Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 302 - Kyle's Plan

"Good morning class! So sorry for the- huh?" Ms. Yuller walked into the room but was surprised to see how all of the kids were behaving.

The entire class seemed nervous and they all had their attention on Jason who was sitting in a different spot today.

Although she didn't know why she knew that something must have happened while she was outside of the classroom.

She looked around the class "Is everything alright children? Did something happen during my little trip to the restroom?"

But even though she asked none of the students said anything as they all kept their heads down. She was about to ask again when Jaya spoke out.

"The teacher just asked a question. Did something happen while she was outside of the classroom?" All of the students began to shake their heads.

Jason looked at Ms. Yuller and shrugged his shoulders "Well there's your answer Ms. Yuller. Apparently nothing happened while you were out."

"Hmmm" Ms. Yuller once again scanned the faces of the kids in class. Some of them looked nervous while some of them looked embarrassed.

But one thing was clear and that was that no one was going to say anything. Her years of experience with kids had given her a pretty sharp intuition about these type of things.

It bothered her that something had happened and that she was unaware of what exactly it was but seeing as there wasn't much she could do right now she decided to put it on the back burner until later.

"Alright then class. I will begin to take attendance now. If you hear me call your name please raise your hand and call out. Alexandra Hark-"

All of the kids in the classroom breathed a sigh of relief once they saw Ms. Yuller starting class as usual.

Even though Jason was know to have a pretty chill attitude all of the students in Jefferson never once thought to take that as a sign of weakness.

It may be a known fact that Jason didn't like to stir up trouble, at least with other students, but they all knew about his history and his connections.

Even forgetting the bathroom incident that happened just this year. The fight that he got into with Trell on the very first day that he transferred to Jefferson was something that was talked about so often that it was close to being an urban legend.

If it weren't for the fact that a good amount of the fight was recorded and captured on camera the details of it would probably have gotten exaggerated to unrealistic proportions by now.

That meant that if you asked anyone of the students attending Jefferson who the number one person on the 'Do not piss off' list was they would all probably say 'Jaya'.

As Ms. Yuller was taking attendance Karla was sitting silently in the back where Jason normally sat. To her sides were Samantha and Kyle while behind her were DJ, Matt, Vince, and Nick.

Even though Jason was the one who told her to sit there she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. She felt awkward sitting with them considering what she had just done to Jason.

And when she thought about the fact that all of them had probably already seen the video that she had posted her face began to feel hot as it reddened.

But despite what she was thinking the boys in the back didn't seemed that bothered by her presence as they continued to casually whisper back and forth with each other.

DJ: "Bruh, I ain't ever see Jaya get this heated before. Especially not outside of a basketball game."

Nick: "Yeah bro, he's probably in a bad mood if you ask me."

Vince: "Nah man, Jaya don't strike me as the typa dude that would blow up like that just because he was in a bad mood."

Matt: "I'm with you Vince. If I had to bet money on it I would say that Jaya didn't get a good night of sleep.

So after doing suicides for so fucking long this morning he was probably really tired. So all of these guys talking so loud most have annoyed him."

Karla was looking straight ahead and trying her best to make it look like she was paying attention to Ms. Yuller's lecture but she was actually listening to the boys talking behind her.

After hearing none of the boys bring up what she had done to Jason her entire body felt a lot lighter. As though someone had taken a boulder off of her crushed body.

She could now breathe easier and her mind was able to relax a little. "You should really be paying attention to what Ms. Yuller is saying instead of the hoop heads behind you."

Karla turned her gaze to the side where Samantha was sitting. She was writing her notes down in her notebook but she stopped and looked at Karla when she felt her gaze on her.

Although she wasn't glaring at her Samantha's brows were somewhat furrowed as she looked at Karla "Don't look at me, look at the teacher.

Maybe something she says will be useful for our group project. We only have a few days left to work on it." 

After saying what she wanted to say Samantha stopped looking at Karla as she continued on with her note taking.

Karla weakly said "I- I don't know what you're talking about. I've been paying attention to Ms. Yuller this whole time."

This time Samantha didn't even bother to look up from her notebook as she continued to talk while writing "Oh yeah? Then what are the five components for plot?"

Karla gulped "Uh- the five components for plot...." Hearing Karla unable to answer her question Samantha looked at her.

"That was a trick question Princess. Ms. Yuller's talking about conflict and why it's important for writing. 

Geez, so not only do you not pay attention to class you don't even do your homework. The five components for plot were in the handouts that I gave you.

And for god's sake, please start paying attention in class. Because if me, Kyle, and Jaya have to do all the work to finish our project you're going to be crying even harder than before you recorded that video."

Karla was surprised to hear what Samantha had said "You still want me to be part of the group?" Samantha rolled her eyes before turning her head to Karla.

"No, but it's too late to ask Ms. Yuller for a different member at this point. And besides, Jaya's the one who made the decision. Not me."

The corner of Karla's brow raised "What? Jaya still wants me to be a part of the group? Did he tell you that?"

Samantha dropped her head on the desk after hearing Karla ask that. As she laid her head on her notebook she turned to face Karla.

"So you don't pay attention in class, you don't do your homework, and you're stupid? You really gotta pick a struggle Princess because you can't be hogging all of them like this. It just ain't right.

Try and use your brain for a second. Why would Jaya go through all the trouble that he did if he didn't want you to stay in our group?"

Hearing Samantha's answer Karla was left speechless. She silently looked down and stared at her blank notebook for a few seconds.

"Even after everything that I've done to him... He still wants me in the group... He's too nice. I don't deserve this."

Samantha added "Hey, for once we can both agree on something. I don't think you deserve this either. But if Jaya wants to give you a second chance that's his decision.

And even if I don't like it I have to respect it. Because that's what friends do. You know, take care of each other because you care. 

Although, now that I'm remembering that it's you that I'm talking to I understand if you have some difficulty in understanding that."

Karla felt so touched by the fact that Jason had decided to not hold what she had done to him against her that she didn't even mind Samantha's barbed words.

Her gaze subconsciously drifted to the middle section of the classroom where Jason was sitting. He had his notebook out and open but his gaze was aimed outside the window that was located at his side. 

Karla sighed "I really need to do something to make up for this. Not even to make up. I need to do something for Jaya because I owe it to him."

Samantha replied while she continued to write her notes "Well good luck with that Princess. You would have to do something pretty fucking awesome considering what you've done."

Karla didn't even refute what Samantha had said. She agreed with her. Just doing something nice wouldn't make up for the lies that she told and the fact that she had manipulated Jason.

Just as she was deep in thought thinking of what to do Kyle leaned in toward the two of them "Did I hear someone say that they want to do something really awesome for Jaya?"

Samantha turned her attention to Kyle as a confused expression showed on her face "Why are you butting in Kyle?

Can't you see that we're in the middle of some girl talk?" Kyle smiled wryly before scratching the top of his head.

"This is girl talk? It's a lot scarier and meaner than what I imagined... My bad." He then went back to writing notes of his own.

But Karla didn't want to let any possible good ideas escape her. She tapped him on the arm with her pencil.

"What did you have in mind Kyle?" He then began to explain his plan "Well, I didn't really buy it for this exact purpose but it should help.

You see, my package just arrived from Japan. And we also have a game tonight." He continued to explain. After he was done Karla's face was once again red.

'This sounds a little embarrassing. But considering that I'm doing this for Jaya it's the least I could do.' She nodded her head as she agreed to Kyle's plan.

After hearing Karla say yes Kyle smiled brightly before doing a mini fist pump in front of his chest "Aye! This is going to be so freakin awesome!"

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