Records of Rebirth

Chapter 216 - The Art Of Imprinting

Galahad could barely hide his amusement. [You can't force them to accept an apology if they don't want to. They clearly don't like you. You don't have to like them either.]

Arsinoe glared at him, her irritation so high, a sinister hiss escaped her mouth.

If this was his true stance, why did he bring those two along to throw dirt on her image?

Galahad gave her a pleasant smile, a savage glint in his snake eyes. [Don't worry, I'm sure they will forgive you in time.]

Who cares about that?!

But before she could put together any words, Galahad had already moved away with Hestia, humming pleasantly while she stared at their backs with rage.

She had lost track of her original intent, which was stalking Morgana, and the anger in her heart felt like a solid mass. 

Arsinoe really wanted to rip this 'innocent' captain to shreds.

She had taken too long and now Morgana had probably finished whatever she intended to do, but Arsinoe raced down to the lower level, reluctant to let it go. 

The cave was filled with the activities of nestlings, so it was easy to slip away to the lower level.

However, on entering, Arsinoe hesitated.

She hadn't come here by herself in a while, and the memory of her dreadful experience still haunted her. The ominous chilly air rising from below made her deeply uncomfortable, the encompassing sensation of heaviness felt like a great beast threatening to swallow her whole.

Why anyone would come here by choice was beyond her.

But how could she stop now? Her desire to ruin Morgana's plans was much greater than her own fear, and she gathered enough courage to enter.

At this time, the underground tunnel was empty, as everyone was above to prepare for battle, aside from a few exceptions like Apollo who was allowed to stay there.

The developments for the cave's defence had much to do with the bottom feeders and she could see a system of tunnel networks already being built.

She approached one of the raised gutters that acted as a barricade for the open tunnel and she could hear the sound of a thousand bugs squirming below. 

What lovely additions, she thought – as if this place wasn't creepy enough!

Peering over the edge, the sight was even more unpleasant. The rustling vibrations the creatures generated made her fangs chatter, and she had seen how quickly they could devour a corpse, which made her even more grateful the barricades were high. She didn't know how Artemis and Apollo had succeeded in attracting so many of them, but they thoroughly creeped her out.

Then, she heard Morgana's voice and she hid behind one of the barricades.

[What do you think they are?] Morgana asked. [Don't you wonder why they're like that?] 

[I don't know how to explain it.] The second voice sounded like Apollo, but she wasn't sure. [They just appeared along the walls. Typhon told me not to go near them.]

Apollo was always gloomy, and this voice sounded confident, the excitement it conveyed almost palpable.

Fortunately, it seems the two were just talking and Arsinoe was relieved Morgana hadn't left yet, as she still hoped to expose her!

[It's strange that he didn't cut them off.] Morgana mused thoughtfully. [But I suppose they add something new to this dreary place.]

[No he didn't…but he said to leave them alone until 'she' comes back.] Apollo continued. [And yes! They add something new. Since they appeared, they have become much calmer. Artemis is very interested in getting them, but he was denied.]

But what exactly were they talking about?

Arsinoe heard Morgana chuckle. [Are you sure you're not imagining it? Do you like these bugs that much?]

Apollo laughed, causing Arsinoe to frown. Since when were they so friendly?

How could anyone be friends with such a heinous creature?

Morgana must be trying to corrupt him in some way!

She continued to listen, but much of their words were lost when they moved further away.

To continue she would have to move where the cells were much deeper and spaced further apart, increasing her chances of being seen.

Arsinoe wasn't sure if her level of [Stealth] would protect her and she hesitated as her nervousness built, but when Morgana laughed once more, her anger made her rush towards the cells without much thought.

However, when she came out of hiding, she was met with something incredible.

The dark walls of the spacious area were now lush with pink leaves spreading across the roof, where they seeped in from the ground above. Overarching branches scattered everywhere, their leaves cascading down in a luscious curtain above the cells, as well as crawling vines that spread everywhere like an explosive growth.

What the hell happened here?

The gloomy lower level had been transformed to something so beautiful that Arsinoe was stunned.

But seeing all those tendrils made her want to retreat immediately. If they weren't so still, she would have thought the entire cave was about to be overrun.

However, Apollo's words made her linger. 

[I watched over them for you. Some cracks have started to form.]

Morgana hummed with interest at his words, and Arsinoe couldn't believe it. 

Apollo spent most of his time down here and he must have been keeping tabs for her!

Did she threaten him?

[Good timing too.] Morgana replied. [Typhon needs you in the Pit.]

What a lie! Typhon didn't say anything, and if he did,  she would know.

