Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 72 - A Foul Mood: Part-2

Jason made his way to the ref with his head burning hot 'The fuck is wrong with this ref!? He acts like I banged his wife or something!'

Just as Jason was about to start arguing with the referee he was pulled back by Udonis "Bro I know that this ref is ass. But you gotta calm down. I can see it on your face how pissed off you are.

I know that these calls are a load of bs but you can't just go over there and start a yelling match. You won't do the team any good if you get ejected."

Jason calmed down a bit after hearing what Udonis had to say. In the heat of the moment Jason had forgotten that he was currently a twelve year old kid.

In college since just about all the players were 18-22 the referees treated them with a little more respect. They also listened a little bit more if you had any complaints about calls.

But in this situation seeing as how Jason was just a kid in the eyes of the referee. He probably wouldn't give much thought to anything Jason had to say and yelling or raising his voice would just lead to an ejection.

Jason took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second before looking back at Udonis with a smile "Thanks UD. You're right. I just have to focus on ballin out."

Udonis smiled as he extended his fist toward Jason. The two of them fist bumped before making their way back on defense.

- - -

Javier was watching the game from the side as he stood next to Greg who was holding up his camera and recording the game.

They just got the shot where Kyle blocked Julius' layup even though he started pretty far away.

Javier did a small fist pump "Nice one Kyle!" But then he heard the referee call it as a foul "What the hell ref!? Where are your eyes at!?"

Greg continued to aim the camera at the game but he turned his head to Javier and put his finger on his lip telling him to shut up.

Javier chuckled as he whispered "My bad. I forgot that you were recording for a second. Just play some music over that part."

Greg nodded his head and turned his focus back to the camera and the game. Javier wiped the sweat off of his forehead with a handkerchief that he took out from his pocket.

'That was a pretty bad call. Oh well, maybe the referee had a bad angle. Hopefully he does a better job for the rest of the game.'

As the game progressed the expression on Javier's face became worse. Even Greg who was normally stone faced had a slight frown.

After Jason had made the three-pointer and got called for unsportsmanlike conduct Javier stomped his feet "What are you on ref!? That should be a four-point play!"

Greg turned to Javier but instead of gesturing for him to be quiet he just nodded his head in agreement.

Javier and Greg should be acting like professionals and just record the content unbiasedly. However after spending so much time with Jason and seeing how hardworking he was, and how honestly he loved the game, they were slowly becoming invested in him as a person.

Javier had a mischievous smile on his face "You picked the wrong game to make so many bad calls.

Greg make sure you record everything carefully. I think this will make for some good material hehehe." Greg gave a thumbs up as he continued to record the game.

- - -

Despite the referee's best attempts, Jefferson was still able to dominate the game all the way through to the third quarter.

As the players were resting before the start of the fourth quarter Coach Swendel stood up as he looked at them.

"Great game so far guys. I know that we're in a little bit of foul trouble but that's okay. A lot of those calls were questionable and not our fault.

We are up 56-47 which I feel like is a hell of a lead considering how tonight has been for us. So let's just focus on finishing strong and playing smart basketball alright?"

The players nodded their heads in agreement and let out a small cheer after Coach Swendel was finished speaking.

The clock buzzed indicating that the fourth quarter was about to begin. Jason made his way to the court with Kyle, Vince, Matt and Trell.

Jason dribbled the ball down the court and called for a play. After having run a few different sets without having created any good looks Jason signaled for the team to clear the floor for the iso.

Jason looked at Julius as he stood in front to him to guard him. Jason started off his dribbling with two big crossovers before going into a hesi.

After the hesi Jason did a quick small crossover to the left which got Julius going in that direction.

After the initial seperation Jason dribbled the ball through his legs and stepped back for the three-pointer.

After he drained the shot Jason didn't even react 'Fuck this bitch ass ref. I can't even celebrate making a nice ass shot after a sweet move like that because I might get hit with a tech.'

Even with all the bad calls going against them Jefferson was able to play their game and force the tempo into their favor.

Udonis had a hard time as he took some hits while he would post up but he was still able to score and rebound at an effective rate.

Kyle had the hardest time adapting to how physical the opposing players were playing. He was more athletic than Udonis but his slim frame put him at a disadvantage when it came to physical play like this.

But he was still able to protect the paint and block shots while grabbing offensive and defensive rebounds.

