Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 285 - And Scene

Jason stood backstage as the other members of the drama club surrounded him to do his makeup and wardrobe.

Although he felt uncomfortable having so many people close to him surrounding him he held his complaints in knowing that it was for the show they were about to put on.

As one of the girls in the drama club was putting some makeup on his face Samantha walked by and chuckled.

"Wow, look at you Mr. Hollywood. Looks like you're all ready for the show." Jason rolled his eyes at Samantha's comment and smiled slightly.

"I wasn't exactly excited to do this but since I am I have to do it right. Gotta keep the perfect track record alive and intact right?"

Samantha smiled as she looked at Jason "That's true I guess. Now that I think about it you've never had a bad performance since I've met you.

From your first day at Jefferson where you whooped Trell's ass in front of everybody to your elimination game at the state tournament you've always done your part to put on a show."

Her smile became softer and warmer as she looked at Jason's face "Thanks again for doing this for me Jaya.

I know that you hate doing this type of stuff." Jason looked at Samantha and shook his head "I might have hated it in the beginning but I can't say that I hate it now.

It's only natural that I help a friend out when something that they love so much is in danger of closing down.

And besides, not only did this whole drama thing turn out to give me and the team even more attention than all the antics I've been doing this year. 

It gave me a chance to see a different side of you Sammy. Don't get me wrong, the silly side of you and the side of you that always wants to have fun is cool and all.

But seeing you work so hard and practicing your lines so diligently everyday, seeing you pour your heart and soul into this play, I think that's the best side of you."

Samantha began to blush after hearing Jason say that. He wasn't just trying to compliment her. He really meant that.

Part of the reason why Jason loved this season more than last season was that from the get go he got to watch as team members old and new honestly pour their blood, sweat, and tears into practice and training.

There was just something about seeing kids so young wearing their hearts on their sleeves and working so diligently for their dreams that made Jason happy. Although he was just another kid himself currently.

In his past life he got to witness many top recruits and five star prospects just rely on their god given talent and athleticism to carry them while they halfheartedly worked on their game.

So seeing kids diligently investing everything that they had to give in the pursuit of something that they really cared about was like an intoxicating breathe of fresh air to him.

Meanwhile as Jason was thinking in his head Samantha was still standing there on the side blushing. Thankfully the lighting was somewhat dim so her face didn't stand out too much.

'I've never heard Jaya compliment me like that. I should have known from his personality that he really admires hard work and dedication.

That's probably why he still stays in contact with that girl from New York. The reason why he smiles every time he watches highlights of her boxing matches isn't because of her pretty face or because of her amazing results.

He just loves to see hardworking people see the fruits of their labor. He doesn't have any feelings for her other than admiration for her hard work and resolve.'

Samantha gripped her fists at her side as she now knew what she needed to do if she wanted to be a person that was worth Jason's admiration.

As she was contemplating in her own mind how she would go down the path of becoming someone worth Jason's admiration Cody came running in.

"Sup Sammy, Sup Jaya. Big boss lady told me to give you guys a head up cause like it's almost time for the show to start."

Jason and Samantha both nodded their heads at him after hearing what he had to say. With his wardrobe and makeup done Jason flipped his black cape over with a single hand in dramatic fashion before turning to Samantha with a slight grin on his face.

"Looks like it's time for the show to start."

- - -

The beginning of the play centered around Samantha's character as Jason had yet to make his appearance on stage.

Samantha was playing the poor daughter of a hunter who one day disappeared after going into the forest for a hunt.

Her father was the greatest hunter in the village and his skills and ability to bring back huge game with him after every hunt secured him a high position in the villages hierarchy.

But after her father went missing her life in the village took a complete turn for the worst as people she once regarded as her friends now turned their backs on her and the people that she once thought of as kind and generous began to show their true colors.

On the verge of losing both her home where her father raised her and her own body to the evil and scheming village elder she had no other option but to turn to the only choice she had left.

Ever since she was young her father had told her that there was a ancient and powerful being that dwelled in a certain part of the forest.

He had told her that no matter what she should never go past the part of the forest where the tree's were withered and darker than the night's sky.

But with no one to turn to and no other solution in sight Samantha's character steeled her resolve as she chose to go against her father's words for the first time in her life.

With her resolution showing clearly on her face she walked through the forest that was made by the drama club members in charge of doing the scenery.

As she went past the dark and withered trees she looked up at the empty sky "Oh great being of the night.

Although my eyes cannot see your figure and although my human spirit cannot detect your presence I know that you are here."

The lighting on stage dimmed even more as Jason's voice boomed out despite him being nowhere in sight.

"You humans posses a foolishness that knows no bounds. For what reason have you trespassed upon my domain?"

Samantha showed a fearful face at first but then as her character remembered why it was that she came here the fear was soon replaced by anger as her face contorted and her nostrils flared.

"I care not if you wish to rip me apart limb from limb or even steal my very soul. All I ask of you is that you give me the opportunity to exact vengeance before you do with me as you wish."

The stage went completely dark as they shut off the lights. Then Jason's amused laughter could be heard "Hehehe, how interesting."

When the lights came back on Jason was right behind Samantha as he was dressed in a white long sleeve tunic with black trousers to go along with his black cape.

Samantha's character took a step back after being shocked by Jason's sudden arrival. After falling on her backside her mouth trembled as she struggled to push any words out.

Jason sneered as he looked down on the fearful character that Samantha was portraying "Humans like to think of themselves as such pure creatures.

But beneath the mask that they all wear they are no better than beasts driven by instinct. Luckily for you I enjoy seeing the process of corruption take place."

He then reached his hand down toward her "If you wish for the power to crush all of those who have done you wrong then rise. And soak in the madness hahahaha!"

Jason's cold and maniacal laughter resounded throughout the room. From the corner of his eyes he could see his friends and family in attendance.

His parents were both there and so was Tory and her dad. All of the guys on the team were also there and so were Javier and Greg as they recorded from their seats.

The play progressed as Samantha's character was given power by Jason as he would give her a drop of his own vampire blood to ingest every night.

The blood gave her the strength and ability to kill the villagers with nothing but her hands. But as they began to spend more and more time with each other things started to change.

Samantha's character became less and less affected by the act of taking someone's life while Jason's character began to hate seeing the former's fall descent into madness.

Close to the end of the play both characters revealed that they held feelings for each other but unfortunately the sweet moment was interrupted as they found themselves surrounded by knights of the church.

After a few exciting scenes of combat that were carefully choreographed by Jason the play came to an end as Samantha cried her heart out while embracing the seemingly cold and lifeless body of the vampire.

The curtains came to a close before opening back up again a few minutes later as Jason and Samantha along with all the other kids from the drama club stood in a line and bowed to the audience.

Ms. Yuller said a few kind words as she applauded the work and effort that Jason and all the other kids had put in to make the show a success.

She then handed the mic to Jason. He stepped forward and smiled at the audience "Thank you to everyone who showed up to watch us tonight.

If you feel like this was something that resonated with you I am happy to announce that the drama club is still taking applications for people with all levels of experience.

Please consider joining if you would like to be a part of something like the show that we have put on for you tonight."

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