Records of Rebirth

Chapter 274 - All Bets Are Lost

As soon as the pathway ended, the familiar sight of the underground came into view.

I took in the rows of cells, the whirring sound of bottom feeders shuffling beneath them, the pink leaves blooming along every wall, and lastly, the heavy aroma of poison.

It was truly good to be back home.

[Are the others going to join us later?] Delphine asked curiously.

|[No, why do you say that?]| I questioned her back.

Much like me, there were audible sighs of relief coming from my nestlings, and they all became chatty at once.

[We joined together right?] Delphine added. [And their Queen Mother likes you, doesn't that make us siblings now?]

Pfft! What a funny idea..

[What are you saying? I don't trust them.] Cygnus interrupted her, not caring at all that there were Veladrys in our midst. [Didn't you see how those other creatures were looking at us? We should kill them.]

Thankfully, none of the Veladrys could understand him.

[Only a few.] Delphine refuted him. [The Queen Mother's servants were nice, one even showed me how to make a flower.]

To illustrate, she conjured a shadowy image that vaguely resembled a flower, retaining its shape for several seconds as she showed it to me, until it eventually collapsed to form a butterfly. 

She was getting quite good.

[It's only the others that she brought later that were mean.] Delphine insisted. [If we kill them and leave the Queen Mother and her servants alone, it will be fine.] 

It seemed she heavily favoured the Veladrys alongside their Queen Mother and detested the Lyenysa – which was a fair assessment from what had occurred.

But where calmer minds prevailed, others leaned on the far side of mania.

[It's too dangerous to leave any alive.] Artemis approached me, deep in thought. [They are all connected by their roots. Poison can be fed through the ground to weaken them, and then we can kill them.]

[No!] Delphine exclaimed, as she gestured to the Veladrys. [I like the ones that look like them! Doing that will kill them too!]

[Delphine, Artemis is right.] Apollo said to her. [No one can escape, or they will come back for revenge. We should prepare to sink the pathway.]

[I want the big one.] Morgana muttered quietly. [She is strong. She will look better covered in blood.]

[Should I alert Typhon?] Apollo asked me and the others joined him.

I was speechless.

What was wrong with these brats?

It was like they had all been holding their breaths in the Nymph's forest, and now it was impossible to shut them up.

|[We won't be doing anything.]| I frowned at them. |[They are our allies now. We don't harm them. Unless one of them does something that goes against our friendship. Do you all understand?]|

The nestlings looked quite puzzled, and I could understand why they were confused. If none of them overheard mine and the Nymph's conversation, our antagonistic behaviour could easily be misread.

Thankfully, they soon relaxed and there was no more talk of killing.

[So will they live with us now?] Delphine asked.

|[God no.]| I scoffed. |[They are here to work, that's it. They will go back after that.]|

Delphine pondered. [So, they are here to help us?]

|[Isn't it obvious?]| I replied, before looking at the four Veladrys. |[Since their Queen Mother was gracious enough to hand them over, it would be rude not to use them for all their worth.]|

The Veladrys stared at me in alarm, their eyes quickly filling with terror as my words sunk in. They were probably thinking something horrible, but it was the opposite.

Their first task would be to grow that fluffy fur-grass thing the Nymph had used, then after furnishing the cave to my specifications, they were to instruct my nestlings on where to find that honeycomb, as well as the other snacks I saw.

While our alliance was steady, these Veladrys weren't leaving anytime soon.

To me, they were precious resources, and I intended to use every bit to make my life more comfortable. And I expected nothing less than a feast!

The nestlings also understood, and they glanced at the Veladrys who collectively shivered in fear. 

|[They are also here to help you.]| I told them. |[Don't hesitate to use them, but make sure they get some rest.]|

The nestlings happily agreed, each one grinning sinisterly at the four Veladrys.

I felt a little sorry for them, but more than that, I was impressed with my nestlings for their patience.

The Lyenysa must have been provoking them throughout the banquet, but rather than fight them, they behaved amicably while waiting for me.

It was only now I was learning their true feelings, and how smart they were not to show any irritation in front of the Nymph. It seemed I had been neglecting them for too long, as I barely knew any of their personalities.

However, If I was certain about one thing, it was that I didn't wish for them to be so cautious in expressing themselves.

|[You all did well today.]| I told them. |[But If you ever feel uncomfortable about anything I do in the future, don't hesitate to tell me.]|

The nestlings exchanged looks, with Apollo and Morgana looking particularly surprised. But as I waited, none of them said anything besides nodding in agreement.

Although I could communicate with them now, there was still a lot of trust to be earned.

And thankfully, there was plenty of time to earn their trust.

|[We should go up.]| I said to them. |[I'm sure Typhon and Ophelia are tired of waiting.]| 

The nestlings were pleased but Morgana noticeably flinched when she heard Typhon's name, and I sighed when she started hanging back, reluctant to leave the underground.

