Records of Rebirth

Chapter 263 - To Kill A Queen

What sort of monster was a Queen?

The only two I ever encountered were viciously formidable monsters that commanded a multitude of creatures.

Anyone would have a very hard time reaching one with all the protections that had, let alone engaging one in combat, so for Typhon to propose beating a monster Queen alone was entirely absurd – especially for a fledgling serpent.

Morgana wasn't lucky enough to encounter one that was on the verge of death, nor did she have an equally strong wasp whose interests just happened to align with hers.

If she took on the scorpion's Queen, it was impossible for her to come back alive.

[This way she can either obey or die trying.] Typhon finished.

It seemed this was exactly what Typhon was going for, and I was taken aback.

Typhon spoke casually but his slitted eyes were entirely cold.. I wasn't sure if he truly understood the gravity of what he was proposing.

To my knowledge, he'd never encountered a Queen before, but he must have surmised that one existed from the battle he just faced.

Even if he didn't know how strong a Queen was, wasn't he being too vicious?

When Typhon saw my confused stare, he was quick to add. [That is entirely up to your discretion. If you don't agree, you can decide on something else. But it does solve two problems at once.]

Typhon's suggestion was heartless, but he had a point.

Not far away, Ophelia was comforting the teary Morgana and I felt a slight twinge of guilt. If she knew we were planning to throw Morgana's into a pit of fire, she would be extremely hurt.

Yet, the fact remained, that Morgana could not be trusted.

While her claims about Typhon were concerning, they didn't really add up. If he was truly as wicked or evil as she claimed, it would make more sense for him to have cast out some of the nestlings, or killed one or two, before I returned to them.

Instead they were all alive and complete, and it seemed all he had done was train them enough to survive. When I returned, he willingly passed on that role to me, and I never understood why.

If anything, my return had usurped his place as rightful leader, yet he had no grievances and he was even helping me solve another problem.

Compared to Morgana who had done many terrible things, Typhon was practically a saint.

Leaving Morgana in the [Pit] was akin to a bomb that could detonate at any time, because of her hatred for Typhon. And while she had strong ties with Ophelia, what happened during the battle had shown this was not enough.

If she had no true ties to the [Pit], her loyalties were just as volatile as her persona. 

And yet, sentencing a nestling to die made me really uncomfortable.

We were all the same age, but my past life added another fifteen years and a few months, making me infinitely older than them. To me, Morgana was no different from an infant.

Yes, she was much capable of thinking beyond her infant status and had shown she was quite intelligent – but while monster development was more advanced in my [Pit], and bizarrely so, it didn't change the fact that she was at most a few months old.

Compared to the other monsters I encountered that were decades and perhaps centuries old, Morgana hadn't lived long enough to shape her true persona.

Sentencing her to die gave her no chance to redeem herself, which was why I was more in favour of erasing the memories and possible triggers that made her act in the way she did.

Perhaps, placing something that was a monster on a similar standard as a human may have been unwise, but I wouldn't feel so conflicted if Morgana acted purely based on her instinct.

Her relationship with Ophelia showed she was capable of complex emotions, perhaps even love.

She felt distinctively alive, which made her that much harder to kill.

Typhon saw me staring at Ophelia and although he did not apply more pressure, it was clear he was waiting for an answer.

He stood beside me, watching their reunion, and when he spoke his voice was rather calm, but his next words were nothing at all like I expected.

[You want to trust us and there's nothing wrong with that.] Typhon said. [But every nestling here has thought about harming you in some way or another at one point. Including me. And many still do.]


Typhon continued. [If you want them to stop, you can't hand over your trust so easily, it needs to be earned. Morgana broke it, so she needs to earn it back with her life.]

[Refusing to let her do so will make the others think they can get away with anything.]

His gaze was unflinchingly honest, yet I felt my body turn cold.

[Why are you telling me this?] I asked him.

Typhon paused to consider before saying. [I don't know. You seem to me like you who wants to protect us all and it's admirable, but it won't work because they don't think like you. Every one of these serpents is selfish.]

[They'll never appreciate what you're trying to create if it doesn't align with their own self-interest - especially if it comes too easy. Give them something to earn and they will appreciate it more.]

I stared at Typhon in shock.

"Am I imagining things?" I asked Sensei. "Or is this nestling quite scary?"

Sensei also seemed stunned. «It's unusual to find a monster this intelligent, but I disagree with you on him being scary. If he was, he would not be on your side.»

I flinched at Sensei's words, my heart thudding fiercely. 

He was not wrong, and I glanced at Typhon, but he didn't say anything anymore.

I couldn't quite figure out what he was thinking, and I couldn't decide if earlier was all a fluke, so I questioned him some more.

[What do you have to say about Morgana's claims?]

Typhon only scoffed. [You shouldn't listen to the words of a serpent who calls me wicked for trying to look out for her. If every nestling behaved like she did, we would all have gone our separate ways and likely died by now.]

