Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 298 - A Chance For Adulting

As soon as Jason walked into the gym all of the guys greeted him. But Jason simply nodded his head in response.

Sam still had his hand up awkwardly as Jason walked to the locker room. After putting his hand down he turned to his side where Frank and Donte were standing.

"Is it just me or is something up with Jaya?" Frank nodded his head "The captain is a little more stingy with his words today. I wonder what's up?"

Donte continued to practice his dribbling as he replied "Does it matter?" Both Frank and Sam were surprised to hear Donte speak.

Normally he would just nod or shake his head whenever anyone talked to him. The only time they had ever heard him talk freely was whenever he was speaking with Jason.

Donte continued "We're bench players. All we have to think about is getting better. If there really is something going on Jaya will take care of it.

That's his job as team captain. And as the guy that's supposed to lead us." Frank gulped "I guess you have a point."

Sam nodded his head "Donte's right. We should leave big problems to the people that can handle them. All we need to do is focus on hooping."

- - -

Although Jason didn't say much when he walked in as soon as it came time for practice to start the intensity he exuded automatically went up.

From the sprints that they started with down to their defensive drills Jason gave it all of his effort and he made sure that all of the others did the same.

"You call that sprinting!? I want you guys running like your lives depend on it! Give it everything that you have!"

"Don't keep your body so tensed up. When you're trying to run past a screen you need to relax your body a bit so that you don't get stuck on it!"

"Your shot was too far off to the left. When you're getting ready for a shot make sure that you plant your feet properly so that you're aligned with the basket."

"Rebounding is more than just jumping higher than your opponent! You have to make sure that you're boxing out properly!"

Jason even moved up a position as he began to work out with all of the Bigs on the team to help them with their rebounding.

Despite being weaker and smaller than all of them Jason made them work hard by utilizing all of the knowledge and experience that he had from his past life.

His fundamentals and understanding were far more advanced than what any of the Big Men on the team had.

He used swim moves and counters to fight for positioning on the boxout and his active hands and nose for the ball helped him to compete with his larger teammates.

During one fight for a rebound Danilo accidently hit Jason in the side of his face with his elbow. He immediately stopped the drill.

"You okay bro? My bad, you caught it pretty clean too." Jason shook his head in an attempt to shake off the hit.

"Don't worry about it. Catching an elbow or two is normal when you're fighting for a rebound. Run the drill again, and don't take it easy on me just because you're afraid to hit me.

I want you going all out. If you waste my time with half assed practicing I'll waste your time by making you repeat the drill."

Danilo gulped before nervously nodding his head 'Damn, I knew that he was like this but I didn't think he would be so intense.

Looks like me and Alex really made the right choice when we transferred to Jefferson.' And so they continued on with their all out training.

On the sidelines Coach Swendel was in charge of the junior varsity team's practice but he would occasionally glance at the varsity team's side.

'Looks like something is off with Jaya. Even though he's normally intense he feels a little different today. It feels like somethings on his mind.'

Even after practice came to a close Jason stayed behind as he continued to put up shots by himself. Kyle stayed even after everyone else had gone.

He sat on the bleachers and watched Jason as he continued to practice by himself. Jason did a quick crossover bringing the ball from his left hand to his right.

He then began to drive toward the basket. With a spin move he maneuvered around the imaginary defender that he was picturing on the court.

After finishing the spin move he took a hard dribble before planting his feet for a quick hop step that shifted his direction to the right.

Then he jumped as he put up a floater with his right hand from just a few feet outside of the paint. The ball kissed the top corner of the backboard before sinking through the net.

Jason wiped the sweat that was sliding down the side of his face with the wrist portion of his black arm sleeve.

He then walked over to the ball and picked it up as he continued to practice. Kyle continued to watch worriedly from the side.

His mind was full of worries as he watched his friend 'What happened? Jaya was completely fine the whole day.

Did something happen while he was talking with Sammy? That was the only time that he was separated from me or any of the guys.

So it must have happened while he was talking to Sammy. Or maybe it was because of the talk? Did they talk about something that pissed him off?'

Suddenly he felt someone tap on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Coach Swendel smiling at him "Hey Kyle. Not heading home yet?"

Kyle shook his head "Hey Coach Swendel. Sorry, I guess I'm a little worried..." He then turned his gaze back to Jason out on the court.

Coach Swendel followed Kyle's gaze. After seeing who Kyle was looking at he nodded his head "I see, why don't you go on and head home Kyle.

I'll stay by and keep an eye on our team captain over there. Don't worry, I'll make sure he heads home after he works things out on the court for a bit."

Kyle thought about it for a moment before nodding his head "Alright Coach. Thanks." He then picked up his backpack and left.

After watching Kyle walk out of the gym Coach Swendel switched his attention to Jason 'Kids shouldn't have to worry about everything.

Looks like another opportunity for me to do some adulting. First I'll let him work off a bit more energy and then we'll talk.

