Records of Rebirth

Chapter 289 - Apollo's Task

I watched Apollo carefully.

I might have released him, but if he tried to take off again, I wouldn't be so merciful this time.

However, Apollo just eyed me warily before curling up to lick his wounds. And I began to wonder if he could be convinced in some other way.

|[No matter what you think about Ophelia or Typhon, the truth is you would've been much worse if it wasn't for them.]| I started to say. |[They taught you skills, kept you safe and kept you fed. Without them, you would have regressed to more…primitive instincts...which could still happen.]|

Apollo looked up from his wounds. [What do you mean?]

|[There are other serpents out there, who won't approve of our living situations.]| I ominously hissed.

[What? Other serpents?] Apollo asked confusedly.

I scoffed at him. |[Did you think we were the only ones?]| 

Apollo continued to look puzzled, so I decided to reveal a few more things. 

|[I have come to learn of the existence of serpent clans that threaten our safety because we deviated from some old tradition. We were all meant to battle amongst ourselves until only one survivor remains, who will then be welcomed into one of their clans. If our cave had gone in the same way, all of you would be dead soon after being born.]|

I studied Apollo's face, and his reaction was exactly what  I expected – shock and fear. 

I knew he could realize I would've been that sole survivor, and I wanted him to understand how different everything would've been. 

|[Now do you understand why leaving the cave is extremely dangerous? I chose to stay with all of you instead of joining the serpent clan, so I hope you choose to stay as well.]|

I could tell Apollo wanted to say something but was stopping himself, and I sighed.

|[Don't ever say you don't belong here.]| I continued. |[This is your home – everyone of you belongs here, so these meaningless grudges have to stop. We are already up against too many dangers from every direction and I don't need rifts from the inside too.]|

Apollo looked away dispiritedly. [You... really won't kill me?]

I frowned at his quivering form. Why was he still asking me that question after everything I just said?

|[Although what you did is not a small offence and you deserve harsh punishment, there's enough things trying to kill us already. I would rather not kill one of my own but at the same time, I also won't restrict your freedom.]| 

Apollo now looked conflicted.

|[Just… wait until Ophelia wakes up, and apologise to her. Do that and you will get your wish.]|

[My wish?] Apollo muttered.

|[You want to leave, right. I will let you go after you apologise to your Captain.]|

[You'll really let me go?] Apollo asked.

|[You have my word.]| I replied. 

After Ophelia's incident, I was feeling especially generous. However, his survival would depend solely on his instincts as all his memories of my Pit or this cave would be gone. 

Apollo looked suspiciously at me. [What if I don't want to?]

|[Hm? Then you will have to face your punishment.]| I nonchalantly replied.

Apollo slithered back in fear. [I thought you said you weren't going to kill me?] 

I scoffed at his suspicious look. |[I could have killed you a long time ago, but I didn't. Besides, you've broken my trust. How can I keep you if you don't earn it back?]|

Apollo still looked anxious, but he stopped retreating. [I've seen what kind of punishments you give. I'm not as strong or reckless as Morgana – I can't take down any scorpion Queens for you.]

I chuckled at him. |[I don't expect you to. I have a different task for you.]|

Apollo looked wary, yet he was still curious. [What sort of task?]

|[When the time comes, I want you to find the other serpents and report everything they do to me.]|

Apollo seemed to freeze in terror, his eyes wide, like he couldn't believe what I just said.

[Didn't you just say they are dangerous! How can you ask me to go to them?] 

|[You don't have to get close to them, you only need to spy on them from afar.]| I clarified. |[Don't you think your bottom feeders are perfect for such a task?]|

Apollo was stunned. [Why are you so sure I can do it? What if they attack me?]

|[Bottom feeders are numerous, and you can control them from a distance. You can easily monitor their surroundings with them. You won't even need to get close.]|

Apollo was stunned. [Why are you so sure I can do it?] 

|[Bottom feeders are very small and numerous, and you can control them from a distance. You can easily monitor their surroundings with them.]| 

However, Apollo remained unconvinced. [What if something goes wrong? I'll be all alone out there.]

|[I won't let you go unprepared.]| I replied. |[Besides, I will know where you are at all times, so I can find you if you're ever in trouble.]|

Apollo still looked suspicious and I sighed.

