Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 262 - Lighting A Fuse

Jason used his Heart's Eye as he took a look at Zhaire's skills.

Zhaire's skills


Free-throw: (B+) ^ A+

Lay Up: (B+) ^ A+

Dunking: (C) ^ B-

Close Shot: (B+) ^ A+

Mid Range Shooting: (B+) ^ A+

Three Point Shooting: (B+) ^ A+

Dribbling: (B) ^ A

Passing: C

Ball Handling: (B) ^ A

Play Making: D+

Post Scoring: (B) A

Rebounding: (C) ^ B

Post Control: (B+) ^ A+

Perimeter Defense: (C-) ^ A-

Post Defense: (C) ^ B+

Steals: (D) ^ B+

Blocks: (C-) ^ B

Athleticism: A- ]

Jason thought to himself 'Looks like he still has the same habit of playing up against certain match ups.' He looked at the sidelines and saw Javier and Greg.

'He probably wants to use this game against me to try and blow his name up. If he could just get rid of that rotten personality of his and play hard every night he could have made more out of his life.

If that part of him is still the same I wonder?.....' Jason laughed in his head as a bit of an evil thought crawled into his mind.

Jason smiled at Zhaire and spoke in a volume that only the two of them could hear "Punk ass bitch." He then let go of his hand.

The vein on his head bulged as he tried to reach for Jason "What the fuck did you say?" Before he could grab his jersey Jason swatted his hand to the side.

Seeing what was going on the players from both teams crowded around their teammates as the tension began to rise.

The referee had to step in between and blow his whistle "This is a warning. Any more and you'll get hit with a tech."

Jason nodded his head before looking at his team "Let's go. No point in stooping down to their level. They're not worth it." The boys followed Jason as they got in to position for the tip off.

As Kyle was getting ready for the jump Jason took a quick glance and saw that Zhaire was showing clear signs of aggravation from their previous exchange.

Jason smirked to himself 'Glad to see nothings changed. He's still got the same old short fuse and bad temper. This should be fun.'

Ever since he had found himself transported twenty years in to the past Jason had never gotten a chance to fully unleash his trash talking.

Part of the reason why was because he just didn't need to. The other reason why was because he didn't want to make a little kid cry. But if it was someone like Zhaire Jason didn't really mind.

Both Kyle and Jason had flipped the switch as they went from their friendly and easygoing regular selves to their game modes.

Kyle's eyes were sharp like a predator stalking his prey as he eyed the ball in the referees hand. He looked as though he didn't even notice his opponent who was right in front of him.

Seeing that both players were ready the referee tossed the ball up into the air. As soon as it reached its peak Kyle launched off the floor and tapped it towards his team.

Jason ran forward and caught the ball as he immediately began to sprint down the floor. With a quick scan of the court he saw that Kyle only had one player chasing after him.

As the ball was coming back up from his dribbled Jason threw a bullet pass with his left hand ahead to Kyle in one swift motion.

With the defender trailing on his right side Kyle saw the pass coming to his left. He caught the ball with both of his hands before taking two long steps.

On his last step he leaped into the air as he dunked it with his left hand on the left side of the rim. He hanged on the rim for a second to kill some of his momentum before dropping back down to the floor.

After pointing to Jason he looked to the crowd as he tried out the celebration that Jason had shown him. He pretended to rip his jersey apart in the middle as he did the Super Man celebration.

The crowd jumped to their feet and started cheering wildly after seeing Kyle's celebration. Zhaire on the other hand was not amused.

He ground his teeth as he cursed in his mind 'What the fuck are you guys doing? We're the home team not them!?'

He clapped his hands as he glared at his Center "Are you going to space out all day or are you gon inbound that shit!?"

The Center bit his tongue as he stopped himself from saying anything. He just shook his head before inbounding the ball to Zhaire.

As he turned around to start bringing the ball up the court he was surprised to see Jason right there ready to guard him.

He couldn't help but be infuriated 'You think you can pick me up full court! You digging your own grave fucking twig ass bitch!'

He began trying to dribble around Jason as he did a quick crossover. Jason just leaped to the side as he beat Zhaire to his spot.

No matter what he tried he couldn't lose Jason as he slid his feet and stuck to him. Rosewood's coach yelled from the side "Pass it to Ruben!"

But Zhaire ignored his coach's order to pass it to his Point Guard as his pride wouldn't accept the fact that Jason was already getting the best of him.

He turned his body to Jason in an attempt to use it to protect the ball from Jason. As he struggled to get around Jason he started to talk.

"This all you got man? I thought you would actually make this hard. If this is all you can do I won't even have to play more than twenty minutes."

Zhaire ground his teeth as his anger began to boil over "Shut the fuck up you chopstick lookin ass bitch!"

Jason chuckled as he continued to stay glued to Zhaire's hip "If I'm the chopsticks then you must be the noodles cause I am eating you alive right now.

Or maybe a better comparison would be a wok and some fried rice because I am cooking you  up haha."

He clenched his teeth tight and shut his mouth as he couldn't think of anything to say in response to Jason's trash talk.

As he continued to try and force the situation Jason saw a golden opportunity as he leaned in and stabbed his hand toward the ball.

To Zhaire's dismay Jason had successfully poked the ball away from him. He took a step and bent over as he tried to reach for the ball.

But right as he was about to touch the ball Jason reached in once again and tapped it away from him. Because of his compromised stance he was a step behind Jason as he ran toward the ball.

Jason now had three steps of separation between them as he began to sprint toward the basket. Zhaire revved his engine up as he began to run full speed in an attempt to catch back up with Jason.

With his advantage in the athleticism department he was soon able to close the distance between them as he was right behind Jason.

His gaze locked in on the ball as he prepared himself to jump at any second to block the shot 'I dare you to try something you little shit!

I'll swat that shit to the top of the bleachers!' As he stepped into the paint Jason picked up his dribble as he got ready to shoot the ball.

Jason jumped as he held the ball in his right hand. It looked like he would lay the ball up on the right side of the basket.

Seeing Jason jump into the air Zhaire did the same as he cocked his right arm back in preparation to block the shot.

But as he was swinging his arm toward the ball Jason brought the ball back down as he switched from a layup on the right side of the basket to a reverse layup on the other side.

As their bodies bumped while they were in the air Jason heard the referee blow his whistle. He then threw the ball up with a flick of his wrist as the ball.

Because of the mid air collision Jason's balance had been compromised causing him to fall on his butt after landing back down on the court.

As he was sitting on the floor he watched as the ball bounced on the rim a few times before finally sinking through the net.

He stared down Zhaire before turning his attention to the crowd. He smiled as he put his right hand up above his head. He then slowly began to unfold his fingers as he counted from one to three.

Seeing Jason do that the crowd once again began to cheer fervently as the whole gym felt as though it were shaking.

Jason looked back at Zhaire and saw him trembling in rage. He smirked 'This is going to be one hell of a long night for you. Now let's see if you'll manage to play the whole game haha.'

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