Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 89 - Rivalry

Jason smiled as a familiar lanky body walked towards him and dapped him up. Jason then gave him a bro hug.

"Yo Ricky! What are you doing here bro? Tyreek didn't tell me that you got an invite to the camp too."

Ricky smiled as he replied "Tyreek a sneaky mofo man. He didn't tell me that you were going to be here either.

Too be fair tho I should have known. He told me that there was someone at the camp that he wanted me to keep my eyes out for and that he wanted me to look after him.

You the only real culprit but I just neva pieced two and two together." Ricky then turned to the two trainers.

"Sorry Ben, sorry Brie. You guys might not know cause you ain't from around these parts. But Jason is something like a local celebrity.

I can say with a hundred percent confidence that my boy over here is the best middle school player in the county. Shoot he might even be the best in the state.

So why don't you guys make a small exception for him? It's not like he ain't ready for it. You saw how well he did with the drill."

Ben and Brie were both silent as they looked at each other. Brie was the first one to begin speaking.

"Listen umm... I think your name was Ricky right? I think I heard Jason call you that. Well anyways Ricky.

It doesn't matter who Jason is. Even if he is a local celebrity rules are rules and they were made to be followed.

The training for this camp was designed by Kawhi himself with the assistance of professional trainers and medical experts who have had experience working with top level athletes.

Now I'll admit that Jason was good. Very good actually. He might even be the most impressive talent that we've seen for his age.

But that doesn't mean that we can just drop all the rules and do whatever we want. Rules are there to keep things in order."

Ricky turned to the kids that were all watching them "I think Jason over here can handle the high school level training in the 16 and up group. Raise your hands if you agree and ain't got a problem with it."

Jason was surprised to see that half of the kids had raised their hands in support of him. He didn't think that the numbers would be so equal.

Ricky smirked as he looked at the kids who kept their hands down "Y'all MoVal dudes a bunch of weirdos man.

You ain't gotta be so petty just cause us Riverside boys built different. It ain't our fault we got all the sauce while y'all dry as a bone."

One of the boys from the 16 and up group that had kept his hand down stood up after hearing what Ricky said.

"You pushin it Ricky! This only your second year at the camp. You better chill out. You and your Riverside boys ain't got Tyreek and Hash to carry y'all this year.

And we ain't being petty. We just trying to follow the rules. You start of with the basic stuff until you reach the 14 and 15 group. That's how it's always been."

One of the other kids from the same group stood up "We ain't like you Darnell. We don't need nobody to carry us.

We gon woop all yo behinds just like we always do. When was the last time y'all ever managed to beat us? Riverside been winning for five straight years now."

After listening for a bit Jason finally got an understanding of what was going on in the training camp.

'So all the kids that were in support of me joining the 16 and up group are from Riverside. While the ones who were against it are from Moreno Valley.

And by the looks of it there must be a pretty intense rivalry going on between the two groups. 

I feel a little bad saying this but I really don't care. I don't care if one side thinks that they are better than the other. I just hope that the trainers let me change groups.'

Ben and Brie were standing worriedly at the side as the two sides were arguing. Ricky was trying his best to stay calm but even his voice was starting to get louder.

"Just admit that y'all MoVal boys don't want Jaya to change groups cause y'all afraid how how good he'll get. Y'all are mad jealous that you ain't got someone like him on your side."

Multiple different people stood up and shouted against what Ricky said "We ain't jealous. We just trying to follow the rules.

Little dude should stay in his group and work his way up just like how all of us did it. Just cause he on TV we supposed to let him get special treatment?"

The energy in the gym was getting volatile as both side were beginning to get heated. Just as Brie was thinking of a way to deescalate the situation Ben blew his whistle.

"Alright guys! Break time. I can tell that we're all tired from working out for a few hours and for some of us our heads are getting hot. So take this time to go rest and cool down. You guys have thirty minutes."

Ricky put his arm over Jason's shoulder "Haha I know that must have seemed pretty intense. But just know that you ain't alone.

You got people that are on your side. Here let me take you to go meet some of the other dudes from Riverside."

Jason followed Ricky as they went to the other side of the court where some of the guys were just sitting around and talking.

Ricky smiled as they approached the group "Yo what up fellas. This here is Jason aka Jaya aaka Young Buckets. But I'm pretty sure y'all know that."

Jason was welcomed into the group with open arms as everyone was all smiles as they introduced themselves.

Jason had a hard time trying to remember everyone's names. But one that actually managed to stick was Nav.

The only reason that Jason managed to remember his name was because Nav was also the name of an old rapper that Jason used to listen to in his past life.

Nav seemed to be the leader of the Riverside faction as the rest of the guys seemed to have a deep sense of respect for him.

He was of a darker shade like Tyreek or Udonis. He had short twists that were blonde at the tips. He looked to be around 6'4 (1.93m).

The whole group were all interested in getting to know Jason better as they all had questions that they asked nonstop.

"Ain't no way you only been playing for a couple months. You just said that for the cameras right?"

"Honest answer alright? How does it feel to be the only Asian dude whenever you go out hoopin?"

"Was that one on one against Jerome at the mall really faked? I always see people saying that it was all fake."

Jason was grateful that everyone seemed to have already considered him as one of their own. Jason answered their questions with a smile on his face.

"I know it doesn't seem like it but I swear that it's true. The first time I picked up a basketball and actually started playing was when I transferred to Jefferson.

Up until then I've just watched basketball and occasionally shot some jumpers on the playground. But only casual stuff, never organized play."

"My honest answer is that..... I'm still figuring out how I feel about it. Whenever I step out on to the court I just consider myself a basketball player.

But it's impossible for me to see myself as just that because every single time the fact that I'm Asian gets brought up."

"Well the truth is a little complicated. The scenario was scripted. Jerome and the crew were going to be at the mall doing their promo stuff and the director thought that adding me on towards the end would make for a great intro.

But the game itself was all real despite what other people think. I really did try my best against Jerome and he really did beat me down that badly."

Just as Jason and the others in the group were chatting and getting to know each other they turned their heads to the side as they heard a set of footsteps approaching them.

It was Darnell. The first kid from the Moreno Valley faction to oppose Jason being moved to the 16 and up group.

He was tall at about 6'7 (2m) and he had broad shoulders to go along with the rest of his stout build.

He was light skinned with a big afro that looked reminiscent of Dr. J or the disco era. Nav was the first one to open his mouth.

"What you want Darnell? Last time I checked this was our side." Darnell replied "I came over here to settle things.

When there's beef between hoopers the best way to settle it is on the court. We play a quick three on three.

If we win then y'all can just drop the idea of adding Jason to the 16 and up group. If by some miracle y'all actually manage to beat us then we'll be cool with it.

Of course little dude gotta be one of your three players. So what do you think? Y'all down for the challenge or are you too chicken?"

Jason sighed as he listened to all of this from the side 'Not this again. I don't remember basketball being so complicated in my past life.'

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