Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 283 - A Meal Before Saying Goodbye

The next day. Jason was stuffing his face with a variety of foods while Kyle, Tory, Samantha, and his two cousins sat around him.

They were currently at a table in the corner of Valentino's restaurant celebrating Jefferson's great win over some lunch.

Today Leslie and Nate would be flying back to New York with their parents so Jason thought that it would be a good idea to have one last get together before they left.

His parents thought that it was a great suggestion as they told him that they would have a double date with David and Lily while they were out.

Jason had invited Shania as well but she had basketball practice so she wasn't able to make it. Leslie looked at Jason with a peculiar expression on her face.

"I still can't get used to seeing how much you eat Jason. Even though Nate had told me before and even though I had seen it with my own two eyes it's still..... shocking."

Samantha laughed as she took a bite out of the meatball that was hanging off of her fork "Yeah well you better get used to it.

Jaya has the appetite of a blue ribbon pig and the stomach that could match a cow's four. I still don't get how he stays so skinny.

It's just not fair! I wish I could stuff myself like that without having to worry about packing on weight!"

Kyle chuckled "Hey, come on now Sammy. You know that Jaya would trade with you in a heartbeat. He hates the fact that he can't put on any weight."

Leslie turned to Kyle and asked "Really? I would think that it's a great thing no? You can eat all the tasty food that's trash for your body.

Drink all kinds of tasty things like milk tea, milkshakes, soda, and you don't even have to workout or exercise afterwards.

You can live an enjoyable life indulging in all of your cravings without having to worry about any of the consequences. There are tons of people that would love to be in your shoes."

After she finished talking Leslie noticed that the mood at the table had changed. Jason was still in the middle of eating but Kyle, Tory, Samantha, and Nate all had strange expressions on their faces as they looked at her.

Back when Samantha had said her comment about Jason her tone was clearly that of just joking around and having fun.

But Leslie's tone sounded like she was serious and that she didn't understand why Jason wouldn't be happy to have his condition.

Nate nudged his sister lightly on the side "You shouldn't say something like that Sis. Sammy was just joking earlier about Jaya but he really does hate it.

You weren't there so you probably wouldn't understand but he literally had to go through hell for two weeks just to put on some weight.

And you might not know because you don't really follow the news about Jaya but he's probably the biggest villain in basketball right now.

It might not look like it because you've only seen his home game but a ton of people hate him and the team.

There are hundreds if not thousands of people waiting for him to slip up even the smallest bit so that they can rub it in his face."

Kyle awkwardly scratched the back of his head "You might not understand because you're not an athlete Leslie but weight is a really important thing for athletes.

Especially for top prospects like Jason. Sure being heavy and out of shape is no good but it's also bad to not have enough weight.

Something as small as ten to 15 pounds (4.53kg - 6.8kg) can be the difference of you being knocked off course on your way to the basket or an and one."

Tory nodded her head "Basketball is a game where even the smallest numbers could make the difference. If your jump shot is just a few inches to the left you could miss a potential game winner.

And if you're just a few pounds too light you could struggle to drive into the paint. Just for the sake of putting on some weight Jaya stuffed himself like crazy in New York.

It was to the point where just seeing the trays being wheeled into the room made him want to puke.

Plus Nate is right. Even with everything that Jaya has done so far the biggest thing that all of the critics say about him is that he's too small to make it at the next level and that he's just a fake star.

Other than just fans of other teams or other players there are even some TV people that are just waiting to pounce on Jaya as soon as he shows the smallest bit of weakness."

Leslie realized that she had said something that was a little distasteful so she looked at Jason and apologized. 

"Sorry Jason. I didn't understand what you were going through and yet I fired off my mouth like a moron."

Jason swallowed the food that was in his mouth before looking at Leslie "Don't worry about it. Like they said, you aren't an athlete and you don't really get this kind of stuff.

You didn't mean anything by it so why should I be angry? Besides, it's not like I've never opened my mouth and said something stupid. Kyle and Sammy would be the first to tell you that."

Jason's joke helped to alleviate the awkward air that had spread across the table. Kyle smiled "You got that right.

I still remember the time we were at the electronics store and Jaya asked me a question about videogames.

He actually took me serious and asked the workers about a game that didn't even exist." Sammy flashed her bright smile as she added.

"Oh oh, what about that time we were at the street festival at downtown Riverside? Jaya was so serious when he was talking to that booth worker about the crystal armbands that were supposedly high tech."

Tory laughed "If you think that's good wait until you hear about this-" While everyone was laughing and having a good time listening to the funny stories about Jason he himself didn't mind.

Although he was an adult that had lived to his thirties in his past life he had been so single-mindedly focused on basketball that he didn't pay attention to much else.

He wasn't a hundred percent sure about the things that had happened or the products and inventions that had come out during his last life.

He was the type of person that would rather be sorry rather than safe. He didn't mind asking questions that others would be embarrassed to ask as long as he got the answer.

After a while the mood had returned to normal. Samantha looked over at Leslie and Nate "So you guys are going back tonight huh?

Do you guys think you'll be able to make it back next weekend? Me and Jaya will be playing the lead parts in the play.

The tickets are already sold out but I'm sure that we could get you guys a few spots." Leslie shook her head.

"I'm sure that we would all love to come by here again but unfortunately we have some.... troublesome relatives keeping an eye on us."

Nate turned to his sister "It's Chloe isn't it?" Leslie nodded her head "I already told my parents last night but apparently one of our cousins has been keeping her eyes on us.

Thankfully I had a feeling something like this would happen so I made my own preparations. Although she hasn't been able to find out where we went she does know that we left New York for the weekend."

Tory frowned "I don't get it. You guys are all family right? Why would she go so far just to be a pain in the neck?"

Nate had a troubled expression on his face "That's just how it is in our family Tory. I know it doesn't make any sense but over there your relatives are just competition.

At least that's how everyone else acts. I think the only ones who even care about family are my dad and uncle Henry."

The mood at the table was beginning to get heavy again when Jason looked up from his plate "Just leave all of that complicated stuff in New York.

I don't really know the full picture of what goes on over there but at least when you're here in Riverside you can just relax.

You can just think of us as your real family and ignore all of the bullshit that goes on in New York." Although Jason's words were simple and offered no real solution they brought a level of comfort and trust that Nate and Leslie had rarely experienced in the past.

They continued with their meal as they made plans for the future and spoke about what they wanted to do later on in their lives.

Just as they had finished eating and were about to call their waiter for the bill Valentino himself showed up with his usual shining bald head and sparkling smile.

"How as the food Jaya? No need to worry about the bill. I told you that whenever you and your friends feel hungry you can stop by for a bite to eat."

Jason didn't bother to argue with him as he just nodded his head "Thanks Valentino. I'll make sure to get you a signed jersey from all of the guys."

He smiled even brighter after hearing Jason say that "Thanks Jaya. Are you and your friends about to head out?

If you have the time there's something I would like to show you. I think you and your friends would find it interesting."

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