Records of Rebirth

Chapter 302 - Following A Traitor

Arsinoe held her place in line, the figures of other nestlings in straight rows repeated on either side of her. Everyone was focused on Typhon speaking, but she couldn't bring herself to concentrate. 

Instead, she surveyed the smooth, dark roof of the cave, fascinated by the reddish strands that ran across it like lightning bolts. 

Yet that wasn't enough to prevent her eyes falling on a detestable figure ahead.

In the front row stood Morgana, her silvery blue scales curled directly opposite Typhon, the very picture of good behaviour with her false modesty and agreeable personality.

He had called a briefing to let them know their duties, and 'her' instructions for the next phase. On any other occasion, this would be great news, but with Morgana hanging on his every word, all Arsinoe could see was red.

It was disgusting how friendly she was being, and how she could stand so close to him.

[Yes, Commander.] Morgana said. [Anything to help out the Pit.]

Her sickening reply only made Arsinoe rage. Not a single protest even when he suggested she make use of the very reptiles that attacked him to track the prints of the apes scouting them.

Why would he ask her when she couldn't be trusted?

And why was she suddenly so complacent when she should have been more upset.

All Arsinoe needed was an excuse to bring her down, but Morgana acted too perfect to fault and it was driving her mad.

With her anger rising, it was no surprise that all the voices in her vicinity melded together in a blur. Other captains came forward to propose solutions, but Arsinoe remained quiet, only remembering Morgana's casual words in a flash of pure rage.

What the heck was she trying to imply?

She was second only to Typhon in ability, so Morgana surpassing her was merely a pipe dream.

Yet, something similar happened to Ophelia not long ago that made her gain a massive amount of strength. It wasn't farfetched to imagine Morgana leaping ahead of her like the voice said – she only needed a single great kill.

But could she let that happen?

The thought of it unsettled her so deeply that she couldn't focus on the briefing. She didn't even hear the whispers of her team members trying to catch her attention – until something slammed into the back of her head.

[Ow!] Arsinoe hissed, turning back as a splash of poison dribbled down her spine. [What was that for?]

[Sorry…] Oteiza whispered in apology. [I couldn't think of anything else.]

[Don't attack him! You're the one not paying attention.] Otreia hissed, before checking to see if Typhon had heard.

Fortunately he hadn't.

[What do you want me to do?] Arsinoe protested. [You heard what she said.]

[So, don't listen to her.] Otreia whispered. [She's only trying to unsettle you. You're a higher level than her, that's not something that will change.]

Not for long, Arsinoe thought. She couldn't handle it, no matter how many times Otreia and Oteiza told her not to worry. She checked her stats for the nth time to see if anything else had changed.


Name: Arsinoe [LV24 Small Cerastes] 

Specie: Ailith Vipera

HP: 455/455  Defence: 580

MP: 430/430  Intellect: 290

SP: 500/500  Magic: 410

Attack: 510    Agility: 465


It was still the same, but her friends were correct, she was fast coming up to Typhon's lead.

Perhaps a [Legacy] wasn't out of reach.

However, her joy was brief.

[You won't be for long unless you stop her.] The voice amusingly added.

[What do you mean, stop her?] Oteiza asked, confused, and Arsinoe realised she had spoken out loud again.

[It's nothing.] She muttered.

Otreia was quick to put two together and she hissed in disbelief. [Don't be crazy. Whatever you're thinking. Don't do it!]

Unfortunately, the rest of the room was silent, and her voice carried far. 

[Is there something more important you need to discuss?] Typhon asked, and all the nestlings turned to stare at the three serpents who hastily lowered their heads.

Morgana suppressed a smirk.

[No, Commander.] Arsinoe said through gritted teeth. 

Why should she pay attention anyway – all she wanted to do was go outside and hunt, if not that 'she' had asked everyone to stay in for whatever reason. 

She was prepared to wait until the ban was over, but the next words out or Typhon mouth made her recoil. 

[In the meanwhile, Cygnus will be our eyes and ears outside.] 

Cygnus acknowledged his post as Arsinoe looked on in disbelief.

Him? How ludicrous!

Cygnus merely had one trick which was his speed, beyond that he was nearly useless.

Why not her?

She wanted to protest, but Typhon already moved on to other matters and she couldn't interrupt. Besides, the anxious stares of her team members were too painful to ignore.


This was exactly her fault – her behaviour all but told Typhon she didn't want it.

If only she didn't let Morgana get under her skin.

No. She had to stay calm for now.

Afterwards she could convince him to change his mind. 

Typhon would want the strongest serpent on the job anyway.

Cygnus and she were almost at a tie, but she beat him out by one level just recently. This assignment had the capacity to push him past her again and she couldn't allow that to happen. 