I knew there was only a slim chance of him being accepted into the Serpent clan as an outsider. They were more than  likely to kill him if he was discovered, creating another incentive for Apollo to remain hidden at a distance. 

However, all of this was based on the words of the Nymph and I didn't know how much I could trust her. 

I also didn't know if the Serpent clan was truly as powerful as she led me to believe, or if it was all fabricated so I would keep relying on her. 

And that was what I intended to find out.

If the Serpent clan was weak, it was possible they would make an exception for Apollo and take him in because of his abilities. But if they were truly strong, they were likely to kill or imprison him.

One of three things could happen. 

Apollo could betray me and never return or I could find out whether the Nymph was lying to me, or it could all go well. 

Either way, I would know if the Nymph could be trusted or not.

As for Apollo, I planned to mark him like I did to Typhon, so I would always know where he was and if he was alive. There was also no telling if he would stay faithful or betray me the first chance he got, but at least I could track him down at any time. 

I could have sent someone more trustworthy but in the end, I was more willing to risk Apollo's life, than say Typhon or Ophelia's. So perhaps, I was a hypocrite and not fit to lead them.

I watched Apollo think things over before looking at me. [Will you really come to my rescue if I'm in danger?]

|[As long as you have my mark, I will know.]| I cryptically replied.

[Will you also know if I betray you?] Apollo asked with a mischievous look. 

And I gave him a knowing smile. |[I'm sure you can figure that out on your own.]|

Apollo's face fell immediately, and he became rather anxious. [I promise I won't!]

It looked like he wanted to say more, however Morgana just happened to rush into the underground at that moment, causing Apollo and I to turn to her.

[I'm not interrupting anything, am I?] She asked, staring awkwardly at the two of us.

Apollo glared at her suspiciously without saying anything and I frowned at her sudden arrival.

|[Is it about Ophelia?]| I asked. |[Have there been any changes?]|

Morgana nodded and broke into a wide grin. [Yes, she is awake! She's asking for you!] 


I was thrilled to hear the good news, but I was still unhappy to be crept up on. I had to wonder just how much Morgana had heard of our discussion.

[I didn't mean to barge in on you.] Morgana worriedly added when my eyes lingered on her. [I was just so excited to tell you that I couldn't wait.] 

She did seem out of breath, so perhaps it was a coincidence. However, I soon noticed another figure by the entrance which made me frown.

[I will come with you too. I have to apologise to her.] Apollo spoke up as he looked at me. 

It sounded like he was agreeing to my task, and I glanced at the two troublesome nestlings.

One, a potential spy and another a possible assassin.

They were both determined and equally confident in their abilities, I was just worried how these would affect them when everything was said and done. 

I was almost out of the underground when I noticed Morgana trailing behind.

|[Aren't you coming?]| I asked.

[I will, in a while.] Morgana replied. [A certain spider wants to talk to me first so I'm hanging back.]

|[Spider?]| I asked confusedly.

Surely, she didn't mean Typhon. 

But Morgana seemed to tremble even as she replied. [It's okay. I will be fine.] 

And I wondered if I needed to have a word with him too?

Eventually, Apollo and I made our way over to Ophelia's room where we found her curled up among the nestlings.

There were no significant changes in her appearance aside from her pale feathers looking slightly ruffled. Her stats were also full, and her serpentine form brimmed with power from her new core.

But as I approached, Ophelia opened her eyes and turned to me and I was shocked by their colour. 

One was her usual icy blue but the other was now a brilliant red, giving her a unique aura. 

The red eye must have been the product of the Abyss and her new core, to replace what had been destroyed. It looked beautiful and seemed to function properly but for me, it was a constant reminder that she would never be the same again.

I immediately dismissed the nestlings to allow us to talk and I made Apollo wait with them.

He could apologise to her later, because I owed Ophelia the biggest apology of all.

However, my Captain didn't listen to a word of it.

[Why are you saying you're sorry?] Ophelia asked with a flustered look. [Did something happen?]

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