Records of Rebirth

Chapter 260 - Tough Crowd

The Veladrys pulled her along by her restraints to be brought before the serpents waiting and Morgana did not struggle as she was lifted off the ground. She left her cell peacefully, her progress marked in truly dramatic fashion, by a gruesome trail of blood.

After being in complete darkness, she was blinded by the sudden glare on entering the upper cave, which caused her to lower her head even more.

Eventually, as her eyes adjusted, she discovered the spacious cave she called home was very much transformed.

The plain walls overflowed with lush greenery, with light crystals embedded in several areas around the cave to ensure there wasn't a single dark spot.

Yet, even with everything, there was a suffocating ambience that was less than welcoming.

There were nestlings arrayed in straight lines on either side of her, where piles of precious stones could be seen, as well as the deadly poisonous plants that appeared intermittently, the closer she came to the frightful presence on the platform. 

Yet, every nestling that gasped at her appearance or stood silently as she passed by, filled her heart with a strange feeling. What should have been a calamitous scene quickly became a herald of bad news.

Why didn't they celebrate seeing her in such a condition? There was barely any discussion, most of them didn't even speak, busying themselves with looking away, and Morgana was confused.

Of those that did look, Apollo's eyes were filled with warning and Lyra was crying uncontrollably. 

Even the normally blank Cygnus had a troubled look that was rather dark.

And lastly, Ana looked at her with eyes filled with pity.

Why did they seem mournful like they were staring at someone who was already dead?

It was impossible!

Morgana's panicked eyes flashed towards the platform - was 'she' not here? 

What could Typhon have said to ruin her efforts already?

However, when she looked up 'she' and the shadowy presence she embodied were very much present, and Typhon and Ophelia were with her.

Typhon's stare was as composed as ever and yet filled with so much disdain, while Ophelia showed…nothing.

Her face was as serene as she would be if she were looking down on the most insignificant thing. A bug struggling to avoid being crushed, or perhaps a bottom feeder - a look she would never reserve for someone who was her friend.

And Morgana found herself in shock – Ophelia had never looked at her like that before.

Wasn't she different from all the others because their relationship was only second to Typhon?

It seemed this was not the case.

Ophelia's cold gaze sent shivers down Morgana's spine – pushing her past the edge of an already brittle sense of worth. 

What was this bad feeling?

Morgana knew something was deeply wrong, and it was made perfectly clear when she stared into the bottomless void in the shape of a serpent.

Two crimson slits floated in the darkness where her eyes should have been, and Morgana didn't see a single hint of compassion in them.

Previously, Morgana thought her aura was different, but she did not expect to find an entirely new creature instead.

Morgana was so stunned, she began to struggle against her restraints – she was sealed inside a place, filled to the brim with her enemies and she could already feel her life leaving her body.

Now she understood their sad gazes.

They were going to kill her here.

Much to her terror, the Veladrys released her, and she dropped to the ground, trembling in fear in a pool of her own blood. 

Was this the final showing of a villain before they were put down?

Morgana wondered how they were going to do it, and she glared at Typhon's dispassionate gaze - was she brought here so they could all laugh?

The only comfort she had was that a few of the reptile creatures she commanded were brought out along with her - so at least she wasn't dying alone.

Their leader seemed to want to look at them, and the creatures, as if sensing her dread, began to tear at their toughened restraints, adorably fighting in her corner.

However, Morgana felt numb. Out of everyone here, it was the creatures she cared about the least that were the ones coming to her defence.

It was indeed laughable. 

Yet, Morgana was unwilling to admit defeat, she kept her head down and summoned fresh tears to exaggerate her pitiful plight, silently thanking the Veladrys who fed her water in her mind. 

Once satisfied, she cowered before the judging eyes of the room, her body trembling in fear as she peered hesitantly at her tormentors - Typhon and Ophelia.

The nestlings were so taken aback by this transformation that many of them gasped. 

