Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 99 - Expectations

Jason and Kyle were sitting next to each other at a table in the food court of the mall. Jason was snacking on a cheeseburger while Kyle was sipping on a milkshake.

Jason turned to Kyle "So did Sammy tell you why we're meeting up at the mall?" Kyle shook his head "Nah. I was in the middle of grinding for a new Epic armor set for my favorite waifu when she called. She didn't tell me anything other than to come here."

Jason sighed "She should at least be on time. She's the one that called us here and she's running late?"

Kyle laughed "Well at least we get to meet up before the tournament starts. I don't think we'll have much time to hang out once the games start."

Jason nodded his head "I guess. But we have to wait even longer before we can go back to playing actual games.

We have the number one record for the season so we don't even get to play during the first two rounds."

Kyle put down his milkshake as he started laughing some more "Most people would be happy about getting to skip some games.

That means that we only have to beat three other schools to get to the championship game. My mom is so hyped for the tournament to start.

She already has a bunch of shirts made with the school's name on the front and all of our names on the back."

Jason chuckled after hearing that "Your mom is so cool. My mom was literally in tears when she picked me up from the training camp.

By the time we got home my face was covered in lipstick smears. I was only gone for a day and she acts like she hasn't seen me in years."

Jason and Kyle continued to talk about their weekend so far. Other than doing the personal training regimen that Jason designed for him Kyle spent his weekend playing video games and watching anime.

Jason told Kyle about the training camp. After hearing about the drills and practice games Kyle's eyes started to shine "Yoooo that sounds so fun!

That training machine with the lights and the buttons sounds like it's straight from an anime. Did you get to use a healing chamber or anything?"

Jason laughed "There was a cryogenic chamber that belongs to Kawhi. He let all of us try it out during our second day. Only for a couple minutes though. There were like two hundred kids at the camp."

Just as Kyle was about to throw another question about the camp at Jason they heard a familiar voice.

"Sup guys. How's your weekends going so far?" Jason and Kyle turned their heads to see Samantha dressed in her usual band shirt and ripped jeans.

Jason was the first one to answer her question "Training camp was cool. I learned a lot and I even got to make a connection with an NBA legend."

Kyle added "I was grinding Neptunes palace for like the five hundredth time and I still haven't gotten the last piece of Athena's battle plate. But at least my paladin reached level 78."

Samantha face palmed "Why do I even bother asking? It's either basketball this with you and anime or video game that with you." Samantha pointed at Jason and then at Kyle as she was talking.

She pulled out one of the chairs at the table and took a seat before flipping her hair back. Jason took another bite out of his burger before asking.

"Nice to see you too Sammy. So did you want to tell us why you called us here or should we just take some random guesses?"

Samantha took a fry from Jason's tray and tossed it into her mouth "Hey I did this as a favor for you.

You're the one that asked me to teach Shania how to not care about what other people think. And I thought you'd be interested in seeing the results of our hard work."

Jason and Kyle looked around but they didn't see Shania anywhere. Kyle looked at Samantha with a confused expression.

"Uh Sammy. There's no one else here in the food court except for a kid in a stroller and a middle aged soccer mom."

Samantha pulled out her phone "Yeah she was feeling a little shy. Let me make a call real quick."

She dialed a number on her phone "Shania what are you doing? No it won't be that bad. Just come over here. I promise you look amazing."

Jason and Kyle were a little confused but they just patiently waited. After about five minutes their jaws dropped as they saw Shania.

She had her hair tied into twin buns but that wasn't the biggest change. Instead of her usual tomboy apparel she was dressed.... like an alt girl?

She had black lipstick on and a white long sleeve shirt with black stripes under a black My Chemical Romance shirt. 

She also had on a black pair of shorts with black stockings on. For her shoes she was wearing a black pair of boots.

Jason and Kyle just looked on in amazement. Shania had made a complete one eighty turn in terms of her style.

Jason gulped before turning to Samantha "I told you to teach her not to care about what other people think. Not to turn her into one of your undead minions."

Samantha put her arm over Shania's shoulder and pulled her over to the table "You'd be surprised.

As I went through the process of getting to know her we found out that she really resonated with the alternative lifestyle.

She agrees with the idea of not conforming to everyone's expectation of normal and she fell in love with the music as soon as I started playing classics like Bullet for my Valentine and Sleeping with Sirens. Isn't that right Shania?"

Shania was gripping the edges of her shirt as she looked down at the floor "This was a mistake Sammy.

I shouldn't be dressed like this. This style doesn't go well with me. I done made myself look like a clown."

Samantha put her hands on Shania's shoulders and turned her toward her "Why? I told you that you looked amazing. Jason and Kyle can agree. Right guys?"

Jason and Kyle nodded their heads but Shania didn't seem to believe them "I shouldn't be dressed like this. This just isn't how black girls roll."

Kyle stood up and walked toward Shania "I get where you're coming from Shania. Trust me I had a hard time when I first started out as a cosplayer.

From the people around me I was told that I should try to be more normal. Listen to hiphop and watch more basketball or football.

And from the community that I was trying to become a part of I got a lot of hate. I was told that I shouldn't cosplay certain characters because they aren't black.

But I loved anime and video games so much that I stuck through it. And because of that I learned that I wasn't the only black person that was into anime.

And that not all cosplayers were mean and hateful people that just wanted to gatekeep. Sure emo, punk, goth, or whatever else isn't widespread with black people.

But I'm sure that you aren't the only one. And I would hate to see you give something up that you enjoy just because you feel like you don't match the general image of peoples expectations."

Jason added "Yeah Shania. If you really dig this whole alternative lifestyle like Sammy then don't let you being black make you feel like you don't belong.

If you don't see a lot of people like you doing what you like then just change that. It can start with you."

Samantha pulled Shania into a hug "Being alt isn't just a fashion sense or taste in music. It's all about being who you are no matter what other people say.

If you feel like you belong then that means that you belong. Don't worry about people telling you that you can't be alt just because you're black.

There are dickhead gatekeepers that get off on telling people that they don't belong no matter what kind of niche subculture it is."

After a while Shania hugged Samantha back "Thanks Sammy. I think you're right. I was attracted to the alt lifestyle for a reason.

The music matched the anger and sadness that I was bottling up this whole time. And the idea of not caring about others' thoughts is the core of being alt.

I think that I'm ready to be who I want to be. And to give the new school that my uncle wants me to go to a try."

Jason felt his chest warm up at the touching scene but his attention was pulled away by the system notification that popped up in the corner of his vision.

But before he could check to see what it was Jason got a phone call. He pulled out his phone and saw that it was his mom "Hello? What is it mom?"

"I know that I said that you could spend the day hanging out with your friends sweet heart. But I think you should come back. 

You have a guest here and I think it might be important. He said he was a coach and that he was interested in recruiting you for his high school."

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