Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 68 - A Sticky Situation: Part-2

The number wasn't listed in the contacts but it seemed familiar 'Marcus? Really? How did he know I was in trouble?'

Jason hesitated for a moment before sending a text 'Marcus?' A second later he got a response 'No.'

Jason was even more confused but then he got another text 'Hahaha jk yeah it's me' with the same smiley face wearing sunglasses emoji at the end.

Jason decided to call him. After a few rings the call went through as Jason heard Marcus' voice "Well if it ain't Riverside's young MVP. How you doin? You liking the phone? It's the newest model."

Jason frowned "How did you know I was in trouble?" Marcus laughed "Damn son, you actin hella cold for someone that just had their ass saved you know that?

Most people would be sayin thank you for saving me or thanks for the new phone ya know?" Jason paused for a second "Thanks Marcus, I appreciate you saving me and the phone is cool.

But some people would also be suspicious about getting a phone from a stranger. It could have all sorts of stuff on it to let you spy on me.

People would also be suspicious seeing as how you somehow knew the exact moment when I would be in trouble to send help."

Jason heard Marcus laughing on the other side "Hahaha! Bro just to let you know, I swear I didn't plan this shit and I ain't set you up. Aight?

I already told you when we met last time that you too lax little man. For you ball is somethin you play to have fun or because you love it.

But for other people? That shit is their only way to a better life. I done seem some people do the stupidest shit tryin to push they friends, they siblings, or they kids to go pro.

I noticed that you didn't listen to me so I just sent one of my shootas to tail you at all yo games. You lucky I did that otherwise yo ass would be in a pretty tight spot right now."

Jason was silent for a moment. Marcus noticed the silence and jumped back in "I know it's hard to believe but shit like this do happen.

Especially when you get to the point where yous at right now little man. You got so much clout right now. You the second comin of Tyreek.

Best trust that there some folks out here that would do anything to snatch that shit away. They would turn demonic in a heartbeat.

And I know you don't trust me but I just don't want anotha story like Tyreek's to happen. I think Riverside needs people like you and Tyreek.

Some these kids out here in the streets cause they think it's they only option. The schools done gave up on most of em.

But if you and Tyreek can make it big it'll show em that they ain't just tied to being what everyone thinks they'll be.

You can open up they eyes to all the possibilities around them even if it ain't ball. If they see this little ass Asian kid ballin and showin out it'll tell em that we ain't limited by the perception of those around us."

Jason thought about what Marcus' had said 'If he's really been having someone tail me at all my games then I guess that explains how the help came at such a good time.

But I still don't trust him. And I'm not sure if I buy this whole 'Bringing hope to the hood' dream that he's trying to sell me. And what did he mean by not wanting another story like Tyreek's happening?'

Jason asked "What did you mean by not wanting another story like Tyreeks happening? And what do you want from me Marcus? I might be a kid but even I know that favors don't come for free."

Marcus answered "If you want to know about Tyreek's story I would ask him little man. It ain't my place to say.

And you right, favors ain't free. Shootas don't grow on trees and having one follow you around means one less person around me that's packin heat.

I'm telling the truth when I say I want you to be a role model for some these kids. But I'm also helpin you out because my guts are tellin me that you'll make it big.

I told you I only invest in winnas. That don't mean that I'm tryin to use you tho. I want our partnership to be a two way street.

Remember how you wanted Shania off the streets? She didn't just wake up one night and all of sudden become squeeky clean.

It's been some real work keepin her off the streets and outta trouble. And I helped your ass out again today. This can be a win win type deal for the both of us.

When you make it big you gonna need an entourage, you gonna need some muscle to help keep yo hands clean, and I can help with all dat. And in return you just gotta make sure that my guys get paid. It's that simple."

Jason thought about it for a few seconds 'This might not be the last time I run into a situation like this... I guess I can try trusting him for now but I'll probably have to ask Tyreek more about this Marcus guy.'

Jason answered "Alright Marcus. So what do I have to do now?" Marcus just laughed "Nothin man. I already told you, all you gotta do is keep on winning.

