Records of Rebirth

Chapter 292 - The Dead Zone

As Shiranui displayed her powers to the Veladrys in order to teach them, I realized just how powerful she had become. And I began to have doubts. 

Was she actually right?

While the dark fae cheerfully fluttered around them, Typhon approached me from behind. 

[She's strong.] He observed.

And I sighed, because he was right.

[Are you thinking about naming them all?] Typhon asked, and I shook my head. 

|[Their loyalty isn't complete without their Queen Mother.]| I replied. |[Once I offend her, they will turn against me.]|

[I don't think that'll be an issue.] Typhon said with a smirk.

I was astonished. Was he teasing me?

That aside, there was something I was more curious about.

|[When I named you, did you also experience anything...different?]| I asked Typhon.

I wasn't sure how much of Shiranui's theory was correct, but thankfully I had others to ask.

[It was normal in the beginning.] Typhon replied. [But after you named us, everything improved. I began to level up much faster than before.] 

|[What? Why didn't you tell me this before?]| I hissed.

[I thought you knew.] Typhon glanced at me with suspicion. [Isn't that why you named us?]

|[Of course, I knew that!]| I immediately replied.

What the heck! 

I named them because I needed a way to tell them apart, nothing else!

At the time there wasn't much difference in their stats aside from [Status Inspection]. But I couldn't exactly say that now.

[One more thing.] Typhon added. [It's gotten even faster since your recent return. Did something happen while you were away?]

Haah. Why was he looking at me like that? 

Surely it was only because I evolved again and not because of the Abyss!

This time I was positive.

But Sensei had a lot to explain when he got back.

Typhon looked away with a sigh. [You named her even though she was already powerful. Will you kill her if she grows too strong?]

My eyes grew wide. Why was he thinking? 

Even Shiranui felt his killing intent and turned to stare at us.

|[But I named you as well.]| I frowned at Typhon. |[Are you asking me if I will kill you for becoming too strong?]| 

[Yes.] Typhon replied bluntly as he stared at me, his gaze unflinching.

I was speechless. 

Where was this coming from? Was this because of Ophelia?

|[Don't think so highly of yourself!]| I scoffed, more frustrated than angry that he thought so low of me. |[I'll always be more powerful than all of you! Do you think I'll be threatened by your meagre strength?]|

Typhon looked away, but I could see he was smiling. [I understand.] 

This damn brat! 

Was he serious or was he just joking? 

Unfortunately, the dark fae didn't care for subtlety and crashed into our midst. [What are you two talking about? We're going somewhere. You should come with us!]

Neither of us moved, so she flew over and began to pull at my horn, as if she could just drag me away. 

The Nymph and the other Veladrys seemed to be headed somewhere and I knew the tiny brat wouldn't give up until we went so I began to follow, with Typhon behind me. 

[When will you give me a name?] The dark fae asked while from on top of my head. 

|[And why do you think I'll name you?]| I chuckled.

The dark fae mused in thought. [Because I'm your friend and you love me.]


I burst into laughter but the dark fae's tiny figure hovered over to me with her arms crossed, her puffy cheeks even more enhanced by her frown.

|[Okay, fine. I will give you a name.]| I conceded. 

How could I say no to such a cute face?

Typhon sighed and shook his head disapprovingly at me, but I pretended not to see it. 

Eventually, we arrived at the edge of the pink forest overlooking lower ground, where the full extent of damage could be seen. Miles and miles of forest now filled with withered, shrunken trees.

Shiranui was stronger now, so it made sense that she would try to recover the barren patch of forest the Abyss had destroyed. I really hoped it would work as we approached the area, her footsteps leaving trails of plants in her wake.

I watched the Nymph venture several meters ahead, hoping she would succeed so the destruction I caused would be reverted. However, the further the Nymph ventured onto infected ground, the quicker her abilities stopped working. 

The plants she trailed started to die, until nothing remained beneath her feet except blackened sand. Nothing else grew and the area remained scorched. 

[Why isn't it growing?] The dark fae muttered sadly.