There were only two minutes left in the game and Jefferson was up 70-58. Trell was coming off of a screen from Kyle as he began driving to the paint straight down the middle.

Trell saw that he had an open lane and grinned from ear to ear. He planted his foot before exploding off of it as he leapt toward the basket.

As he was about to reach the rim, before he could dunk the ball, one of Tustin middle school's players decided to try and take a charge at the last second.

The player slid in front of Trell while he was in the air. As Trell made contact with him it threw him completely off balance as his body began shifting in the air.

Before he began falling Trell somehow managed to toss the ball into the basket. He fell flat on his left side.

Trell clutched at his elbow as he yelled out in pain "Fuck!" Jason and the rest of the team rushed over to him.

Jason tried to help Trell sit up "You okay man?" Trell shook his head before looking at his elbow "I don't think anythings broken but it really fucking hurts right now."

Jason turned around furiously before walking up to the player that had slid in front of Trell "What the fuck! Did your parents drop you or are you just fucking stupid!?

He was already in the air numbnuts! Are you trying to get people hurt!?" The player was overwhelmed by Jason's energy to the point where he couldn't speak.

Jason then turned at walked toward the referee "Yo ref! That had to have been a blocking foul. Trell was already in the air by the time he tried to take the charge."

The referee ignored him as he started instructing the teams to get back to the game. Jason saw that and fumed 'Fine you bitch. Don't be surprised when karma bites you in the ass.'

They subbed Nick in for Trell before resuming the game. Jason whispered something as he passed by Kyle. After listening to what he had to say Kyle had a big smile on his face.

Jason and the rest of the guys from Jefferson took their foot of the gas as they cruised through the remainder of the quarter.

There were only thirty seconds left on the clock as Jefferson had all but won the game. They lead 76-64 and the results seemed final.

Jason let Julius get by him as he drove into the paint. Kyle didn't run up to him right away. Instead he let him throw up a lay up before jumping into the air.

Kyle took a quick glance before spiking the ball in the direction of the referee. The ball was clearly on the way down before Kyle got to it but he still hit it with everything that he had.

The referee wasn't expecting the ball to come his way as he took it square in the chest. The referee fell over as his face started to turn bright red.

The whistle was in his mouth still but he was having a hard time breathing so he couldn't call Kyle for goaltending at the moment.

Jason walked to Kyle and gave him a discrete low-five and a thumbs up. Kyle smiled and nodded his head.

After a short break the referee stood back up and continued to officate the last few seconds of the game.

When he called for the teams to meet back up in the center of the court to shake hands Jason and the rest of the team refused to do so.

The home crow started to boo Jefferson as they shouted insults toward them. They even began throwing their popcorn, sodas and other trash in their direction.

The referee walked over to Coach Swendel "If your team doesn't go over to shake hands then I'm going to have to give you and the team your first strike of the season."

Coach Swendel crossed his arms as he stared him down "If my team doesn't want to go then I won't force them. And you can go ahead and give us the strike.

Because I'll be talking to the comittee anyways to talk about tonights clearly biased officiating.

And I'm sure that the country is going to enjoy watching tonight's game in a week when the next episode of Through the Hoops airs.

You think you can threaten my team!? You just messed with the wrong people you shit smeared ass wipe!"

Coach Swendel turned around and started getting his players into the locker-room. The referee stood there fuming with a bright red face.

- - -

After the end of the game Julius got cleaned up and changed. Just as he got out of the locker-room he smiled as he ran up to hug somebody.

It was a man with a bulky build. He looked to be about 6'1 (1.85m) and 230 (104kg) of muscle.

He looked similar to Julius but his hair was styled in a short buzz cut and he had a few tattoos on his face.

Julius frowned "Sorry bro I let you down. I thought for sure we could take on Jefferson. The ref was even calling a lot of stuff our way and we still lost."

Julius' brother smiled as he patted his shoulder "That's alright man. You can still make a run for the county championship.

You'll get em next time. You go wait at the front aight? I just gotta go take care a somethin right quick."

Julius smiled as he nodded his head. Julius' brother smiled as he watched him walk away. Then he pulled up his cellphone and dialed a number.

"I want you and the boys to meet me at the parking lot. Make sure you bring the masks. We'll get those bitches while they gettin on the bus."

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