Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 9 - A Deal With The Devil

Coach Swendel nodded "Sure. I'll try my best. As long as it's something that's realistically possible ." Coach Swendel looked at Jason awkwardly "So...what's your name?"

Jason chuckled as he realized that he hadn't even introduced himself to Coach Swendel and yet he made him agree to all his request.

Jason looked at Coach Swendel "My name is Jason Yang. I just transferred here. Today was my first day at the school."

Coach Swendel laughed nervously "Hehe, looks like you made a pretty big splash on your first day. So what is it that you wanted me to do for you?"

Coach Swendel was nervous 'I really need this kid on my team. I just hope that he doesn't ask me to do anything crazy like get him drugs or take him to a strip club'

Coach Swendel began to worry 'What if it is drugs? Which ones would be the cheapest? No! What am I thinking. I can't give a young basketball prodigy drugs. Especially not cheap ones'

Jason looked around the office "Nothing too crazy. I'm just going to need a ride back to my place if I'm going to stay after school for practice"

Coach Swendel let out a sigh of relief "Oh sure thing. That shouldn't be a problem-" Jason added "I'm also going to need you to bet on basketball games for me"

Coach Swendel was cursing in his head 'I knew he was going to ask for something crazy.' But he was also slightly relieved 'At least it's not drugs or a strip club'

Jason was thrilled when Coach Swendel agreed to bet on the games for him. It was still a ways away but there is a situation that's going to pop up in the future.

And he's going to need a lot of money if he wants to take care of someone important to him.

Meanwhile, back in the gym, Kyle and Samantha were waiting in awkward silence. Finally she couldn't take it anymore.

Samantha turned to Kyle " long have you known Jason?" Kyle played around with his hands in his pockets.

He looked around the gym avoiding eye contact "Just a few hours longer than you have" Samantha's mouth opened into a O shape.

Both of her eyebrows raised up "But I heard that the only reason he even got involved with Trell was because of you?"

Kyle felt his face and ears heat up "Yeah. Trell was beating me up because I coincidentally did my hair in a similar style to his and Jason jumped in and saved me"

Samantha couldn't help but giggle "Hehe, I can't believe Trell would react like that over such a petty reason. Fighting about a hairdo sounds like something a girl would do"

Kyle laughed a little when he heard Samantha say that. After a little bit of small talk the vibe around the two wasn't as awkward as before.

Without him realizing it Kyle went from slightly participating to initiating in the conversation.

Kyle began recounting all the events leading up to the basketball game. As well as Jason's miraculously bad luck.

Kyle was laughing "And while everyone was trying to listen to the teacher talk about the different kinds of clouds"

He was laughing so hard that he had to pause to catch his breath "Out of nowhere a baseball crashes through the window and hits Jason in the side of the head"

Samantha burst out laughing. She was hugging her sides "That's hilarious. It hurts, I can't stop laughing"

They were so immersed in their laughter that they didn't notice Coach Swendel and Jason as they walked towards them.

Jason rolled his eyes with his usual deadpan face "Glad to know that my misery was able to bring you guys so much entertainment"

Kyle's laughter gradually subsided "Sorry Jason. But you have to admit that it was pretty funny"

Samantha wiped the tear out of her eye with her hand "I have to thank Kyle. Everyone only knows the bad ass side of you that beat Trell. But now I know that you're a clumsy, unlucky little piggy that likes to stuff himself"

Jason couldn't help but let go an exhausted sigh "First you compare me to a dog, now you're calling me a pig. Can you at least make up your mind?"

Samantha was about to say something when a high pitched scream followed by a guitar solo interrupted her. She pulled out her phone "Oh you're here already? Gotcha. Yeah I'll be right there."

She turned to Jason and Kyle "Looks like my ride is here. I'll catch you guys tomorrow" She picked up her backpack and waved as she ran off.

Jason pulled out his phone "Yeah. I should probably be heading home to. But before that-" Jason tilted his head towards Kyle "Give this guy a roster spot to Coach"

It took awhile for Kyle to process that Jason was talking about him. But as soon as he finished taking it in he jumped back in surprise. He pointed to himself as he stuttered "Y-you mean me?"

Jason facepalmed "Who else would I be talking about Kyle? You really need to start redirecting the vitamins going into your big ass body so that some will go to your brain"

Kyle shook his head "I don't even watch basketball let alone play. The most I ever played was today" Jason smiled as he put his arm around Kyle's neck again "Kyle. I feel like I've done a lot to help you in the one day that we've known each other. Wouldn't you agree?"

Kyle slowly nodded his head. Jason added "Are you in any clubs or teams? Do you have a lot going on outside of school?"

Kyle thought for a second "I'm not on any teams but I'm part of a really cool group online. We normally just post stuff and talk whenever someone is on."

