Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 296 - Sammy And Karla : Part-2

At the lunch tables. Karla had her head down as she covered her face with both hands 'What am I going to do?

Sammy gave me until the end of the day to tell Jaya. But I didn't even have the guts to see him in first period.

This is the first time that I've ever missed class. I've had perfect attendance since the day I first started going to middle school.

What am I even doing? I'm going to have to talk to him sooner or later..... But I just can't do it! Urghhhh.'

One of the girls at the table looked at Karla "You okay? I thought the whole being sick thing was just an excuse to ditch first period."

Karla raised her head and did her best to smile like usual "Sorry, I was feeling a little under the weather this morning but I'm starting to feel better."

Another girl joined in "Well, at least you're feeling better." She then looked to her left and then to her right before leaning in across the table toward Karla.

She whispered as though afraid to have any of the nearby tables hear her "Psst, So how did things go over the weekend? Make any progress with Jaya?"

After hearing her say that the rest of the girls all leaned in as they didn't want to risk out on missing anything.

Karla could feel the blood draining from her face as her friends all asked her about the imaginary relationship that she had with Jaya.

"We saw you guys hugging on Friday but... Have you guys..... you know, kissed yet?" Karla lost her composure for a moment as she yelped "Kissed!?"

Her face that had felt cold from her guilt and shame now felt hot as she blushed in embarrassment. The girl who had asked her the question took her blushing and silence the wrong way.

"No way, did you guys do more than just kiss? Did you guys.... with your tongues..... or maybe even second base?"

Even the girl herself could hardly say the words that she wanted to say as her face began to turn a bright crimson.

Karla hurriedly shook her head "Of course not!" Surprised by just how loud she had shouted Karla took a deep breathe as she spent a moment trying to regain her composure.

"We didn't kiss yet, or any other dirty things you might be thinking. We're still in middle school. Second base, really?" 

The girl who had asked her lowered her head as she tried to hide her embarrassed face. Another girl chimed in.

"I mean, not like it's that crazy is it? I know a ton of girls who have gone to second base with their boyfriends."

Karla responded "Well I'm not like them. Isn't that a little much? Second base in middle school? Isn't that too fast?"

The other girl chuckled before rolling her eyes "Is this really coming from you? No offense Karla but it doesn't sound so convincing coming from you.

How long has it been since you partnered up with Jaya's group for the project? And you're already hugging him in front of everybody in the hallways.

Not to mention all the dudes that you've played with at your last school. I can't post a single picture with you without them saying some cheesy lines in the comments."

Karla was stunned for a moment "T-that's different! I never seriously went out with them. If anything the most we did was go out a few times."

She was losing her confidence as the words left her mouth. By the time she was close to finishing her voice was barely audible.

"J-Jaya's different. Things are different with him." Karla looked down at her lunch tray as though she were looking for an answer to all her problems within the instant mashed potatoes that sat next to her peas.

Just then she could feel that something was off. The bustling cafeteria that was filled with chatter just moments ago was now dead silent.

Karla turned her head to the side as she noticed that all of the other kids were looking in that direction.

It was then that she felt her heart drop to her stomach as Samantha's face came into view. She gulped "S-Sammy."

The other girls at her table automatically went on the offensive "What the hell are you doing here Drama Freak."

"Well if it isn't the red haired emo reject. Did you come here by mistake? The graveyard is ten miles away you know."

Samantha ignored all of the other girls' remarks as she stared straight at Karla. With a plastic bag of chocolate milk in her hand she took a sip from the straw that was stabbed into it.

"Strike two princess. You should have made your way to Jaya instead of the cafeteria. I told you already, you have until the end of the day to clear things up."

Karla stood up from the table in a hurry as she walked over to Samantha. She leaned in and whispered.

"Can we not do this here Sammy? I'm sure that even you don't want to mess up your status. Look, everyone is staring at us. If you stay here some weird rumors might start popping up."

Samantha's brow raised as she looked at Karla "Oh now you care about weird rumors popping up huh? Didn't seem like such a problem to you before."

Karla could feel the sting in Samantha's words as she silently stood in front of her. She didn't know what to say back.

Normally she was quick witted when it came to verbal sparring and altercations but this time her mind was coming up blank.

Samantha rolled her eyes. She took her backpack off and pulled a pile of papers out. She tossed them on to the table before turning her attention back to Karla.

"These are the notes and handouts from Ms. Yuller's class." Samantha then leaned in toward Karla and whispered.

"You said that you and Jaya were the same because you're both athletes. Not gonna lie you had me fooled for a bit.

I was a little worried for a moment but now I'm sure. You and Jaya are nothing alike. Ditching first period just to run away from your problems?

What a weak ass move. Don't ever compare yourself to Jaya again. He actually has heart, he would never do something as pathetic as that."

She then turned around as she started to make her way back to her table. She raised her hand into the air with two fingers up.

"You got two strikes. Trust me, you don't want to see what happens when you get to strike three princess. You have until the end of the day.

If you decide to chicken out don't say I didn't warn you."

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