Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 309 - Your Comfort Zone

Even though it was early there were still a few kids at the school who were either eating breakfast or just talking with their friends.

As Donte was walking up the steps of the school he knew that Jason and Kyle had just arrived. He could tell by all the noise that the other kids were making.


They all made sure to greet Jason and Kyle and some even took a few pictures. Donte shook his head 'What's the point?

You literally go to the same school as the guy. You see him everyday.' But although he didn't understand their actions he didn't show it on his face as he kept the same expression that he always had.

He stopped walking as he waited for Jason and Kyle. As the two approached he held his hand up "Morning."

Kyle smiled as he quickened his steps a bit before slapping Donte on the back "Morning Donte. You must have woke up extra early. You beat me and Jaya to the school."

Jason wasn't as flashy with his greeting as Kyle was. He simply stuck out his fist and gave Donte a nod "Morning."

Donte nodded his head as he bumped Jason's fist back with his own "Good morning Jaya." Kyle was chuckling as he shook his head.

"Man, Jaya really is different. All I got was 'Morning', but he got you to actually say a full sentence." Donte looked at him "Sorry."

Donte knew that he only spoke properly whenever he was talking to Jason. But it wasn't like he was doing it on purpose.

Whenever he spoke with anyone else he always felt uncomfortable, always wondering if he would say something weird or out of place.

The only ones who didn't make him feel uneasy when he talked to them were Jason and his dad. Kyle put his hands up and hurriedly shook them.

"You don't have to say sorry dude. It's not like I was seriously blaming you or anything. Heck, I'm not really in position to be judging you when my own bro is like that."

Jason looked at him "Bro, I might not be the most talkative person but I can socialize a little bit. No offense or nothing Donte but the one word responses would be tough even for me."

The corner of Donte's mouth curled up just the smallest bit possible "It's okay." He then followed the two of them as they made their way to the gym.

Another thing that he found incredible about Jaya was how he didn't seem to let any of his fame or notoriety get to his head.

Even on their short walk to the gym there were kids greeting Jason and shaking hands with him. And yet he never so much as batted an eye at their reaction.

It was more than just pretending to not care, he genuinely didn't seem the least bit interested in all of the attention that he got.

After turning on the lights and getting the equipment out Donte joined Jason and Kyle for morning varsity practice.

But even though it was supposed to be a team practice the three of them were a little more than ten minutes early so there was no one else there.

Donte watched as Jason went through his warm up routine, occasionally asking questions such as 'What muscles do these stretches work?' or 'What should muscles should I start warming up first?' 

Jason didn't seem to mind and Kyle acted as though the series of questions were just another part of their everyday routine.

Honestly speaking, at this point it pretty much was. It was well known that although Donte wasn't one for casual conversation whenever it came to Jason and basketball he could be one heck of a motor mouth.

Donte had to put a end to his personal training session with Jason as the rest of the guys on the team began to make their way in for morning practice.

The first thing that they opened up with was a full out sprint around the gym. No timer and no set duration for how long they would run.

It was just them and their bodies that would be in charge of deciding how long the sprint would last.

Some people would have found it annoying or bothersome to start of the day with something so intense, but to Donte there wasn't a thing that he liked more.

The early morning sprints were some of Donte's favorite memories so far. It gave him a chance to see Jason's incredible motor in action as well as pit himself against his own idol.

Even though he had never managed to successfully keep up with him he would always start off the sprinting at his pace.

But he would always find himself falling behind whenever they reached the halfway point. And even though the durations of their sprints were always random he would always fall behind at the halfway point.

It would only be years far into the future when he would find out why during an interview of him and Jason at an all star game.

But for now it took everything that he had just to stay with Jason in the opening minutes of their run.

- - - 

The rest of the day passed by quickly as Donte found himself with his headphones on inside the locker room.

As he listened to his music his left leg couldn't help but bounce up and down while his hand gripped his cellphone tightly.

'Nothing to worry about, we are the clear cut best team in the county. No other team could even come close to us during the regular season.

All we have to do is play normally. Just play normally Donte. Don't be nervous. Why are you so nervous. Calm down. Just relax. Breathe dude, breathe.'

It was the feeling of a hand on top of his shoulder that pulled him out of his own thoughts. He turned his head to the side and saw Jason standing next to him.

He took of his headphones quickly and placed them on his lap "Sorry, did you say something?" Jason smiled before taking a seat in the chair next to Donte.

"I was just asking how you felt. Everyone else is excited and pumped up. You're the only one that's sitting off on the sides all by himself."

Donte took a look around the locker room. Jason was right. Everyone else was sitting up by the front where they were sharing funny videos on their phones and posting stuff on their social media pages.

Donte looked at Jason and gave a nod "Thanks but I'm okay. I guess I'm just more comfortable like this. Acting goofy... just isn't my thing."

Jason looked at him for a moment before patting him on the back "Alright Donte. Just wanted to make sure.

There's nothing wrong with being a little different. Life would be too boring if we were all the same." Jason then began to get up from the chair.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk away he turned his head to look at Donte again "There's nothing wrong with being different Donte.

I was being honest when I said that. But I also realized something, or I guess I should say that my friends taught me something.

A very pushy and sometimes annoying redheaded friend but a friend nonetheless. And that is that sometimes it's a good thing to be pushed outside your comfort zone. 

You should try it sometime, not that I'm forcing you or anything. It's just nice to get a new perspective on things every once in a while.

You never know when something new will pop out of an old picture." Donte whispered to himself as he watched Jason walk away.

"Stepping out of my comfort zone huh?... That would be a lot easier if the steps didn't seem so big."

- - -

"I guess Jefferson isn't so tough without Jaya. How the hell did you even make the varsity team? You wouldn't crack JV over here short shit."

Donte was sitting on the floor with blood dripping down his nose as the referee was going over footage of the play at the scorers table.

Donte ground his teeth before looking up at the opposing player "Shut your fucking mouth!" He pushed his hands against the ground as he stood up.

He stared the other boy straight in the eyes "Jefferson is the only County champion here. Everyone else is just a warmup for the state tournament."

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