That sounded perfectly reasonable. I was thrilled to see such good judgement, yet oddly terrified by how accurate he was. 

Though, I chose to ignore the slight dig at me. 

I did…escape from the cave at the first chance I got – though I lived to tell the tale. 

Perhaps, he didn't really mean it. 

But Typhon was so stoic, I couldn't really tell.

[Alright.] I made up my mind. [We'll test her to see how she fares.]

[Good choice.] Typhon said, and he called Ophelia over to tell her the news.

When Ophelia heard it, she rushed over to me, visibly unhappy and sulking like a kicked puppy.

[Anything else but that, please! She won't survive it.]

I couldn't stand to see her bright eyes that were once so happy, now turn to tears, so I purposely looked away.

Morgana, who was further away, heard her and immediately made her way towards me, but she was stopped by Typhon who restrained her halfway, before forcing her head to the ground.

[Let go!] Morgana hissed at him, but Typhon simply scoffed.

[You should know your place!]

The nestlings who watched everything could sense something was happening. One serpent even rushed out in front of Morgana to shield her from Typhon's attack.

[Please don't hurt my Captain!] The serpent said, making Typhon hiss in incredulity. 

[I'm impressed by your talent for making others fight for you.] He said in disgust. [You even send out the team member you tortured to plead on your behalf. You really have no conscience!]

[I didn't send her.] Morgana replied, but Typhon did not believe it.

When Morgana called her off, the serpent continued to shield her body, which made him all the more convinced Morgana had threatened her in some way.

[Stand down now, Ana.] Typhon warned. [Or I'll make sure you join Morgana when she hunts the scorpion Queen. Do you want to die as bait?]

Ana was taken aback, and Morgana's face fell when she heard his words, and Typhon grinned in satisfaction as it dawned on her what she was about to face.

[You either get erased with your captain or join her to face the Queen.] He explained to Ana. [Which end would you prefer?]

[I – I don't know!] Ana stuttered.

Morgana's eyes widened in disbelief. [But that place is full of monsters, I won't return.]

Typhon remained unflinching. [Do you think you're in a position to refuse?]

[Both options lead to death.] Morgana's voice trembled. [D-Do you enjoy toying with me that much?]

Typhon grimaced at her tearful look. [Don't flatter yourself.]

Meanwhile, Ana continued to plead on her behalf. [Please spare my captain! She won't do it again.]

[You truly are wicked!] Morgana exclaimed, removing all traces of pretence. [Why would 'she' agree with you?]

She turned to stare at me, and I found myself weighed down by an intense pair of yellow eyes that were positively menacing. 

What did I get myself into? And where was Sylrin when I needed him?

However, to my surprise, Morgana lowered her head.

[I will never stray or do anything you don't approve of ever again, if you allow me to live.]

I was stunned. It seemed like Morgana was pledging her loyalty to me, but Typhon clearly didn't think so, because I heard him scoff.

Ophelia, on the other hand, was deeply moved by Morgana's gesture and I could feel her pleading with me with her puppy-like eyes. I had to remain strong.

Instead, I stared at Morgana's defiant, yet grovelling form.

|[You'll do anything?]| I asked her.

Morgana nodded, her bright eyes staring at me with a mixture of hope and confidence.

|[Then bring me her head.]| I replied, and her eyes immediately fell to despair.

A serpent once again rushed to defend her, pleading with me, and crying on her behalf.

[Spare my Captain! Please don't kill her!]

Morgana's figure was trembling on the ground, seeming to have lost all hope, and I refused to budge. Her death was the best solution for the [Pit] right now.

Instead, I was more concerned with the serpent who would not stop crying for Morgana.

I wondered if she, like Apollo, was another threat I had to be worried about.

Typhon had called her 'Ana', but I didn't recall naming anyone like that.

|[What is your name?]| I asked the serpent.

[A-Ana?] The serpent sobbed.

How uncreative!

I could already guess it was Morgana that had named her.

|[Stop crying!]| I scolded her. |[It won't change anything. You're only making your captain look weak.]|

Ana stopped sobbing immediately and Morgana, who had her head lowered, suddenly looked up at me, her eyes full of torment, like she had been deeply wronged.

[I w-will do it.] Morgana replied with a trembling voice.


I couldn't believe it. Why was she looking at me like I was some kind of oppressor?

Just what trouble had I brought to myself?

But as I thought this, some movement at the cave's entrance caught my eye.

Several Veladrys had suddenly entered from outside, and one of the spirits approached me before kneeling.

[Our Queen Mother requests your presence in her domain. She has asked us to create a path because she wishes to see you 'urgently'.]

Her words were cheerful, but as I stared at the long hair that fell over across the creature's shoulders, I was confused.

|[Queen Mother?]| I pondered aloud. |[Who is that?]|

But Typhon suddenly blocked my view, his words full of panic.

[You definitely can't go! Refuse them!] 

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