The sight of Morgana crying was so stark, her bloody wounded self so pitiful, that many hard hearts were pierced. It didn't help that Morgana's trembling body looked so tiny in comparison to Typhon's fearsome form, who suddenly appeared like a bully.

Lyra sobbed in anguish, appealing to Europa. [We need to say something. I don't think this is fair.] 

Wasn't this a clear sign that Morgana had changed?

Europa felt conflicted. It didnt change the fact that she had tried to murder them both, but while he knew Typhon had punished her severely - he never seen the extent to which she'd been wounded.

Was it possible that she wasn't in her right mind during the incident? 

In addition, the fate that awaited her was one that had split the captain's opinions so much that all the nestlings had to be called in to decide. And even then a resolution was not reached. 

There had to be another way! 

This sentiment was shared by most of the nestlings present, and where before there was silence, the cave now began to fill with concerned voices, some even saw Morgana's current remorse as more convincing than Typhon's because he wasn't actually hurt by her attack.

Morgana could feel the change in the crowd, with more nestlings coming to her defence, which convinced her she was on the right path, so continued sobbing to garner sympathy.

But suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her head, and in the confusion that followed, a calm voice started speaking to her in a tone that was full of disappointment.

[You didn't have to go that far.] The voice said.

It was so different from the current atmosphere and Morgana looked up in shock, realising a major part of her plan was now destroyed.

How come she could speak?

Morgana had come prepared to exploit their leader's sole shortcoming, relying on showing her what Typhon had done, rather than saying it. Her injured body would have been too convincing to ignore, serving as evidence, compared to Typhon's report of an event 'she' didn't see happening. 

But this…

Even if 'she' could talk now, why wasn't 'she' surprised at the gruesomeness of her injuries? 

Didn't the Veladrys say she only arrived at the end? 

It was like she'd seen through her intentions in an instant. But how could she know her injuries had already healed?

Was this why Typhon seemed so calm?

And so, even while the voices of the nestlings around her were full of sympathy, Morgana's thoughts were full of panic, having realised the sympathy she'd garnered was utterly null. If this wasn't enough to convince 'her' she was still dead.

Morgana didn't know what to do, so she glanced at Ophelia, hoping she could appeal to her in some way.

However, she realized Ophelia wasn't even looking at her - her eyes were on Typhon, completely ignoring her situation. 

Morgana trembled on the ground and this time her tears were real - she'd never felt so betrayed as she did in that very moment.

If Ophelia had shown disdain, at least she'd know she still felt something for her, but the blank stare, and complete lack of emotion made Morgana give up the fight, even before her death sentence came.

So, when 'she' started to speak to her, Morgana was so stunned she missed the first half of her question, only catching the end.

|[ did you know they would follow you as soon as they hatched?]| 

Why did 'she' want her to explain? Surely Ophelia must have told her.

Morgana was so bitter that she didn't want to answer, until she saw concern flitter across Typhon's face. It seemed he wasn't expecting her to be questioned.

Was he hoping her death would be swift?

Morgana put a stop to her tears, ignoring the arguments of the nestlings around her, to focus only on their leader's shadowy figure. 

[I only know it because I saw Ophelia do it first.] She replied.

As soon as she said the words, the look on Typhon's face changed. Before he was calm, but now the aura he emitted was so malevolent that all the nestlings behind her stopped arguing to shrink back in fear. 

Morgana too was startled and she slithered backwards as if his aura was a blade that could kill - what exactly did she say? It seemed he was trying his best to silence her!

|[What do you mean?]| The shadowy serpent asked.

Ophelia had turned to look at her, but her expression was unreadable so Morgana couldn't tell if she wanted her to continue to speak or not. 

Typhon, on the other hand, seemed to be holding himself back from tearing her to shreds because their leader was present, and Morgana was frightened. 

She looked between the three serpents. She was underground and surrounded by his element - if Typhon wanted to kill her, he could do so right now.

But ultimately, the only one who could save her life was the shadowy serpent in the middle, so she opened her mouth to speak.

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