going to carry him in the middle of a game? Are you going to shoot the ball for him too?" Sam flinched after hearing what Jason said.

He pulled his arm back but turned his head as though he wanted to say something to Jason. But before he could David reached out and grabbed him by the arm.

He turned his head and saw David shaking his head. David opened his mouth as he struggled to push his words out "Don't. Just. Run."

Sam hesitated. He stayed by David's side for a moment before biting his lip. He looked David straight in the eyes before picking his speed back up.

As the minutes passed by he could hear Jason's voice getting closer and closer as he eliminated more and more people.

"Out." "You're done." "You tried your best." "Eliminated." He was too tired to even turn his head but he could tell that Jason was getting closer and closer.

He couldn't tell if his heart was pounding from all the running he did or if it was from the fear that was seeping into his mind.

'He's coming. He's getting closer. FUCK! Come on legs! Keep moving!' Each step was getting harder and harder to take as his feet felt like they were tied down to bricks.

Then he heard Jason's voice once again "Is this all you got! I thought you wanted to join the team! If you want to put these jerseys on then show me!"

His voice was like a bolt of lightning as David found himself with a renewed vigor 'I have to make the team. For everyone that got eliminated and for myself.

Joining Jefferson's basketball team was all I could think about all summer long. I transferred schools  just for this. I can't go back home to my parents empty handed.'

Unfortunately even the newfound source of strength and energy wasn't enough as David found his speed falling once again.

As more time passed by David's pace had gone from jogging, to a brisk walk, down to barely walking.

It seemed as though with each step he took Jason's voice got that much closer "Out." "Out." "Out." He then felt the strength leave his body as he felt a hand land on his shoulder.

As he fell to the floor it took all of his strength to flip himself over so that he was laying on his back. He looked up and saw Jason's deadpan face.

'It's over. I'm done. Shit!' He covered his face with his hands. But just as the tears were about to pour out he heard Jason "Congratulations. You're number 24."

- - -

Back at home the table was lively as Jason sat at the dining table eating dinner with his parents and Shania. As she stuffed a dumpling into her mouth with her chopsticks she looked at Jason.

"So how was tryouts? Any interesting kids?" Jason took a sip from his strawberry milkshake before answering "There were a few.

The Silva twins were there. Plus some kids that played for their last school. Oh, there was a really interesting Asian kid too."

Jason's mom looked at him "Oh? And what made him interesting? Did he play for his last school too?"

Jason shook his head "Nah. His jumper was okay but I doubt that he played for his school. Plus, he didn't write that down on his application.

The thing that made him interesting was that when I told him he made the final cut he actually started crying."

Jason's dad laughed "Maybe he was overwhelmed by the good news." Jason shrugged his shoulders "Maybe."

As they were eating their dinner and talking about their days the TV caught their attention as the news was talking about Jason.

"In today's news local phenom gets in to violent altercation at school." Jason's mom picked up the remote and switched channels.

But it was another news station "Hometown hero or violent thug in the making? In today's-" She once again changed the channel.

Despite changing the channel a few times it was still news stations talking about the incident with Jason in the restroom.

She finally decided to change it to a kids network as the image of cartoons appeared on the screen.

Jason laughed "It's okay mom.

You know that stuff doesn't get to me." She crossed her arms "Even if it doesn't get to you I still hate it.

Everyone knows that it wasn't your fault. All you did was protect yourself and they still want to try and paint you as the villain."

Jason smiled as he shook his head "Yeah well, that's why most of the stations are saying that it was self defense.

It's only a few stations that are trying to spin it the other way. They're probably just desperate for views.

Besides, if they want a villain I'll give them one." His parents and Shania both turned their heads from the TV to him.

"By the end of the season anyone that's not a Jefferson fan will hate us. We'll kick so much ass that they'll look at us like we're supervillains.

They'll have to bring the Avengers back together if they want to take us down."

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