Apollo was a little stunned by the sudden request and seemed reluctant to leave, but the hungry glow in Morgana's eyes told him not to argue. It seemed Morgana didn't want him present, and he quickly left before she turned on him.

Arsinoe hid as Apollo went past, even more suspicious than before. She wanted to see what Morgana was doing, so she crept even closer. They were separated by several barricades, but she stayed far away - getting closer might reveal her. 

Morgana grew quiet, the flowery scenery of the underground illuminating the paleness of her scales in soft shades of pink, as she peered down at many cells at once.

Arsinoe thought she seemed completely lost in thought, until Morgana spoke again.

[We can talk now that Apollo is gone. So why are you still hiding?]

Arsinoe hesitated. Was she speaking to herself?

Morgana had her back to her, and her [Stealth] was also active.

[Did you think I wouldn't notice one spot of cold when everything else is even?] Morgana tutted. [Stop sneaking around and come out.]

Arsinoe wanted to cry. This was the second time she'd been found out!

Her [Stealth] was already at LV9, how could it be that weak.

Since the latter had already noticed her presence, Arsinoe had no choice but to come out.

[You're not supposed to be here. They aren't yours anymore. If you do anything weird I will report you to Typhon.]

But as soon as she spoke, Morgana started approaching her with a smothering killing intent that made her tremble.

[You…stay away!] Arsinoe shouted.

[So what if I no longer own them?] Morgana's words were ugly, and what made it worse was that she was smiling at her like a friend. [That doesn't stop me from checking how they are doing.]

Arsinoe was disgusted with her nasty tone, but before she could realize, Morgana was already in front of her.

In an instant, she lost her grip over the ground as she was struck by a terrible blow that sent her crashing through several stone barricades. By the time she was aware of what had happened, her body was suffering terrible aches and her vision was growing hazy. 

The forceful impact had left her to dangle dangerously over the broken barricade, and the bottom feeders below grew restless after sensing prey.

She could not fall in!

One wrong move and she would become their meal!

Morgana's sinister visage blurred in front of her, and Arsinoe could see her moving closer to finish the job, but her body was in too much pain to move.

[You can't kill me!] She cried out in panic.

[Why not?] Morgana asked. 

[B-Because we're on the same side?!]

Morgana only laughed and picked up speed.

Arsinoe's thoughts filled with panic - she should have known that wouldn't work. 

But then, they both heard a cracking noise from the bottom of the cells, followed by a monstrous growl as something cracked open its shell.

Morgana instantly turned around and rushed towards the cells in excitement, and for a brief moment Arsinoe felt like her neck had been saved. She was able to lift herself away from the writhing bottom feeders threatening to pull her down, and she felt lucky until she began to hear the sound of several more shells cracking.

It sounded like all the eggs were breaking at once and soon the underground was filled with a wave of growling noises and shuffling sounds, as several things started clamouring to get out from their cells. 

There were so many eggs here, and if all of them had cracked at once, their numbers alone would surely overwhelm the cave and Arsinoe watched on in horror as she tried to figure out how to run from there. But Morgana clearly didn't care as she approached them without fear.

Arsinoe cursed in anger. If she wanted to be eaten alive, she should have left her alone so she could run away!

At this rate, she and Morgana were destined to die together.

But contrary to her expectations, as Morgana reached the cells, she gave every hatched creature a baleful stare, her yellow eyes glimmering with pleasure. 

And suddenly the terrifying noises went quiet. 

From then on she moved across every cell, making sure to draw all of the creature's attention to herself, without paying Arsinoe any mind.

Arsinoe felt like she was witnessing the impossible.

How was it that Morgana was not attacked among all those ferocious monsters, whereas her body felt like her bones had been crushed? 

How could she be so strong when she was so close to beating her before?

[Shocked?] Morgana asked as if she could read her mind. [Don't you ever wonder why you're in this situation? Instead of challenging them, you follow blindly. Your abilities can only be lacking as a result.] 

[You never try to understand anything, which is why you'll always be stupid.]

Arsinoe twitched in annoyance.

What was she trying to say? 

Wasn't Morgana the one too concerned with pleasing herself than anyone, yet here she was trying to turn it around on her.

Arsinoe didn't know how she did it, but Morgana was able to get the creatures to calm down and if she didn't run now, she felt her death would follow shortly after.

But Morgana didn't even bother to look at her, and sighed like she was addressing a bug. [I shouldn't have expected much from you anyway, you clearly don't see anything.]

Arsinoe wasn't sure what she meant, but she knew if she didn't leave now, she would be killed for sure.

So, while Morgana was occupied, she rushed out to alert the others. 

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