Knowing how that kid is this is probably the best way.' Although he was sitting right there in the bleachers Jason didn't seem to notice.

He would go through all of his moves and shoot his shot only to mechanically walk to the ball and start over again.

This process repeated itself over and over. With the seconds turning into minutes Jason seemed as though he was losing himself to his own little world.

A world that consisted of him, the court, and the ball. Shot after shot went up as Jason used every trick in his bag.

Dribble moves, floaters, step back shots, fakes, counters, he poured everything that he had into the court as he showed off his amazing body control and skill.

Jason felt amazing as he immersed himself in the unique feeling that he was experiencing. The feeling of having no worries as only he and the ball existed in the tiny boundaries that was the basketball court.

But that feeling soon went away as his entire world fell apart from the sound of someone clapping their hands.

As Jason was brought back to reality he turned his head and saw Coach Swendel giving him a round of applause.

"Sorry if I held you up Coach. You can head home. I'll make sure to lock up and put everything away when I'm done."

Coach Swendel smiled as he walked toward Jason "That's not why I stayed behind Jaya. I know that the principal gave you a key and that you can lock up all on your own.

But it looked like there was something on your mind. Don't get me wrong, it's not like you were out of it and affecting practice.

I don't want you to think that you messed anything up. You just seemed..... how should I say this? A little different?

I don't think that any of the guys noticed or cared but you had a bit of a temper and your words seemed like they had some sting on the back end.

If you have something you want to talk about feel free to share. You don't have to worry about me judging you either.

I'm a guy who barely managed to get my degree and who's entire career is riding on a teenager. Not to mention that I'm still renting a closet of an apartment and I'm still single.

I am the last person who would be passing down any kind of judgment to you. So what do you say?" Jason took a moment to think.

'I guess it can't hurt to talk to him about it right? I didn't want to talk to Sammy or Kyle about this because I didn't want to worry them or add anything more to their plate.

Coach Swendel will probably just think of this as some little kids drama so he probably won't lose any sleep over it.'

After convincing himself he began to tell Coach Swendel about what was on his mind. He talked about Karla and how she had joined their group for a class project.

He then retold the hallway incident in which Karla had come up to him for a hug and how he had overthought things and hugged her back.

After telling him about the talk that he had with Samantha and Karla right before practice Jason took a drink from his sports bottle.

"What do you think Coach? Honestly I don't know why I'm so out of it. I know that what Karla did was just a stupid mistake that any kid could do.

And I also understand that popularity and social status don't mean shit, so I don't really care about the rumors and stuff.

But for some reason I just don't feel normal. I know that I'm not angry and I know that I don't hate Karla. I just don't know why I feel like this, I don't even know what I'm feeling.

Despite what I told Karla I don't feel disappointed, or at least I don't think I do. Disappointment normally feels different."

Coach Swendel nodded his head as he listened to Jason talk. When he was done he jumped in "Hmmmm.

I know that you said that you weren't angry at Karla but have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, that you were?"

Jason was shocked at first. He wanted to respond but before he could Coach Swendel continued "You're really mature for your age Jaya.

I can say without a shred of doubt that you have a better head on you than most adults do. As much as possible you try and look at things objectively and logically.

But emotions are a funny thing you know? They don't really respond all that well to logic sometimes.

Just because you understand that what Karla did was childish and that what she did has minimal consequence doesn't mean that you won't be angry.

You have a right to be angry Jaya. Someone that you trusted broke that connection, no one can tell you how you need to feel.

You are human, you don't need to be perfect for everybody. As a kid one of the best freedoms that you have is the ability to feel however you want to feel.

Enjoy that Jaya, because when you become an adult that luxury isn't always there. Sometimes as an adult you just have to bury your emotions and act like they don't exist."

Jason went deep into thought after hearing what Coach Swendel had to say 'I guess he's right. Just because I was a thirty something year old that got sent back in time I've always thought that I was invulnerable to the problems that most kids at this age would have.

But just using logic isn't enough to get rid of emotions. They are something that you will feel no matter what in certain circumstances.

Maybe I was lying to myself saying that Karla's betrayal didn't mean anything to me. Maybe I was trying to convince myself...'

Coach Swendel smiled after seeing the look on Jason's face "And while it might not have meant anything to you try to cut the girl some slack will you?

I know that you don't care about popularity Jaya, and you probably think that people who do care about it are vain or immature.

But she's an 8th grader. Most kids at your age care a lot about what their peers think. Social image is something that can even ruin some kids' lives.

I'm sure that you can understand that right?" Jason nodded his head "You have a point Coach. Just because it doesn't mean anything to me doesn't mean that it's the same for others."

Coach Swendel smiled as he nodded his head. He then began to pat Jason on the shoulder "Good! Good! I'm glad that you have your head right again.

Because it's almost time for us to start." He then pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Jason. He held the paper in his hand and began to read.

"What is this?" Coach Swendel laughed "That's a statement for my account. We'll be using this bad boy to place all of your bets."

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