Records of Rebirth

Chapter 309 - Missing

[When will 'she' be back?] A bright eyed Delphine asked enthusiastically. [I can make it go boom, I have to show her!]

Ophelia sighed. She was the third nestling to stop her, only to ask where Aurelia had gone. Even now, her question aroused the interests of many nestlings waiting by the sparring pits. 

Before long, Ophelia found herself surrounded by a group of enthusiastic nestlings who also wanted to see her. And to think she only wanted to sneak away someplace quiet to practice her own magic. 

[I want to show her my magic too!] A nestling named Demos, announced. 

['She' agreed to give me pointers on my skills as well.] Another nestling spoke out from behind him.

[Wait your turn! I've been evolving much longer than you have!] Demos hissed in annoyance, with other nestlings quick to add their own matters that needed 'her' guidance.

[But I have so many questions about [Shadow Magic]]. Delphine sulked depressingly, realising she had been overtaken by several fierce opponents.

Ophelia sighed at the growing gathering, answering what she could and nodding for what felt like the nth time. They simply had too many questions! 

With all the nestlings stuck inside the cave, she supposed they were short of entertainment. But, that did not mean they should bombard the leader who was doing her best to protect them with so many questions.

[It's okay. She will be back soon.] Ophelia implored the small crowd. [Then you can ask her anything. But only one question each! For now, you should all be patient and stop arguing…] 

However, she stopped talking when she was met with several blank stares. All of their arguments had stopped, every single nestling close enough to hear her voice falling to silence.

[Um…] Ophelia looked around the cave, unsure of how to proceed. Especially, since she was surrounded by a crowd of nestlings who were unsure of what they were arguing about only a moment ago.

It slowly dawned on her that they were all under the effect of her suggestion. Although she did not mean to, she realised she used her magic at some point.   

Ophelia was taken aback. How could she forget that her control over her magic no longer matched her current stats. Her powers had grown too powerful, too quickly, that she had to be careful of when she spoke and what she said. 

If she was careless, it was just as dangerous to her friends as they were to her enemies. 

Until she regained her control again, she had to be extra cautious. 

[I know you have a lot of questions, but it'll be okay.] Ophelia nervously replied. [I will tell you something interesting, though. Before 'she' disappeared, she said she was going to a place that's very different from here. She calls it the shadow plane…and it's really strange and it has all sorts of rules…] 

Her voice trailed off.

As soon as the words were out, she immediately regretted it.

What was knowing this going to solve? And what if she just made it worse.


[Really?] Delphine was the first to recover. She shook her head, blinking the daze out of her eyes. 

[I can't wait to learn to do that too.] She replied. [I have so much to improve.]

Like some sort of trigger, her voice seemed to shock the others out of their trance and Ophelia was relieved. 

[Good! I'm sure you will if you keep practising.] She said, taking the opportunity to escape while they were still somewhat confused.

This couldn't keep happening.

Away from the others, the first place she headed was 'her' room, in the off chance that Aurelia had returned early. Ophelia was quite desperate to speak to her about her issues, more so than any of the others, particularly Typhon because he would only worry. 

But unfortunately her room was still empty, the tell tale sign of her recent [Blink] in the form of scrolls, snacks and empty beverage bottles she left behind.

Ophelia curled up to rest with a pout. 

The least she could do was not leave a mess, but having gone to her shadow realm, she was likely testing something dangerous again. She recalled a time when she had done so inside the cave. 

Although the new skill she called [Mystify] was not combat related, it was just as perplexing. For a moment, her shadowy form shifted, taking on the appearance of something different in everyone's eyes that was just as real to the senses as if she was right in front of them. 

For those that feared her, her appearance reflected the brutality of those fears, and for those that loved her, she took on a more comforting visage. 

Ophelia recalled being quite taken with what she saw, but her experience was not the same as that of others. She caused quite a stir among the nestlings who saw varying degrees of their fears reflected back at them. 

Torment. Pain. Death. 

Morgana had been startled, a rare sight for her, while Arsinoe had been so traumatised by the sight, that she had to look away - the details of what she described too grotesque to fathom.

As for Typhon, he was yet to tell her what he saw, even now.

It was a mystery how Aurelia could look like a wide eyed child to Ophelia, and at the same time a complete abomination to others. 