[You stay with me.] I said to her, and Morgana came over to follow me, her apprehension seemingly gone as she stuck closely to my side. 

I thought she was trying to escape by remaining down here, but it seemed that wasn't the case.

«You are too soft.» Sensei scoffed.

I rolled my eyes –  I hadn't forgotten what Morgana did, but that didn't mean I was going to let her get mistreated.

We soon came out of the underground and heard some voices whispering by the entrance. Cygnus was the first to come out, and as he did, he collided with Arsinoe who was making her way down.

She looked surprised to see us for some reason, agonisingly so – she even blocked Cygnus's path before he could move any further, but when she saw me she lowered her head. 

[Welcome back.] Arsinoe muttered nervously. [How was the journey?]

She seemed to be stalling, and as soon as she noticed Morgana behind me, her expression became quite ugly, and all her courtesy disappeared. 

[Why is she still here?!] Arsinoe shouted, seeming to lose her mind. [I can't let them know! She can't be here!]

What was she talking about?

Like me, the nestlings stared at her in confusion, but unlike us, I saw a slow smile creep across Morgana's face. Did she know something we didn't? 

[What happened?] Artemis asked, and his approach caused the panicking Arsinoe to stop pacing.

[She clearly did something stupid.] Morgana interrupted before Arsinoe could answer, her sharp eyes pouring over her like she was a tasty morsel of food.

[Shut up!] Arsinoe hissed at her. [This is all your fault! Who told you to come back? I should've won!]

Artemis shook his head at her. [We don't have time for whatever this is…]

[Please wait here for a moment.] Arsinoe pleaded and glared at Morgana. [And you need to hide!]

[What?!] Delphine fumed, clearly tired of being stalled. [Get out of the way, don't you see 'she' is here?]

[We don't have time for your games.] Cygnus also repeated with a frown.

[I know, I know, but...please wait.] Arsinoe cried out as Cygnus and Delphine stormed past her, causing her to panic even more.

[Waittt!] She rushed to stop them. [It's not a game. Help me out a little!]

|[What happened?]| I asked the flustered Arsinoe, wondering what had gotten into her, but she only seemed to stutter.

[I m-made a mistake!] Arsinoe replied. [And now...they are going to kill me!]

|[Kill you? Who?]| I asked with a frown, but before she could say more, more voices called out from above.

[What's taking so long?] A serpent impatiently asked. [I heard something! Arsinoe, is that who I think it is?]

[It's not!] Arsinoe hissed back. [Don't come here!]

[I don't believe you.] The voice chuckled. [Cassio, she's hiding something. I think they're back!]

The more the serpents spoke, the more Arsinoe seemed to wilt.

[They're not!] She shouted. [Don't come!] 

Her eyes silently pleaded with Cygnus and Delphine who already moved past her. When her pleas did not help, she rushed towards Morgana, seemingly determined to attack her.

But it didn't work as Morgana dodged her quite easily causing Arsinoe to stumble. 

I wondered what terrible monster made her so afraid and I looked towards the entrance, expecting to see something terrifying, and I was rather surprised when two ordinary serpents entered the underground.

I recognized them immediately as Cassio and Andromeda.

The two looked a lot like Typhon, only slightly smaller, and they grinded to a halt as soon as they saw me, each serpent bowing in greeting. 

But, unlike Typhon, they were decidedly less serious and extremely playful.

[A wrong has been committed.] Cassio said. [We have been cheated.]

[We ask for permission to catch the criminal.] Andromeda added.


Arsinoe's suspicious behaviour suddenly made sense. It seemed she owed them something and was trying to get away.

I thought to stop them, but if Arsinoe truly wronged them, it was only right that she paid up, so I granted them my permission.

And not long after, the two serpents cornered her from both sides, preventing her escaping anywhere.

[Trying to hide the evidence, I see?] Andromeda smirked.

[Not fast enough, my dear captain.] Cassio said in a lazy droll.

Arsinoe backed away, hissing at them in panic. [It's not that! You're the ones who cheated! I'm not doing anything.]

[You can't take it back now!] Andromeda laughed. [You made a trade and you lost.]

[Pay the price and don't struggle.] Cassio grumbled, seemingly offended that she would run. [It was a fair trade. We're only collecting what is due to us.] 

[No!] Arsinoe hissed. [I'm not going there again! It stinks! I don't want to!]


[You choose the hard way then.] Andromeda smirked and the underground erupted in loud crashes as Arsinoe was tackled and promptly seized.

[Let go!] Arsinoe pitifully wailed, looking very much like a speckled parcel in the serpent's grip. 

The two were far too excited to capture her and they didn't hesitate to pull her towards a tunnel in the underground, one that I realised was now open.

And I was shocked to see it was the tunnel that led directly to the Middle Stratum. 

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