The Veladrys were also devastated and Shiranui returned to us with a sad look on her face. 

|[m sorry about that.]| I apologised. |[How about covering it up with the plants around it?]|

This made her perk up and she returned to try. [Alright, let's see.]

This time Shiranui encouraged the surrounding vegetation that was around to grow and spread out to cover the infected ground. However, the further in the vegetation spread, the quicker their furthest leaves began to wither, until they too were also dead, leaving the scar only partly concealed. 

I was curious if this was due to Shiranui's magic failing or is it something else related to the Abyss, so I decided to test it. 

I turned to Typhon and spoke. [Go past the plants and try to move the ground there.]

He nodded and went over to manipulate the ground. At first his [Earth magic] worked as usual, but the further in he went, the quicker his ability started to fail until he could no longer move any rocks. 

Shiranui looked startled as she and the Veladrys watched him with rapt attention. 

[What is happening?] The dark fae asked.

|[It's a little test.]| I replied. |[Fly over to Typhon and try using your magic.]| 

She quickly obliged but just as expected her [Dark Magic] didn't activate either.

Not even a single sphere was formed, and I watched her drop out of the air after a few minutes of flying.

It seemed like the Abyss had created a dead zone for Ether where no magic would work.

Shiranui stared at me thoughtfully. [Why don't you try?]

And I gave her an ironic stare - I could see what she was thinking. 

If my magic still worked while all of theirs didn't, it would serve to prove she was right about me. 

And I recalled how the Abyss has spared all the Abyssal creatures it touched, which showed it could also make exceptions.

But I didn't want her to be right.

However, when I reached Typhon and the dark fae, my magic functioned like normal which only made the Nymph smile at me with glee, her eyes sparkling like she just discovered a priceless jewel.

[Amazing! I knew there was something special about you!] The Nymph laughed.

Even Typhon seemed surprised which made me even more self conscious.

What the heck was happening here?

|[It doesn't mean anything.]| I hastily replied. |[My magic could just be stronger.]|

But Typhon shook his head. [That's not possible. I can't sense any magic here. There is something very distorted about this place. I feel weaker the longer I stay here.]

Ah hell. He was just making her more set in her beliefs.

[Can you pick me up?] The dark fae muttered in a small voice. [I feel weak and I'm unable to fly.]

She was slumped on the ground, her tiny figure trembling and I quickly set her on my scales before telling Typhon to get back. 

Something in this area was affecting their strength as well.

When we reached the Nymph, I noticed she had a happy smile.

|[It's not what you think.]| I hastily replied before she could say anything while the Nymph only giggled.

Just then, we heard a loud roar as a large dragon approached the pink forest. The Nymph and the Veladrys all looked up with a slight frown, but I knew it was Sylrin without having to look. 

His aura was stronger, as he circled the lush forest, refusing to land - it seemed he had grown again.

I was more than pleased to see him, but if he was back, then so was the Alpha wolf who must have realised his missing, dead pack members by now. 

I was looking forward to any confrontation that might happen.

|[We have to go.]| I said to the Nymph. |[We will continue this later.]|

[I'll be waiting, whenever you decide to accept that you're wrong.] Shiranui said with a mischievous smile and I handed her the limp dark fae before leaving - this debate clearly wasn't over.

Outside of the pink forest, we made our way over to Sylrin who had landed on the forest floor near the cave. The abyssal monsters were also with him, along with a pile of fresh monster corpses that he had caught.

The nestlings were quick to smell the creatures and rushed out of the cave to attack their new food pile. 

They didn't seem affected even though the cave was close to the dead zone.  However, I couldn't say what would happen to their magic if they were to venture further in.

Sylrin spotted us and excitedly came over , while Typhon went over to keep the nestlings in order. Not far from him was the Alpha who stood heavier than the pack of medium sized wolves that accompanied him. 

Ophelia was with them and they seemed to have been communicating beforehand. 

I wondered what she had told him about his pack, considering she was heavily unconscious at the time.

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