But I feel like our relationship got a little bit closer after today. I feel like you'll learn to trust me eventually so I'll compromise.

Even in the off chance you lose I'll still keep you safe and I'll keep Shania off the streets. All you gotta do is make sure you make it to the league. Aight?"

Jason thought about it long and hard before he agreed to the deal. Marcus laughed "Nice to have you on board then young buck.

You might still be doubtin me but I treat my people right. You go ahead and keep that phone. Use it however you want. And don't worry about anyone messin with you.

You in good hands with Amare. He been through the proper QA testin if you know what I mean haha."

Marcus hanged up the call. Jason took a deep breath 'Shit. I honestly hope that I don't end up needing his help much.'

Jason washed his hands before walking out the restroom. Just as he had gotten out he bumped into somebody.

"Ahh!" Jason reflexively punched out "Ouch! What the hell man!?" Jason took a closer look and saw that it was Trell who was now holding his bleeding nose.

"Oh shit. My bad-ow!" Trell socked him right in the face. Jason held on to his bleeding nose as he complained "What the hell man!? I punched you on accident. But you did that shit on purpose."

Trell replied "Yeah? Well now we're even. The fuck was taking you so long? Coach had me come in here to look for you."

Jason answered "Nothing man. I just got lost looking for the bathroom. Let's go." The two of them made their way back to the bus and got on.

During the long ride home Jason checked on his prizes for completing the mission of winning five games.

[Congratulations! Mission "Silence the haters" has been accomplished. Prize: Unlock one random skill badge. Would you like to redeem now?

Yes ----- No ]

Jason chose yes and as soon as he did a generic looking birthday gift appeared in front of him. Judging by how no one else was reacting Jason assumed that he was the only one that could see it.

Jason glanced around before casually reaching out toward the box. As soon as he touched it the top came off as confetti shot out before fading away.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the skill badge: Hustle (Bronze) Increases your chances of succes when diving/fighting for loose balls. Slightly increases rebounding.]

'Really? Hustle? Man I didn't need a badge for that. I already do that on my own. I could have used a badge for shooting or dribbling. Oh well, it's not like it hurts to have it I guess.'

- - -

After they got home Jason asked his parents if it was okay for him to hang out at Kyle's. His parents smiled and agreed.

They gave Jason some side dishes to bring for Kyle and his mom. After Jason ate dinner with Kyle and his mom he went to Kyle's room.

Kyle was watching some anime on his TV when Jason nudged him "Hey, you know anything about cellphones?"

Kyle kept his eyes on the TV "Bro shut up. You're about to miss the epic fight scene. This ones a classic. Rock Lee has to fight this guy with the red hair, his name is Gaara, and-"

Jason interrupted him "Bro this is important." Kyle saw the serious look on Jason's face "Fine. I guess we can watch it later."

Kyle turned off his TV before turning to Jason "So what were you asking?" Jason repeated his question.

Kyle scratched his head "What do you mean by know anything? Like how to use one? Because if that's your question then you would have a hard time finding someone that doesn't."

Jason rolled his eyes "You know what I mean Kyle. Do you know anything about the hardware? How about software?"

Kyle smiled "You're just in luck. I originally didn't know anything about cellphones other than how to use them.

But last year they started airing this anime about a dude that starts working at an electronics repair shop.

Did I mention that he inherited the shop from his grandfather that died of mysterious causes?

Oh and after he starts working there he starts being able to see and talk to the spirits of all the electronics that are brought to his store-"

Jason interrupted him again "Kyle, you're doing the whole anime rambling thing again." Kyle scratched his head.

"My bad. Ayways I know a pretty good deal. I do all the repairs for me and my mom. Last week I replaced the motherboard on my mom's phone. Why?"

Jason hesitated before pulling out the cellphone that Marcus' goon had given him. He had kept it off ever since the call with Marcus.

"Would you be able to find any bugs used for spying or listening in?" Jason told Kyle about what had happened in the restroom.

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