Arsinoe cursed under her breath. 

Everything seemed against her today. 

Looking around the cave, it was full of evil vipers just waiting to surpass her. Things had been quite stable lately, with very little threat of danger due to the new monsters 'she' had brought. As a result the nestlings were progressing rather rapidly, and each new day brought up more contenders for strongest.

Delphine's shadow magic had vastly improved. Artemis had matured into a capable leader that Ophelia wholeheartedly supported and whom Typhon consulted in moments of difficulty. Lyra was able to [Cure] most injuries without any harm to herself, and Europa was fast becoming a maverick with his targeted healing skill.

Everyone, it seemed, was leaving her behind as they grew into their powers.

Even nestlings like Apollo that had no footing to speak of, was now one of the stronger candidates with his bottom feeders - enough to rival her. 

Even after his ruthless bashing from Typhon, he kept shamelessly interjecting with his own suggestions in an effort to regain Typhon's trust, simply because 'she' seemed to favour him. 

How dare he?! The very act was sacrilegious to her.

Although Typhon took it in stride and was quite open to conflicting viewpoints, the very act of challenging him was enough to make Arsinoe detest him.

Perhaps he was more outspoken because he wanted a [Legacy] skill, but what excuse did Morgana have?

She, who should have been long dead for her treacherous deeds, was still thriving.

And hearing Morgana and Aquila participating in their discussion with Typhon made her blood pressure escalate. Everything was wrong and she knew exactly who was to blame!

[Why didn't he pick you?] The voice mocked.

[I don't know!] Arsinoe argued. [How am I supposed to know what he's thinking? I'm obviously the best one for this.]

The voice chuckled at her fury. [It's not too late to come to me, you know. We can take over this Pit together and kill 'her'.]

Arsinoe considered it for a moment before shaking her head.

[Why would I?] Her skin flushed as Typhon's stern gaze passed over her. [Even then, he won't come with me, because he likes 'her'. I don't understand what's so great about a serpent who only likes to eat?!]

The voice sighed in exasperation. [Your obsession is so uncute.]

[Stop speaking if you're just going to irritate me!] Arsinoe grumbled. She missed the time when this strange voice had been quiet, but it came back to torment her not long ago, although not as distinct.

There was nothing else she could do except endure and wait for the meeting to be over, and when it did, Morgana was suspiciously the first to leave.

Other nestlings hung back to speak to Typhon and she would have joined them to contest Cygnus's placement, but she was distracted by Morgana's suspicious behaviour. 

Her suspicion was confirmed when Aquila, who normally followed Morgana around like a shadow, went off to speak to Cygnus, who just happened to be guarding the entrance to the underground.

It was a distraction and Arsinoe smirked in victory - Morgana had to be going after her reptiles. 

There was no way she could keep up this pretence for long!

[Please, don't follow her.] Oteiza said when he saw where her gaze was directed. 

[It's none of our concern.] Oteria repeated.

They both had faces riddled with anxiety, but Arsinoe was determined.

[I'll only be gone a moment.] she said.

[Then we're coming too.] Oteiza insisted.

[No you're not!] Arsinoe frowned. [I need you here to cover for me. Don't let anyone know I'm gone.]

Otreia and Oteiza sighed in defeat. They knew there was no stopping their Captain when her heart was set on something.

And after much pleading Arsinoe eventually left them to pursue Morgana. 

However, Morgana was not headed for her reptiles. 

As Arsinoe hid herself and trailed her, she saw Morgana enter one of the empty tunnels and vanish outside.


Finally, she had something to expose Morgana with! 

Not only was she not doing her duties, she was disobeying 'her' instructions - Typhon wouldn't ignore that. 

Arsinoe immediately leapt into the tunnel, intent on catching her in the act. She would follow for a while, then knock her out and drag her guilty corpse back to face punishment. Typhon would praise her and all would be right again - it was everything she wanted!

However, she lost Morgana after pursuing for a while. After an unexpected turn, the tunnel became twistier and far rougher than she remembered. It did not look like Typhon's Earth Magic, but something rougher…like it was carved out by tough claws.

Arsinoe considered turning back to tell the others of Morgana's secret tunnel, but the thought of not knowing where she was going was too frustrating to bear. 

Morgana needed to be buried so deeply that there can never be any chance of her ever escaping.

However, as the tunnel ended, Arsinoe was surprised to find herself at the base of a towering rock formation similar to a cliff. It rose as far as her eyes could see, and not only was this nowhere near the forest she had expected to see, the rock fortress was riddled with holes, with the vibrations of skittering creatures coming from within.

Arsinoe gasped in disbelief, as Morgana's amused voice sounded from behind her. 

[I'm really flattered that you followed me here to die.] She laughed.. [And here I thought you didn't like me.]

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