Jason's smile grew even wider "So what I'm hearing is that you don't have a reason to not join the team? I would go even further to say that you are wasting your God given gifts by not playing basketball"

Kyle shook his head even faster "No! I might not have anything going on after school that other people would think is important but it's plenty important to me! Besides, I already gave you the biggest reason why I won't join. I don't like basketball. I don't watch and I don't play"

Jason removed his arm from Kyle and took a couple steps back. He sighed "Alright. I guess asking you to take a couple of hours out of your day to help me out is asking for too much. I mean it's not like I ever did anything for you right? There's no reason for you to bother with helping me."

Kyle looked at Jason's back. Guilt started creeping into his stomach like an uncomfortable knot "If it was anything else Jason I would help you no doubt. You want me to take notes for you? Or how about helping you with any homework?"

Jason waved his hand as if he was waving the suggestions out of the air "No. You don't need to do that. I wouldn't want you to lose any time for your online thing. That's way more important than helping me out"

Kyle scrunched up his face as he held his breath. He thought back to the various things that happened to him today. He thought about how happy he was to have someone to talk to when the teacher wasn't paying attention instead of just watching other people do it in class.

He thought about how happy he was to have someone else sit with him at his usual spot for lunch. About how different the food tasted when he wasn't alone.

Kyle took another look at Jason. He could see the back of his shirt that still had a huge sweat stain. The bruises on his arms that probably came from Trell this morning.

Kyle squished his face together with both hands 'I am so going to regret this' "Jason" Jason turned around and looked at Kyle "I'll join the team"

Jason felt bad 'I really hate guilt tripping. I wouldn't even do all this if it was just about basketball. But I feel like he really needs this. The Kyle that showed up after he scored the last basket felt so alive, so happy. I feel like basketball can give Kyle the same thing it gave me. A new view on life'

Jason walked to Kyle and patted him on the back "Just try it ok? If you really hate it after a couple weeks you can drop it. That's all I'm asking" Kyle dejectedly nodded his head. Jason patted Kyle a few more times before turning to Coach Swendel "Think you could give us a ride Coach?"

Jason and Kyle rode in Coach Swendel's environment and wallet friendly electric car. Kyle had to sit shotgun because it was more accommodating to his height than the back seats.

Kyle's house was the closest so he got dropped off first. Coach Swendel followed Kyle's directions until they pulled into a nice community. It was full of seemingly newly built one and two story homes.

Kyle had them stop in front of a house with a moving van parked in front "Stop right there. This is my place. Thanks for the ride Coach Swendel. Thanks for everything Jason. Really. Thank you" Jason gave him his backpack from the back "No problem man. See you tomorrow."

The car drove off as Kyle waved goodbye. Eventually he couldn't see them anymore. Kyle took a deep breath before he started walking towards his house.

He pulled his key out of his pocket and unlocked the front door. He pulled up the sleeves on his denim jacket before walking in. Making sure to cover any bruises that may be on his arms.

As soon as he walked in he could see differently labeled boxes throughout the different areas of the empty house. After he shut the door closed he heard a sweet voice "You home Kyle?"

Kyle saw his mom walk down the stairs. She was tall for a lady standing at 5'10. Her black shoulder length hair was flat ironed and she was dressed in dark green medical scrubs.

She walked down the stairs and wrapped her arms around Kyle "I was starting to get worried. If you didn't send that text I was about to call 911!"

Kyle hugged his mom back as the scent of apples and cinnamon tickled his nose "Sorry mom. I didn't think I was gonna be so late."

She backed away from the hug as she began to inspect Kyle which made him nervous. After she was satisfied she went back to hugging him "So how was your first day back to school baby? Did you have fun?"

Kyle smiled thinking back to his eventful day "Yeah. I had a great day. And I think I even made a new friend"

Kyle's mom squealed in joy "I'm so happy for you baby! It was the hair wasn't it? I told you a new hairstyle would help"

Kyle laughed "Yeah, it kinda was the hair" He originally wanted to change his hair back to how it was before. But after thinking about how happy his mom was and how much effort she put into doing it he couldn't change it back. And surprisingly enough the new hairstyle did help him meet Jason.

Coach Swendel Dropped Jason off at his apartment complex. Jason picked up his bag as he stepped out. He gestured for Coach Swendel lower the car window "Thanks for the ride Coach. Have the team meet up on Friday. I need to see what I'll be working with"

Coach Swendel nodded "Sure thing Jason. Make sure you look both ways before you cross any roads. Eat a balanced diet. And don't open any umbrellas when you're indoors ok?" Coach Swendel just found his golden goose. He didn't want anything bad to possibly happen to it.

Jason nodded with a confused expression before he started walking away. He walked up the stairs to his apartment, pulled out his keys and opened the door.

He took his shoes off at the front. He saw that a pair of his mom's and dad's shoes were missing so they were probably both at work.

He walked into the kitchen and fixed himself a bowl of cereal 'I gotta drink more milk. And I should probably start exercising more. Even if I have the system that's no replacement for good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle'

Jason turned on the TV and put it on the sports channel. He was shoveling the soggy cereal that he loved as he watched the game. "Oh come on! How could you fall for that pump fake" Jason was in the middle of criticizing a players defense when a notification popped up in his vision.

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