Another reason why she chose to train elsewhere as this was only the surface. Some of the other skills she possessed were downright terrifying and too dangerous to be used. The times when her magic went out of control, 'she' was quick to 'disappear'.

It made Ophelia wonder if those skills were sometimes too much of a burden to her.

But while her memories were still blank about the incident that made Typhon so protective over her, she really hoped that 'she' and Typhon would stop worrying so much and take better care of themselves, after all she was perfectly fine.

At the same time, Ophelia also wished there was a shadow realm she could disappear to, so she could take herself out of situations before they developed into problems - Aurelia was really too lucky! 

Now, if only she could return quickly to get the nestlings off her back. 

She was looking through the scrolls 'she' left behind to compare them with her Atlas, when yet another group of nestlings started making their way down the corridor towards her. This time it was Artemis who was accompanied by two Veladrys, alongside a sleepy dark fae who had taken permanent residency above his head.

[There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you.] Artemis said enthusiastically, before he and the Veladrys settled in beside her. [Take a look at this root Marcella picked up. It's a strange sort of poison, apparently it messes with your mind and once you start eating it you can't stop! Oh, and have you seen Arsinoe? I need her to reduce it to a powder]

Ophelia sighed despondently. If only they understood that her absence from the main cave meant she did not want to be disturbed. 

[Not recently.] She thought for a moment, not recalling Arsinoe's presence on her Atlas either. [Wasn't she on scout duties together with Cygnus?]

[I've seen him. But I haven't seen her.] Artemis remarked. 

Ophelia took a closer look at the strange root the Veladrys held out to her. If it did what Artemis described it was some kind of hallucinogen, and likely a dangerous one. It should rightfully go into the pile of other unsavoury plants he had discovered.

[Would you like us to search the forest for her?] The Veladrys named Marcella asked telepathically. She was quite young, although she had to be a couple of decades old.

Ophelia shook her head. If the Veladrys got involved, Aurelia would certainly hear about it and she didn't want Arsinoe to get into trouble if she was just taking time for herself. The last time she sensed her, she was in quite the dark mood. 

[You think she's in trouble?] Artemis asked, and Ophelia was startled. 

Was her worry written all over her face or if he was simply too sharp?

[I'm sure it's nothing.] She muttered, but was interrupted by a mischievous giggle. 

[You're a worse liar than 'she' is, feather serpent.] The dark fae savagely remarked, to nods of agreement from both Veladrys. 

[I am not!] Ophelia exclaimed.

[Are you sure?] She sniggered. [Why do you look like you're hiding something under those feathers?]

Ophelia put on a forced smile and said nothing. She would not be riled up by a creature she could easily turn into a four inch ice cube. If Arsinoe really went missing under her watch, she would personally go out and find her.

However, when she thought about it, Arsinoe wasn't the only one. She hadn't seen Morgana in a long while either. 

Ophelia immediately accessed her Atlas to check again, making sure to look carefully. Morgana was supposed to take the reptiles with her to scout the perimeter, but while Ophelia could see the position of each reptile, Morgana's serpent outline was not there, only Aquila's. 

What was going on?

[What are you seeing?] Artemis asked when he noticed the change in her expression. 

[Morgana's is not here.] Ophelia muttered, her voice fraught with worry. 

Where could she have gone without telling her? What if she had left to do something risky and had gotten hurt? Morgana was always so unpredictable.

Ophelia couldn't believe she'd been so preoccupied that she failed to notice her absence. She immediately got up to look for her, much to Artemis's confusion. 

[Where are you going?] He asked. [Wait!]

But just as she was about to storm out, their surroundings changed. The room that was bright became flooded with darkness, as a rectangular doorway appeared in their midst. 

It was flat with no sides and dreadfully thin, like someone had taken a knife through the very fabric of space, and filled the emptiness with solid darkness. It was also completely silent, taking them completely by surprise. 

The Veladrys shrieked in alarm, their tendrils growing at rapid speed to form shields. Artemis was startled mid leap and tripped over them, before slithering as far from the rectangular plane as he could. As for the arrogant dark fae, she was currently hiding behind her feathers.

Ophelia didn't panic. While this doorway was very different, compared to the crackle of lightning she was used to hearing, she knew it could only be one serpent. 

Aurelia had returned at last.

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